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Build Scheduling & Development Updates~

Hey hey people. Let's get right into it. With the major Character Creator issues now addressed, the sandbox is overdue for some attention.

Here's what we have so far.
Project Arkavite - Sandbox Map
I've been heads down preparing the map, so that within a couple weeks’ time it will be added to the experimental branch and opened up for play.

Like our player character, as time goes on I will develop this map further, iterating on the design until I'm satisfied with the look and feel. Even though it's just a test map, I intend for it to serve as an analogue for subsequent map designs and procedural generation. There's not much to do just yet. At the moment it's just a little map you may run around and explore. I may add some hidden elements here and there the map develops. We'll see~

As of now, I'm putting together the in-game UI (inventory, HP, MP, Character Description, etc.), and handling environmental SFX. Following this, I feel it prudent the command and dialog systems be brought online so that I may once again produce item content. I foresee combat and enemy development taking a lot of energy so it would be wise to get those (command and dialog systems) out the way first.

More Character Creation Updates To Come

Updates to character creation won't suddenly stop. There is more to come on that front, such as: 
  • Build save slots
  • Further improvements to character design
  • Additional outfits
  • Outfit color sets
  • Makeup 
  • Additional choices (blessings, curses)
  • Choice art
  • New hair styles
  • New brow styles
  • Preview poses
Recently, I've been experimenting with clothing. You may have noticed a new outfit at character creation. It's not exactly what I have in mind for the final default starter outfit, but for now at least, it's the new adventurer drip.
With this outfit I decided to lean a little more into that lined anime aesthetic, and it turned out rather nicely. The boots are as they were before so they look a little out of place, but as for the rest of the composition, I think it works well. I'd like to take this approach to style moving forward and will be updating the previous bits of apparel to match.

For this design I also had the idea of creating an overcoat, but it needs some more time in the oven.
There is much work to be done so I'll try to keep those updates rolling as regularly as possible. Speaking of regularity~

Build Scheduling

At this point there's a lot to keep track of so I'd like to have a go at establishing a more predictable build schedule. It's been rather difficult to have anything approaching such given IRL work commitments, but structure is key to survival so let's see how I do.

I'm going to shoot for a new public build every 3 weeks on Friday, and an experimental build on the Fridays in between (keeping them as in-dev snapshots).

General fixes will continue to come out asap, independent of any scheduling, and I may still put out the odd experimental off-schedule if I get a lot done or I want to show off an early snap of the public build before it goes live.

To view the upcoming release schedule and expected content see HERE. I've cleaned up the codecks so that it's a little easier to navigate and will keep it updated as releases roll out.

With that said, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend, and I hope you look forward to this Friday and the Fridays after~ 
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Drowning In Sand: The Character Creator’s Imminent Descent!

Hey, hey people. Development marches on! The promised day approaches! This month has been incredibly productive, so let us begin.


I am proud to announce, the new and improved character creator will make its debut with release of version 0.0.1-A on May 3rd 2024. Just under a few weeks from now! 
I’ve now moved most resources towards Sandbox development. In the run up to release of the character creator, I will be putting the finishing touches on the build. Clean-ups to animations, widgets, tool-tips, and a little bit of tutorial guidance. Simple things which shouldn’t delay us any further, and worst case scenario can always come later. The “tutorial” element is probably the only mandatory feature, though I assure you it’s nothing fancy. It will most likely consist of a pop-up informing players “This is an alpha character creator, the rest of the game is still under development so you can’t proceed further. Have fun creating~”. Something to that effect. 
The public release date is now set in stone. I now more than anything want to get it back in everyone’s hands, and following your feedback, figure out what works, what sucks, does it crash every minute? Hopefully not lol. Why aren’t pompadours priority number one!? That kind of thing. And from there I can add new content to the character creator on the side. 
Today, we’re going to have a little retrospective, talk about the most recent developments, and briefly touch on where my current focus lies with the sandbox. Be sure to let me know your thoughts and feedback! I will strive to keep on doing what I’m doing, but it goes without saying, your feedback is invaluable. If you like what I’m doing, want to see me doing something better or have any thoughts in between, please be sure to leave a comment. It really does help me know whether or not you like or dislike the current direction.

A Retrospective

For those of you who are only just joining us, following the whole Unity Engine kerfuffle, I’ve put a lot of time into not only switching engines (From Unity to Unreal), but using this as an opportunity to make things better than before. The situation as a whole has certainly been far from ideal, but I do not hold any regrets given what fruits this change has already begun to bear. I’m quite pleased with how far we’ve come since just last October.
Arkavite – You hear of design changes during game development, but this is quite the jump.

Looking back, a lot has transpired these last several months. I hit the ground running, tested like crazy, and had to completely rethink how things should look and feel. Now the dust has settled I think I can confidently say what we have now has a leg up on the previous iteration. And I’m not just saying this from an aesthetic standpoint, but also on a technical level.
(2023 left), (2024 right)

Many were saddened by the change. I myself am malding to this day. I put far too many hours into bashing my head against the wall with 2D animation, planning and the whole pipeline behind it, but, after putting the time into this new system, It’s clear the style of game I’m creating benefits from the change immensely. Customization is a fundamental component to the game and with my previous workflow, I was riding up against the limitations of 2D time and time again. 
One might assume 3D is more work when it comes to animation, modelling etc, and while both mediums do have their own strengths and weaknesses, for my use case at least, 3D has been so much better. It’s unintuitive to think of, but 3D is better for me largely because of maintainability and raw flexibility. With 2D, when you want to change a base animation you have to update all your composite parts to match. Redo cloaks, redo hair, redo arms, legs etc, etc, and the more items your game has, the worse it gets… Whereas with 3D, if you want to change an animation, you just change it and all your composite parts will follow the rig. If you want to change an item mesh, you just change it. It’s magical. 
2D did look pretty but it’d probably have added few years to development, and stolen a couple more years of my lifespan given the standard I aspire for. I may return to the style in future in some other game where ludicrous amounts of customization aren’t a main point of focus and I have more of a team behind me. Who knows~
From the get go, my aim has been to make something as good as – if not better than what we had prior. No doubt the model has room for improvement and will improve as time goes on, but as a general point of thumb, do you think we’ve landed on something as good as or better than what we had before? Is it worse? Let me know your honest thoughts.
So, here we are. The Character creator nears completion for standard functionality. We have basically every key feature of the original, and then some. The UI and aesthetic are all in keeping and consistent. I think we’re in a really solid position to move forward from. It’s as if we’re back at the latter half of last year.
I can’t say it enough but I must reiterate, thank you all so much for backing this project, subscribing, chatting on the server, commenting, and just following along. Had it not been for everyone’s support I really would not have been able to dedicate so much time and resources to the project. Now as I dive deep into sandbox development with reckless abandon, I can’t wait to see everything come together. 

Men Men Men

We’ve enjoyed our time reminiscing over the past. It’s time for the present. Without further ado…
I present, Man… Well. Technically not man, but rather, Magu? Yes. Magu. Magu Magu. 
Arkavite – Male Builds

The player has been updated to allow for female to male blends. There has been a slight change to the buttons on UI. Selecting “Male” under Build will now switch the appearance to male defaults while selecting “Female” under Build will switch the appearance to female defaults.
To accompany the new sex I’ve added an Outfit set called “Dapper”, which is just a more masculine variant of the “Adventurer” set. I’ve also added a male underwear I’m sure you’ll enjoy. I’ve also expanded the selection of sliders so that you may create something male, female, or anything in between. I’ve also updated the character description system with the view system so we can determine what you are based on appearance. Male, female, futa, trap, reverse trap, double reverse trap. The whole shebang. 

How Did We Get Here?

One of the major challenges was figuring out how we get a 3D character which can be male, female or anything in between. On one hand, you can have separate male and female skeletons and attempt to bridge between the two bodies through sliders and bone scaling… The only problem is, that’s not seamless. You’re always going to have a snap change at certain points when swapping bases, and it doubles the mesh requirement as each base needs its own tailored outfits. And it doesn’t end there. Now you have to worry about, eyelashes, eyebrows, hair, seams, how it all fits on each skeleton. A lot of work gets doubled and we have more complexity to worry about. Now some outfits may need variants for style’s sake, but if we’re talking purely about fit, there are far more scalable solutions. 
Arkavite – An intermediate example depicting the deform and snapping issues experienced when working with two bases.

Given the relative simplicity of our art style, I’ve opted to have a single body which can morph between male and female using a mix of blending, bone scaling and bone translations. As far as I know this isn’t done all too often as texture warping can get you into trouble, but we’re cel shaded! We don’t need super high detail textures to make things pop so, what we have just works. 
There’s also an added benefit. Because everything ties back to one base mesh, this means male builds have access to most of the same options as females and vice versa. We will of course have separate male and female animations. If we didn’t then things would look weird. On that note, I’m wondering how I should handle the switch between male and female animation. Should the player get to decide how they walk and run? Should it be based on archetype, or apparel? Or should it all be automated and change based on a combination of factors? Appearance, psyche, hips, body and mind. Let me know your thoughts~

Future Body Development
We definitely need more masculine hairstyles so male builds have more to work with. We can also have a think about facial hair and body hair if people really want it.
As for all around body types, currently you can only really create a slim or thicc character. Later I may add morphs for musculature and weight gain. Musculature may be more texture based given the games aesthetic. That way you could have slim lean or bulkier builds. It’s not a total certainty right now as all that adds more complexity and work than I need at this stage, but it is something I am seriously considering for later.

Booba Upgrades

This one goes out to all you booba lovers~
Arkavite – Clean Sliding

During the body upgrade I increased the poly density of the chest, and changed the method used for scaling. This has all been done to allow for cleaner deforms. The breast size nerf discussed in previous updates was in part due to the deform issues we saw when scaling bones. There was self-clipping at the largest scales and horrible outfit deforms at the smallest. With the new method, that’s no longer the case. We can have clean deforms all the way up to humongous sizes, and all the way down to being flat – which also happens to be key for male development. Cleaner, bigger booba and less finicky models to worry about. It’s a win win.
I also added scale based breast and butt jiggle variance. The bigger the jiggilier!.. This should also prevent men from having jiggly flat chests and butts. That would be rather odd. Would you like a firmness slider? Or, perhaps would you like to see jiggle physics tied into a boon or bane~

Face Time

While we’re still on the topic of modelling, let’s touch a little on the face. [Resting Smug Face] now changes the resting facial expression to a smug face. I’ve added a back-end system to manage expressions and reached a stage in the modelling process where we can start doing more face related things… “Such as”, you ask? Why, blinking of course!

It may be the tiniest of details, but it holds a surprising amount of weight when it comes to making a character feel alive. No more dead eye stare! Little by little, the details add up and the composition awakens. 

Under The Hood

Putting everything to one side, this month I was mostly occupied with updating the Equip and Player appearance back-ends to C++. Doing this has dramatically sped up my ability to add new items. One such item is prosthesis.
The [Limbless] bane will now replace the player arms with mechanical counterparts when the respective sub-options are selected. I see prosthesis developing into something you can buy or upgrade in future. The starter prosthesis should resemble something shoddy, but perhaps not this shoddy, so the current models may be placeholder. For the next iteration I’d like to develop limbs with a finer mechanical look to them and perhaps some armor-like qualities. For lower grade variants I could then peel away the outer casing and imagine what it’d look like with exposed mechanisms, wiring and sigils.

A Splash Of Color

I’ve added new options for selecting lip color, nip color, and ear floof color.
The Kitsukana ear mesh and textures have been updated. I updated their ears to look more fox-like and less like the Nyaatsu ears. Nyaatsu ears meanwhile have received some ear upgrades of their own. I’ve made improvements to the base mesh and applied some simple textures for the inner ear. Bunnjin ears have also gotten some texture upgrades and I will probably be updating their mesh at a later date. You’ll be pleased to know all ears have received a buff to their jiggle factor. Very important. Highly immersive.

The Squid in the Room

Before I go, I should really address the squid in the room. Ikaware haven’t received a lot of development time because they require a tad more work than the other starter races. It’s tough to slot in. What are my plans for them? What sets them apart from the other races?
Their ears should be somewhat similar to the Magu. Just a bit pointier and longer. As for their hair, they’re meant to have wiggly tentacles which double as weapons they melee with. They are special snowflakes so I will need to carve out some time for them in the coming months.

Thank You For Attending My TED Talk

Tomorrow, we’re going to have an experimental release, and this weekend onward, most my free time will be spent putting together the sandbox. Up-scaling and porting the inventory is simple enough. Completing the command system which the TF item framework uses is expected to be more of a pain than anything. What I really hope to focus on is map development and combat. We should really solidify the world style and start treading new ground.
As usual, I’ll be posting as I go in the ol’ Discord. I realized it can at times be a pain to have to sift through chat history for snapshots , so I’ve added a new channel (#workshop) dedicated to pinning the little in-the-works posts and discussions related to present and future developments.
Don’t forget, public release cycle resumes in just under three weeks!
There is much work to be done, so with that said, I will bid you adieu. Once again thank you so much for joining me on this adventure! Till next time~
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Exemplary Archetypes & Player Descriptions

 Hello there. We have some changes, some additions, and to top it all off, some fixes!

Recent Changes 
  • Reduced breast size range to avoid scaling issues.
  • Updated Credits Page

 Recent Additions 
  • Added Codecks Page for public development tracking
  • Character Creator: Added Futanari
  • Character Creator: Added Confirm page
  • Character Creator: Added archetype selection
  • Character Creator: Added player Character Bio screen
  • Ported the dialog parser system to C++
  • Ported the entity description system to C++
  • Ported the entity framework (formerly known as the actor framework) to C++ 

Recent Fixes 
  • Fixed issue of splash screen not appearing in builds
  • Multi-line Choice Titles not Displayed Correctly
  • [Bakuretsu] Choice Displays Invalid Tags

Character Bio

Arkavite - Character Creation (Confirm Screen)

The quill button finally serves a purpose. On click, it will bring up the above finalization page. All that’s currently displayed are the Character Bio and Archetype sections. The final version of this page will feature an overview of your beginning stats, and a list of which traits (boons / banes) you’ve selected. As of now the confirm button does nothing. It is merely placeholder.

The underlying player structure and dialog parser system (responsible for handling character description generation) has for the most part been ported over to the new engine. This allows us to generate the “Character Bio” you see above.

The dialog parser system is used whenever we need to reference aspects of a character. Their appearance, what they’re wearing, their name. All of it. We use it in dialog scenes, and item events. This system is applicable to all characters. Not only the player. It’s been future proofed so that we may have procedural or custom NPCs which can be manipulated in the same manner as the player.

Returning to character creation, alterations to the player appearance will be reflected in the Character Bio. Now height, breast size, etc. can be converted into meaningful descriptions from their slider values, we can add these descriptions to the slider display. A little extra job for me to do when polishing up the UI.


Archetype dictates the temperament of your character – how they respond mentally to scenarios and predicaments. It’s our alignment system. We use the archetype stats to run skill checks for various aspects of gameplay. As for archetype selection at character creation, for now we’re relying on sliders. Some choices are stated to influence these archetype stats. In future we may make the starter archetype entirely dependent on which traits you pick. I also like the idea of having it be dependent on some choose your own adventure style scenario at the start of the game much like some older RPGs, buuuut that’s just an idea.
The player archetype is something which can shift over the course of gameplay depending on the actions a player takes. A pure individual may fall from grace or one who is corrupt may seek redemption. Some may fall to insanity while others give in to chaos. It will make for a lot of fun, I’m certain.

Sex Selection

I’ve added a series of new buttons to the right. As you can see we have “Sex” and “Build”. Sex changes the sex of your character (i.e, what genitalia they have), while Build will change the shape of the character body. The Female and Futanari sex options are working. And yes, the futa is physics enabled, though I will say it’s not the most realistic right now since I’ve made it a floppy hard on. I will need to add a flaccid model variant, or create a model which can blend between the two desired states. More peen models, coming soon!
As for the male “Sex” and “Build” options, their models are currently being worked on. Getting that done is now my primary focus. Peen sliders will also be added along with the remaining male models.

  1. The male model
  2. Some all around UI polish
  3. Tutorial-ish Guidance for first time players

These are the last few things to complete before I can make that juicy public release and shift the majority of my focus back to sandbox dev. We're onto the final stretch. Hopefully soonish I'll be back to working on some real gameplay.

An experimental build will be dropping momentarily. 

Until then!~
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Face Time, Twin-Tails, Running Into Action

Hey everyone~ There is much to report!
The next experimental build will be posted shortly, but for now, let's get right into the news.

These last few weeks my primary focus has been finalization of the player skeleton so that sandbox development may resume. This finalization process did result in a little model revision... which snowballed into a lot of model revisions following our discussions in the ol' Discord server.

We’ll begin with the most glaring change. The head and face have been completely remodeled.
From confused to kawaii~

Larger eyes, improved facial structure, and supple lips with improved topology for animating.

The consensus so far is that this is a notable improvement over the previous iteration. Admittedly, after staring at the previous face for so long, the new one has taken some getting used to. That said, the new look has grown on me. It edges away from realism and leans into the realm of style. I like where it's headed. Be sure to let me know what you think~
Arkavite - New player face outside reference pose (She’s awake! I swear!)

Moving swiftly on, since I cleaned up the face, I couldn’t stop there. As if led by my own mania, I became absorbed in cleaning up the rest of the body and ironing out the mesh geometry. The goal was to further improve upon the model topology so that animations moving forward are cleaner. I believe I have achieved this. All the outfit components were adjusted to fit, and in testing the movement is better than before.
Arkavite - Female Base

Drowning In Drip

Speaking of outfits, I remodeled the player shorts, shirt, socks and boots. I wanted to go for a more fantasy aesthetic with the boots. I also modeled up a set of underwear for the player.

After the male base outfit is sorted I'll begin creating a Meido starter outfit to pair with the cuteness curse. Maids are cute, right?


All hair models required revision to fit the new head shape. During this process I implemented the basics of our modular hair framework, and made substantial advancements with hair physics. Most styles and attachments are now physics enabled. A few remain which require physics to be applied or re-applied due to instability. Just a few kinks in the process which will be buffed out.
Arkavite - Hair Customization

So, how does this modular hair system work? As outlined in the roadmap, we have begun with modular buns and ponytails. Of our base hairstyles, four of them have been set up with modular attachments. These styles have been marked with a purple background. Of the four, the first two allow for twin attachment points, so you can have twin buns or twintails. The second two have a rear attachment point, allowing for the attachment of various ponytails and buns.

I quite like this system as the addition of new attachments or bases exponentially increase the number of potential styles to choose from.

To close on the topic of hair, one last thing I’d like to discuss is the inclusion of a “Conceal Ears” toggle. This has been added exclusively for the Magus race and serves two purposes. Firstly, their ears are short enough such that one could argue Magus can hide their ears behind their hair. In some cases this is a desired “look”, so the option is there.  
Secondly, since our kemonomimi races are anatomically correct, there is hair in places where ears would normally be expected to stick out. This means that in the case of Magus, their ears will almost always end up clipping through the hairstyles. This is predominantly an issue for styles which are short on the sides. In future, I intend to resolve this by designing base variants which take into consideration non-kemonomimi ear placement.

Sandbox Development

Sandbox development has sort of kicked back off again. I’ve added player movement (walk, run and jump). Last post I mentioned I’d like to get leg IK working. This process ensures our legs position themselves correctly depending on the terrain beneath them, so when a player walks on stairs, their feet connect with the individual steps rather than clipping through them. Or, if the player happens to be standing on uneven terrain, their feet would remain planted on the ground beneath them (as opposed to having one foot hover or another foot clip). It’s one of those overlooked details which has a big impact, and I just love the look of it when it works.
It Just Works™

I've included some earlier test footage of the legs in motion below. Note, this was recorded before the face and body update, so it looks a little different to the image above.
 Later I’d like to add turn based tilt for run animations. I ran some quick tests earlier. Didn’t work so well. There are several more aspects to movement and control which I should really square away first, so we’ll return to that little detail another time.

Finally, I’ve added a pose system to the player which handles pose animations in the character creator. It’s now only a matter of loading the system up with pose animations and adding the ability to switch poses on UI. I figure it will also find use in a future photo mode.

This, That & The Other Thing

Some other changes and additions of note.

 ◉ Audio Updates 
  • Refactored the game audio management system and fixed some underlying pointer issues
  • Added additional BGM to the Extras audio compendium
  • Added additional BGM to the character creator. The Unity playlist is finally making a comeback
◉ Added choice portrait for [Broken]
◉ Shrunk and symmetrized limiter seal texture for the player mesh 
◉ Eye Updates 
  • Added Heterochromia toggle for eye color (This may later be tied into another Boon/Bane trait choice)
  • Added new eye style option. I should add cat eyes and heart eyes at some point shouldn't I?
◉ Credits page update
One final plug. If you’re not already on the Discord server I would recommend checking it out and joining in on the chit chat. I post updates in the #arkavite channel frequently as developments are developed, so if you ever want see all this unfold in real time or shout at me directly, that's the place to be!

This weekend I will be putting together a basic sandbox map, modelling up some dicks and porting over the character description parser. I would also like to add the basic “player archetype" selection screen to the character creator, but that will depend on available time. In the new week I'll be jumping between working on the male base, implementing choice functions, and beginning a port of our old inventory system.

And that is all for now. Thank you all for following along. Be sure to let me know your thoughts, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Till the next one~ 

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Padoru Approaches

Hey, hey people~
As Christmas draws ever closer, I’m sure you’re all wondering where we are with things, so allow me to fill you in.

Character Creation

I’ve been working tirelessly towards the completion of this character creator, and while we are not there just yet, I’ve been making great progress. As you can see, I’ve reworked the general layout of the UI. Most of the interface is now completely functional.
Project Arkavite - Character Creator
Why the change in layout?
The choice description window is only present when a choice is hovered. With our previous design this meant that the majority of the time, you’d have a large empty space right of the player. This made the UI appear unbalanced and feel as though everything was squished to one side of the screen. My first attempt at resolving this issue, involved having the camera pan on mouse hover to keep the player centered in this empty space.

This worked horribly. The cameras auto-pan would clash with the player camera controls in unexpected ways. The camera would needlessly pan whenever your mouse were to pass over a choice on its way to the section buttons. Of course, to resolve this issue I could have put the description reveal on delay, but that would come at the cost of UI responsiveness...
My cursed concept work never ceases to amaze me... The Boon & Bane section Icons have also been updated so they are easier to differentiate from one another. "+" and "-" icons are too ambiguous.
So, here’s what we have now. Keeping the player central, I moved all the section buttons to one side (making use of that available space), and brought the character description window to the middle. I also removed the background graphic of the choice panel, in order to create more openess and make the design feel less unbalanced. It also gives us a greater view of our new background environment.

New Environment
The most standout change has to be the new backdrop to our character creator. I got my hands on some environmental assets, made some quick tweaks, and threw our lucky character into this quaint little room. It does look nice, and it provides us with a visual point of scale when adjusting the height/proportions of our character.

New Hairstyles
Several new hairstyles have been added to the game, with many more on the way. I’ve acquired a couple of stylish hair mesh packs which following some necessary adjustments I intend to use.
Blender Model View - Just some of the new hairstyles coming to a character creator somewhere near you. A series of longer hairstyles will also be introduced.
Later into development I’d like to introduce modular hair. That would involve having the hair split into front, back (and possibly side) parts which can be mixed and matched with one another to create a custom style. For now at least, I want to keep things simple by having a base hairstyle, with the option to add ponytails and buns.
Project Arkavite - The Icons currently use a silhouette view, but I may switch to mesh renders. Some level of detail is lost in the solid view which may make it difficult to differentiate styles from one another when more are inevitably added.

As for our new color swatch, I’ve configured it in a honeycomb like pattern. The colors themselves are not totally final. I have configured the game to load color data from file so that it can be updated easily, and eventually open to modding.
Project Arkavite - Recolor Demo

Eyes & Brows
Hair, skin, and eyes are all recolorable just like the Unity version. In addition to this I will be creating "eye style" options. These options will allow you to change the iris design and apply various pupil patterns. Do you want heart eyes, or cat-like slits? The option should be made available. I will also be adding a series of new eyebrow designs in the coming weeks.
Project Arkavite - Eye Color

Jiggle Physics, Appendages & Camera Control
Arguably the most important feature of all (Jiggle Physics) has been added. It’s passable in its current form, however you might say it's too firm. I can see some room for improvement. Once I update the player skeleton I may exaggerate the jiggle a little more or add sliders which allow the player to scale it up as much as their heart desires.
Project Arkavite - Jiggle UwU
I could also improve the code by having jiggle scale proportional to size. There is much to consider.

I’ve actually gone a step further and applied jiggle to ears as well. It looks cute. But we cannot discuss cat ears without also mentioning their tails. Truth be told, this is a pretty bare bones tail, and the physics has rendered it a little droopy for my liking, but I am also using it as an analog for prototyping hair physics. Down the road I’d like to give the cat tail more volume and some basic actuation so it doesn’t look as flaccid.
Project Arkavite - Camera & Rotation

The last thing I wanted to mention on this topic was the camera. I've added pan (up/down) and rotate controls to the middle mouse button as well as basic scroll to zoom functionality. It's pretty minor, but also pretty important.

Body Sliders
The sliders here are a work in progress. They could definitely do with limits. For now it's just booba and height, but following a skeleton update I'll add functionality for thighs, butt and whatever else makes sense. Face sliders will come at a later point in time.
For these general body sliders I would like to add text to the left or underneath which describes the current level the slider is set to. In the case of booba it may list the cup or in the case of height, it would give you the numerical value of your height.

Modelling & Texturing Plans
We have basic cat ears and a basic cat tail. In the coming week I want to finish modelling a floofy kitsune tail, and put together the first outfit model. After which, I’ll be modelling and texturing components for the remaining races, and choices which influence the character appearance (e.g., Eyepatches, Ahoge, Mechanical Limbs, magical seals).

Main Menu

In recent weeks I’ve been rebuilding the Main Menu and it’s sub-menus for Unreal Engine. I’ve kept the general look and feel from the Unity version. I’ve also recreated my fancy load transition. This is still a work in progress, but it is getting close to where I want it to be.
Project Arkavite - Main Menu
Soon I'll be glowing up this UI with some material effects. I'm not sure I want to make it as busy as it was in the Unity version.

The Current Schedule

Most of the remaining work now revolves around modelling, texturing and interface polish. We still need to implement Men, Futa, and character description generation before making the first public release.
I am running a little behind the ambitious deadline I set a few months back, but hopefully not by too much. I believe the game will reach an experimental build worthy state in about three to four weeks’ time. Subsequent builds towards the end of January will then focus on adding Men, Futa, and porting the character description subsystem from Unity to Unreal. I’ll also take this opportunity to carry out any necessary fixes before the full public release.
So, to reiterate, the first experimental should drop by the 13th of January and the first public release 2-3 weeks after. My apologies for the great delay. Rebuilding everything these few short months has been quite the headache, but I am pleased with the direction we are moving in and I am excited for the potential this new system is beginning to bring to the table.
But I've rambled on long enough. What do you think of today's developments? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Are you excited? Be sure to let me know!

Thank you all so much for your continued generous support. It’s still a little over a week away, but if you don’t hear from me then, I’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.
Till next time~

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