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Cursed Atelier
Cursed Atelier
Cursed Atelier is creating VoidBound.
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Cursed Atelier
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Progress Report #32: August, 2022

"WTF?! - Where's The Food?!"

Greetings o/

And we're back with the latest updates from the realm of VoidBound! And since this is the last one of the month, we've a fair bit to unpack so, lets dive in.

The mnemonist amongst you might remember coming across a salacious poster of Vas while guiding Caly through the perilous Urtu Embassy mission. Though at the time it was just meant to be a one off thing that served as a minor lore supplement, the player response to it however, made us change our minds. More art, displayed as in game posters, themed around various central characters are now being discussed with one piece green lit already. Rather not spill the beans much but, you can find more teasing details in the PR attached.

The writers are done talking and they now intend to take action! Well.. erm, not the violent kind. They "gently" informed us that they have finished discussing the future of quest frameworks and have now started laying groundwork for both upcoming ones as well updations to the parameters of the existing ones. In short, make new quests interesting. Make old quests more interesting!

Btw, remember this from way back?

Yea, this is coming into the game in the form of a character development event. As the original was concepted as a fanart, the context will be updated suitably to adapt it for the game, but rest assured, the outcome will remain hilariously tragic. Haar... be strong, fuzzy pooch.

Finally, our coder went full serious dev mode this week. Henosis currently has everything incorporated that was initially planned in it. A vibrant metropolis, a lot of foundation for quests and events, potential for lore integration/expansion etc. alongside a fair few other features. What it is missing however, is proper game-play based content i.e dungeon(s) attached to it. Enter, not one, not two but three dungeon designs with fittingly appropriate enemies to go along with them! Details are still a bit sparse at the moment as the writers are weaving strings to attach the story with these planned dungeons, but basic ground design is already underway. Once we hear more core details, the community will be the first to know!

And that is how August unfolded. Before we make our exit, a quick heads-up: A special event is being planned for our community that might materialize sometime in the next month. The details... are still a Work In Progress (*╯-╰)ノ

As usual, we leave you with a cliffhanger while thanking you sincerely for reading and wishing you well as the finisher o/

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Cursed Atelier

from 30 Aug, 2022

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Cursed Atelier
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Progress Report #31: August, 2022

"Oh of-course I have a dragon in my love dungeon honey. Would you like to ride it?" - Caly, unsure if they were talking about the same D&D

Hi folks o/

Foremost, we'd like to extend a quick Thank You to all of you for the valuable feedback/opinions we have been receiving regarding the recent VoidBound updates. It's extremely informative and we truly appreciate understanding the mindset of our community as it helps tailor content accordingly. So please, keep it coming.

Now, on to the progress.

As usual, we start from the artist's table. Doppel switched gears to focus once more on in-game assets. Specifically, sprites and objects needed for the newer(heist/auction house) and upcoming planned quests. We should also mention here that some older assets are also in the process of being updated with variations outlined, to make them stand out in different scenarios. But that is a project for the long haul. Back to this week and though Doppel was having fun dotting colours into pixels, he just couldn't keep away from the naughty stuff because the writers requested him to retrain focus onto some femdom scenes. Needless to say, he was more than happy to oblige.

The writers, in their quest to fine tune VoidBound's smut factor have now started concepting new scenarios from scratch. Their intention- to incorporate player feedback into the equation and create an experience that hits the balance of length and substance, just right. To that effect, a new event focused around female domination was revisited to bring it in line with this new approach and, as mentioned above, the revision was extensive enough to warrant reeling in the artist to make significant updates as well. Similar changes in combination with branch introduction and dialogue revamping are also being trialed with existing content, and if they pass quality evaluation, expect a somewhat fresh experience if you ever decide to replay the game again down the line.

Finally, and this is something we're fairly excited about, randomized battlefields! One of the key things that was a no brainer to us when it came to deciding VoidBound's core combat system was its free movement turn based strategy system. However, much of the development cycle went into taming the basics, like map style, size, placement, weapon range, balancing factors etc. to name a few. At long last though, we feel that adequate strides have been made in constructing a concrete foundation in that regard and it's time to start building more advance features upon it. Enter, dynamic battle maps. We're now experimenting with a system that'll allow players to experience each battle with a randomized start and character positioning making encounters not only fresh but also interestingly challenging by eliminating repetitive setups. To make things even more interesting, new hurdle based objects are in play as well. Rocks, barricades, traps and a few more are now being concepted with unique battle affecting traits. Will they be a nuisance to Caly or an opportunity to smartly tackle the enemy? That's something only you, the player, will get to decide.

And that, is all we have for you this week. We must now be off to work on the new content, so we bid you farewell till the next one!

Take care and thank you for your time.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Cursed Atelier

VoidBound 0. 5. 1 – Henosis Overhaul Content Update 1 [Patron Build]

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Cursed Atelier
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Progress Report #30: August, 2022

"POV: They just called you to troubleshoot the PC after someone downloaded more RAM."

Salutations o/

Welcome back to our weekly post schedule, the very first after the official release of Henosis Overhaul. If you missed the update release, make sure to grab your free copy right here. Onward now, to the progress at hand.

This week our artist was handed a unique challenge. He was to create from scratch, refine to satisfaction and fully complete a "naughty" CG for an upcoming in-game event. Though we rather not spill all the beans right away, lets just say drawing a character giving oral service down under is not as easy or as simple a task as it sounds. But, we're pleased to report that Doppel rose to the challenge and brought forth an impressive result with variations. Currently, he is in the process of making minor changes and uplifts based on internal feedback but once done, he will be turned back around to continue working on sprites and game-play assets at his usual pace.

Incidentally, the same type of challenge befell the writers as well. Though, instead of creating something new, they tasked themselves with restructuring the old first to bring it in line with the planned new. The ultimate objective is to establish better synergy between the characters and the circumstances they're currently embroiled in. For example, in some cases the team concluded that Caly's demeanor slides a bit too much, bordering "slutty" during a carnal encounter. Though expected as she is pretty liberal in this regard, she is however, not a woman of lose character. As such, her character shift should vary dependent on the circumstances at hand. If she is forced into an act, and isn't gung-ho about it, her CGs and her dialogues should reflect that exception clearly.

Finally, codeworks! The 0s and 1s department was buried to its neck concepting a new system-, a feature that has been in research for months now but kept getting displaced due to other priorities. Not anymore though, for with every new quest and events being added, the need for a player to be able to keep tabs on what they need to do and head where, has become more and more imperative. To that effect, a quest log and a mini-map system is now being developed to make sure players are never left wandering clueless. Though we can't exactly provide an ETA for the system's deployment at the moment, we would like to state that given the scale of the planned content/quests, having this system make into the game as soon as possible, is a thought that occupies Candiru's mind earnestly. More on this soon.

As always, we recommend flying over the attached Progress Report as well for additional details. A quick note: We're now preparing to open access to the Content Update 1 of Henosis Overhaul for our Observer and above patrons. Once everything is in place, you'll be notified by the the notification system so, make sure to keep a look out for that ping.

And with that, we bid you well. Take care and we look forward to seeing you all in the next one!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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Cursed Atelier
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Port in Sight: Henosis!

Greetings folks o/

We're ecstatic to finally open the gateways of Henosis and welcome all of you, to the city of lights! With this, Henosis Overhaul is now officially VoidBound's latest public release. An in-depth detailed introduction to the patch was penned alongside its launch for the patrons here, so feel free to peruse it while you wait for the download below to finish.

Download: GoogleDrive / Mediafire / Mega

PS: A hotfix has been deployed to remedy an issue where a player might get stuck in the spaceship after completing the mind dungeon. Please find the fix attached below. Simply unpack the contents into the root directory and overwrite when prompted.

Alternatively, if you're the owner of a lightning fast internet, or simply would prefer a short and to the point phrasing on what to expect from the patch, we've also prepared a bullet point compilation that might better suit your reading palate!


Apart from the content in the original release, the following has been updated/edited:

  • Overlapping audio in the Tank scene fixed.
  • Fixed an event that could be triggered in the factory area of the Robot Dungeon.
  • Luggage Quest in the Spaceport expanded and some facets amended.
  • Deployed an unpassable area fix in the Mind Dungeon after unlocking the door.
  • Fixed an issue when trying to trigger the beer bottle scene with a broken suit.
  • Fixed a switch not being turned on after returning to Henosis after Xaide.
  • Fixed Visiting Vas's apartment for the first time.
  • Fixed various events where you couldn't talk to the NPCs due to positioning.

Developer Notes & Instructions:

1) This is the original Henosis patch that was released to our supporters on June the 29th. Please note, that it does not contain the Content Update 1 that was released on the 3rd of August. Fret not though, we'll release it in due time as well.

2) Saves are NOT COMPATIBLE with older builds. With that in mind, players can either elect to start from scratch OR choose a specific load point at the beginning of the game to pick the story up from where they left off. Moving forward however, we'll strive to keep your saves relevant so you don't have to loose all your accumulated hard-work with each update. For now however, accept our heartfelt apologies and roll with the choices.

3) To play, simply download and unzip the file with WinZip/WinRar/7z utility and once finished, double click Game.exe to fire up the game.

4) The game is asset heavy and optimization is still ongoing, so make sure if your computer has less than 8GB of RAM, avoid running the game with too many tasks running in parallel.

Hardware Requirements:


OS: Windows®️ 7/8/8.1/10/11

Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU

DirectX: Version 9.0

Storage: 4 GB available space

Additional Notes: 1280×768 or better Display. Lag may occur from loading menus or maps. Turn off other programs before running the game.


OS: Windows®️ 7/8/8.1/10/11

Processor: Four core 2GHz+ Processor

Memory: 8 GB RAM

Graphics: OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware driver support required for WebGL acceleration. (AMD Catalyst 10.9+, Nvidia 358.50+)

DirectX: Version 9.0

Storage: 8 GB available space

Additional Notes: 1920x1080 ideal resolution. Lag chance minimal, but consider turning off additional programs anyway as the engine is demanding in certain maps.


And that is all to it. We sincerely hope you enjoy the new world, and all that it has to offer, as much as we enjoyed building it. As always, feel free to report any bugs or ask for help with any doubts on our Discord here.

Thanks for reading and we look forward to your feedback!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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47 subscribers
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Our amazing team is tight-knit, and we only have one full-time writer at this time. Reaching this goal would give our team a little financial breathing room while having a positive impact on the game.
With this amount, our team would be able to focus on adding more content to the game, expanding on side areas, optional quests, and cosmetic features.
We will hire Japanese and English voice actors to really bring our characters to life!
to reach
the Goal
Animation is expensive, but it adds so much that we cannot overlook the impact it would have once implemented. With this goal, we would be able to hire a professional animator to reach our highest standards.
to reach
the Goal
Our incredible staff deserves a pay bump, and with this amount, we could give them just that. All thanks to your amazing generosity! This would mean that they could set aside things like day jobs or other money-making means, and make Voidbound and Cursed Atelier their full-time employment.

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