About Project Arkavite
Project Arkavite is a H-RPG game about experiencing the adventure of a lifetime. Our tale begins in a land rich with fantasy and sprinklings of dungeon-punk. This is a world of magical guns, swords and sorcery -- sporting lecherous lewds and magnificent mysteries!
Broadly speaking, I’m designing an open world in which you can go around adventuring, surviving and exploring endlessly. Something with many JRPG fantasy traits, but doesn’t strictly lock you down the path of a linear story. While the game will have a core narrative, there will be plenty of other aspects focusing on exploration, combat, survival, romance, "romance~", and customization.
 ◉ Customization - The player character is provided with numerous slots for apparel, but customization doesn't end there! Magical potions, curses, and esoterically induced transformations will present an added layer of customization, allowing you to alter your body in lewd and perverse ways.
 ◉ Romance -  In Arkavite you will find traditional romancing akin to what you'd see in otome gamu, and that other kind of "romancing~" you may find in eroge. Let your mind run wild! We have a main cast in mind. Pretty bois and some lovely ladies. Capture targets are key!
 ◉ Survival - Food, drink and rest will be present in this game. When the going gets tough and supplies start dwindling, you may find yourself forced to dine on things you probably shouldn't be eating. Crafting, and construction are also a given. In later stages of development we will tackle weather systems and environmental hazards, both standard and magical.
 ◉ Exploration - We’re aiming for an open and somewhat organic world. From cities and villages to castles and ruins, a large portion of the world will be hand-crafted. To make the world feel truly larger than life, portions of the world will be procedurally generated. Devious dungeons and wilderness that'd swallow you whole. Our goal is to create an unpredictable, yet enjoyable experience in this endless world of Arkavite.

Why Support Arkavite?
Developing games and experiences is my passion. If you've arrived at this page, genuinely like what I do, and want to see it go further, your support would mean the world to me, and go a great way in helping secure the future of this project!
I’d like to offer more if possible, so if there’s anything you want to be seeing from me on top of what I do now, do let me know!

Feel free to stop by our Discord Server~
Check out the Arkavite Website for Dev Logs, the Roadmap and my other creations~