Manor Alpha 24 Preview 3
The remaining champions (master thief (Hazel), bounty hunter (Maple) and Magic PI (Mark with a Marie alt), a pile of fixes and a few minor changes/features.
+ Maids and controlled beegirls will no longer harvest pollen from alraunes in stasis
+ Fixed a few cases where champions would try to perform actions on targets who are unconscious/in stasis
+ Hopefully fixed traitors and secret maids deciding to fight investigating champions who become aware that they are traitors
+ Fixed bunnygirl redirect to master instead of tempting when highly corrupt not performing the correct redirect
+ Fixed a couple of transformations (dark elf minion and champion to/from) giving characters traces champions would see as evidence
+ Fix for traitors sometimes trying to split non-existent parties
+ Fixed crash when ninjas create illusions
+ Fixed saves being unintentionally deleted when the new and old save names match but have different capitalisation
+ Bunnygirls now also follow the laundry order
+ Succubuses should no longer proposition traitors when characters they shouldn't reveal themselves to are present
+ Added Hazel's champion form, the master thief
-> She can steal items while hidden
-> She can't be prevented from moving by guards
-> She has a 50% chance of resisting true sight. This will be noted, though details of who resisted will be hidden if she is hidden when affected
-> Instead of needing to pick locked doors, she is fast enough to open them without pausing. This prevents her being warned for picking locks as well
-> She can sense valuable items (and evidence) and may choose to wander the manor acquiring them
+ Fixed a few cases of weird champion behaviour
+ True sight can now be applied to visible characters
+ Added Maple's champion form, the bounty hunter
-> She has the ability to combo fire, allowing her to chain through up to five targets as long as she incapacitates the previous. This attack doesn't wound as easily as a regular fight action, so characters with additional wounds are more likely to stop her chain
-> She has the ability to retreat while firing, possibly injuring the target and allowing her to cover her retreat
-> When fighting regularly (either attacking or defending) targets she incapacitates are tied up with cable ties
-> She enters the manor with a taser
-> She is able to sense characters (vaguely) and will move more directly towards visitors and staff members than other non-magic characters. She is also able to sense the master's location
-> She will generally end up leading champion groups
+ Added Mark's champion form, the magic PI
-> An alternate female version (Marie) will spawn if male characters are disabled
-> While a magic PI is the manor, power costs for certain powers (specifically those currently affected by various factors) are increased
-> Magic PIs can see hidden characters, allowing them to directly interact (this affects various investigation goals, and combat)
-> They are more likely to see through attempts to hide room evidence, more likely to find questionable books, and are able to put together deeper worries when looking at most evidence items
-> They will teleport randomly when they encounter enemies while trying to flee the manor
-> They also teleport randomly when incapacitated
+ Champions that arrive are now randomised from amongst those you haven't seen yet, resetting after all have been seen
+ A few follow goals that the player can order now end when the followed character becomes hidden from the player's sight
+ Fixed dhampir not treating a traitor not currently obeying the player as a character to avoid biting someone in front of
+ Stopped dhampirs drinking blood from characters who are preoccupied with sex
+ Fixed up monitoring stage of the plant bug champion goals (wasn't updating text and was staying in one room instead of wandering)
+ Fixed a few champion goals that wouldn't correctly swap to a new target after scanning their current target
+ Champions seeking evidence items magically (or a master thief seeking treasure) who can't see the current holder will now search the room they are in, potentially revealing them
+ Added sound effects to various succubus dream/power use actions
+ Allowed ordering most (all but traitors and trainees) player controlled characters to offer sex to any other player controlled characters
+ Added options to turn cops and/or champions off
+ Added a bonus power gain option, allowing setting an increased baseline power income
+ Added a reset mind action. This action is expensive, must be done by Katanashi, and intended for rare cases like trying again when corrupting characters or to have a character you don't wish to transform leave instead