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For thoughts who want to read public news and release patch-notes and etc

1275 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
USD monthly

Priority right of access to the Public Release (when its release) and Public news (1-5 days before public)

27 subscribers SLand Crab
USD monthly

1.All the rewards of Town-dweller 2.Access to BETA versions of the game (0.xxB versions) 3.Reports every 10 days of the voyage 4.Votes every 10 days of the voyage 5.Cheat-code for patrons' beta versions 6.Role in our Discord channel

75 subscribers SPatron
USD monthly

1.All the rewards of Town-dweller and Sailor 2.Concept-art twice a month

10 subscribers SPatron
USD monthly

1.All the rewards of Town-dweller, Sailor and Corsair 2.Access to ALPHA versions of the game (0.xxA versions) 3.Your name on the wall of honor at the credits of the game. 4.Section in Discord with friday spoilers. 5.Cheat-code for patrons' alpha and beta versions 6.Special role in our Discord channel

12 subscribers SPatron+
USD monthly
Pirate Town King

1.All the rewards for the crew 2.Link to download the official soundtrack of the game 3.Have your own market item created! You will get your choice of an item on the market. Devs must agree and it can’t be awful!

Limited (1 out of 10) subscriptions
USD monthly
Sea Deity

1.All the rewards for the crew and kings. 2.You will be able to commission an outfit of your choice for Sonya to be drawn for the game, no more than 1 every 3 months or more, depending on the current artists capacity. Your idea will have to be approved by the devs too before it will be drawn, but we're sure we'll be able to come to an agreement ;)

Limited (1 out of 10) subscriptions


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Sad Crab Company

Public news 01. 03. 2025

Posted for FREE, $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Sad Crab Company
Public post

Speedpaint #24

Hello, wizards and witches!

Today, we’re excited to share a brand-new video from our “Speedpaints” series. This time, you’re in for something special—a themed Valentine’s card featuring one of the well-known characters.

In this video, you’ll get to see the creation process of one of our new Valentine’s cards, featuring Draco Malfoy. From the initial sketch to the final details, the artist carefully works through each step—sculpting his defined torso, adding the signature house tie, and refining the shading and lighting to bring the character to life with charm and expression.

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your feedback in the comments below or join the discussion in our Discord via this link:

And as always, peace to everyone! ✌️

The Sad Crabs


Привет, волшебники и волшебницы!

Сегодня мы рады представить новое видео в рамках рубрики “Спидпеинты”.  Вас ждёт кое-что особенное — создание тематической валентинки с одним из самых известных персонажей вселенной ГП.

В этом видео вы можете увидеть процесс создания одной из новых валентинок ко Дню святого Валентина, на которой изображён Драко Малфой. Художница с нуля прорабатывает образ: начиная с эскиза, она детально прорисовывает торс, создавая выразительную мускулатуру и добавляя галстук факультета. Тщательная работа с линиями, тенями и светом придаёт персонажу живость и харизму, делая образ более выразительным и привлекательным.

Мы будем рады услышать ваше мнение, оставляйте свои отзывы о видео в комментариях под постом или присоединитесь к обсуждению в нашем Дискорде по ссылке:

И, как всегда, всем мира во вселенной! ✌️

Грустные крабы.
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Sad Crab Company
Public post

Knightly Passions - A Fantasy Adult Visual Novel!

What could be better than the good old adventures of a valiant hunter in a harsh medieval world? Having those adventures in a world of magic, of course!

“Knightly Passions”
is a nonlinear visual novel with RPG elements that brings together the very best aspects of the genre. In it, you alone can decide how to act in challenging situations, who to consider a friend or enemy, and how to interact with any given character. And it is up to you alone to become the greatest warrior and champion of a downtrodden world!

The storyline aims to open up a realm of adventure and whisk you up into a whirl of ever-evolving events. And let’s not forget that it’s dynamic: An ill-considered step or course of action can lead to dire consequences. 

Our hero, the hunter, is forced to journey to an unfamiliar city in pursuit of his kidnapped little sister.
Will he manage to find faithful friends and companions, acquire mighty weapons and mythical artifacts, and present the forces of evil with a worthy foe? Will he be able to rise to heights unknown to even the most glorious knights? And will he have enough strength to withstand the devil’s most powerful weapon — temptation?

Adult content
is presented in the game via interactive animated scenes and high-quality illustrations.

The game also features a unique combat system that requires strategic thinking. In addition to properly selecting your equipment, don’t forget to take advantage of the flexible skill system and add new additions to your combat card deck that will expand your abilities. Create your own specialized character build capable of overcoming any obstacles in your path!

In addition to combat encounters, players will encounter open-world challenges.
You’ll not only face a diverse array of traps and puzzles, but also a host of different interactive minigames designed to add variety to gameplay.

Start your journey now!

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Sad Crab Company


Posted for $10, $20, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Sad Crab Company

News 20. 02. 2025

Comments (2)
Posted for $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 tiers
Unlock Tier
Sad Crab Company
Public post

Speedpaint #23

Hello, wizards and witches!

Today, we're excited to present a new video from our Speedpaints series, where you can watch the creation process of artwork for our game.

In this video, you'll see the making of a new lingerie set for Susan. The artist carefully refines every detail, from the initial sketches and base shapes to the final touches that bring depth and texture to the fabric. These sets not only highlight Susan's natural charm and soft elegance but also add a hint of passion to her style.

Just like the previous sets for Luna and Daphne, the characters' wardrobe continues to expand. Stay tuned—there’s plenty more to come!

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Share your feedback in the comments below or join the discussion in our Discord via this link:

And as always, peace to everyone! ✌️

The Sad Crabs

Привет, волшебники и волшебницы!

Сегодня мы рады представить новое видео из рубрики “Спидпеинты”, где вы сможете увидеть, как создаются арты для нашей игры.

В этом видео вы можете увидеть процесс создания нового комплекта нижнего белья для Сюзан. Художник детально прорабатывает каждую деталь: от первых эскизов и базовой формы до финальных штрихов, придающих ткани объем. Эти комплекты подчеркивают не только природное очарование и мягкость образа Сюзан, но и соблазнительность, добавляя в ее стиль нотку страсти.

Как и в случае с предыдущими комплектами для Полумны и Дафны, гардероб персонажей продолжает расширяться. Следите за новостями — впереди ещё много интересного!

Мы будем рады услышать ваше мнение, оставляйте свои отзывы о видео в комментариях под постом или присоединитесь к обсуждению в нашем Дискорде по ссылке:

И, как всегда, всем мира во вселенной! ✌️

Грустные крабы.
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