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Copper After Dark
Copper After Dark
Kinky art for kinky people! Bondage! Latex! Gags! Furries! Weird stuff! It's here!


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Copper After Dark
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The display dummy is taken down at the end of the day shift.

Devlin is sprayed down with a strange spray, can shaped not unlike keyboard cleaner...they work to cover every inch of the goo with this spray, ensuring that the addictive properties are nullified for any outsiders handling it.

Two mules wheel the moaning and addled skunk off to Fleiya's office, as requested... she has a new job for him, one that she is sure he will enjoy 


The stern unicorn is writing up a report on this change in assignment, changing Devlin from display accessory to active use... it's a tedious process, but it's necessary. Annoyingly so. If no one else does this paperwork, then it'll simply never get done.

She looks up from her work as the mules knock on the door, wheeling the captive skunk inside.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Please, release his head, I'd like to have a word with him."  She stands from her high backed chair, as the mules carefully unpack him from his nullsuit prison. Feliya watches passively as the skunk's maw is freed, his eyes wide as he looks around. 

"Wh...where...?" He panted, disoriented from the sudden rush of clear air... "what happened...?"

"You've been in that nullsuit for quite a while, Devlin." Fleiya speaks up, stepping forward. "A few months at minimum.” A small simplification. He’d been in there to where the busy season was over, and his contract had since expired. “We would like to inquire if you'd be interested in a..." he taps her chin. "Let's say, a lateral movement in the janitorial field."

Devlin looks blankly at her, until one of the mules nudges him. 

"She means, same shit, different pay. Keep up."

"Oh!" He seems to realize what they're talking about. "....GOOD pay still, I hope?" He smiles sheepishly.

"Of course. Your role will be more active and your pay will reflect accordingly. Although..." she smiles. "I don't think you'll have any objections to the uniform that is required for this position. Your increased salary will be reflected as soon as you agree and take on our new suit."
"I...well I guess I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" He asked, wriggling a little as the mules helped him pull off the now more solid gluey suit.

"On the contrary. You have the choice to turn us down, but it would be in your best interests to accept. After all, in the time it's taken you to be a shop window display, we've improved our formulas and latex tech quite a bit."

It had really only been a few months, but this set of products had been cooking up for years... Fleiya smiled. She was sure this silly little beast would enjoy his new position, as there were very few who would fill it...

"I...Hm! Okay. I'll bite. What will I have to do?"
The sauna and gym shared a locker room, and with it came the vague smell of sweat and other fluids. Janitorial staff was always on site to help handle any sort of messes or incidents, but the off season could be rough for that. 

Fleiya had been put in charge of finding ways to keep the facilities handled and running smoothly during these more lean months, and her research and development team had developed some interesting results...

Devlin had found himself in a back room of the spa area, stood on a cart and under a perilously quivering bubble of latex. The gluey smell made him perk up, and he realized he would be moved into a new area... the R&D team would be suited up in hazmat suit style protection, complete with gas masks and gloves, as they began working on the process.

A mechanism dropped the bubble of latex onto Devlin, engulfing his head in a familiar sensation and smell. The heady, glue-like smell filled his nostrils, body shuddering as it splattered down his frame. It spread a lot faster than last time, sliding down his chest and evenly coating his frame with minimal assistance from the staff. It gathered onto his crotch, a pleasingly sticky sensation as it continued to encase him. In record time he was once again a faceless lump of latex, and once again, he would open his maw to inhale and swallow more of that sappy, gluey substance. A familiar warm feeling, not the same, but just as enticing.

As the last of the latex engulfed his tail, he would hear another burble from above, and another sense of pressure as another layer of latex based material fell upon the unsuspecting skunk. He let out a startled noise, mixing the two and practically forcing its way down his throat. The smell was almost overwhelming as it slid down his throat. The mixture was so thick, almost creamy in his addled mind, which made him cum almost instantly. Another splatter of the mixed latex from his cock hit the shield that protected the R&D team, which would be brushed back towards Devlin... 

Slowly, he was encased in the new and improved null suit material, with the team ushering every last drop back onto the cart so as to contain it.  The skunk moaned and panted, barely able to move himself... his arms would be molded over his chest, crossed and pressed tight to squeeze more air from him... the more he struggled or tried to shift, the tighter the latex's grip became, until it hardened enough to keep him still.

As if that weren't enough, he would be sprayed down with a new solution, an absorbent that would take in external scents and odors, and convert them into a cleaner, fresher smell.

Or so they told him.

He would be left to sit and stew in his new prison, the bulge squirming with each orgasm he had... it would not allow him to breach the external layer, trapping him in a self perpetuating cycle of cumming, swallowing the latex slop, and getting all the more horny.


He was wheeled out to the locker room, where a support column looking structure waited for him. A vent had been installed, with some fans positioned around the room to funnel all air into this one specific spot, absorbing odors and dispensing a fresh, clean smell for the gym users. 

Already, the janitorial staff was talking about how this was gonna help keep the place so much more fresh, how Devlin was damn lucky to be chosen for this position...

He would be placed in the hollowed column, and shut inside. The room would be flooded with the smell of the gym's patrons upon sealing, all of it absorbed into the latex...

Devlin could only moan and whine, trapped in a heaven of his own making, so to speak. The latex layer closest to him would remain churning slightly with every orgasm, constantly teasing his body with its gentle movements wafting the strong glue smell mixed with stink into his nostrils.


The R&D team would monitor his progress, keeping an eye on the patrons' satisfaction levels, his absorption levels... all during winter.

They would run the numbers, and realized...

They were doing well. But summer would be a lot worse, and changes might need to be made...
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Copper After Dark
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"Boss, I told ya. I don't need anyone else coming in and messing with the Engineering department's dynamic! Look, I know we're short staffed, but I promise, there's a reason for that! I work better when it's just me, okay? I can handle the workload!"

Griz was loudly talking into her phone, working on a malfunctioning silk bot… clearly not having the best time. The initial rush of the hotel's opening season was winding down, and now the higher ups were looking at the collected data. And now, Griz's little acts of rebellion were coming to bite her in the ass.

"What? The hell you mean you've sent someone over? No no no, don't you change the topic. WAIT, DAMMIT DON'T YOU HANG UP ON ME- FUCK!"

The lizard threw her phone in frustration… she was gonna be audited, it seemed. Someone had come to check on her work, and she wasn't here for it.

She needed to look out. And get ready to lock that stupid inspector away.
This was quite the predicament.

Coco was meant to meet some people here, a group of friends that he would be spending a weekend with. He had had fun just relaxing around the hotel for the past hour after checking in, settling in cozy corners of the hotel lounge and poolside coves. But he hadn't heard anything from his friends. The last text had been an hour ago. And while he knew that said friend's phone network was NOT exactly reliable, he couldn't help but be worried.

Looking around, he would dial his friend, punching in their number and calling… but of course, the signal by the pool wasn't great. That, stacked with some rambunctious parrots who had shown up and started playing pool chicken, made it hard for him to focus.

Tutting in annoyance, he would make his way inside, looking for a quieter spot to try and get a hold of his friend.

The eagle phoenix hybrid carefully moved past a crowd of ocelots and meerkats going into the pool space, and into the hall where the pool's entrance was located. Surely there was an area where they had booths for phone calls? At least places for people to go to have a private conversation…?

He would poke his head into different doors, or at least any that weren't marked as Employees only. Finally, he found what looked like a side room, completely deserted save for some robotics parts and half done machines…

Well. This was as good as it was going to get.

"C'monnnn, pick up, dammit." Coco grumbled, looking over the weird little machines. They sure were spindly, and just… a little too insect-like for his taste. The bird paced the room, grumbling…

Why weren't they picking up?

Of course, the stupid bastard's phone sent him to voicemail.

"Ughhhhh." He groaned as the stupid stallion's obnoxious voice mail message played. "Look, Champ, I dunno where you guys are, but call me back as soon as you get this, I've been trying to get a hold of you all day!" He complained as he picked up one of the little spindly machines. "I swear, I've been waiting for an hour."

He hung up, only to nearly drop his phone when he heard a voice.

"The hell are you doing in here?"

The phoeagle juggled his phone, whirling around to see a very tense looking lizard woman staring him down. "Oh. You startled me! I was taking a pretty important phone call. Didn't need to expose the rest of the hotel to it, y'know?"

"Yeah?" The lizard tilted her head. "Who were you calling?"

"Just some…associates." Coco frowned, drawing himself up to seem more impressive. "Never you mind!"

"Uh-huh." The lizard would fish something from a pack on her hip… and pull out a remote control.

One click, and two of the less damaged bots would suddenly spring to life. They stood and immediately jumped on the hybrid to take them down.

Coco yelped, eyes wide as he was tackled, forced to drop his phone as the little machines worked with surprising speed. Under normal circumstances, they'd be cocooning the helpless bird in silk. But today, the struggling and protesting bird would be bound up tight in a layer of webbing, before the silk bots dragged him back deeper into the depths of the hotel…


"Let me GO! Unhand me! I won't stand for this!" Coco screeched.

"Aww, you think just because you're some plant sent by my bosses, you can bully me?" Griz sneered, as the silk bots pulled the struggling phoeagle into one of Griz's lab set ups. "Nah. You're gonna be staying here until my bosses decide to let me do as I need to. So why don't you get comfortable?"

"I-I'm not working for your boss! What the hell are you talking about!?" Coco protested. The silk bots would leave the bound avian on the floor, while Griz grabbed some equipment.

"You can cut the act. I know you're gonna report me the second I let you loose. So you can just forget it." Griz huffed, going and grabbing some leather straps. She would force the bound bird's legs up, using the leather straps to bind her in a sitting position with her knees to her chest. More straps would be used to bind her wings to her sides, securing them firmly.

"How dare you! I'll have you fired for this- Ghk!" Coco gagged and squirmed as Griz put on a nice stiff posture collar around his neck, ensuring he couldn't try and yank his head away. "HNNGHK! LEGHK ME GH!"

"God, you're persistent." Griz rolled her eyes as she dragged the struggling bird to one of the lab stations. A glass tube was stationed there, empty thus far... but it was clear that it would not be for long.

The glass slid upward into the ceiling, allowing Griz to set their prisoner down. The lizard firmly slid a rubber breathing mask onto Coco's beak, ensuring that oxygen was being pumped into it.

"Mmmmmph…!" The seal was so tight it even muffled their protests, it seemed.

"Now. We can figure out what to do with you once my shift is over. For now…" Griz slid the blinders down on the captive's mask, blacking out their world for the foreseeable future. The lizard backed off, and slid the tank shut again… She settled in, watching the captive struggle before pushing the button to fill with water.

The captive would thrash as the tank filled with water, letting out very muffled noises of panic and protest. Little by little, they would be floated to the top of the tank, their struggles increasing the more water poured in. Eventually, of course, they would be left suspended in water, perfectly capable of breathing but also perfectly trapped.

The lizard looked down and saw that a silk bot had brought the bird's phone… it appeared to be ringing as well…

"Hm. Well, we can give this back to them later." She said, setting it on a workbench and letting it ring. Griz made sure the outer shell of the tube was put up, a metal barrier to ensure that any cracks or leaks would be caught before they spilled, and shut off the lights.

The tube's shielding was disguised as a mere metal transport pipe, which blended in with the rest of the lab's decor …
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Copper After Dark
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Kixx was pretty pleased with himself. 

His first proper season, and he was a stand out amongst his peers. Customer approval was up, and he was well liked by the higher ups as well.

The rat had nothing big to worry about.

He had no idea that such a positive performance would grant him insight into something more.
"I'm surprised you still wanna hang around me, Umber. Thought I was beyond the point of babysitting?" The rat asked, smiling at the mule amd filing his nails down. They were between clients right now, and this assignment required him and his mentor to work together once again.

"Hmph. Mind yourself. You might be the latest star employee. But you've got ages to go before you can be fit to completely send me to pasture." Umber said, shaking his head. "This'll be an easy job for ya. Just get this guy in a drone suit and with the rebreathers on."

"If it's so easy, why did management need you to be here? Don't tell me you're pushing your work off on me again?" Kixx teased.

"Nah. This is a 2 person job." He grunted. "C'mon."

Kuroryuu was a talented artist, capable of carving and molding and tinkering in all manner of ways. The dragon mage was well connected here and abroad, knowing many a powerful beast in their industries. But genius needed breaks too. And such, he liked to come here, to this hotel, where his troubles and concerns could be washed away…

The dragon was laid out on his bed, reading a tome he had picked up from a nearby secondhand store, and growing sleepier by the minute. If nothing else, the surrounding area was a goldmine for the vintage and antique obsessed. The sellers were good folk, always willing to barter or haggle for a decent price. And he hadn't had a chance to just come back here and grab himself a little something nice. Such as this weathered tome. Or the specialized rune carving chisels he had picked up from an older toolsmith at the end of the road.

Regardless, he was clean and freshened up, yawning and relaxed in his cozy bed. The hotel rooms never seemed to feel like them. They always felt so comfortable. So familiar and calming no matter who you were…

Regardless, he stretched and snuggled into the comforters, putting a bookmark in his tome and settling into a nice relaxed slumber. He had gotten up early today to go antique hunting, and so now he was far more tired than he ought to be…

However, Kuroryuu's nap would be interrupted by a slight, but persistent jostling.

"... nngh… wh…" he mumbled, opening his eyes. The sunlight had waned, casting the room into gloomy shadow. And at his side was a lean figure, dumping some sort of strange concoction onto his chest.

"Wh-hey…!" He sleepily tried to sit up, only to be pushed down by surprisingly firm clawed hands.

"Shhhh. Just relax, fella." The leaner stranger laughed, as the concoction started to spread over his frame. "Or. Y'know. Struggle. I do love to see captives try and put up a fight."

"Unhand me, damn you-!" Kuro struggled and protested loudly, glaring and managing to get Kixx off of himself… but too little, too late. The latex had spread enough that all Kixx and Umber had to do was step back and watch. "No!" Kuro could feel the stuff seeping over his skin, dragging his hands forward so they were crossed in front of him… the latex molded itself together, making an inescapable mass of the goo to keep Kuro's arms from breaking free.

The dragon tugged and snarled, trying to pull his arms apart. But the more he pulled at his bindings, the more his latex prison heated up and spread over his body. Kixx just whistled as he grabbed a glob of the stuff and smeared it onto his snout. Only then could he attach the rebreathing tubes, as the order requested.

Meanwhile, while this was going on, Umber was getting to work. Thick metal bands would be wrapped around Kuro, with the latex adhering to it and giving it more structure. The mule would also grab at his crotch, teasing and groping at his length to whip him up into a frenzy…  he teased and tormented him, seeming so serious about it as Kuro let out nice little moans into his breathing tubes…

And when he was close to cumming, Umber just had Kixx activate the locks on the newly formed suit. A null lock would be applied between his legs, preventing that goo from being moved or manipulated… they both ignored Kuro's cries of desperation, backing off to grab something from Kixx's pack…

The rat would hold up two eye shaped lenses, and carefully place them over the still exposed eyes of the squirming dragon. "There we go." He chuckled. "A little gift from one of our engineers. She seemed really adamant that we use these on ya, so…"

Umber rolled his eyes. "Quit tormenting him, brat. We still have other jobs to do."

"Oh pfffth. You're no fun." Kixx rolled his eyes as the light filtering into the room from the window activated the lenses.

The colors within the specially synthesized glass would swirl and sparkle, dazzling the dragon. He couldn't even look away, nore close his eyes entirely… 

The lights were…relaxing. Soothing. His struggles lessened, his growls and cries for help lessening into moans of pleasure.

He'd been put here for a reason. To be a good latex decoration. To defer to others… to be a good drone. Perhaps when he was ready, he'd be released from this room and be allowed to follow the words of a leader here…

And to pleasure them in whatever way they so desired.

Kuro groaned, bucking up in his bindings to try and get some sort of stimuli, anything more than this awful edging! He wanted to serve, to be used and to use in turn! 

He writhed and panted through the rebreathers, eyes rolled back as he struggled to try and open his mouth to pant… 

"Oh wow. These things are pretty strong." Kixx chuckled, watching the writing and groaning captive dragon. "Wonder if the management would mind if I visited again while he was stuck like this?"

"Hmph. If his forms state that visitors are allowed, you might be allowed. Otherwise, don't push your luck." Umber grumbled, grabbing his shoulder. "C'mon. We have things to do."

The rat rolled his eyes and followed after the mule. Though he would discreetly leave the latch in the door, propping it open ever so slightly…

If HE couldn't go and get in there, maybe someone else might wanna fulfill Kuro's fantasies…

All the while, the captive dragon bucked and whined, staring into the lenses and bucking his hips up. 

He wanted more. To get off and help others get off. It's what the lenses told him to do…

And perhaps in time, he would be allowed to do so.

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Copper After Dark
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The fall season at the hotel was delightful.

Already, decor for the upcoming halloween party that was hosted in the hotel's ballroom was being set up, with adorable little pumpkins being placed everywhere.

Including upon some of the equipment.

Griz was not a party person. But she was always in it for free candy.

The problem remained that she still had silkbot tests to do. And this one's systems were giving her trouble.

"Ghhhhh c'mooooon c'moooon .." she growled, gritting her teeth as she screwed in the last component…


"What." She didn't even need to look up to recognize Umber's voice. "I'm almost done with this tune up."

"Well you better hurry up. Kixx just got a huge cauldron full of sweets and he's tossing it out to the guests. Lil tease." The mule rolled his eyes. "And I know you're a fan of that shit."

"UGH. I told his sorry ass to wait for me!" Griz huffed, screwing on the last component. "Done. Fine. Holy shit, let's go." Grabbing a tote bag, and her coat, she shut off the lights and slammed the door. The vibrations made the silk bot tip over the edge of the table, falling and causing it to activate on its own…

The silk bot was one of Griz's all terrain models, and was more or less adapted to navigating the hotel and its grounds unattended. She had marked it off with a couple of pumpkin stickers, notifications that these ones were to be used outside for the most part… and that's where it was going.

Unscrewing the vent covers, it made its way out to the feral estate rooms. There was a scheduled appointment out there…

Where was Delphi?

Ascer had been settled in his room for a good portion of the morning,waiting for his friend. She hadn't come back from her hike yesterday, but she had insisted that he wait for her here… it was fine, but honestly, he just wanted to know where she was…

He flicked his tail in annoyance, but sighed. Perhaps it would be fine if he took a walk, just to stretch his legs and kill time until Delphi got back.

Hell, maybe he'd even run into her on the way.

He trotted along the marked paths, enjoying the warmth of the autumn sun on his back. The woods around the hotel grounds were lovely this time of year, boasting impressive displays of golden brown, red and yellow leaves falling down with each gust of wind. And yet it wasn't too cold as to need a blanket for his walk…

Delphi had mentioned she would be walking up to the hilltop on this trail… maybe she had gotten lost? Ascer hoped not…

"Delphi?" He called, looking around and heading towards the main trailhead. She had to be here somewhere, surely… he didn't want to miss the festivities tonight, so while there was plenty of time, it was best he found her sooner rather than later…

Upon reaching the trailhead, he paused. There was a disturbed patch of brush, one that led out away from the main trail. He lifted his legs gingerly, following the weird trail… the trees were thicker here…

It was… confusing. It was as if it were done in a panic?

It would take some time, but eventually, Ascer would arrive… back outside the hotel? He was right by the feral specific hotel area… his ears flicked, looking around. The place was more open here…ah! Yes there!

He saw the hoofprints left in the worn dirt areas, and followed them, unaware he was also being followed…

Finally, this hour-long goose chase would be over.

Ascer arrived at the copse of trees the tracks led to, and noticed that the further he got, the more there were traces of…webbing? And a struggle? Broken branches, trampled bushes…

And in the very heart of the copse was what he was looking for.


The mare was still up there, letting out muffled cries… she was still up in her rearing pose, trapped yet regal looking.

"What happened?! Who did this to you?" He asked, pawing with his hooves to try and pull her down.

"NMNPH! LGH MMMGH!" she cried into her muzzle, eyes wide as she looked behind him…

In an instant something had jumped on his back, wrapping a thick silken cord around his neck.

"GH!" The stallion reared, gagging and whinnying as the cord tightened, choking him a bit to try and settle him. Ascer kicked and bucked, trying to get the unseen threat off of him. But whatever it was, it clung to him tightly, using more and more silk ropes to trap him… his cries for help would be silenced by a beautifully woven muzzle, not unlike Delphi's, tight and sticky and making it hard to breathe…

"NNNN! MMGH!" He tried to run. To turn and bolt off towards the hotel. But whoever was on his back kept steering him away, pulling him back among the trees… already, the sticky, silk ropes were clinging to his flanks, being woven by the scuttling entity that held on so doggedly, so persistently…

The more Ascer struggled, the harder the thing pulled on his leash.

It would take time. But soon Ascer began to tire. The unseen thing had forced him up into a rearing pose, before pulling him up and suspending him between several sticky strands of silk… the stallion finally got a good look at whatever it was…

It was a spider like machine, scuttling on four thick legs and using two sets of smaller arms to manipulate and produce the silk. Already, it was crawling down over his back and to his underside. He would have fought more, but he was feeling so tired and dizzy from the fight…

He did perk up a bit when he felt the delicate mechanical servos teasing his cock.

"NN! SHPH!" He yelled, eyes wide as he felt himself being teased and tormented. The delicate, featherlight strokes only made it worse, soon leaving him erect and leaking… it felt so good, it was even using a makeshift sheathe made of silk to jerk him off. The soft, sticky wrap would engulf his cock, prompting his hips to buck and shudder with each stroke…

Before the top of his shaft was plastered to the bottom of his belly.

"NNGH?! HHGH!" He protested, as the silk bot continued its work. It would web him up, wrap sheets of silk around his torso… each leg would be individually wrapped before being attached to one another via a sheet of silk…

It wouldn't take long for him to be completely wrapped and trapped beside Delphi, both horses fully on display… they both would let out such weak and needy noises, struggles faint and barely able to make the web vibrate…

For now, the silk bot had completed its task.

It would hop off the stallion and leave them to hang, helpless and ripe for the taking for whoever found them next…

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Copper After Dark
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Kixx had been doing well.

Umber had been monitoring the rat's progress, and was willing to let him handle a guest on his own. It had only been a few weeks, but Kixx had adapted and practically outgrown the need for a chaperone. But still. Umber needed to keep an eye on him for another month or so before he could 'legally' let him off on his own.

So for now, he was just shadowing Kixx, who was currently taking a more complex room… "So. Kixx. You've been doing well here. Enjoying the position?"

"Mmm. You've been a great teacher, I really do appreciate your help." The rat said, smiling gently at his mentor. "I can't believe you vouched for me to have an early pass to be a full on Bellhop."

"Well, can you blame me? You're a natural. For now though, let's get through today's guests, yeah?"

"Yeah. Thanks boss."

"Don't thank me yet. Management hasn't gotten back to me on their choice. But know I think you have what it takes to function without my help."

Kixx would stride out when he was summoned, seeming relaxed as he greeted their latest client. A wolgon, who seemed to have a decent amount of luggage to carry…

"Hello sir. It's so nice to meet you." Kixx said with a smile, giving the wolgon a graceful bow. "The name's Kixx. I'll be helping you with your luggage today."

"Oh! Wow, uh. Thanks, man." He said, grinning and holding out a blue stained paw to shake. "The name's Cobra. Cool to meet ya!"

"The pleasure is all mine. I take it you've got a busy time ahead of you with all these costume bags?" The rat asked, tallying off the bags and making sure it was all accounted for.

"Yeah! I got a photoshoot tomorrow, doin some work for a studio. They said I could stay here on their dime if I came out here on my own ticket. So, yknow!" He said, chuckling.

"Of course, of course. Please, allow me." Kixx would push the cart over to the halls, leading Cobra to his room. Umber trailed along, leading Cobra to ask Kixx about him.

"Oh that's my mentor. I'm still technically in training."

"No shit. Could have fooled me." Cobra said with a whistle. "Here's my room, by the way!"

They would stop at his room, and Cobra would open the door for them both. Umber and Kixx would unload his things, making sure that everything was put in its proper place…

Umber headed towards the door, nodding at Kixx to do his thing. He'd be right back. The rat meanwhile smiled and approached Cobra from behind. 

"Y'know! Forgive me if I'm bein' forward. But I've never met a Wolgon before." Kixx said, tilting his head and spreading one of Cobra's wings. 

"Oh! Yeah, we can be hard to come by." Cobra admitted, letting Kixx examine his wings. 

"I wonder about how strong you are…" Kixx mused, smiling as he pulled away and got a bottle full of liquid latex out of his pack. Unscrewing it with a deft flick of the wrist, he would dump the contents onto the wolgon's head. "Let's test that, shall we?"

"What the-?! MGH?!" Cobra's eyes went wide under the goo, struggling and grasping at the sludge as he started to thrash and yank at his head. The goo merely clung to him harder, sliding down to his neck and squeezing. Cobra gagged and wheezed, clawing at his throat while Kixx went into a hidden compartment in the back of the room's closet. 

The rat would calmly extract some extra effects from the storage, chains and cuffs and such, as well as more bottles of the liquid latex. He stood back, just to watch the wolgon struggle before strolling up to him and dumping a couple more bottles onto him.

The more Cobra struggled, the more it spread. The warmth that his movements produced only served to allow the latex to spread further and quicker than normal. It would work its way down his body, creeping and encasing his wings. Cobra blindly lashed out, trying to get a grip on Kixx, trying to fight him or force him to let him go… but of course, the sludge would keep his face completely covered, allowing Kixx to sidestep all his clumsy movements and attempts to grab him.

Eventually, the latex was sufficiently warmed up, and slid over his body with ease. It pooled around his limbs especially, mitting and trapping his arms and wings.he would stumble as his legs were stuck together by the latex, leaving him unable to stand and only able to feel around with his heavily mitted paws.

"Awww, poor thing." Kixx cooed, merely grabbing him and tossing him onto the bed. The latex pooling onto Cobra's limbs made it so the sludge around his eyes was reduced to a thin layer, which broke apart and allowed him to see his captor.

"MMMGH! MMNPH!" He cried out, shaking his head as Kixx started to tie blindfold after blindfold over his eyes. Each one was supplemented with a thin layer of latex, before another would be layered on top. This would continue until Kixx was sure Cobra could not remove even a single layer without assistance…

"There. Pretty as a picture." He laughed, as the goo coalesced, and activated its special null suit properties. Bright lock symbols appeared on Cobra's suit, and that ensured that only someone with an Admin device could free him.

Kixx stretched and set up the chains he would be using to secure the captive, leaving him to squirm on the floor. The rat would start by collaring Cobra, and hooking the chains that would leave him hanging a few inches off the ground. Cobra squealed into his muzzle, struggling and swaying in helpless panic as he was hung up. All Kixx needed to do now was work on securing him with more chains…

He took his time, ensuring the chains were tight and taut, wrapping around his wings and torso especially. And as a final cruel touch, he would press a vibrating wand way up against the wolgon's prominent nulge… "This TECHNICALLY would cost you extra. But I'd be remiss to leave you bored when on vacation." Kixx said, flicking the wand on.

Cobra howled at the sudden stimuli, rocking and squirming in his chains as Kixx secured the wand with more chains. He was stuck, and good. There was no way he was getting down on his own. Kixx had made damn sure about that. And in the event he did get down, well… no one with an Admin device would be helping a random, faceless slave now would they?

Kixx just laughed, pressing the wand harder against his bulge. "Now. If you ever need anything, feel free to call me up specifically!" He sneered, turning on his heel and leaving the helpless wolgon to hang like an art piece. The Do Not Disturb sign had been hung up, and Kixx tossed the keycard in the garbage for good measure.

Maybe the janitors would find it. Maybe not. Either way, he was happy to torment such cute little victims like this…

The wand had been randomized in its settings, leaving Cobra needy and wanting, edged for the rest of his vacation. He could only wiggle and feel his cock twitch and jerk within his latex prison… no one was coming to get him, save for the photo crew.

And even then, they would only be there to take pictures of his imprisoned body, and leave him hanging yet again…

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Copper After Dark
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Hyperion was surprised that the so called 'feral' lodgings were so… accommodating.

The stable-like set up hid how accessible the hotel had made things. The showers had longer lever like knobs, allowing for those without thumbs to use them with ease. The doors had similar designs, allowing for ease of access with swinging doors that had stoppers to hold them closed as needed … The beds had stairs for those unable to jump onto them, and even televisions and tables with adjustable settings to help guests of differing sizes …

He could get used to this!

The dragon type Eeveelution would push his way out of the room, inhaling and taking in the cool air of the night. He had had a nap in his room, so now he was completely and utterly too energized to sleep again. So now was the perfect time to burn off energy and wander the grounds.
With a flap of his wings, he took off through the front doors, looking for fun to be had.

The grounds were lit up dimly, with most folks here either lounging on the heated terrace, or taking walks along the marked paths. Hyper meanwhile flew overhead, doing little flips midair to amuse himself and burn that energy. 

He hadn't really explored this place outside of the hotel interior. And he HAD heard that they had been setting up for an end of summer party at their newly built splashpad… he had yet to see it! So he would take a look.

Hyper flew on towards the back of the lot, where the splashpad, pool and spa were located. He flew right past the 'out of order' sign hung up on the gate, landing in the mostly dry, but still lit up section.

There were plenty of seats here, with tables and foldable chairs and tables lining the walls. The rubbery flooring sagged ever so slightly under-paw, as he looked around. There were showerheads poking out of the ground, with many colorful pipes sticking out of the ground to simulate a field of plants… he couldn't help but grin, wandering amongst the colorful but artfully sculpted pipework… 

"Hmm…" in the center was the typical fountain field that most splash pads had, usually rigged up to periodically perform a water show for those around them. Such fun! Hyper kind of wished he could see it. But he might leave before it all happened…

He would wander over, just settling and looking up at the sky. The area was darker than the others, and thus he could see the night sky from here… it was a nice little change of pace, able to see the stars…

However, he was settled right over a sensor for the splash pad, which would trigger…

A sudden jet of inky black substance would spurt out of one of the fountain heads, raining down on the pokemon and making him jump. The stuff was so…unbelievably sticky. It felt like he was wading through gum, his paw pads sticking to the rubber flooring…  "Crap…! What IS this?!" He snapped, flapping his wings frantically. The sensors meanwhile continued the little fountain show that was pre programmed with the set up. Small geysers of latex came up from the pipes, showering him with droplets of the black gunk… some of the globules slid down his body, while some would stick to his fur and wings…

He tried to pull away, as his paws were basically cemented to the ground… "wh-hey! Let go!" He flapped more, wings weighed down by the weight of the latex. "Dammit! C'mon!" He struggled, leaning forward to try and pull a back leg free… only to get shot in the face with a spurt of the liquid latex.

"NGH! MMPH!" His muzzle was covered in the stuff, feeling it slip down his forehead and over his nose and mouth. He couldn't even raise a paw to remove it or wipe it away…

Hyper was stuck, and good. All he could do was hope someone would come out and find him…

Lucky for him, he wasn't going to be left out in the cold.

"Fuck's sake. Griz owes me for this."

Buzzsaw the Espeon was grumbling as he walked by, toolbox and flashlight levitating at his sides. Griz's sensors had gone off around the splash pad, and now there was the 'clogged spout' alert going off… of course, Griz's stupid little latex trap had gone off too early, Buzz had TOLD HER it had been a terrible idea to set it up so damn soon! But nooo, she INSISTED on a 'soft open' type of test. Stupid lizard bitch.

The espeon would make his way down to the splash pad, still clearly unhappy about being called in for this. "Probably some stupid raccoon or possum wandering in from off the grounds." He sighed, walking past the gates and shining his light out into the middle of the splash pad.

"Oh? The hell?"

He would levitate himself a few inches above the muck, watching as a blue furred pokemon he didn't recognize struggled and flapped his wings in desperation. Rolling his eyes, Buzz split the goo holding the captive's muzzle shut, asking, "So. Who the hell are you, and what are you doing on the splash pad, buddy?"

"Pwah! I…Im Hyperion…! Sorry I…I was just taking a walk and…" he panted, trying to explain himself as he gulped air. "I got trapped by this… this gunk! Please! You gotta help me outta here!"

"I ain't gotta do nothing, buddy." With a quickness that came with practice and experience, Buzz would lift the goo up and around Hyper, carrying both him and the latex holding him away.

"Wh-what are you doing! Please! Let me go!" Hyper cried, struggling against the psychic force that held him still.

"Nah. I'm getting your ass back to your room so I can get back to repairing that splash pad." Buzz said, walking with purpose as he got back to the feral specific rooms…

"Please! C'mon it was an honest mistake! I didn't mean to-MGH?!"

"That's enough outta you." Buzz growled, using a glob of latex to muzzle Hyper again. "I got called away from a dinner on my day off for this, so forgive me if I'm not feeling very charitable."

The espeon plopped the still stuck eeveelution to the floor of his room, and blasting the latex with some of his psychic energy… it went from his paws up his legs, slowly creeping up his fur.

"NNN! HHGH! PLPH!" Hyper screamed into his gag, eyes wide as he tried to pull away.

"Yeah, so you can just sit there and think about the importance of obeying signs while I go and get this work done and get that sweet Overtime pay." Buzz snapped, shutting and locking the door with the stopper. The Do Not Disturb would be left on the handle, leaving Hyper to be slowly engulfed by the latex. 

It would slowly work its way up his legs and over the course of a few hours, up to his torso, and then to his head and neck…

And there was nothing Hyper could do about it.

He was trapped, and good.

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