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Peach Punch Games profile
Peach Punch Games
Peach Punch Games
Peach Punch is making femdom-centric games starring muscular women dominating and towering over you. Either wholesome or plain sadistic, these buff girls will show you new definitions of power.
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Get access to my games as they are made! I'll send frequent updates with at least one new scene each month added to the current project being worked on.

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You wanna help out more? Then you get more! Being a heavy weight, you get to answer polls about where I should take the projects next. Make your voice heard!

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2 subscribers


  • I am the creator of games such as 'The Bodyguard Girl is Too Strong!', and 'My Gym Mommy Treats Me Like A Kid', both availble on itchio. Subscribe now and get immediate access to the games I am working on before their release! And if you aim for the Heavy Weight tier, you get to vote on the contents of the games themselves.
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Peach Punch Games

Heavy Weight Exclusive - The Return Of The Chat Bots

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Weekly Update - A Scene That Could Have Been A CG

"But, who is the best between the two of us?"
"Good question. Tell us, little thing."


So I've been making good progress on the upcoming next episode of Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!! As a matter of fact, I've been so inspired that I wrote an entire opening scene that could have become a CG scene. Unfortunately, I don't have the budget and bandwidth for it, so you'll just have to make do with the usual character sprites. Which is not a bad thing, since the art is pretty great.

I'm only about halfway through writing episode 04 and it's already quite long, which is continuing the trend set in last episode 03. I'm trying to add more choices and some small alternate scenes depending on some of those choices, as you all suggested in an earlier poll. Episode 04 is growing quite ambitious in that regard, and should keep you busy for a while once it's out.


I've been lying to you guys, and lying to myself as well, as I got some very important information confused. I've been telling you that the delivery date for the next CG for Yumi-Chan (the double-team attack of Rin and Yumi on the protagonist) is due for the end of this month, July. But I misremembered the actual date, which is the end of August.

Shouldn't change much to you guys, as I am alternating releases of the two games I am currently working on every month, and August should coincide with a release of The Bodyguard Girl 2 instead.

Speaking of which, I should definitely start planning my next CG for it sooner rather than later. Hmm. Time to put my thinking cap on.


And that's it for now. This week, I've started having ideas for another secret October game, and I've been tempted to start shopping around for a new artist to work on that secret game. Looking for artists is one of my favorite part of doing this whole Peach Punch thing. It's just , every artist is so full of possibilities and promise, it gets intoxicating to look at portfolios and all that. If you've ever commissioned a custom art piece, you probably know what I am talking about. It's a thrill that AI image generators can't provide, I can tell you that.

Apart from that, my doctor told me I almost have high blood pressure issues, so I need to make drastic changes to my habits and lifestyle (what can I say, I'm not an old man with grey hair and a cane, but I'm probably a bit older than you imagine I am, haha). For my sake, and yours, I want to stay as healthy as possible so I can keep working on these games and get better at doing them.

The coming weeks will be difficult as I adjust to better, healthier habits. Until then, stay safe out there!
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Peach Punch Games

Poll - Date Ideas for Yumi

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Weekly Update - Preparing for a date

"Eeeeh? Look at that shark! It looks so strong and dangerous. It's like, my spirit animal, don't you think?"


A quiet week has gone by, and the only thing I have to show for it is the new build for The Bodyguard Girl 2 that you received a few days ago.

However, I have started work on the new episode for Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!! that contains an outing with Yumi that may or may not be a date. I don't know for sure, she won't give me a straight answer.

That said, I am still undecided on where the date will take place, and I might get you guys to vote on it soon and quickly.

Other than that, no news on the commission for that tag-team up CG of Yumi and Rin on the poor protagonist. That is to be expected, as the delivery date is still at least a week and a half away.


And that's it. Slow news week, as it sometimes happens. It's been raining non-stop for almost a week here, and I'm scared of finding out I have leaks in my house. I'm becoming more and more paranoid as time goes by. I should learn to meditate, or something. Next week, I should have more significant progress to show y'all.

Until then, stay safe out there!

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Weekly Update - Double Trouble Commission

"You said you didn't wanna go to the gym today, dweeb? So the gym comes to you! You're lucky, too, today is Rin's leg day!"
For a variety of reasons, some of them health-related, I haven't had that much time to progress on any of my objectives for the month. Don't worry, I am fine now, but I've spent a few days in convalescence, ruining the end of my vacation and making my return to my day job a little more difficult than it needed to be.
But that's just excuses, right? You wanna know what work was done this week, huh?
Whenever I had time to work this week, I dedicated it towards making a mock-up of the next big CG scene for Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!! which you can clearly see teased here as a header of this post.
As you guys voted, this time it's a tag team scene, where BOTH Yumi and Rin toy with the protagonist. Woe is him! Will he survive the double assault of our buff ladies?
It is an ambitious scene for sure, and artist Chayon told me to expect delivery sometime in late august, so you'll have to wait for this one, but I am sure it'll be worth the wait!
And that's it. I haven't had time to do much else. This will change next week, and I expect to catch up on all my work easily in the coming days. So do not despair, I will be back very soon with more news and builds!
Until then, stay safe out there!
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Weekly Update - The Day Of The Commissions

I honestly thought I would write this update later, either tomorrow or Sunday, but here we are.
I have received both commissions I was waiting on in the last 24 hours. So I have these two lovely ladies to tease you with.
On one end, Yumi sports a nice new summer dress in order to look cute if you ever manage to gather the courage to ask her out on a date. Although, knowing her, she might lose patience and take you out on a date herself. I guess we'll wait and see...
On the other end, the one you've all been waiting for, the beautiful, powerful Vivian is back, as massive and impressive as ever. Not in the picture is the poor Captain, struggling against only one of Vivian's arms. Look at her face, and how easy she makes it look.
Truly, I am blessed with two very talented artists for these current projects. Let's all thank Chayon (artist on Don't Flex On Me Yumi-chan!!!) and Manob0028 (artist on The Bodyguard Girl 2) for these works of art.
I did take more time to work on the escape room minigame I showcased last week. I decided to call it an 'Investigation minigame' instead, which reflects the intentions of the story better. You're not trying to escape, in this minigame, but you are trying to'll see.
I added a very VERY basic inventory system (just icons showing up in the unused upper part of the screen) to keep you informed of your progress. It's nothing too fancy, and anyway, after testing it, you'll realize that the minigame can be completed in 45 seconds once you know exactly what to do. Haha. A week of part-time work on a scene just for 45 seconds of gameplay. That's game development for ya.
The first few days of the last poll were very hot, with almost all three options tied (especially with counting both Patreon and SubscribeStar results), but now a winner appears to emerge.
Also, when I count the number of votes and the number of Heavyweight members, it doesn't add up : is it possible that some of you abstain from voting? I mean, thank you very much for your support, but you should make your voice heard. Perhaps I don't leave the poll opened for voting for long enough? I'll let this one run for more than a few days, just to see if there is a higher participation count in the end. I might be running my ship too tightly here, and not leaving you guys enough time to vote. I can't expect everyone to be logged on subscriber sites everyday.
And that's it. We are in the middle of the first severe heatwave of the summer in my part of the world, and looking at the news, it seems that most of you are living through similar conditions.
More than ever, stay hydrated and don't overwork yourselves, especially if you work outdoors. Oh, and wear deodorant, even if it doesn't seem to work all that well in extreme weather. Just, take care of yourself and others, alright? The rain will come and break all that crushing heat soon enough.
Until then, stay safe out there!
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