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Peach Punch Games profile
Peach Punch Games
Peach Punch Games
Peach Punch is making femdom-centric games starring muscular women dominating and towering over you. Either wholesome or plain sadistic, these buff girls will show you new definitions of power.
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Light Weight

Get access to my games as they are made! I'll send frequent updates with at least one new scene each month added to the current project being worked on.

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Heavy Weight

You wanna help out more? Then you get more! Being a heavy weight, you get to answer polls about where I should take the projects next. Make your voice heard!

Of course, you also get all the perks of the Light Weight tier.

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  • I am the creator of games such as 'The Bodyguard Girl is Too Strong!', and 'My Gym Mommy Treats Me Like A Kid', both availble on itchio. Subscribe now and get immediate access to the games I am working on before their release! And if you aim for the Heavy Weight tier, you get to vote on the contents of the games themselves.
Peach Punch Games

Download - The Bodyguard Girl Deluxe - Build 0. 1. 1

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Peach Punch Games
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Weekly Update - A True Spy Thriller & Going To Market

As I've been writing the new scenes for The Bodyguard Girl Is Too Strong!!! Deluxe, I've been getting the feeling more and more that I am on the right path this time.
Let me explain. One of the reviews I've read about the original Bodyguard Girl game was that it felt like a missed opportunity to do more with the spy thriller premise. I agree. The first game was written in a haze in about two months as I was obsessed with getting something finished before I got bored and jumped on another new project that would've also gotten nowhere. I'm glad I pushed through and released it, but boy oh boy is it a first game, and it shows.
But this time, I'm trying to make it better. It is not perfect, as the story is still mainly just there to provide flimsy context to the fetish and H scenes, but I'm adding new twists and turns that make it feel much closer to a spy thriller than before. It is nothing mindblowing, but the stuff I wrote this week should make you feel a little more like a spy who needs to come up with plans to cheat past security and needs to be on their constant guard.
In short, I'm really looking forward to giving you a cool new build next week. Stay tuned for more.
In other news, I'm really obsessed with the idea of getting a game out before the end of winter. Any game. Anything at all that I can sell as fast as possible. And so I think I came up with a plan.
I believe I could start selling the first half of Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!! to platforms as early as next month. I would only need to tie up the few loose ends and I could sell a build with the first five episodes (everything that happens before Junko arrives, basically) at a discount price (I figured somewhere around the 10$ mark, since I was planning on releasing the full game for around 20$).
Does that sound like a good idea?
If you weren't already a subscriber, would you pay for a build like that? Keep in mind that it basically only contains 2 different H scenes, because most of the material is fetish stuff with people with their clothes on. Is that a tough sell? Should I wait?
I'm not gonna lie, I've been commissioning an artist for ANOTHER secret project that could be turned into a short but complete game before summer (let's say, a release around end of May). Those commissions are rather affordable (the goal here being cheap and fast), and you will absolutely be given access to the game as subscribers once it is complete. Should I wait until this new secret game is completed instead? Would you prefer a full, albeit short, new release?
I'm not that good at the business side of things. I just want to write cool and sexy characters, you know?
And that's it.
On a more personal note, I have received an offer for my dream job, and it has some interesting perks I did not know about, such as a 4-day week, which will leave me plenty of time to work on Peach Punch, so nothing should change on your end. You probably wouldn't even have known I changed jobs if I hadn't told you. Any change in one's life is a source of some stress, so I suppose I've been telling you because I needed to vent somewhere. Thank you guys for reading my personal rants every time. You're the best.
So, yeah, next week, get ready to reunite with Vivian! Until then, stay safe out there!
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Peach Punch Games

Happy Valentine's Day 2025!

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Peach Punch Games

Weekly Update - Dream Job and Snow Storm

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Peach Punch Games

Heavyweight Poll - Rin's Lift and Carry CG Scene?

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Peach Punch Games

Download - Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan! ! ! Build 0. 4. 6

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