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Adult Writer creating Erotic Fiction focused on Vanilla; Vore; Peril; Hentai; and Misc. themes

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Soul Calibur Peril Poll

Talim, Cassandra and Sophitia fight through many foes to save their friends Xianghua and Seong Mina along with Ivy Valentine. However, their escape attempt is interrupted by an unknown obstacle...

What should these lovely ladies face?

I'd like you to help decide.

By the way, you can vote for multiple options and comment for more details you'd like to see for this upcoming peril series.
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Preview - Flight to Foul Fate

Summary: Four slaves take a chance for freedom and flee into an unknown jungle. Pursued by a furious and beautiful captain, the escapees will find themselves facing worst peril than bondage and slavery...


Hounds barked and howled behind them, a sign that their pursuers were getting closer. They heard the distant calls of soldiers barking out orders or talking about the footprints that they were following. They'd found broken chains with the cuffs matted with crusted blood and a broken knife bearing the blood of a dead comrade.

The four slave girls didn't have time to look back or see how far ahead they were. They just had to keep running and leaping over fallen trees and other obstacles. Desperation added to their speed as they worked their beautiful plump curvy bodies to their limits. They knew that if they were caught, they would face a fate worse than the one that they were escaping from.

Their feet lost solid ground and one tripped and fell into a puddle of watery mud. Two others helped her to her feet as they kept fleeing, their near nude voluptuous bodies now coated with runny wet dirt. They ran through bushes growing out of clustered together citrus trees and cut their skin on agave and spiny pear cacti.

They ran into a nameless jungle that none of them had ever heard of nor seen. But this was their only chance for freedom, their only hope to escape those who had destroyed their homes and treated them like cattle. They ran until their bodies could carry them no more and their chests demanded for them to halt and let their lungs gather air once more.

“We've lost them...for now...” Amata leaned against a tree, breathing deeply recovering her strength. The bastard of a desert priest-king, Amata's voluptuous slender figure was dripping with sweat, her bronze brown skin shining from the heavy perspiration. Her long black hair had been dampened and clung to her shoulders and back. Her blue eyes shone with sincerity and hope, but her eyelids were heavy with fatigue.

Her huge bountiful boobs rose and fell as she breathed heavily, her chest barely covered by the white breast curtains hanging down from the sapphire gem choker around her neck. The curtains were sheer and thin enough to where much of her big puffy dark pink areolae could be seen along with much of the soft obese flesh of her big bosom. Her plump thighs were completely bare and her crotch barely covered even by the tiny thin jeweled thong she wore over her crotch or at least her lower lips as much of her labium was clearly visible.

“For now? What will we do when they find our trail again?” Phaedra asked while sitting down, even more tired due to a life of luxury. Phaedra had been the daughter of a fallen city state's ruler, but was reduced to a common slave in defeat. Her chest brown hair was cut to her shoulders, her brown eyes filled with fear and arrogance. She was a fair skinned slender plump beauty with a curvy figure and wide hips, her modestly large breasts poking through the off-shoulder thin silk tunic that hugged and illuminated her figure. Her tunic only ran down to halfway down her thighs and was slit on the sides, revealing the tiny silk thong that covered her maidenhead.

“Shut up! Go back and turn yourself in if you want!” Thania did not want to hear that bitch whine when they'd just escaped. Thania was from the same city as Phaedra, her father had been the city guard's captain and had died defending the now burning ruin of Lecnia. The brave blond had her hair cut to her neck and weariness made it hard for her to keep her green eyes open. She was a lily white skinned slim curvy girl whose huge breasts were practically bare, the decorative silver chains leaving her practically nude. The emeralds upon her big pink nipples left her plump areolae completely bare and the pelvic curtain over her crotch was sheer enough to show her trimmed bush and genitals.

“We'll just go on to freedom without you! Right Kynthia?” Thania turned to the architect of their flight to freedom, but she was turned away from the group. “Kynthia?”

“Kynthia my friend?” Kynthia wasn't listening to either of her fellow escapees, she was instead staring out into nothing. Her skin as white as snow, the girl's black hair ran down to her hips. Her voluptuous slender figure garbed in a thin silk tunic which was ripped at the front to let one of her enormous fat breasts hang out. Her pink nipples and areolae were prominently large and bumpy, still sore from the bite mark under her teat. Her huge ass strained against the fabric of the short hemed tunic, her toned thighs pretty bare with the bottom of her but exposed showing she had no garments covering her crotch.

Kynthia was instead looking down at her hands, shaking and shivering at what she saw. To anyone else, they would see the mud that they'd all had to crawl through at times. But the novice acolyte of a fallen temple saw something else with her blue eyes.

Kynthia could still see the blood on her hands.

She'd remembered dead eyes of the man she'd stabbed in the throat. A man who'd chosen her as a victim of lust and torment. A man whose dagger was pulled from his belt while groped and stripped the girl for his pleasure. She shook while he died and then a madness came upon her. What happened next only happened in flashes that she barely remembered.

Amata stayed tied to a poll filled with dread as her big ass was licked and sucked by a soldier. Then she sobbed when she heard him fiddling with his belt and she heard a sick stabbing noise followed by a choking groan. She turned to see a frantic black haired girl stabbing the soldier's neck even as blood was spraying onto her face.

Phaedra was glad she wasn't picked, it was better for Thania to be forced onto her back than her. Thania struggled and kicked her tormentor's legs, but the man just enjoyed the challenge as he licked her thighs. Phaedra hoped that the man would be spent after he was done with the guard captain's daughter and wanted her to stop struggling. Just as Thania's legs were opened, the soldier froze up as a blade was stabbed through his throat and was broken off.

In truth, the four slave girls weren't really sure how they'd unbound themselves or how they'd gotten out of the camp. They just knew that Kynthia's madness was the only chance that they had for freedom and they seized it without another thought. It had been Amata who grabbed Kynthia and dragged her with them while the girl remained dazed at her own deeds.

“Kynthia?” It was Amata who brought the pale faced girl out of her tortured thoughts. The blue eyed brown girl looking the acolyte in the eyes assuredly and then pulling her into a hug. As their breasts rubbed onto each other, Amata wrapped her arms around Kynthia as the shattered girl returned the favor. “It will be alright. You have freed us and I thank you.”

“I...I...” Kynthia knew that the men she killed were bad people and wanted to hurt her and the others. But what she'd done was an affront to her deity, she had taken a life and was now accursed. And yet, she was being treated with such compassion and gratitude. “I do not deserve this.”

“Then we don't deserve to be free.” Thania insisted while Phaedra turned away from the scene disgusted. “I know that it must be heavy...having the burden of your deed on you...but...if you hadn't done that...we wouldn't be hope one day you can forgive yourself...”

“It is my deity who must forgive me.” Kynthia remarked, pulling away from Amata and hugging her chest to herself. “It is her will that I have just oath to her that I have disgraced...”

“Then if a price must be paid, we will help you pay it together.” Amata promised. “Now then, once we've had more breath in us, we must move on before our luck runs out. Who knows who many soldiers they will send to find us.”


Back at the soldier's camp, a shaking man breathed his last as his ruthless captain pulled her blade from his chest. She was furious with the laxness of her men and what it resulted in. She did not expect to awake to such pathetic failure from her own men. They were meant to be the elite of the entire Empire and yet, this mess had happened.

Needless to say, Company Captain Monime was not happy with her subordinate. “Report.”

The guard gulped and steeled himself as he answered. “Four of the slave girls escaped. We currently report that four guards are dead and a fifth is unconscious and in bad condition. We believe that they may have ran into the jungle, but their tracks disappear after ten paces...the recent rain has made the forest floor wet and muddy and our blood hounds can't get their scent.”

“Damn.” Monime was slim, but well toned and athletic from harsh training and experience. Her long blond hair ran down her back in thick rivelets and her pale skin knicked with scars and healed cuts. Her green eyes shone with fury.

“How could you be so blind and incompetent? I give you one job and you let four of your comrades die and four slaves escape...” And his captain was so furious, the guard being scolded felt very afraid when his eyes dared to peak at the hints of pink coming out from her chainmail bikini. 

Her attire was originally given to her as a joke, but she took it as a badge of pride and made it skimpier.  The loose body chains and chainmail barely covering her teats couldn't even be considered an armored bikini. Hell, her huge ass was on full display as her wide hips swayed with her wrath. The thong covering her crotch left her vulva partially exposed and her breasts were able to freely jump and jiggle at the slightest movement.

During her rant, Monime suddenly stopped and started jumping up and down to make her huge rack dance and sway around. Her ass clapped together loudly, making the guard blush while daring to think of himself behind those cheeks. Then the guard was interrupted when the angry captain randomly cut open his stomach and dug her sword through her torso.

“Choke on your ass and die!” Monime screamed as she kicked down her dying guard and bashed her head against his neck to break it. “Spread out into the jungle and find those whores! I want them returned alive! They can't have gotten far-”

“No.” Her tall and bald lieutenant answered, stunning the captain and the nervous men around them. “Let the whores run, we're not wasting time going after some bitches.”

“Excuse me?” Monime asked, walking right into the lieutenant's face. She always hated this man and his attitude. So what if he was twice her age, had more experience in the field and always made the plans that led to victory? Monime was of high noble blood and this bald man defying her was a son of a whore who got fucked by hundreds in one day. “Repeat yourself.”

“Ma'am, the jungle is too large and too savage to risk a search.” The lieutenant explained. “We'll lose more men looking for the slaves than if we just cut our losses and keep moving. We're also already behind schedule as it is-”

“NO! I gave you an order!” Monime shouted as her breasts flopped and jiggled around in her outrage. “You are going after those slaves or else-”

“Or else what? You'll kill me?” The lieutenant asked even while looking at Monime's bloodied sword. “This is exactly why the commander won't promote you! All you use is force and pride! The men are ready to mutiny and fuck you bloody! Now you just killed two more men because you can't control that temper of yours! All over four bloody slaves! We still have hundreds of slaves well secured-”

“THAT'S NOT THE POINT!” Monime roared practically jumping in place like a child having a tantrum. “We have orders to bring every slave back to the capital! I will obey those orders and if you have a problem with that, then you can fall on your own sword and die!”

The lieutenant just scoffed. “You know what, if those slaves are so important to you then you go get them! Or waste time arguing and threatening me, I don't care! Just make up your mind you whiny little spoiled brat!”

Monime pointed her blade right into the lieutenant's face an inch from the eye. “When I return, I will cut out each eye and feed them to you. Then you shall better hear as I dismember you cock and stem, balls and seed, foot and leg, hand and arm until I carve out your heart and make you choke on it.”

The lieutenant didn't have a cunning remark this time, he was too scared to speak. As he shook in place, the scantily clad captain just marched into the jungle. He and other men dared a peek at the swinging clapping ass of their captain. More than a few had thoughts of showing the spoiled girl her place when she returned.

That is, if she returned. The lieutenant wasn't going to wait around. “Alright men, we move out.” To his surprise, no one bothered countering or questioning his orders. They were just as fed up with Captain Monime as he was...
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Preview: Linkle's Reward

After he saved her life, Linkle decides to reward the young hero Data-Sora. She'd lost all of her rubies however and so she comes up with a much better way to thank the keyblade wielder...

Previous Story:

Sitting together in a busy tavern, Linkle and Data-Sora quietly and shyly ate their food. Yesterday had been a roller coaster for both of them. Data-Sora was still getting used to the many things about a flesh body that the real Sora and King Mickey didn't warn him about. He was exploring a strange new world with magic and danger with a technology level that stunned him.
Linkle had been eaten multiple times by like-like slime monsters and would have been stuck within them if not for Sora. Worst was that her rescuer had seen her nude had ran away before doing anything to repay him. The embarrassment and her own actions had made her blush, even more so when by chance she had found Data-Sora at the same tavern she'd visited.
“Sorry for leaving you like that...” Linkle apologized to the young man with spiky brown hair, breaking the awkward silence. “I was...embarrassed and...thank you for saving me and getting me back my gear.”
“No problem.” The naive data-Sora replied with an assuring bright smile. “But...I'm sorry that I didn't get your rubees...I guess the like-like's ate them...
“Oh...damn it...” Linkle muttered, looking down into her empty money satchel. “Well...I would've let you have them as a reward...”
“That's okay. I'll just cut through the grass and get some!” Sora drew out his keyblade with a flash and playfully swung it around. “Or break some pots.”
“What.” Linkle gasped and then laughed. “My big brother Link does that all of the time! Zelda puts him through so much grief for that! He hasn't stopped since he was a kid!”
“Then I guess he's rich?” Linkle cracked up even louder now, drawing the attention of the other inn patrons. “Sorry! I made her laugh!”
“What are you sorry for. That's a good thing!” A one eyed half dark elf complimented while sharing a drink with his pregnant blue haired half-elf companion. “It worked for me!”
“I guess so...” Data-Sora was not quite used to certain social norms and graces, so he just sat abashed while Linkle settled herself. “Think I can get rich like that?"
“Maybe...” Linkle cackled with more laughter. “But seriously...I can't just part ways with you without rewarding you somehow.”
“Let's trade then.” Data-Sora figured that trade was a universal practice. “You can give me something and we'll call it even.”
“Well then...” Linkle blushed now, her equipment was both needed and paled compared to the magic key-shaped pipe which Data-Sora insisted was a blade. “I'll need to think of something.”
“No hurry.” Sora replied, leaning back relaxed and at ease. “It's the thought that counts. I'll take anything that you offer.
Linkle saw a mercenary walk into his room with his arms wrapped around two halfling escorts in revealing night-dresses. An idea came into Linkle's mind that she blurted out. “I could be your companion!”
Sora blinked. “As in my travel companion? A party member?”
“Yeah...” Linkle replied. “But...I'd do more than just fight beside you...I'd also...ah...”
Seeing Linkle hesitate, Sora gave a glance at the mercenary with two halfling friends and turned back to Linkle confused. “You'd also what?”
“It's saved my life back there...” Linkle set a hand on her chest and looked into Sora's eyes. “I owe you a debt that cannot be paid. So...let me give you everything...a start to how I could...honor my debt.”
“Are you asking to be my slave?” Sora asked with concern, grabbing Linkle's hands. “Look! You don't have to enslave yourself to me!”
“This isn't slavery or...I'll leave if you hurt me.” Linkle promised. “But I know you won''re the purest person I know next to my brother. I just want to show you how grateful I am that you saved my life.”
Sora still didn't really understand Linkle's proposition. “It might be easier if you show me what you mean rather than tell me.”
Data-Sora wasn't sure why he was sitting on the bed really.
Their room at the inn was simple and cheap with only a single bed. Sora had intended to let Linkle use the bed while he slept on the floor with his bed roll. But right now, Linkle had told him to sit and wait on the bed while she got something. It had already been an hour and Sora was not sure what Linkle was even doing.
The door to the room opened and closed as Sora turned around. “Listen, it's not that late yet-” What Sora saw stunned him to silence.
Linkle was wearing a see-through night-dress low cut to show of an ample amount of cleavage. The front was slit to show her belly while the hem of her skirt didn't even go halfway down her plump thighs. The fabric was so sheer that Sora could easily see her pale pink nipples beneath the silk cloth, the full shape of her perky breasts and the lace thong covering her genitals.

“The shopkeeper said this would impress you most.” Linkle shyly explained, setting her hands above her chest and barely able to keep eye contact with the stunned Sora. “Do you like it.”
Sora nodded and he winced, feeling something harden in his crotch. He threw his hands over his trousers, but Linkle gently moved them aside. “Sorry...” Sora muttered as Linkle pulled down his pants, a solid hard cock springing out and slapping the girl on her cheek. “Ah...sorry-”
“So this is what it looks like.” Linkle played with Data-Sora's thick and white girth, jerking his foreskin up and down over his wide pink glans curiously. “Does that mean you like me? Like my outfit?”
“I...I do...” Sora muttered, feeling unsure about this whole situation. When he saw Linkle look downcast, he put his hands on her shoulders. “No! I really do like you! I think your outfit really makes you sexy?”
“Really?” Linkle perked up. “This the first time I've ever done or worn something like this. I was worried wasn't enough or that it was too much...
“Don't worry about that. Just be yourself.” Sora assured smiling. “So ah...go ahead and do what you wanted...whatever it is that companions do to each other.” In truth, Sora was thinking back through his knowledge of organic behavior and figured this was not normal for traveling companions. But some small beast in him told him to go with the flow and he'd like it.
Linkle took the lead as best as she could, rubbing her lips onto Sora's, coiling her tongue around his and jerking his solid footlong. Linkle pressed her chest against Sora's hard chest, letting him feel her soft mounds sway upon his muscles. He felt her breasts thump with each heavy beat of her heart, the girl clearly stuffing down her own nervousness.
“I'm sorry they're not big-” Linkle gasped when Sora's suctions intensified and his tongue lapped around her stretched nipple. Her breast popped out of his mouth as he moved to the other tit and did the same to it. “Yeah...that feels nice...”
Data-Sora had seen pictures of women with big breasts and they looked nice. But he wasn't going to deny touching or tasting Linkle's perky breasts regardless of their small shape. Hearing her moan and shake under his touch told him that her nipples were especially sensitive, drawing his tongue to her teats while Linkle kept jerking off his cock faster and faster.
“This is fun...” Linkle muttered as her face got redder and hotter. She felt liquids spill out of her cunt, his Sora's fingers found her clit and slowly rubbed her. 
“Yeah...” Sora agreed.

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First Access Preview: Spider Girls vs Crocodilian 1Spider Girls Gwen Stacy and Mayday Parker are ...

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Witcher Worm Pit Preview 2

Full series almost done and just needs touch up. Once that's done, the goods will be posted here and on Deviantart. 

Feel free to share your thoughts.

Happy Vore Day Everyone!


Inspired by this requested witcher vore tale:

Witcher Character assets by Shinteo:
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