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TirelessLurker profile
I previously developed Pandemonium Classic: Unity Edition, and I'm working on two new transformation games - Manor and Incarnasoul.
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Manor Alpha 24 Preview 5

A couple of fixes and various smaller features, including orders saving and loading and a hinder champion investigation order.
+ Fixed some possible misbehaviour with witch/guard/bunnygirl maids and the laundry order
+ Added saving and loading of orders
-> Saving can be done only when viewing a single character or defaults.
-> When loading, after selecting a file a sub-group to apply for can also be selected (e.g. all, maid orders, witch orders)
--> When loading for a single character, currently relevant orders are immediately applied
-> A default set of orders for a new game can be set as part of the game ruleset
+ Surge and drain now show the effects they'll take while the turn is being processed; they use a special colour (blue for increase, yellow for decrease) to indicate that they're not applied yet
+ Saves menu now prefills any old save game name
+ Moved genderbend at halfway option to a toggle under master orders on the defaults page
+ Added a hinder champion investigation order for maids and the master
-> While following this goal, maids will follow a champion and interfere with scanning, room searches and questioning of some characters (e.g. trainees and controlled beegirls)
-> Optionally certain player actions can be created automatically
-> When attending to a decadent noble, maids will flirt and offer sex
-> After being annoyed for a while, champions will try to convince the maid to head off on a made up errand. The master cannot be tricked into an errand, but far more greatly annoys the hindered champion
-> Annoyance will gradually reduce when a champion is left alone, and is a concern that can be meddled with in the usual ways
-> If annoyed enough, champions will give an ultimatum - cease interfering or they will gain strong evidence and leave
--> If this doesn't cause them to gain enough evidence to turn hostile, they will send two new investigators after leaving
--> Assigning another maid after the ultimatum will trigger the evidence gain and leaving
+ Fixed shamed champions reporting evidence to the champion society
+ Fixed some cases where confiscating items from champions would always succeed unintentionally
+ Fixed some issues with champion seek and monitor goals
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Manor Alpha 24 Preview 4

A couple of minor fixes and a fix for a common succubus crash.
+ Prevented the master from propositioning (no images)
+ Allowed alraunes and beegirls to offer sex to traitors
+ Fixed a crash when succubuses are considering joining in on sex
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Manor Alpha 24 Preview 3

The remaining champions (master thief (Hazel), bounty hunter (Maple) and Magic PI (Mark with a Marie alt), a pile of fixes and a few minor changes/features.
+ Maids and controlled beegirls will no longer harvest pollen from alraunes in stasis
+ Fixed a few cases where champions would try to perform actions on targets who are unconscious/in stasis
+ Hopefully fixed traitors and secret maids deciding to fight investigating champions who become aware that they are traitors
+ Fixed bunnygirl redirect to master instead of tempting when highly corrupt not performing the correct redirect
+ Fixed a couple of transformations (dark elf minion and champion to/from) giving characters traces champions would see as evidence
+ Fix for traitors sometimes trying to split non-existent parties
+ Fixed crash when ninjas create illusions
+ Fixed saves being unintentionally deleted when the new and old save names match but have different capitalisation
+ Bunnygirls now also follow the laundry order
+ Succubuses should no longer proposition traitors when characters they shouldn't reveal themselves to are present
+ Added Hazel's champion form, the master thief
-> She can steal items while hidden
-> She can't be prevented from moving by guards
-> She has a 50% chance of resisting true sight. This will be noted, though details of who resisted will be hidden if she is hidden when affected
-> Instead of needing to pick locked doors, she is fast enough to open them without pausing. This prevents her being warned for picking locks as well
-> She can sense valuable items (and evidence) and may choose to wander the manor acquiring them
+ Fixed a few cases of weird champion behaviour
+ True sight can now be applied to visible characters
+ Added Maple's champion form, the bounty hunter
-> She has the ability to combo fire, allowing her to chain through up to five targets as long as she incapacitates the previous. This attack doesn't wound as easily as a regular fight action, so characters with additional wounds are more likely to stop her chain
-> She has the ability to retreat while firing, possibly injuring the target and allowing her to cover her retreat
-> When fighting regularly (either attacking or defending) targets she incapacitates are tied up with cable ties
-> She enters the manor with a taser
-> She is able to sense characters (vaguely) and will move more directly towards visitors and staff members than other non-magic characters. She is also able to sense the master's location
-> She will generally end up leading champion groups
+ Added Mark's champion form, the magic PI
-> An alternate female version (Marie) will spawn if male characters are disabled
-> While a magic PI is the manor, power costs for certain powers (specifically those currently affected by various factors) are increased
-> Magic PIs can see hidden characters, allowing them to directly interact (this affects various investigation goals, and combat)
-> They are more likely to see through attempts to hide room evidence, more likely to find questionable books, and are able to put together deeper worries when looking at most evidence items
-> They will teleport randomly when they encounter enemies while trying to flee the manor
-> They also teleport randomly when incapacitated
+ Champions that arrive are now randomised from amongst those you haven't seen yet, resetting after all have been seen
+ A few follow goals that the player can order now end when the followed character becomes hidden from the player's sight
+ Fixed dhampir not treating a traitor not currently obeying the player as a character to avoid biting someone in front of
+ Stopped dhampirs drinking blood from characters who are preoccupied with sex
+ Fixed up monitoring stage of the plant bug champion goals (wasn't updating text and was staying in one room instead of wandering)
+ Fixed a few champion goals that wouldn't correctly swap to a new target after scanning their current target
+ Champions seeking evidence items magically (or a master thief seeking treasure) who can't see the current holder will now search the room they are in, potentially revealing them
+ Added sound effects to various succubus dream/power use actions
+ Allowed ordering most (all but traitors and trainees) player controlled characters to offer sex to any other player controlled characters
+ Added options to turn cops and/or champions off
+ Added a bonus power gain option, allowing setting an increased baseline power income
+ Added a reset mind action. This action is expensive, must be done by Katanashi, and intended for rare cases like trying again when corrupting characters or to have a character you don't wish to transform leave instead
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Manor Alpha 24 Preview 2

A bunch of fixes and four champions: the Saintess (Iroha), Dhampir (Emi), Martial Artist (Nanako) and Archmage (Jeanne).
+ Fixed an end of turn crash occurring when identical maids are turned on while a game is in progress. The fixes should sort out old saves
+ Illusions now possess the knowledge of the character they are an illusion of
+ Possible fix for invisible items in illusion inventories
+ Fixed a crash when distracting hidden targets
+ Fixed crash when an activating beautiful flower causes an alraune seed to finish growing on an illusion
+ Fixed possible issues with decadent nobles and ninjas when a visitor becomes one
+ Added Iroha's champion form, the Saintess
-> The saintess has an aura of innocence that has a chance (magic stat vs roll) of decreasing the corruption of nearby characters
-> She will also take confessions from visitors, investigating champions and traitors with a guilty conscience (high corruption)
-> Visitor appearing characters that she is not hostile to (includes secret maids and traitors that aren't known) will recover from incapacitation at double speed
-> She is able to fully cure wounds and revive characters from incapacitation in one action. She can do this in combat as well, but it will trigger a cooldown
-> Characters who attack her have a chance to become disoriented
-> Corruption that she gains is halved
+ Added Emi's champion form, the Dhampir
-> Her stats are buffed at night, and debuffed when outside during the day
-> She receives a bonus when dueling characters
-> She can hypnotise characters, leaving them disoriented
-> She can drain incapacitated or disoriented targets, temporarily buffing her stats and lowering the victim's. She will do this to characters she catches alone while investigating
+ Possibly fixed issues with loading files that include a capital I on some systems
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when a champion inspects a library while a librarian is present
+ Fixed an issue with roll odds calculation
+ Added Nanako's champion form, the Martial Artist
-> The first attack on her that would injure her each turn is blocked (she can be injured normally during her own attack)
-> When attacking, she has a chance to knock opponents into other rooms
-> She is able to meditate to heal her wounds
+ Added Jeanne's champion form, the archmage
-> She can sense any major magic use in the manor, and any transformations
-> She can scan rooms without effort (she scans them on entry, without needing to take an action)
-> If she fails to teleport out, she will perform a longer but guaranteed to succeed teleport escape action
-> In combat she will use fireballs to potentially strike multiple opponents
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Manor Alpha 24 Preview 1

A few chunkier changes before I get into adding new champions.
+ Added a basic dev menu. Currently it can be used to summon champions (including selecting which) and is shown with f2 or ]
+ Champion related actions are now hidden until champions are created. A button to show them has been added to the expandable bottom section
+ Changed handling of character clothing in a few cases; should result in fewer excess spare outfits
+ Added a repair all doors order (visible on a maid with a tool bag, or as an option for maid <-> toolbag interaction)
+ Added a lot of extra names for visitors
+ Champions with moderate+ brute and magic focus will now fight duels to gain evidence form magical scanning. This caps at one, and general duel evidence now caps at three
+ Added seeking variants of various brute focus goals for champions with mixed magic/brute focus
+ Added a junk valuable item (Gold Bracelet) that can be bought from the contribution shop to use as a bribe for the decadent noble; it can also be given to visitors to increase their corruption slightly
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Incarnasoul Alpha 22 Preview 3

Various end turn tweaks/fixes, addition of pay and personal funds (and pricing for internal location/character/item use to cycle funds), a few other fixes and selection options for minion types when the villain's super weapon fires.
+ Hopefully fixed an oddity that could cause the creation of two mansion locations (and some other weirdness)
+ Fixed outside of realm entertainment not reducing loneliness
+ Added regular sex to the end of turn sex action (i.e. when someone has sex with a partner/lover instead of a servant/captive marked for general use they won't damage their partner etc.)
-> Also fixed a few bugs and added preference weighting by sex skill and attraction
+ Added character personal funds and pay (every tenth turn)
-> Rather than paying a specific amount, a level of satisfaction with their pay is set. This amount is added to satisfaction each day until the character's next pay
-> Pay rates can be set with a mass action
-> Characters will use their personal funds to pay for out of realm activities
-> Prices can be set on buildings, characters and items for use. Item costs are ignored when a character is tempted into using an item. A realm wide price can be set for characters
-> Residents can be given a bonus to improve their satisfaction and fondness for the player
+ Fixed invites not correctly considering personal appeal
+ Added an 'energy credit' setting. Roughly, you can still pay characters, heal characters and do a few other things up until you hit the limit. You can still go beyond the limit when sending characters out to complete activities
+ Fixed some issues causing builders to not do personal actions like resting even when they're not building due to exhaustion
+ Auto-assign to building roles now assigns the player last
+ Tweaked how actions are chosen a little so it's more random
+ Added starting matter and energy options
+ Characters will now heal slightly even without resources. Healing wounds without resources will cause soul/body damage, lengthening downtime
+ Fixed an issue preventing characters from properly organising sex/chatting sometimes
+ Tweaked satisfaction, loyalty and verve change numbers
+ Fixed invites not being forgotten (causing e.g. chat invites to be considered once ever, instead of each turn)
+ Added selection options for minion type when the realm is hit by the villain's superweapon (only newly generated Final Countdown activities will have the new options)
+ Result previews should now show tfs properly
Assets Patch (Alpha 21 - > Alpha 22 Preview 2) (no changes) -
Extra Characters -
Main Assets (Alpha 21) -
Assets Patch (Alpha 20 -> Alpha 21) -
Usagimimis -
Goblins -
Kitsunes -
Slimes -
Nekomimis -
Robots -
Outfit Images -
Height Images -
Angel and Demon Images -
Asset zips other than preview patches can be downloaded in game. If manually downloaded, unzip into "Incarnasoul\Incarnasoul_Data" or into an "IncarnasoulAssets" folder alongside the .app file on mac. The game can run without them, but most image panels will display generic images and the character image set will be very limited. Older asset zips should run fine, with newer assets showing the generics.
General discussion on discord -
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