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Copper After Dark
Copper After Dark
Kinky art for kinky people! Bondage! Latex! Gags! Furries! Weird stuff! It's here!
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Copper After Dark
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Research on a hitherto unknown species of plantlife was never cheap.

For all the buzz and hype that the botanical gardens had made with their newest creations, they still needed money in order to keep their labs stocked and researchers paid. So, in order to entice the more adventurous of the public, they’d set up a donation raffle. Winners would be allowed deep in their work in progress labs, where their newest and still-undergoing-training plants would be on display.

And of course, the lucky few would get an all day VIP pass to pretty much any and all of the park’s amenities. Dining, exclusive experiences, the Charity Pass covered it all.

It covered a lot more than it should.


Nir was having the time of his life.

He had won a Charity Pass, and had immediately wanted to get into the labs. He’d been fascinated with the plants that HAD been on display for the public, as well as the lucky few who had been taken hostage by some of the bigger ones… so naturally, he had wanted to get a peek at whatever new and exciting plants these scientists had come up with.

Already, a few giant variants of popular plants had been bred… Bearclaw Fly Traps, the Innocent Vine, and most impressively, the Dead Carpet… a massive sundew looking plant, which would slowly uncoil as the sunlight shone down on it from above… Nir’s eyes sparkled in delight, just watching these plants unfurl and ensnare their prey … he watched as the head of a Bearclaw Fly Trap snapped shut on a slab of steak, slowly almost chewing it to get it into a better position…

He was DELIGHTED by what he saw.

Though, of course, the tour was a one time thing, and there were other plants still being tested and experimented on. For now, the sergal would be gently escorted to the appropriate place, where a delicious lunch and souvenirs would be provided.

Sure the food was great, and the souvenirs adorable. But Nir’s eyes wandered to the doors again, just looking on…


By the time the meet and greet was over, it was already too late 

The sergal had managed to slip his way back into the labs, his VIP badge having been improperly converted… it somehow had clearance to get past pretty much any door with an electronic lock on it. His pawsteps were light on the cold tile floor as he strolled into the back laboratories, phone out and ready to snoop around like the menace he was.

Many of the plants in this part of the lab were behind glass, with a handful being planted directly into soil in the ground while partitioned off… a few plants he examined bear a striking resemblance to the Bearclaw Fly Traps he’d seen before, albeit with wider and thicker leaves… he’d snap a picture here and there, teasingly triggering one or two of the plants to watch them go. He was getting into a playful groove, and didn’t realize he was going to trip until he did.

His arms pinwheeled as he fell back first into one of the planters, and onto a large sundew plant.

It looked like the Dead Carpet, with shorter bristles and a slicker looking surface. However, any differences would be lost on Nir, as the leaf he fell on immediately snapped onto him and started to coil around him.

His yelp and cries to let go were pointless, as the plant writhed and bucked… it would shake Nir’s pants off, while secreting a sticky, pink goo onto its surface…another of its leaves would coil up, grasping at his hips before running up between his legs like a hungry tongue… Nir gasped, mouth wife open as he gasped and moaned… his cock would slowly but surely perk up, leaving him hopelessly erect and needy. Thankfully, the plant was attentive, stroking his cock with the sticky end of the leaf… it was a little rough, but not enough to hurt. The slight and sticky friction would make his cock twitch with need, dripping pre…

The leaf holding the struggling Nir would coil around him slowly, the pink goo emitting the sweetest, headiest scent… as he panted and inhaled the smell, the end of the leaf holding him grabbed his muzzle, wrapping around it and essentially gluing it shut with the same pink goo… more of the goo would slide up and over his fur, leaving him stuck as the plant teased and coaxed him…

Nir would be left this way, teased on and off as time ticked on. No one would be coming in to check on the samples, as it was a more lax day… and as such, no one would be there to bear witness to Nir’s arching back as he came all over the leaves teasing him… the plant slowly absorbed the splattered cum, which only spurred it on to start up the cycle again.

Hour after hour, Nir would be practically tortured amd edged, even after the labs and gardens closed for the night. The sergal would be pushed to cum again and again, until his balls had been completely emptied… only then would the plant even consider loosening its grasp on him…

Nir could barely keep his eyes open, as his cock twitched in a pathetic attempt to ejaculate…


Nearly a week after the initial visit, the scientists were shocked to find a nice big investment from none other than Nir. Apparently, he had become invested in the research, and was hoping to start exploring more options with the plants they had in mind…
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Copper After Dark
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The crowds at the local arboretum were heavier than usual.

Unsurprising, as many of the plants on display were just recently engineered by plant scientists from across the world. New and exciting plants, made from strange seeds dug up from old ruins deep underground. There was quite a bit of buzz about these plants, with a few of the exhibits showcasing their uses and qualities...

Ellie was excited, more than happy to have scored a ticket on her day off. She’d entered her ticket into a raffle for some behind the scenes looks at the growing process… and she had won! Her and a few other guests were being escorted back into the labs, where the tour guide would talk about the places these plants were found in.

The plants seemed to originate deep underground, and as such were capable of glowing when under low light. They also seemed to not need too much in terms of nutrients, often preying on small life forms such as cave fish and bats… the cat couldn’t help but watch in awe, eyes sparkling as the scientists demonstrated how some yellow flowers sprayed a fine, sparkling mist of pollen and some unknown substance into the testing chamber… the ultraviolet light they switched on made it sparkle and shimmer even more… 

Finally, they would do a walkthrough of a huge greenhouse under the lab, with dim lights illuminating the path they needed to take. Huge pitcher plants sat off to the side, lined up so neatly as a canopy of flowers hung overhead and around them all…

Ellie was told twice to keep pace with the group. And for good reason.

The cat lingered on a column of pink vines, watching the way it all swayed and shifted without so much as a breeze…she couldn’t help but snap a few photos, posing with the twinkling vines… only to have one of them grab at her wrist.

The flash of her cellphone camera had roused the sensitive plants, causing them to reach out and grab her. The strange pink plants were sort of…gooey? And sticky? The shimmer was caused by a faint secretion of slime on the surface of the vines, which only made it harder for Ellie to get away. In fact, her attempts to try and loosen the vines holding her wrist only made them ooze more… with a sudden jerk, the vines would yank her off the path, making her stumble face first into a tangle of more of these gooey tendrils…

There was no way she’d be able to cry out, as quite a few had clung to her face upon impact. The most she could manage was a squeal and a shake of her head as more grabbed onto her flailing limbs.

“NNNGH! HHLPH!” She managed to yank her head upwards, but the tour group was already moving off to the end of the green house. And to add to her horror, she spotted their tour guide, looking straight at her… and shaking his head before shutting the door behind him.

Ellie was left to the mercy of the vines, which were already making moves to secure her. Despite her wriggling and her protests, the pink, sticky vines would wrap around her legs and chest, while more of that shimmering pollen rained down onto her… her frantic cries would only make her pant and whine, forcing her to inhale the glittering substance. And the more she wheezed and begged for someone to let her out, the more she felt… dizzy. Sleepy even… she shook her head, moaning as wriggling as the plants started to lift her up off the ground. One of the vines dipped down, the yellow flower shaking and spreading more glittering pollen into the air… her muffled cries only made her inhale more of it, making it harder to resist…

Would it be so bad if she just relaxed, let the vines take her away? Surely… but… her wriggling slowed, eyes slipping out of focus…

Her struggles and wriggles grew weaker and weaker, as she was hoisted up over the rim of a pitcher plant’s bulb… slowly, the vines slid her feet first into the plant, the feline letting out muffled cries as the vines held her still during the whole process. The sticky goo slicked down her fur as she was slid into the waiting bottom of the pitcher. Only when the plant started to compress itself and squeeze itself around her, did the vines finally let go. 

Her freedom would be shortlived, as her body was compressed at all sides by the leathery pitcher plant’s form… the slimy goo would wash over her, as she was encased in the plant. It provided just enough of a barrier between herself and the actual plant but… soon the leaf on top would snap shut, sealing her in.

Of course, the next tour group would only be allowed inside once the security guards watching this occur deemed it safe. The pollen would be filtered from the air, and the next group would be granted access.

The barely aware kitty in the pitcher plant would serve as an excellent reminder to be mindful of your surroundings, as these plants could be grabby… she was barely aware of the photos being taken of her helpless, squirming body…
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Copper After Dark

Congratulations to Ashari for winning the RNG this month, and Eshri gets to be a gassed up, bound...

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Copper After Dark

Lux’s locations were not made equal. Despite some of the locations being cushy locales with dark ...

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Copper After Dark

“Lux, huh?” The tiger stood before the dimly lit store, entrance hidden behind black velvet curt...

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Copper After Dark
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 The rabbit would be a little unsure about this. But apparently this store had been providing some relaxation services for the stressed and exhausted, surprisingly free of charge.
 It had seemingly appeared overnight, as if by magic. But even so, it was unassuming. Reggie pushed past the black velvet feeling curtains to see a black cat filing her nails at the reception desk. The place was decorated with heavy carpets and dim lights, a relaxing, cozy environment.
 “Oh~ Hello there.” She smiled, sitting up as Reggie stepped forward. “Welcome to Lux, a retreat from the exhausting world outside. Do you have an appointment or will this be a walk in?”
 “Uh…Well I just came in to see what this was all about.” He began. 
 “Not a problem.” The cat purred, standing and opening up a door. “You’re in luck, we have an opening right now if you’d like to experience what we do here.”
 “What… DO you guys do here?” Reggie asked, looking a bit wary.
 “Why don’t you step inside and find out?” She narrowed her eyes, as if daring him to step forward.
 Glancing over his shoulder, Reggie gulped and strode into the back room. The place was decorated similarly to the front, with cozy candlelight and dark drapes hung up everywhere.
 “Oh? You must be a walk in.” 
 A hooded figure came from the dark, as the door closed behind Reggie. The stranger laughed when Reggie jumped, saying, “Now now. We aren’t here to harm you or hurt you. We are here to take all your cares away, help you rest and relax…”
 “Is that what you guys do here? Like uh… like a massage parlor?” The rabbit asked, looking around as he settled on the reclining chair in the middle of the room. 
 “In a sense. Why don’t you just relax and get cozy. I’ll get your session ready.” She simpered, flipping a switch and dropping a screen. A swirling pattern played on it, and the chair shifted, clamp like appendages forcing Reggie to look straight forward.
 “Wh-HEY! Let me go! I’ll! I’ll…!” He struggled at first, but soon he could only watch the colors. They just looked so lovely, so beautiful… so pretty. Through unseen speakers, a soft thrumming was playing, lulling Reggie deeper into a calmed, relaxed state… “I…what…was I doing?”
 “You were just getting cozy, sugar.” The stranger said, peering over and seeing that his eyes were nice and glazed over. “Now you just sit tight…” 
 She would leave Reggie there, letting him soak in the lights and shapes… it wouldn’t take long for her to return with a soft, leather muzzle gag. A simple piece. She strapped it over his face, ensuring he was quiet and secured… 
 “See? That wasn’t so bad.” She patted his face with smooth, scaled hands. He could only groan in reply, eyes focused on the screen before him.
 She would have the projection shut off, and have some attendants wheel his chair into the back. Many others were sat there, all of them quiet, well behaved, and most importantly, gagged.
 “Just put him in with the others.” The figure said, as his limbs were secured with straps, and his chair pushed into a row with other, hypnotized rabbits…

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