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A world ripe for the taking. Adventure awaits!
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Project Arkavite is a H-RPG game about experiencing the adventure of a lifetime. Our tale begins in a land rich with fantasy and sprinklings of dungeon-punk. This is a world of magical guns, swords and sorcery -- sporting lecherous lewds and magnificent mysteries!
Broadly speaking, I’m designing an open world in which you can go around adventuring, surviving and exploring endlessly. Something with many JRPG fantasy traits, but doesn’t strictly lock you down the path of a linear story. While the game will have a core narrative, there will be plenty of other aspects focusing on exploration, combat, survival, romance, "romance~", and customization.
◉ Customization - The player character is provided with numerous slots for apparel, but customization doesn't end there! Magical potions, curses, and esoterically induced transformations will present an added layer of customization, allowing you to alter your body in lewd and perverse ways.
◉ Romance - In Arkavite you will find traditional romancing akin to what you'd see in otome gamu, and that other kind of "romancing~" you may find in eroge. Let your mind run wild! We have a main cast in mind. Pretty bois and some lovely ladies. Capture targets are key!
◉ Survival - Food, drink and rest will be present in this game. When the going gets tough and supplies start dwindling, you may find yourself forced to dine on things you probably shouldn't be eating. Crafting, and construction are also a given. In later stages of development we will tackle weather systems and environmental hazards, both standard and magical.
◉ Exploration - We’re aiming for an open and somewhat organic world. From cities and villages to castles and ruins, a large portion of the world will be hand-crafted. To make the world feel truly larger than life, portions of the world will be procedurally generated. Devious dungeons and wilderness that'd swallow you whole. Our goal is to create an unpredictable, yet enjoyable experience in this endless world of Arkavite.
Why Support Arkavite? Developing games and experiences is my passion. If you've arrived at this page, genuinely like what I do, and want to see it go further, your support would mean the world to me, and go a great way in helping secure the future of this project! I’d like to offer more if possible, so if there’s anything you want to be seeing from me on top of what I do now, do let me know!
Project Arkavite is a H-RPG game about experiencing the adventure of a lifetime. Our tale begins in a land rich with fantasy and sprinklings of dungeon-punk. This is a world of magical guns, swords and sorcery -- sporting lecherous lewds and magnificent mysteries!
Broadly speaking, I’m designing an open world in which you can go around adventuring, surviving and exploring endlessly. Something with many JRPG fantasy traits, but doesn’t strictly lock you down the path of a linear story. While the game will have a core narrative, there will be plenty of other aspects focusing on exploration, combat, survival, romance, "romance~", and customization.
◉ Customization - The player character is provided with numerous slots for apparel, but customization doesn't end there! Magical potions, curses, and esoterically induced transformations will present an added layer of customization, allowing you to alter your body in lewd and perverse ways.
◉ Romance - In Arkavite you will find traditional romancing akin to what you'd see in otome gamu, and that other kind of "romancing~" you may find in eroge. Let your mind run wild! We have a main cast in mind. Pretty bois and some lovely ladies. Capture targets are key!
◉ Survival - Food, drink and rest will be present in this game. When the going gets tough and supplies start dwindling, you may find yourself forced to dine on things you probably shouldn't be eating. Crafting, and construction are also a given. In later stages of development we will tackle weather systems and environmental hazards, both standard and magical.
◉ Exploration - We’re aiming for an open and somewhat organic world. From cities and villages to castles and ruins, a large portion of the world will be hand-crafted. To make the world feel truly larger than life, portions of the world will be procedurally generated. Devious dungeons and wilderness that'd swallow you whole. Our goal is to create an unpredictable, yet enjoyable experience in this endless world of Arkavite.
Why Support Arkavite? Developing games and experiences is my passion. If you've arrived at this page, genuinely like what I do, and want to see it go further, your support would mean the world to me, and go a great way in helping secure the future of this project! I’d like to offer more if possible, so if there’s anything you want to be seeing from me on top of what I do now, do let me know!
Last time we were taking a look at the top-down camera mode I was testing. Since then, the new locomotion and gun systems have been integrated into the standard camera mode. I've also added a crosshair for aiming. This all came together quite well.
Arkavite - Over Shoulder Cam (Fig. 1)Arkavite - Over Shoulder Cam (Fig. 2)
So much so in fact, that after comparing and contrasting the two modes, I have to say, this over the shoulder camera mode just plays better than the top-down isometric camera. I won't say that development of the top-down system was a complete waste. Through experimenting with it, I managed to resolve various issues which had gotten me into a bit of a rut. The top-down mode may still be enabled for special use cases, but I don't think its main mode material.
Perhaps I just needed to have a bit more faith in myself. No more flip flopping! What we have now works well, so we're locking in!
Currency & Loot Boxes
Also in the news, we now have loot drops which will be added to the player as currency upon collection. I've opted for Arkavite to use a combination of coins and cut gems as its denominations. And following on from the brief destruction tests I showed off last time, we now have destructible boxes with randomized loot.
Arkavite - Destruction1, 10, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 (Value from left to right)Arkavite - Currency Pickup
Since the implementation of currency called for some updated UI, I went in and touched up all our HUD textures to match. The HP hearts, currency counter and MP bar should look and feel a bit more in keeping with one another.
Arkavite - HUD Update
Warp Room
The sandbox test map currently features an underground zone, which is housing warps to other levels. It has been barren for quite some time, and as this area will soon house the entrance to our prototype dungeon, I felt it could do with some renovations. Warp Room - Underground Zone Entrance
I've gone in and decorated this space so it now looks like somewhere you're meant to be, as opposed to the blocky grey backroom development hellscape it once was. Much more inviting.
Before & AfterBefore & AfterBefore & After
Arkavite - Warp Room
QoL & Cleanups~
I have a couple miscellaneous quality of life improvements and clean-ups to report. Weapons can now be equipped and dequipped via the inventory. As you might have noticed, I've also swapped out our old weapon models for something a little more fitting. Now the foundations have been laid, the road is clear to start thinking about weapon variants, or different tools which can be wielded as weapons. I'm not entirely opposed to making it so that you can wield anything from a stick to a spoon as a weapon. I've built a pretty open ended weapon system, so we'll see what happens. Arkavite - InventoryLast but not least, I've implemented a fairly common trick, which allows foliage to fade out as it approaches the player camera. This keeps your view unobstructed if you swing the camera through a tree or attempt to maneuver through some dense bush.Camera Foliage Fade
And now, we have reached the end. These next few weeks, I'm going to be prioritising trait implementation, and build some more on interactivity. I'd like us to have chests soon, and make it possible to pick up items off the ground, or drop them from your inventory. This does mean I may also be investing time into giving some of our 2D sprites, 3D representations. In that same vein, I would like to work a little on mob drops, and if I have time, I really want to experiment with cloaks, as no adventurer is complete without one.
Please be sure to let me know what you think!
A new experimental build has just gone live. Check it out now by clicking here. I'll see you soon, till then, take care and stay tuned~
It’s a band new year, with plenty to do, so let’s get right into the news. Last time, I mentioned I’d be experimenting with a new camera perspective, and here is the first look.
Field Test - Zoomed InField Test - Zoomed Out
If you’ve been following along since the very beginning, you may think this perspective is somewhat reminiscent of the early 2D development, but as we are operating in three dimensions, we can do a little more. The camera can be rotated around the player, allowing you to see the world from a new angle. This may be used for improving navigability in complex environments, or be controlled by locational triggers in a similar manner to the cinematic dolly camera I showed off in a previous update.
Isometric Camera RotationArkavite Sanbox - Camera Dolly System
Animation Updates
To better suit the camera perspective, I decided it would be worthwhile to overhaul the player movement animations. Our locomotion system now features omnidirectional movement. This means that if you aim while moving, your character will face the point you are targeting, rather than the direction of travel. This new setup lets us handle strafing animations, and with some setup, it should also perform well in other third person camera positions (like over-the-shoulder). Arkavite - Omnidirectional Movement There are other aspects of player animation framework which I've been working to fill in. We now have turn in place animations, run-to-stop animations, and as an extra little special detail, your character will tilt their head to look where you're aiming.
Turn In PlaceRun To StopFollow Cursor
A directional dash/dodge system is also in the works. This closely relates to our blink spell which will allow the caster to quickly translocate several meters in any given direction. Arkavite - Dash / Dodge Testing.. With style! For dodge/blinking I would like there to be a magical and non-magical variant. What we have at the moment is something somewhere in-between the two. Mechanically, the magical and non-magical variants will consume different resources and may differ in their progression, but should function similarly enough to one another. The non-magical variant would consume stamina, and would scale in speed and range based on physical attributes, while the magical variant would consume arka, have a high base speed, and a range which scales based on tier of casting.
Gun Sword
Also, in the news, I’ve been improving the gun and sword play. We now have gun animations which can be chained, and blend into our existing sword attacks. To make gun impacts feel better grounded in the environment, I've been busy at work, experimenting with material based impact effects. Walls are no longer ignoring us, and the impact VFX change to reflect the material which was impacted.
The current impact VFX are just for demonstration purposes. Some more stylization is definitely needed. As for our gun animations, I believe there is too much lead in. I will be testing how firing feels with a shorter windup in an effort to improve weapon responsiveness.
Most recently I’ve been working towards intractability, and figuring out more things I can do to make the players presence in the environment impactful. Since I’ve been messing around so much with guns lately, I’ve decided to begin by pursuing destruction.
Arkavite - Destruction Testing
Destructible pillars, statues and other environment props are always a joy. The thought of using this tech to hide secret passages behind destructible walls does come to mind, but before that, I yearn to have destructible crates, and barrels, for loot drops and item pickups. Perhaps I should also add in some explosive props which interact with the rest of these destructible elements? There is still a little more work to be done in this area before presenting the next experimental build, so until then, I will be sure to keep you posted with more updates.
What are your thoughts? Do you have any questions? Be sure to let me know down below!
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