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Zjera3D profile
NSFW Adult (18+) Animations. I'm often working on several projects at once; releasing them as they finish. Nearly all projects have various forms of music, some with sound effects, and most with bondage and/or machine themes.

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-Access to the Discord (Follower Tier)

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-Full Animations -Access to the Discord (Supporter Role)

30 подписчиков Supporter
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-Full Animations -Alternate Angles (Loops) -Alternate Outfits (Loops If Created) -Access to the Discord (Investor Role) -Access to Investor Role Discord Channels (Suggestions)

79 подписчиков Investor
USD в месяц

-Full Animations -Alternate Angles (Loops) -Alternate Outfits (Loops If Created) -Access to the Discord (Patron Role) -Access to Patron Role Discord Channels (Suggestions, Top Tier)

This Tier is for the purpose of being extra supportive of my work. Activated this tier since a few subscribers commented on a higher one and for reaching my original Goal.

2 подписчика Patron

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  • Full Animation
  • Alternate Angles and/or Outfits (Loops)
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Displaying posts with tag FeliciaHardy.Reset Filter
Публичный пост

Weekly WIP #96

  •  Black Cat Café - Marvel Comics - Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)

    Black Cat Café. I think it's a fantastic name. I didn't come up with it; a follower did. According to Wikipedia, a cat café is a theme café whose attraction is cats who can be watched and played with. Well; Black "Cat" is about to be watched and "played with", so it works on a fun play on words type level.

    Still a lot of general scene sorting. (What's in the background, how much of the background needs to be shown, is there anyone else visible, etc.) so there isn't much to show yet. Also, I have a lot more textures to work on, mostly for Black Cat and for various things, like the dildos for the machine. Interesting what can happen by just changing a texture outright and editing the bump map (the file that determines the way the light bends/reflects on the object to show wrinkles/texture). I like them. More interesting than just a solid color or flesh tone. I'll probably keep them somewhat like the preview picture.

    It's already been chatted about some on my Discord about the possible use of a gag for this. Yes, there will be a bit gag this time. In fact, it's the one on the banner picture here on SubStar that Judy Alvarez has on.

    Still not sure what music I'll use. I need to look around for that soon. Even though this won't be musically timed, the music will still need to help set the tone.
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Публичный пост

Weekly WIP #95

  •  To Be Named Project - DC Comics - Black Cat

    Might take a bit to sort a name for this one.

    Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) is invited to a spiffy charity event hosted by a new company Obsidian Mirage.  Little does she know that they know that she's also Black Cat and they have an....interesting theme for the event.

    Long limo ride on a dark and rainy night. (Yeah, I like rain in animations. I've not figured out why yet.) Hope nothing happens like a spiked drink, or some kind of knockout gas gets pumped into the car. "Hint hint" and all that.

    Not much to say about this yet; still early in concept. The intro, which is also where I'm also going to place the credits, is nearly finished. I miss intros and more a cinematic style. I like how BM Ivy has the detailed start. I was going to do a single camera angle, but I've decided to do several. One wouldn't show enough of what's going on and it be kinda boring.  The lighting has turned pretty nice on this section. I think I do lights well these days.

    This one will not be timed to music, since the concept wouldn't make sense for it. It will, however, have music in the background, most likely a loop. Something that won't grate on nerves to hear over and over and over and over and you get the point. Lastly, this one is meant to be longer than anything so far. I really want to convey a lengthy passing of time, so there will be the nice time transitions (Like Yin-Ping) and expression changes (Like Sancus 1) plus actual project length. How long? Not sure yet.

    Lastly #2. Since this will be longer running, it will take longer to make. It's going to have a lot of transitions. Hopefully you all bare with me on this, since there most likely won't be anything released for a bit.
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