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Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer

Apologies for being a Badass (Worm AU) (Monthly $10 Commission)Commissioned by Anonymous, thank y...

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Thread Necromancer
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 Latex Modifications (Worm Alt Power)


Taylor watched the life sign indicators on her jury rigged heart beat monitor. The thing had been made out of some old computers that her test subject had ordered from a shop in Texas. The subject had been surprisingly willing despite the amount of animosity that had originally been between them once she discovered Taylor’s power. 

Of course though, her assistance and cooperation had come with some demands, one of them being that she wanted to be Taylor’s first test subject. Originally Taylor hadn’t understood why Madison of all people would want to be her test subject. Especially since she had told Madison straight up what that meant. There was the pseudo latex tinker stuff that she’d be wearing, the bio tinker alterations that the stuff would make to her, the hypnosis that came inherent with the conversion process, the whole nine yards. 

And she’d consented to all of it, practically demanding that Taylor not go soft on her. In fact, she wanted them all dialled up to a metaphorical eleven.

Of course Taylor denied her that, but didn’t tell her. Though even if she did find out she would still be mastered. It was something Taylor had discovered was inescapable with her technology. She could of course make a way of breaking the mastering that occurred, but that wouldn’t change the fact that those she would alter would always be susceptible to her latex now compared to before. Before she needed a conversion tank, after though? A mere liquid latex sprayer would be enough.

During Madison and Taylor’s first session, it soon became clear to Taylor why Madison desired it, especially when she left her cell phone unlocked on the table. The amount of lewd and horny images of latex clad and hypnotised girls… 

To say the least, afterwards Taylor found it hard to keep her legs rubbing after while designing her various creations now.

With a beep from the computer, the process was complete once more, and Taylor popped the lid on the bathtub turned latex conversion chamber. Pulling on a pseudo latex glove that she’d tinkered up, Taylor reached in, and pulled Madison out of the bubbling stuff. The slut as she came out was completely faceless, all except for a set of lips and a hole around her mouth. Her hair was almost completely unaffected, Taylor had made sure that it would ignore hair for the most part if she ever had to fully submerge herself. Though Madison’s hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her breasts were all but uncovered as she rose up, her nipples were hard as could be, and Taylor couldn’t help but reach down, tweaking one. 

“MMmmh,” Madison moaned and Taylor smiled a bit before she went about properly helping Madison out of the tub. The latex didn’t stick to the rest of the stuff as it only adhered to skin, bonding itself to the wearer unless a special chemical was introduced which rapidly dissolved the latex. With her out, Taylor admired her creation as she stood there. All the while Taylor could feel a slick warm feeling pooling in her stomach. A feeling which only got warmer as Madison’s hands started to explore herself. Just as Madison had asked, her form had been improved since last time, her breasts enlarged, her ass made rather fat and spankable. While her thighs actually met, but because of the latex, they weren’t going to rub and cause irritation any time soon. It was enough that Taylor almost wished that she was wearing her latex cock, something she’d made a while ago when looking through Madison’s phone had awakened her perverted desires. 

Stepping up to her, Taylor cupped a breast in each hand, drawing a slight moan from Madison as she did so, the settings regarding her sensitivity was pushed way up as per her request, and as Taylor slowly kneaded her breasts, Madison started to shake, her latex covered tongue slipping out of her lewd lips, and her legs already had started to fail her, not used to receiving the kind of pleasure that Taylor was giving her while on her feet. Taylor smiled as she fondled the super pervert, wondering what it must be like in there, to feel Taylor’s latex all over her, confining her, pressing in on her. All of her orifices all covered and coated, her holes filled with the stuff that it might as well be a full body condom. If Madison walked out and got fucked by all the men in the city she wouldn’t become pregnant, the various thick cocks in the vat made sure of it as they drove themselves into her, fucking her ass and womb, spraying more of the latex goo inside of Madison to make her conversion complete.

“Enjoying that?” Taylor asked, and got an enthusiastic nod and a gleeful sound in response, and Taylor remembered the hypnosis. 

“Epsilon, Niner, Five, Enjoying that?” Taylor asked again, this time using the cool sounding command phrase she made up to slice past the hypnosis to get straight past the various hypno programs mastering Madison. It’d take a second for her mind to process it, and alter the thinking to be back to the original for a temporary response. After a moment though of silence, suddenly Madison was vigorously nodding her head, her body shifting and shuddering under Taylor’s touches, her hands immediately going for her cunt, pressing into it with wild abandon, before she suddenly froze again, and pulled her hand back. 

“Haha, pervert,” Taylor giggled as she pulled back after watching what Madison really felt about this. Girl was living her dream right now, or almost. As Taylor moved back, she beckoned for the latex girl to come along until they stood in front of some boxes that had been set aside in Taylor’s basement to act as a table. On the boxes was an assortment of toys and gear. All sourced from Madison’s private collection.

Taylor barely knew where to start with all of the stuff, ranging from bondage harnesses to massive dildos that Madison claimed she enjoyed daily after school. The sheer amount of toys was staggering, and Madison claimed that she still had at least a thousand dollars worth of stuff at her place that she hadn’t been able to bring over. There was already likely a couple hundred dollars or more worth of sex toys and BDSM gear here already. The girl really knew what she wanted, more than shoes or clothes, she wanted hot kinky sex.

And Taylor wasn’t exactly averse to it giving it. 

Slipping a collar around Madison’s neck, Taylor started with the clothing first, pulling her doll this way and that. First Taylor slipped the various yellow straps and yellow bondage gear on the girl. The harness did nothing to provide Madison modesty, instead showing her off, pressing down on the slut and helping highlight her various sexual features. The straps around her breasts working in tandem with the latex to hold it up while squeezing them just a bit. They crossed around before the harness shot straight down in a thick mass of straps until they reached Madison’s crotch. Rather than hide her body though, the straps only served to show them off, to help someone find the girl’s glistening black pussy lips, her rear as the straps split just at the crotch. Instead they wrapped around the girl’s thighs before ascending back up.

The stockings and arm length gloves were little more than thin yellow and black fabric that Taylor pulled up her slave’s arms and legs, helping to draw the eyes to the contrast between the two areas. The extremities adding a bit of flare to the main course of the girl’s torso. For a moment, Taylor looked to the yellow corset that her busy bee had brought along as well, in addition to the various other bits of bondage, but she kind of liked the look of it already. Even so, just for Madison, she selected a set of unattatched bondage cuffs and slid them around the girl’s ankles and wrists before stepping back and admiring her bondage bee. The girl herself seemed happy, though not exactly content, the way her eyes slipped over to the rest of the gear, over to the toys that could fill her up.

Shaking her head, Taylor smiled a bit as she stepped over and picked up two big dildos for the slut, and tossed her head to the side towards the computer she had down here now. Madison of course happily complied with a literal bounce in her step as she moved to obey her mistress. Taylor meanwhile slipped off her jeans, panties, and then went to grab one of the few items she had that she wore herself. Something she’d tested many a times, especially on Madison. It was a set of bloomers with both a dildo inside and hanging from the front was another nice, thick cock made just for Taylor.

Slipping it on, Taylor slid it up her legs until the member inside was sitting right at her entrance. Already horny as ever, Taylor rubbed it against her entrance, feeling how slick it was, how her arousal was already starting to pool and wet her lips down here. Taylor nearly started to slide it in, when she heard the desperate whimper of her bee slut. Taylor quirked a brow to Madison as she stood there to attention, ever the loyal slave. 

Stopping herself, Taylor instead beckoned her over. The latex bee girl jumped to attention, speed walking her way over to Taylor. As she reached her mistress, Taylor told her: “Slip it in… slut.”

As expected of the mastered girl, Madison got to work immediately, though not exactly in the way she expected. Rather than nodding and starting to slide it in, Madison instead nodded, and slipped around Taylor. Raising a brow, Taylor let Madison do her work, the perverted girl obviously knowing more about this kind of stuff than her. Taking charge a moment, Madison slipped her leg between Taylor’s thighs, spreading them out a bit more, her breasts meanwhile pressed into Taylor’s back. Her hard nipples easy to feel as Taylor enjoyed the two soft pillows there. Meanwhile her bee’s arms slid between her mistress’ arms and body, one hand sliding down. The other hand however, as it reached the edge of Taylor’s hoodie slipped under the hem to reach inside. 

“Wait, didn’t I-” Taylor started, when Madison found her target, the wayward hand sliding up to one of Taylor’s tiny yet sensitive breasts. As the bee caressed her tiny titty, Taylor stopped, going silent as Madison continued to touch her. At the same time, Taylor felt her slave’s hand wrap around her own down there as she started to take control of Taylor, sliding the dildo in, with Taylor trusting her superior experience. 

They started slow, the bee girl very gently rocking Taylor’s dildo back and forth, sliding it up and down her mistress’ entrance, up and down. Just the rubbing itself was already adding more to the flame in Taylor’s core. She almost wanted to drive it in right then and there, to get it over with and enjoy her girl’s blowjob, but she waited, making small noises every few passes, showing her appreciation. Madison meanwhile kept going, massaging her mistresses’ miniature mammalries while sliding the faux cock across and teasing Taylor’s lower lips. It slowly made Taylor quiver a bit at the feeling of it slipping in, before as if her pussy couldn’t take it any more, her lips gave way to Madison’s ministrations. Her lower lips let it slide in and send sensual sensations through her loins. Taylor let out a melodious moan as the dildo slid in with Madison pinched her nipple at the same time. By now Taylor had started to fall back, nearly fully leaning against her bee girl who easily held her up. Her latex was meant for more than just fun times after all.

Rather than just sliding it in all the way however, Madison kept working the cock, swirling it around and rubbing against all of Taylor’s lower area, almost bringing Taylor’s hips along with her movements as Taylor moaned some more, her mouth opening on accident and letting out a shuddering breath. She bit her lip but it was too late as Madison tittered at the sound, though her slut never slowed her work. The latex bee slut continued to play Taylor’s body like a fiddle, touching her breasts this way and that, and working the dildo in further and further. Taylor could barely help her hips, her eyes slowly going cloudy as Madison kept messing with her body.


Unfortunately, all good things must come to and end as Madison eventually reached the end of her mistress’ dildo dildo, having slid it as far as it could go. Madison stayed there, keeping her mistress up, one leg and her bountiful bound breasts pressing into Taylor’s back, no doubt adding to her arousal. She ceased all touching, and just supported her inexperienced mistress, instead opting to hug the girl while resting her head on Taylor’s shoulder. Were the bee dominant, it’d likely be child’s play to help the girl realise her submissive potential, but after what they’d done, that would never happen now. Only while mastered to be unable to every think of harming her wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous mistress could she ever surrender herself to Madison or anyone at that. Only when she was in complete and utter control of everything that was going on that she could let herself even give off the image of possibly being vulnerable. 

It was so sad what they’d done to mistress. If only they could have been friends, they could have turned the chatter box into a fellow subby slut like Madison, or helped train her in both ways considering she was likely a switch.

But alas, it was not to be. 


Slowly, Taylor came about again, her breathing was still hard, and her loins still burned with desire. Yet Taylor felt she had the strength once more to lift herself up from her slutty slave’s embrace. Standing up straight, Taylor’s first instinct was to reach down, and touch herself. Taylor made a satisfied sound as she wrapped her hands around her cock, enjoying the sensations that slipped through her, and were transferred to the dick inside. Pleasure from both her pussy and the implanted dick. 

There was something convenient about cocks Taylor found. She didn’t even have to do anything special with them, just pull them out and stroke. Probably why there were so many public male masturbators out there compared to women. Looking back to her slave, Taylor hooked a finger in the D-ring in front of Madison’s collar and pulled her along, earning a delighted titter from her once more. The slut really loved being a sub.

Finally at her computer Taylor knelt down and with the two dildos, slammed them down on the spots at the back of the desk. Pulling her hands away, the brunette smiled as she stepped back from the desk, the two dildos sticking to the metal back of the desk via the suction cups on the bottoms. Turning to Madison, Taylor pointed down to the ground.

“On all fours,” she ordered, and Madison dropped with ease, this not exactly being an uncommon thing to occur. Taking Madison by the hair, Taylor gently guided Madison into the space underneath the desk. With her upgraded assets, it was almost comical to see Madison squeeze her bodacious body into the space rear first, her fat ass taking up a majority of the space there. Her breasts meanwhile nearly dragged on the floor, their new size hanging enticingly just above. 

As Taylor pushed Madison back, she moaned as her rear met with the dildos down there. She slightly hesitated for a moment, before she started to slide back again at Taylor’s prompting. As Madison impaled herself on the cocks, she let out a long and exaggerated happy sound. No doubt she was making all sorts of lewd faces underneath the latex there, her eyes rolling up in delight as her holes were filled. Soon enough she was completely in, her holes filled with the thick dildos Taylor had pressed into the desk. She stood on all fours, both her and her mouth ready. 

Taking her seat, Taylor grabbed a set of headphones she had set up. Opening up a program, Taylor loaded up one of those fake hypnos, just something else to help occupy Madison’s time down there just a bit more and get her even more hot and bothered. The hoodie clad mistress the set up the sound cancelling headphones on Madison’s head and turned on the hour long video, then took a moment, slowly pulling her hand off of her dildo cock. The sensations it gave her making it hard to do so, yet she managed if only barely. Taking it, Taylor pressed it down as she slid her chair forward until the head of her strap on pressed up against the ring gag now. 

“Get ready slut,” Taylor said uselessly, before sliding the last little bit into Madison’s mouth. Madison immediately moaned, the vibrations traveling through her mouth into Taylor’s cock, making Taylor shudder from the sensation. Taylor herself let out a little moan as Madison wasted no time starting to move how little she could underneath the desk, sliding back and forth, slobbering all over Taylor’s cock, her tongue doing wonders to it. It slid around Taylor’s fake lower head while practically vacuum sealing it in. Unable to help herself Taylor pressed hand on Madison’s head again as her own fell back from the feeling. Pleasure bloomed from the nerves in her faux cock, filling her core, while the dildo in her panties added to the fun, thrusting into her as fast as Madison was sucking her off. Gosh she loved her technology!

Trying to collect herself again, Taylor slowly brought herself back together, and reached for a drawer. From it she pulled out a small remote, and with a click Madison let out a delighted squeal as Taylor heard the sounds of the vibrators turn on. An extra little surprise for her wonderful slut. Now it was time to think up some designs… maybe a proper bee like thorax for Madison? Complete with a thick phallus to fuck her of course, though what kind of practical applications could it have?


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Thread Necromancer
Public post
 Night Time Tryst (Worm AU)


Taylor woke in a hot sweat, the warmth of the bed enough to make it uncomfortable even if she wasn’t as wet as water down there, her hard nipples scratched against her night time shirt, her core thrumming with unstable sexual energy and her breathing came out hard and ragged. Her eyes sprang open as her arms shifted, one sliding down to her soaking lower lips, while the other reached for the edge of the comforter, practically tossing it off of her, her legs kicking it the rest of the way. As she did so her mind was bombarded with a cavalcade of lustful thoughts, and a need to reach her closet. After all that’s where she hid her toy box. 

Rolling off the bed to her feet, Taylor’s eye caught the time as she started stumbling to her closet. 

2 am.

She shouldn’t be up but that thrumming need had to be satisfied, the thought of letting it sit and burn itself out never even crossing her mind, instead, she needed it doused. In the past, she had usually done it with her sex toys and whatever sex related items she could sneak into her chest. When in this kind of sexually deviant heat, she’d use everything she had, cuffing herself to the bed, vibrators taped to every part of her, or she’d bind herself giving herself only the option of riding a dildo she set up until she finally came hard and was left exhausted. For the later scenarios she’d even stolen a strong plate from the kitchen to use as a base for her suction cup dildo Mom had gotten her as a joke present. It was still a joke, but that was only compared to what she was grabbing from the closet these days. 

Practically throwing her closet door open with no concern for those still sleeping, Taylor groped for the case she knew was in the back of her closet. Her hands found purchase on a nice large bevelled box and pulled it out. She didn’t waste time with a code, the dials on it were already set to the right numbers anyways. With a flick of the buttons, the case’s latches opened, and Taylor reached within. 

Practically throwing her dildos, her butt plugs, and whatever else she had aside, Taylor reached right for the bottom of the case. She was so desperate now she couldn’t settle for anything else. At least, that was what she told herself as she reached for her most extreme toy. Pulling it up past a few toys she hadn’t bothered to throw from the box, Taylor lifted up a mask. 

The thing was a latex fetish mask shaped like a dog’s head with a large pink blindfold that went over the eyes of the thing. It even had cute little ears on top of it that worked when the mask was on. Turning it, Taylor didn’t hesitate to bring the mask to her face, ignoring the pink tentacles from the supposedly leather blindfold suddenly reaching for the back of her head as well as the black mass pouring forth from the mask. 

Just as the mask started to secure itself, Taylor felt a cock begin to form at her mouth. Taylor didn’t hesitate to open her mouth and slide her lips around it, pushing it into herself further, her teeth meeting the bulb of the canine like cock before opening her mouth wider. Taylor moaned slightly as she did so, feeling the cock sliding just a bit into her throat and then resting there. Were it not tinker tech it might have been enough to suffocate her, but Mom knew what she was doing. 

At the same time as Taylor took the faux phallus in, the pink tendrils sunk themselves in around the back of her head, securing themselves and hardening, all the while she could feel the black mass starting to spread across her body. Without hesitation, Taylor pulled her pyjamas off while the bio latex did its thing. Taylor could already feel the stuff as it spread across her chest, pausing there a moment as her breasts started to grow, bulging out until they each were as big as her head. As her shirt passed, it briefly touched a nipple and Taylor shuddered as the sensation spread through her now partially living latex body as it directly interacted with her brain. 

Dad putting her in front of some Star Trek had certainly helped her figure out some of Mom and Dad’s techno babble when they talked about their tinkering.

Moaning some more, Taylor brought her hands up to her breasts, the black mass of living latex having already reached her fingers as more spread across her hips, making them plump and juicy while filing her out like a bimbo. Taking hold, Taylor moaned into the canine cock in her as she started to fondle her nice big and bountiful chest, something she wished she could keep forever. 

Unfortunately neither Mom nor Dad would let her… yet. They’d let her keep this mask after she kept stealing it from their lab, so they’d cave eventually and let her be the latex bimbo girl she wanted to be. 

As the latex spread over her crotch, Taylor felt it press into her, a thick phallus suddenly forming to slide into her crotch while a tendril practically speared her ass, filling her up and undulating in her. Taylor cried out in delight, falling down and crashing onto her chest as her hips bucked and tried to press against those things fucking her, sending waves of familiar pleasure through her as waves upon waves of it speared headed an assault on her already lust clouded mind. 

Meanwhile she felt something form around her neck, the posture collar for her taking shape of the same pink material as the “blindfold”. The collar on her stiffened, and Taylor’s head was suddenly rooted and kept looking straight. She couldn’t look down if she wanted to at her bulging breasts, but that just meant she had to assume the proper position when sucking someone off. Just as the thought occurred, Taylor suddenly sucked in a breath from her mouth, the dildo having finally hollowed out, ending up an extension of her mouth with thick, dick sucking lips at the end of her snout. With her tongue Taylor slit it into a slit meant for tongues, letting her tongue rest inside of the cavity made by the hollow dildo. 

Taylor’s fingers started to shift as well, being pulled in until they curled up, with her hands now looking more like puppy paws than human hands. They didn’t even let her use her opposable thumbs which was fine by her as she didn’t really need them. Reaching down, Taylor’s hands found her thighs and pussy, pressing into her lips down there, trying to get some relief as she rubbed herself. She let her need for pleasure take over, and for a while become a writhing, mess on the floor. 

As she did so, her vision of the outside world started to shift and disappear, turning into a swirl of pink and black, as whispers started to fill her head. The swirls, flashes, and images flew by too fast to properly perceive, moving in memetic ways that Taylor knew was altering her thinking, was making her into the perfect submissive and slutty puppy slut for Mistress Mommy and Master Daddy. She knew exactly what was going on, and revelled in it, loving how aroused it felt to think about her Master and Mistress, and how best to serve them. 

As she squirmed on the floor from the pleasure, her paws pressing into her crotch and pushing the dildo deeper it only was edging her rather than letting her cum. Somehow Mom had made it that the dildo, while fun, also kept her from cumming while it was in and Taylor could do nothing about it. Her paws kept her from gripping onto it both from her lack of opposable thumbs, and from how the latex had little friction with itself. Only two people could deal with it… well really anyone could, but her young sibling masters were too young to show them such a deviant sight. Well, maybe her little perverted Master Tyler was old enough, but considering what she’d found on his computer, he would more likely end up joining her in service to Mistress Mommy and Master Daddy. Plus, Mistress Mommy and Master Daddy has given her strict instructions to come straight to them when she felt such urges and transformed herself like this.

Pushing herself up back to two legs, Taylor started to walk to her door, her newly acquired puppy tail wagging vigorously. As she walked, the thing in her ass kept fucking her, making the slutty puppy slave walk funny, rolling her hips as she did so, wishing that the suit didn’t give her a thigh gap as she walked so she could give herself a bit of extra stimulation, but alas, it did and she had to suffer through it. 
 As Taylor came to the door to the basement, she paused and used her whorish latex lips to grab a key from the key bowl and then used her paws to slide it into the basement door. It opened with a creak before Taylor placed the key back and then entering into the basement. Of course she shut the door behind her and then proceeded to walk downstairs. 

The basement had changed a lot since she was a tiny tot. Gone were all of the storage boxes and other such things, now it was all benches and vats full of mostly black latex. Mistress was in the corner working on something that looked important. Master looked like he was doing some research on the terminal he had down here. Without hesitation, Taylor fell to all fours, and started to crawl towards him. Her mischievous mind having her crawl to the side of the row of work tables and then underneath them until she was still undetected beneath the table Master Daddy was researching at. 

Her mouth watering around the canine like dildo, Taylor began to crawl forth, and as she reached her Master in his sweats and shirt, she propped herself up in a squat, reached forth with her paws and then pulled his pants down. 

“Wha- hey!” he cried out for a moment before Taylor leaned forth and pressed his cock into her waiting mouth. The hollow dildo was always lubed up from the spit that leaked into it, and thus it slid in easily. Taylor moaned as the canine cock in her mouth became that much harder while her tongue started to taste his thick cock. Master was already a bit hard and so she could taste a bit of his pre on her tongue and it was divine. If she could she’d have just continued this, sucking her Master’s dick whenever he was doing research and working on his tinkering, relieving any stress he might be feeling. 

“Danny?” Taylor heard Mistress Mommy ask, and Master Daddy gave an exasperated groaned.

“It’s just Taylor again,” he said, and Taylor could imagine him shaking his head before his hand came down and started to pet her head, ruffling her latex ears with a bit of affection. 

“Hey girl, couldn’t sleep again?” he asked, and Taylor pulled herself off his cock to nod at her Master. She made a pathetic sound to go with it as she heard Mistress Mommy let out a sigh. She heard the soft padding as Mistress’ slippered feet made their way over to Taylor, the living latex tinker looking down at her with a soft smile as she shook her head.

“Oh Taylor, what are we going to do with you?” she asked, joining with Master in petting her as Taylor’s tail wagged even harder as her nipples hardened as well. Mistress going a bit further than Master and reached down, tweaking a sensitive nipple. Taylor let out a slight squeak as she did so, her pussy twitching at the feeling. 

“Well I’ll get the stuff ready then, Danny, be a dear,” Mistress said and Master chuckled before reaching for a drawer and pulling out a leash. In a swift move, he clipped it onto Taylor’s collar, and got up before pulling on it slightly. On all fours, Taylor crawled from beneath the bench, her toys continuing to fuck her lower holes, her mouth continuing to fill up with more saliva as she panted. Master Daddy was going to fuck her~!

Mistress pulled a mat from the edge of the room and placed it in the center. Master’s slight tugs brought Taylor atop it, and as she reached the middle, master called out:

“Present,” and thus Taylor dropped to the floor, her lovely breasts pressing into the mat, her head looking straight up to Mistress’ gravid and robed form as she sat back in her chair. While sitting her robe opened and revealed a similar living latex undersuit to Taylor’s. With a few buttons, and a moan from Mistress, Taylor knew that her suit was fucking her like Taylor’s was. Only Mistress Mommy was allowed to cum from it while Taylor wasn’t. Then as she sat there, she started typing on a side computer that was connected to a headset and other device, likely preparing the hypnosis reversion program, as well as the living latex kill signal specifically keyed for Taylor’s suit.

As Mistress Mommy did that, Taylor felt Master Daddy land on the mat, standing on his legs as his hands came down on Taylor’s ass. Taylor let out a surprised cry, feeling a slight sting from the sensation that just got her engine revving, her pussy twitching as a slight wave of pleasure came through. Though unfortunately, Master didn’t keep spanking his naughty puppy slut. Rather his big strong hands spread her cheeks, and he reached down for the dildo plugging her up. 

Taylor moaned as the plug was pulled from her, her walls squeezing around the faux cock as it slid out of her, and the obstruction was gone. Taylor breath started to grow ragged, and she started to let her ass sway from side to side. Master Daddy was going to fuck her and make her feel so good~!

“Heh, how’d it come to this Anne? Where I’ve got my wonderful, sexy daughter demanding to be our little sex slave, a beautiful wife, three more kids, with another on the way?” Master Daddy asked as Mistress shrugged.

“Not sure Danny, but my best guess is that it all started with you wanting that threesome with my sister,” she said as Master Daddy chuckled again before Taylor felt his cock start to enter her. The puppy slut let out a long drawn out moan as he slid in slowly. His big, thick, monstrous cock filling Taylor up perfectly as he stretched her out with each inch he slid in. Taylor’s eyes lost focus and she could feel her tail wagging erratically, showing off her delight as Master Daddy used her as his personal sex toy, fucking her burning pussy with his cock. 

His cock rather than dousing the lustful heat in her only inflamed it however, making her want more, and like a man dying of thirst, Taylor started to rock her hips back into him. She almost expected another spank from him on her thick and juicy bottom, but instead he merely gripped into her lovely thick latex ass, and started to help her along, slamming her hips into his, his cock filling her up as they’re fucking quickened. 

Taylor’s moans grew in volume, each cry louder than the last as she tried to grab at the mat with her hands and failed to do so, the pleasure continuously blooming and increasing in intensity as the living latex worked to help her Master in fucking her. The latex suit, at least in the configuration that Taylor was trapped in, made every instance of sex feel like it was the best thing ever. Even a micro penis could be felt like the girthy cock of sex god, up to a point. Even then she was still being rammed by the thing in her ass, filling her rear to the brim as it continued to thrust into her over and over, synchronising with Master Daddy and making sure she was always being filled. It turned the waves of pleasure into a monsoon of sexy sensual sensations sliding up from her crotch into the rest of her body. The pleasure filled her mind with nothing but a lustful fog, clouding her mind and leaving her moaning on the floor.

Master Danny increased the speed of his humping as slapping filled the air while he continued to fuck Taylor, giving her the pleasure she’d been so desperate to receive. Her moans were whorish and she knew it. She also knew that they loved it, watching as their slutty puppy enjoyed herself while serving her owners, falling deeper into submission to them to a point where it went beyond the mind control. It struck a deeper cord in her, which was why even after the hypno compulsions were neutralised, she could still feel the heady desire in her that willed to serve her parents as their own personal sex slave. 

“Oooo, oooooh, OOoooooo!” Taylor cried out without warning she started to cum, their wild fucking having given her little warning as to the coming flood as her pussy started to clamp down, her walls and the living latex pressing down on him as her pussy opened up at the same time, practically trying to suck him in with her pussy, and in a moment, he too started to cum as well.

Taylor felt his cum diving into her and letting off a warm glow, and let out another long moan as they stayed like that with Master Daddy pumping more and more cum into her pussy. It was enough to prolong her orgasm for another few seconds as she luxuriated in the sensations of her Master’s warmth and love filling her. Maybe she’d even get pregnant like Mistress Mommy, but she doubted it since the latex dealt with everything.

Then like a tossed brick, Taylor’s energy fell through the floor, and she slid across the mat, slipping off her Master’s cock while cum poured from her abused pussy. Taylor let out a satisfied groan as she lay there for a moment.

At some point, Mistress showed up and used a familiar device on Taylor that looked like a hand held metal detector. Within second, Taylor felt the suit on her start to come apart, sliding off her where ever the light of the device touched. Even the mask came apart, though it was more along the line of its tendrils softened and thus making it easier to pull off. With the blindfold pulled off, a familiar head set was placed on Taylor and unlike when she was hypnotised before, this was a bright green and white that swirled around, with images that flew by too fast and whispers that were just quiet enough that Taylor couldn’t properly hear them. For a while she watched and listened while Mom continued to neutralise the living latex, leaving nothing behind her naked and far less developed form. 

“There we go, all back to normal, how are you feeling Taylor,”

“Like I could sleep until noon,” she answered, her voice muffled by the mat that he’d left her face buried in. Her answer drew a chuckle from Mom and Dad as Mom stroked her hair.

“Did you get all your homework done?” She asked and Taylor nodded, humming in the affirmative as Annette kept scratching her girl’s head.

“Then if you think you need it, I’ll tell Arcadia that you’re sick and you can stay home today, okay?”

“Okay Mom,” Taylor said before she started to get up, only to get picked up bridal style by Annette. 

“Come on, lets get you to bed,” she said as Taylor blushed at being picked up and put to bed.

“Okay,” she said though, not willing to refuse the offer, especially since it meant she didn’t have to move her tired legs, and it was just nice to be tucked in like that.


I had a sudden urge. Anyways, thank you for reading, if you enjoyed this please like, comment, and if you are feeling generous subscribe to my Subscribestar~!
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 Lovely Latex (Mass Effect AU)

AU: While the Quarian migrant fleet is scrambling to evade the approaching Turian Hierarchy reclamation forces after a raid on a rebel Turian mining platform to obtain resources, a significant section of the Quarian fleet gets lost and somehow ends up in Human Space before the first contact war. Due to bungled diplomacy, Quarian opportunism, corporate greed, and a misplaced sense of superiority, war broke out between the Quarians and the technologically inferior humans, only for the Quarian fleet to be defeated, and now have been forced into a small section of human space to colonise with the assistance and financial support of the humans, who are bankrolling the Quarian habitat construction efforts in return for obtaining their tech, open trade, open borders, and integration of the new Quarian Void Dwelling nation to one of the human polities as a member state.


Mahki nar Tun Lah gazed across the street towards one of the corporate stores on the station, her home Tun Lah, or New World in the Quarian tongue, and shook her head. 

Humans she thought as she looked at the store, a sex store, or well it might as well be. Technically it was a clothing store, but considering what it had on display, a transparent suit, with the only opaque parts implying something sexual, it was just for those going for sex appeal. Of course, not that Mahki was wearing anything different. In fact, hers was even lewder than the suit in the window. The one in the window was counted as “swimsuit wear” to wear at the pool that the humans had installed into Tun Lah when they’d been building it for them. It was lewd but still managed to barely keep a Quarian’s decency, and was designed around humanity’s lewd sensibilities regarding swimwear. 

Of course, it was also probably designed for the humans that lived on this habitat that was orbiting the mining colony down below. The whole station, despite being given to the Quarians, was designed by humans, which meant a lot of wasted space. There were whole streets for Keelah’s sake which could have instead have been filled with massive farming sections or even industrial machines, rather than the empty space that allowed humans, and the Quarians wealthy enough to drive their vehicles around. The station, along with pretty much everything else that the Quarians were allowed to have in terms of territory, were all a part of the treaty that the humans forced the Quarians to sign long ago after the Human-Quarian war.

Still, despite the fact that the Quarians were the losers of the conflict, with Humanity painting themselves as the defenders in the war, it, wasn’t the worst deal that could have been made. A whole section, granted a small section, of humanity’s relay network was cordoned off to be Quarian space, five systems, with a few adjacent systems that were close enough to fly to within a few months. Not only that, but the humans even supplied the raw materials and industrial capacity to build the three habitats that now housed what must be a fifth of all the Quarians in the galaxy. 

Granted, Quarians were no longer allowed to have a fleet any more beyond a few ships that were meant for anti piracy action. Not that the Quarian people now could even supply any kind of significant fleet, their only live ship of their splinter fleet having been destroyed in the last decisive battle above the human corporate colony world which had been the initial conquest of the Quarian splinter fleet. 

Now why was humanity providing all of these things to the Quarians? It depended on who you asked. Some wre sure it was because humans are greedy and want a convenient way of easily gaining the Quarian’s highly advanced technology, at least compared to human tech which had been at least a century behind Quarian tech at the start of the war. Others say that it’s because the humans that they fought, an Alliance of nations on the human home world, nations of all things, wanted to trade, both to get an advantage on other nations they were arrayed against them on the human home world, and to boost their economy. Some, especially among the xenophiles of both Quarians and Humans, say that it was because after hearing the plight of the Quarian people, they took pity on the Quarians. Then as a token of charity, gave Quarians this station to make amends for destroying the Quarian people’s only chance of survival out here cut off from citadel space and the rest of the migrant fleet. 

Mahki herself had a different idea. She was pretty sure humans were just perverts, and Quarians were their newest fetish. They were just like the Asari in that way, wanting everything alien when a new one showed up. Granted, in a serious conversation she’d not likely push it too hard as it was probably not a significant reason, but it may have been a contribution, especially from what Mahki had seen of human porn. Even before Quarians had appeared, humans had an attraction to “sexy alien space babes,” wrap them in a tight suit and they couldn’t resist. Even if the suit wasn’t meant to be erotic.

Then, Mahki spotted one, a human. He was dressed in a similar suit to a Quarian, one of the rules of the station. All must wear live suits, mostly in order to keep the amount of germs around on the station to a minimal, but also due to the cultural aspect. Surprisingly, the humans abided by it, being courteous to the Quarian’s despite the fact that they’d conquered them. Unlike Quarians, however, most humans just wore it as a kind of underwear or as a second skin. The human made designs of Quarian and now Human live suits were designed with that in mind, and most humans wore clothing over top. Most Quarians might have a hood and skirt or a few ceremonial cloths to tack onto their livesuit, but not like the humans who just suited up in full suits, or had full casual wear on when they walked around. There were some that wore more Quarian styled live suits, but many humans preferred their version, giving them a distinctive look compared to most Quarians beyond their different legs and hands.

Her own outfit was different, and was something of a newer style, something that Quarians had adopted from humans, though it was a bit niche, but was becoming more popular, especially among her profession. With the Human coming closer, Mahki gripped the edges of her human made long coat, and opened it up for the human to see. Almost immediately, the Human stopped. His see through mask making it easy to see where the man’s eyes were.
“Like what you see?” Mahki asked, already sure she’d just gotten herself another customer. As she asked, the Human male blinked, pulled from his stupor by her question. He looked at her, little shame on his face as he smiled at her.

“I certainly do, how much?”

“Depends. One fifty to suck you off, two fifty to fuck me, and three fifty to fuck my ass, so, what’ll you take?”
“Not an ass gal I take it?” the Human asks, to which Mahki merely shrugged. She didn’t mind it, but Human men seemed to like Quarian asses, just as much as they enjoyed their breasts, but you could actually fuck an ass. Plus, since it was their “best feature,” why not charge extra for it?

“Only if you’re not buying,” she merely replied which caused the Human to smile before reaching into his pocket and withdrew his phone. 

“Then I think I’ll take it,” he said as he held up his phone while Mahki held up her omni tool. The two beeped as he sent her the credits, before Mahki let her coat fall to the ground, showing off her outfit in full. The full thing was a heavy fetish suit, called the “Bondage Pleasure Slave,” made by humans obviously in a highly fetishised style, using human items, and replacing what they could of the regular Quarian suit with bondage gear. The whole thing was still sealed, but it only covered up everything except what humans considered sexual. A clear material was used around her thighs, and in the “boob socks” her breasts were in, leaving them completely out in the open. While her crotch wasn’t actually revealed, it had something the humans considered even more sexual, toys in her two holes. 

The human that thought that up had to have been a lewd bastard, but they all were, and not like Mahki was complaining. More than one of her clients paid for the chance to play with both of her holes after finding out about it, and then her mouth as well. Other than the clear material, the rest was pure black, making it look like she had on a human piece of clothing called a corset, long gloves that went all the way up her arm, bondage cuffs around her wrists and at the end of the gloves, with long leggings that had similar locations for the cuffs as well. Her neck even had a “collar” around it that matched her visor and hood well. All of the cuffs had shining metal rings dangling off of them, ready to be attached to some kind of chain or rope, while a primitive locking mechanism called “padlocks” dangled off her outfit, keeping her from easily taking any part of it off.

As Mahki fully pulled off her coat, the man licked his lips, looking her up and down, like a slab of meat. Mahki meanwhile, produced a key, and nodded her head towards the alleyway. The human nodded, before she kicked her coat down the alley so they could have their fun. Once down the alleyway a bit, Mahki made a show of letting the key slide down her body, swirling her breasts while tapping the padlocks it past, before finally ending up at the padlock in front of her crotch which held in the toys. They were also kept in partially by a weak magnetic seal as a bit of added fun, but the cord of material helped in keeping them in as well. Mahki finally inserted the key, watching as the human observed her, enraptured by her performance, before she finally turned it, taking off the padlock, letting the material fall, before reaching down.

Mahki gripped her hand around the dildo in her ass, and pulled, slowly pulling her toy from her hole. The Quarian letting out a bit exaggerated moans for her customer, while she let her other hand wander, squeezing her breasts, and tweaking her nipple as she did so, looking like a wanton slut for the human. The human himself wasn’t idle, but rather, he undid his belt, and as Mahki pulled out the dildo in her ass, he revealed his cock, standing tall, still wrapped in his suit. Mahki couldn’t see the colour of it or anything like that, it still being wrapped in his suit, but it didn’t matter. 

As a bit of encouragement, because Mahki knew they enjoyed the sight of it, Mahki pulled the dildo up from her now empty ass and brought it up to her face. The thing was completely clean, the “Bondage Pleasure Slave” like all suits designed to have sex in were made so that a girl’s holes were lined with material which kept her safe, the main different between a regular sex suit, and the “Bondage Pleasure Slave” suit was that the ramming rods were mean to stay in, shaped for the Quarian girl’s pleasure rather than just being smooth rods. Mahki opened her mouth, and as she slid the dildo to her mouth, she let the material which allowed her to suck cock, enter her mouth, as the dildo pushed it in, filling her mouth with cock as her ass was now open for the human.

The human himself was rubbing his cock, enjoying the show. Turning around, Mahki placed a hand on the wall while pushing her ass out for the human, at the same time she reached downwards and started to press against the dildo in her crotch, sending a few extra bits of pleasure through her as she made a sound from her filled mouth. Unable to hold back any longer, the human moved behind Mahki, sliding his hands around the delicious globes of Mahki’s ass and thighs, before he started to line up his cock. Since the suits were designed for sex, it was always ready, the vaginal and anal socks being made of effectively frictionless material, and as such, didn’t even need lube as the man slowly started to push his cock into Mahki.

Mahki moaned, not even needing to fake it as she felt her ass starting to be filled once more. Her hole stretching around the man who was entering her. In truth, prostitution wasn’t just a trade for Mahki, but also fun, something that she’d been exposed to with human media, shown from a young age, the amount of sex in it, the continuous barrage pushing people to hedonism. With Mom working all the time, human media was all that Mahki really watched, the shows filled with gratuitous violence and sexual eroticism. It grew her appetite for pleasure, for the hedonistic lifestyle which permeated across the human home world, and was probably part of the reason it was a crime infested shit hole. 

But like how her show had enchanted the human man who was in her ass, the ideas shown on television had enchanted Mahki. Most human women these days did a stint of whoring at one point or another, and it was becoming the same with many human men as well, especially around their teen years where they were pretty enough to be desirable by the older men and women who desired twinks and studs for their fun. Most Quarians could avoid it due to their natural understanding of engineering and their own cultural ways, but as human culture influenced them more and more, more were becoming like Mahki. Slutty whores who had both an interest in money, and pleasure.

The man’s pace quickened as they continued, each thrust sliding into her like she was made to be a sex toy, a “Bondage Pleasure Slave” just waiting to be claimed by their master, fucked until they couldn’t take it any more and then fucked some more. Each thrust slide into her, also pushed against the dildo in her pussy, sending trembles through Mahki as she got fucked hard and felt the pleasure ride through her, pushing her closer and closer to orgasm. As Mahki got closer and closer, she sped up her hand, pushing the dildo further in, until the human grabbed her arms. Mahki made a surprised sound, but it didn’t matter as the human pulled her arms back, and started to slam into her. Each thrust into her slammed her ass against his torso. Each time he did so, the dildo in Mahki’s pussy was pushed in farther than she’d been able to do herself, pleasure exploding from her crotch as Mahki sucked on her dildo, moaning with each thrust as the human was quickly pushing her to that point of no return, where she’d reach orgasm and cum her brains out, sent there by the human who was violently fucking her ass with his cock. 

Mahki’s moans quickly grew louder and louder, her core tightening up as it started to anticipate the orgasm about to hit, the tensions growing overwhelming, until finally, Mahki could feel it. Like a hole was blasted through a ship’s hull, Mahki clenched up, and her back arched as she came, her ass and pussy both squeezing down as they massaged the human’s cock, milking it for cum as Mahki let out a wanton moan while her eyes rolled up from the power of the Quarian orgasm. 

The human wasn’t far behind her either as Mahki felt him suddenly hilt into her, and the man let out a groan as he stayed in her for long seconds while Mahki’s ass milked him. Eventually, he pulled out, and let out a small laugh. He slowly let Mahki down on her jacket, while he zipped up his pants.

“Thanks,” he said before walking off while Mahki laid her head back against the wall, and pulled the dildo from her mouth. Reaching to her coat pocket, Mahki grabbed a remote from the pocket, and flicked a button, moaning as the dildos started to vibrate before getting on three limbs and getting ready to push the dildo which had been in her mouth, into her ass again.

Humans may be a bunch of perverts, but their suits were damn good.


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I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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