One down, one to go.

The art showcase was mostly complete. But the tactile portion of the exhibit was still missing a couple components. The stuffed fox would be perfectly acceptable for people to take photos with and hug the legs of, but there was still no centerpiece.

The coordinator was very much furrowing her brow here, pacing the halls of the place to try and find a suitable centerpiece for this mess. The exhibit opened soon, so… ugh.

Chantarelle would storm out of the lobby to go get some air, huffing and clearly annoyed to hell. Maybe she's just take a walk, and just take a step back from this.

The annoyed jaguar would find herself in the larger accommodations, the stable-like rooms for larger guests. She would find it a bit easier to pace out there, where there was less to distract her….

Or not.

A dragon would slowly spiral their way down from up high, shining wings broad and beautiful. Chantarelle would watch them slowly circle the building and land in a clearing. Her eyes were glued to the beast as they shook themselves off and yawned, before heading towards the entrance…

Yes, they would do nicely.

Chantarelle would trot off to the buck in charge of this section of the hotel, already cooking up ideas on how to handle this…


Sarab's vacation was going well.

He had needed time to just be on his own, enjoy the beauty of this hotel. He had a hypno-session planned up thanks to the Lung dragon Concierge that worked here. Specifically, Hypno-meditation, something that would ease his mind and help him stay calmer for longer.

Normally, this would take place in his room. But apparently there had been a shift in some schedules, and now it would need to take place in the ballroom of the hotel. Odd, but the staff had assured him it was all above board, and that he would not be disturbed during the process.

The larger, back shutter had been opened for him as he approached, with a very slender doe waiting in a flowing lilac colored robe… she smiled gently at him, ushering him inside. "Our apologies for the sudden shift in venue." She began, as she had him settle in a circle of candles that she began to light up one by one. "I assure you, this change will not decrease the quality of your trance. If you are ready, we can begin."

She slid a pair of goggles over his eyes, covering them with specialized and magically treated cloth…"now just relax, and focus on the sound of my voice." She shines a light through some specialized crystal lenses, hovering over him and speaking. "You are at peace with yourself, my dear Sarab. You can just let all your worries float away, fading and being carried away by the winds of time."

The dragon would settle in, curled up and humming. It felt good, being spoken to like this. The light made his eyes sparkle behind their coverings, as he slowly started to sink into the trance…

"You can feel all your worries being taken away. And in its place, there is confidence. A sense of being. Strength and fortitude. You are strong, my dear! A figure of confidence." The doe continued, gently lifting his head into her hands and cupping his face.

Yes… this was nice! Any sort of worries, fears, and cares were being pushed off, like dandelion fluff on the breeze. He would sit up, nodding and rumbling, as the doe hummed and massaged his neck. Sarab sat up, tall and proud, as he allowed her to rub him down and help him relax…

Though perhaps he should have been listening to her speech…

"You are the pinnacle of confidence. Standing tall and strong and still above the others around you." She continued, smiling as her helpers crept up slowly around him. "You, who would spread your vast wing sails and showcase it, not out of vanity, no. But because the world deserves to see it. To see you hold yourself in such a grand pose, to tower over them all… to be admired…"

Sarab nodded, allowing the doe to gently and carefully move him into whatever position she was describing. It felt… good. To spread his wings and sit up on his hind legs like this. His claws were furled and kept closed as he stood up, jaws spread… 

"Now hold still, my dear."

The doe would muzzle him with a tight cloth muzzle, strapping it down and allowing her assistants to begin the process of securing their newest attraction.

"You are a figure, a statue, an art piece in the eyes of those around you. A towering and grand figure. One worthy of the adoration of those below. You deserve all of their praise, all of their love…" she kept going as the bucks worked to slide the living latex onto the posing dragon.

Sarab would not budge a muscle. He was happy! He truly did deserve all of this attention… he should have gotten it so much sooner, after all. He allowed the bucks to work the latex up his body, with one of them starting on his wings… the latex near his joints stiffened, keeping them in that pose. He could wiggle a little, but not nearly enough to showcase that a being was under all that latex.

"And you deserve their doting. To be polished, to be tended to by the masses .." the doe continued, as one of the bucks worked a glob of the latex over the dragon's head. Two pink lenses, shining like jewels, would be placed over the glassy eyes of the captive as the latex trickled down to connect with the rest of the mass. "You deserve to be polished and waxed, admired in a museum for generations to come."

Sarab couldn't help but agree. He squirmed slightly as he was finally encapsulated entirely, unable to move or even really inhale. Not that he cared. He was basically a god, he should be treated as such! He didn't even care as he was gently placed on a pushcart and wheeled into the exhibit room, and was placed in the very center of the place. Where he belonged, of course. He loomed over the doe and her fellow workers, deaf to their words as he was lost in his own thoughts. He cared not for the jaguar that spoke to them, only wishing to be praised and polished. 

He sat in the exhibit hall in a daze, squirming slightly to adjust to his sore muscles. But the latex held up well, and he would be able to keep his pose no matter how much he was jostled.

His dim but sparkling eyes would stare down as the exhibit finally opened, allowing in guests and visitors alike. He wanted nothing more than to be adored, and he would get his wish. The masses loved him, taking photos with him, and commenting on the realistic composition of his body…

And his favorite part… between droves of people, a janitor would come over to his roost and gently polish and clean his outer shell. He couldn't help but delight in it, feeling a deep shudder of satisfaction as he was cleaned.

He was the perfect statue.

None could ever compare to him.