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Copper After Dark
Copper After Dark
Kinky art for kinky people! Bondage! Latex! Gags! Furries! Weird stuff! It's here!
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Copper After Dark

I lost internet yesterday, apparently that makes me want plant bondage.

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Copper After Dark
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Last of the May commissions!
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Copper After Dark
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This was probably several steps below her usual paygrade.

But Klo had been asked by a friend to help secure a top secret laboratory, and she owed them a favor.

The wolf would be asked about entry and exit points, mostly in terms of how someone could, hypothetically, get in and out of labs. Specifically, how possible INTRUDERS could get in and out.

Klo had to raise an eyebrow at how specific they were being. But she wasn’t paid to question it. She just would do her damn job.

This lab was something else.

Klo had never seen so much greenery in such a heavily hidden place that wasn’t a forest. The lab had walls that were solely dedicated to showcasing specific types of ivy, as well as small hanging gardens. The plants were nothing like anything the wolf had ever seen, many looking entirely too alien to be anything but plastic. Yet upon touch, the plants reacted, squishing back or releasing small puffs of pollen into the air… the various labs looked more like greenhouses, with intricate lighting and watering systems helping to ensure the plants within were maintained and kept healthy…

However, their destination was one specific greenhouse-lab.

The lab in question was home to a massive… beanstalk? It looked like a beanstalk anyway. The plant itself rose up and out of the room, through to upper floors and out of sight… a yellow circle was painted around the planter, at roughly 5 feet all around…

The corgi that had called Klo in to help would excitedly explain that they were going to try and raise this plant to help alleviate the need for large scale farms and such. However, Klo was already looking around and seeing weak spots. A few vents here and there, as well as some decorative window walls that could be broken.

“I think I’ll need more access to this room.” The wolf said, striding up to inspect some of the vents. “As well as blueprints on this room in particular.” She mostly meant the freedom to inspect and scale the walls, but really, she just wanted to move around without disturbing the scientists…

“Oh! Alright!” The corgi professor waddled after her, smiling. “You can do as you please, but we have to ask you to stay outside the yellow circle, okay?”

“...why?” Klo looked a bit confused. 

“Ohhh, the plant doesn’t like people it doesn’t know being in that circle.”

“....Uh huh.” The wolf just nodded, disregarding that little explanation as superstition. “Either way. I'll need clearance into this room after everyone leaves for the night. That way I don’t interrupt your research.”

“You got it!”
It would be hours later that Klo would finally be able to hear herself think.

She walked through the halls towards the Beanstalk room, entering and getting to work. 

Inspecting blueprints and maps of the sector, she began mapping out and marking which vents needed reinforcing, or what walls would need extra defense in order to keep them intact… she took her work seriously… so seriously that when she spotted a large drainage grate around the back of the beanstalk, she’d instinctively head towards it to mark it off.

A mistake on her part.

She gasped as a shadow descended upon her,a thick vine grasping her throat. She gagged and kicked out, struggling to try and loosen its grip on her neck. The wolf clawed and bit at whatever she could reach, trying to hit away any approaching vines. But of course, there was only so much she could do as the air was slowly squeezed from her.

She kept her head up, trying her best to get away as one bold vine grabbed at her ankle, wrapping around it tightly to settle her. Slowly but surely, the vines would grab all her limbs, pulling them against her body. Klo gasped and panted, eyes wide as she shook her head. 

The vines, having restrained their prey, started to close in. They slowly started to wrap her up tight, lifting her off the ground and constricting her more and more. Her gasps and pleas fell on deaf ears, the plant uncaring as it drew her in towards the base of the beanstalk… the fight was slowly leaving her, as she struggled to even inhale from how tight the vines were. The original vine was still wrapped around her muzzle, holding her head steady as she tried to pull herself away…

No amount of squirming and struggles would help her, no matter how hard she tried. Only a few patches of fur were visible, along with her head and tail. The plant would leave her to dangle a few inches above the floor, the cold tile tantalizingly close… the vines had discarded any weapons or identification on her person, and she was left on display, a perceived intruder caught and strung up…

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Copper After Dark
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Of course these things happen.

The garden’s centerpiece, a magnificent array of mamy entwining vines, has been vandalized during the night. Many of the plants have been cut up and left all over… the trellis itself has been shattered by what looks like axes. And the opening of the garden show is tomorrow, of course.

The event coordinator was as cool and calm as one could be…even as the garden’s owner was freaking out about all of this mess… the bay unicorn would dart their eyes around, watching as the janitors cleaned up the mess… a few had thankfully shown up, a raccoon, a coyote and… a skunk.


The coordinator would use their magic to yank the startled skunk away from the group, ordering him to follow.


Before Devlin knew it, he was tossed into a greenhouse at the back of the property, falling on his ass onto a large planter… said planter had a tangle of vines sprawled out along several trellises, looping and coiling around each other. Yellow flowers were poking out here and there, releasing a cloying, but not unpleasant scent… It was an impressive display, but as Devlin tried to pick himself up… the whole thing fell apart.

Or rather, it all fell into the skunk, coiling around his limbs and securing him upright. Heavier vines wrapped around his feet and calves, resistant to his struggles and protests…

“Wh-HEY! LET ME GO! SOMEONE! PLEASE!” He called, eyes wide as he struggled. He pulled and tried to kick, feeling the vines pull him back into position tighter and tighter the more he fought… despite his panic now, the worst was yet to come.

The vine was patient, keeping their coils tight on their victim. There was simply no need to fight too hard, as he would take only half an hour to properly tire himself out… eventually the vines would start to squeeze, ensuring he was stuck fast…

One thick and heavy vine lifted itself from behind the trellis wall, revealing that it seemed to be the source of most of the smaller vines… its whip-like tip had a yellow flower at the end, dripping with a golden substance… it would slowly and deliberately drop dollops of this gooey substance onto the struggling skunk. Devlin gasped, trying to force his muzzle open to keep himself from strangling and being smothered. But all it did was make him swallow some of the sticky sweet substance. 

While this was happening, more of the vines had started teasing him, working on getting him erect and needy as more was dropped onto his helpless, struggling form. It oozed and slithered down onto his chest, his arms and legs… and most importantly, into his gaping mouth as he struggled to suck in air. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t spit out all of it. And the stuff that did make it down his throat left him feeling tingly and needy… more so than it should…


The process would take time. 

You couldn’t rush art, and Devlin’s imprisonment was no exception. The gooey layers would harden with time, slowly leaving a soft, golden layer all over the helpless janitor. He still struggled as best as he could, but eventually the flower that dribbled the stuff onto him would just latch onto his muzzle for minutes at a time… it would feed him the sticky goo, making sure he drank it down before resuming adding more layers of the honey sweet substance all over its new victim…

All the while, in an air pocket where his cock was, the vines kept stroking and teasing him, groping his balls and gently teasing his leaking tip… it wouldnt take long for his first orgasm to be coaxed from him, muzzled scream of pleasure barely heard as he was forced to cum the same golden sludge hed been made to swallow… the outer layers expanded slightly, allowing room for the newer, warmer goo to fill the space between his fur and the outer shell…

All the while, the plant would start to wrap its main vine around his encased body, holding on tight as it layered more and more around him… under the main layer, more gooey cum would be forced to fill the space within, trapping Devlin in his new, sweet smelling and sticky prison…

Eventually the vine’s main flower would come to rest on him, resting itself on his glued up muzzle.


The next day, the coordinator would have the planter wheeled out, with the new golden centerpiece displayed proudly where the former had been.

The fundraiser for the botanical gardens was a smash hit, all thanks to their captive hero… his reward was being kept inside his prison, where he would be made to cum over and over, the cycle within repeating endlessly…
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Copper After Dark
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Research on a hitherto unknown species of plantlife was never cheap.

For all the buzz and hype that the botanical gardens had made with their newest creations, they still needed money in order to keep their labs stocked and researchers paid. So, in order to entice the more adventurous of the public, they’d set up a donation raffle. Winners would be allowed deep in their work in progress labs, where their newest and still-undergoing-training plants would be on display.

And of course, the lucky few would get an all day VIP pass to pretty much any and all of the park’s amenities. Dining, exclusive experiences, the Charity Pass covered it all.

It covered a lot more than it should.


Nir was having the time of his life.

He had won a Charity Pass, and had immediately wanted to get into the labs. He’d been fascinated with the plants that HAD been on display for the public, as well as the lucky few who had been taken hostage by some of the bigger ones… so naturally, he had wanted to get a peek at whatever new and exciting plants these scientists had come up with.

Already, a few giant variants of popular plants had been bred… Bearclaw Fly Traps, the Innocent Vine, and most impressively, the Dead Carpet… a massive sundew looking plant, which would slowly uncoil as the sunlight shone down on it from above… Nir’s eyes sparkled in delight, just watching these plants unfurl and ensnare their prey … he watched as the head of a Bearclaw Fly Trap snapped shut on a slab of steak, slowly almost chewing it to get it into a better position…

He was DELIGHTED by what he saw.

Though, of course, the tour was a one time thing, and there were other plants still being tested and experimented on. For now, the sergal would be gently escorted to the appropriate place, where a delicious lunch and souvenirs would be provided.

Sure the food was great, and the souvenirs adorable. But Nir’s eyes wandered to the doors again, just looking on…


By the time the meet and greet was over, it was already too late 

The sergal had managed to slip his way back into the labs, his VIP badge having been improperly converted… it somehow had clearance to get past pretty much any door with an electronic lock on it. His pawsteps were light on the cold tile floor as he strolled into the back laboratories, phone out and ready to snoop around like the menace he was.

Many of the plants in this part of the lab were behind glass, with a handful being planted directly into soil in the ground while partitioned off… a few plants he examined bear a striking resemblance to the Bearclaw Fly Traps he’d seen before, albeit with wider and thicker leaves… he’d snap a picture here and there, teasingly triggering one or two of the plants to watch them go. He was getting into a playful groove, and didn’t realize he was going to trip until he did.

His arms pinwheeled as he fell back first into one of the planters, and onto a large sundew plant.

It looked like the Dead Carpet, with shorter bristles and a slicker looking surface. However, any differences would be lost on Nir, as the leaf he fell on immediately snapped onto him and started to coil around him.

His yelp and cries to let go were pointless, as the plant writhed and bucked… it would shake Nir’s pants off, while secreting a sticky, pink goo onto its surface…another of its leaves would coil up, grasping at his hips before running up between his legs like a hungry tongue… Nir gasped, mouth wife open as he gasped and moaned… his cock would slowly but surely perk up, leaving him hopelessly erect and needy. Thankfully, the plant was attentive, stroking his cock with the sticky end of the leaf… it was a little rough, but not enough to hurt. The slight and sticky friction would make his cock twitch with need, dripping pre…

The leaf holding the struggling Nir would coil around him slowly, the pink goo emitting the sweetest, headiest scent… as he panted and inhaled the smell, the end of the leaf holding him grabbed his muzzle, wrapping around it and essentially gluing it shut with the same pink goo… more of the goo would slide up and over his fur, leaving him stuck as the plant teased and coaxed him…

Nir would be left this way, teased on and off as time ticked on. No one would be coming in to check on the samples, as it was a more lax day… and as such, no one would be there to bear witness to Nir’s arching back as he came all over the leaves teasing him… the plant slowly absorbed the splattered cum, which only spurred it on to start up the cycle again.

Hour after hour, Nir would be practically tortured amd edged, even after the labs and gardens closed for the night. The sergal would be pushed to cum again and again, until his balls had been completely emptied… only then would the plant even consider loosening its grasp on him…

Nir could barely keep his eyes open, as his cock twitched in a pathetic attempt to ejaculate…


Nearly a week after the initial visit, the scientists were shocked to find a nice big investment from none other than Nir. Apparently, he had become invested in the research, and was hoping to start exploring more options with the plants they had in mind…
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Copper After Dark
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The new plantlife was… unruly.

Unruly was never a word one might use to describe plants, and yet, here Jett was.

They’d taken up a job at the botanical garden lab, working security and making sure that no one came sniffing around when they weren't wanted. They’d needed the cash, and night shift was the only time they’d be able to make it, so they were being outfitted with a flashlight and radio, and being shown via map where their patrol routes were…

The gardens had a much more sinister atmosphere at night. Every hanging tree branch or cluster of vines could be a looming intruder or worse. Yet Jett had been informed they had little to fear, as there were cameras all over the area. So back up would never be too far behind.

Or so they thought.

Right as the shift was coming to a close, the night guard would pass by one of the partially camouflaged lab entrances… with the slightest sliver of light shining out through a crack in the open door frame. 

Was someone up late, doing research?

Jett would radio in, trying to get the attention of the fox on the monitors. But no answer. So all they could do was poke their head in and investigate.

The room itself was empty, save for a few lights amd the tree planted in the middle. Long vines hung from the branches, swaying without any sort of wind.

Jett closed the door before looking around, investigating and calling for any researcher… just to be sure, of course, in case anything happened!

They were so distracted that they didn’t realize their fatal error: they’d brushed up against one of the vines.

They writhed and bristled, grabbing their limbs and dragging them towards the trunk. Jett yelped, struggling and wide eyed. “What the-?! Hey! Let me go! Put me down, dammit!”

The hapless night guard would be dragged against the trunk of the tree, which, upon closer inspection, was slathered in a thin layer of some sticky slime…they’d be pressed against the vaguely slimy wood, with the vines wrapping around their throat and legs to keep Jett steady. 

“Gh…! Ghlk… pl… plea…” they gasped, shaking their head as they felt the slime drip and ooze over their hands. The more they struggled, the more sticky sap accumulated over their limbs… and the more stuck they became.

No matter how hard they struggled, there was simply no way to break out of their bonds alone. And any attempts at calling for help were silenced by a squeeze to the throat.

The vines got to work, ripping their uniform off and tossing their radio aside. Only when they were naked and secured did the more specialized vines move in. These vines with odd little bell-like buds would menace Jett, much to their horror. They would brush against their half hard cock and perky nipples, teasing with such gentle touches before suctioning on.

Jett arched, eyes wide as they screamed a strangled scream of pleasure… which would quickly be quashed by another pod wrapping around their muzzle and suctioning on. Any attempt at words were muffled and silenced by this pod, drawing the air from their mouth and lungs… all while some thinner, more versatile vines started to wrap around their eyes, blindfolding them in an attempt to calm Jett down…

Of course, it would not work. 

Jett still struggled, letting out pitiful muffled cries for help as the vines kept inspecting their new captive. One had found its way to their cock, latching on and starting to suckle on it, the teasing suction making them get nice and stiff. Meanwhile, two more buds would snap onto their nipples, sucking them and ensuring they were pulled taut before giving the slightest jab with a thorn. Only then, as time went on, would the night guard’s chest start to plump up, small, soft breasts forming on their chest as they struggled.

“Nph?! Nnn! HHHMPH!” They cried, as the budding muzzle switched tactics to try and soothe them. They would be suddenly forced to drink a strange, honey flavored liquid, gumming up their muzzle further as they struggled to call for help. The plant itself seemed to be manufacturing this liquid, which would keep Jett satiated as the plant continued to work on them… the sweetness and viscosity of the liquid would make it hard to talk, hard to swallow, hard to think… their struggles lessened with time, as the vines kept squeezing them…

It would be an hour of this sickly sweet torture before the plant saw fit to seek payment for this feeding. The buds on their breasts would start to suck and tease their nipples, slowly drawing milk from their helpless captive. Jett tossed their head, barely able to make a sound between the muzzle and the sticky nutritious liquid being pushed down their throat… all the while, the vines were also milking their cock, forcing orgasms as needed but ultimately just teasing and coaxing them from Jett naturally.

The plant was entirely too good at its job.

So good, in fact, that Jett would be discovered the next day by scientists, fascinated. They hadn’t been able to get such a strong reaction from the plant despite their months of attempts. So no one was in a hurry to help them down from their sweet and sticky prison…
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