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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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Isekai'd into a Hentai Fantasy World (MHA)

Deku (and potentially others) find himself stuck in a fantasy world. His powers still work, but this is near the start of his adventure, he hasn’t even finished first semester yet, and some succubus is messing with him!


Izuku marched forth, moving with a sense of determination as he slowly moved down the hall, his lantern in front so he could see, while his sword was at his side. He kept on his toes so he could quickly avoid an attack by springing back, though it wasn’t lethal attacks he was mainly worried about.

It was attacks to his new and absurd breasts. 

Granted his ass could get attacked to, but at least back there it was only a slap or a grope, not… not what happened when he was felt up. Or rather she. 

Not long after she’d woken up in the middle of a field Izuku had encountered her. A bat winged girl had been there, which kind of reminded him of busty devil girls from anime. She had seemed friendly at first, all happy go lucky, really interested in her and honestly kind of cute and sexy at the same time. She’d accidentally blurted that out at her and she’d merely giggled before gifting Izuku the cursed object that was the reason she had such a lewd, female body now. 

She’d given her an amulet that was magical, and it certainly was, just not a beneficial magic to Izuku. The greenette hadn’t thought anything of it at the time, she’d put it on in order to not be rude, and at some point fell asleep. Then when she woke up, she’d been transformed… and… honestly she was hot. Potentially even hotter than any of the girls in class 1A. 

She’d spent so long, just holding her breasts, squeezing them a bit, fondling them in that tiny little camp, not to mention her ass. It was massive now, enough that it would be easy to smother someone with her new rear if need be. Not to mention it made a great cushion that went well with his now far larger hips and thighs. 

After that she’d looked around, but the succubi was no where to be seen, with only a note hoping Izuku liked her new body.

She did, and didn’t. It was… quite the conundrum. Thank Kami for the fact that she’d done all of that strength training with All-Might or her massive tits now might have given her back problems. For now though, they just kind of got in the way from how massive they were… and were distracting to her still female appreciating psyche.

Izuku swallowed, trying to get the thought of taking a little break out from her head. Now… now was not the time to take a break and… have some fun. Now was a time of action, of finishing her little initial expedition into this dungeon and scouting the place out. Not waste time… touching her big juicy…

Biting the insides of her cheeks, Izuku focused on the pain for a moment before releasing her bite and started to move forward again. She wasn’t going to succumb to the succubi’s curse, she was a hero, and she had a well of determination. She’d cleaned up the beach of Musutafu without powers, she’d gotten into U.A. High School, and she’d scout this dungeon to figure out what gear she needed in order to clear it!

It was a small step. Izuku had no illusions that she’d find the succubus that turned her into a buxom babe here. That wasn’t the point of this mission to clear this place out. Weeks ago orcs had started to attack caravans and make off with lots of money, and the local sherrif had said if someone could take them out, any treasure claimed would be that person’s treasure. Izuku wasn’t sure about killing, she’d do it if she had to but… hopefully she could just hurt the chief and they’d run away maybe? Unfortunately he’d be killed anyways, even if she turned him into the sherrif… so killing him quickly… honestly was kind of a mercy. Even though the thought made her stomach churn.

Of course, it was either this, or continue working as the local bar maid, getting groped, slaps on her ass, lewd comments… asking for a kiss… 

Izuku groaned, no doubt her face red as could be as she bit her lip. While she never considered herself gay, the way that they acted, how they… how they wanted her. How they acted. The mere touch was enough to set her off, and she wasn’t sure if it was a curse by the succubus, or if she was so worked up, or, or…

Fuck she hadn’t been able to masturbate in weeks! She didn’t know how, she could make herself feel good she knew, but she knew nothing about this curse, was it permanent if she was fucked? Would she even want to turn back into a man if she was fucked? She’d learned online from… lewd hentai manga that a woman’s pleasure was so much more than a man’s, and that from the gender bender manga that she’d read, it was enough to make someone want to stay a woman. She, she didn’t want that, to be corrupted like that and be convinced to stay a girl. Not that there was anything wrong with being a girl but she just liked her penis! That and she didn’t have to change her panties half way through every shift at the bar. So she had to suffer in silence as those she served drinks to customers to did lewd things, made lewd gestures, and all she could do was blush and try to avoid their gaze as they laughed. It… almost made her want to take them up on their offers, to let them…

Izuku let out a shuddering breath before realising she’d stopped again. Shaking her head, she kept moving, the sound of feasting up ahead was getting close now.

Soon enough, she came across a door that seemed to lead near the main hall of the ruined keep. Inside she could hear at least a dozen voices chatting and having a good time. Peeking around the door frame, Izuku confirmed it. Orcs. Not the Japanese kind of orc which were more porcine, but rather the western kind, the kind that was big, green, and…!

Woah. Was all Izuku could think as she saw how girthy one of the orcs were. At the head of the table, was a huge orc, and either he was a show-er, or he was hiding his axe underneath his fur pants since there was a rod as thick as her arm there. With wide eyes, Izuku pulled back and started to move away from the feasting place of the monsters before… before she did something she’d regret, her mouth already watering, and… and she’d need to change her panties after this. Right, she needed to get out, but then something caught her eye. There was a chest just down a hallway inside of what might have once been a pantry. Curious, Izuku crept down the hall and entered into the pantry, seeing various cutlery and silver dishes around on shelves, stuff he could certainly sell to people back at the village. Though still curious about the chest, Izuku plodded over to it and slowly opened the lid.

Surprisingly, there was no creaking sound as if the thing had been freshly oiled. Curious, Izuku saw what looked to be a ton of silver and copper coins inside of the chest, along with a few pieces of clothing. Reaching out, she grabbed the piece of clothing and raised it up to look at it. 

There was a puff of smoke, and suddenly Izuku felt herself getting wrapped up, her legs tied together, her arms pulled behind her back, and her clothes had disappeared, instead, seemingly replaced by whatever she’d grabbed. Izuku cried out, but found it muffled by some big large thing in her mouth. There was a bit of a draft and Izuku’s eyes realised that her breasts, her ass, and her pussy were all exposed as the cold dungeon air hit her. Izuku squirmed and cried out a bit as she moved.

Then she felt something, something pressing into her ass. Izuku cried out, and tried to use her power that All Might gave her but it wouldn’t surface for some reason, and there was a sudden purple glow coming from what felt like a collar around her neck. All her squirming and moving did nothing to stop whatever it was as Izuku felt it enter her. She let out a cry as something thick and big entered her ass, stretching her out little by little as it pushed. Despite its unwanted entry, the way that it stretched her out, felt good. There was a pleasure that Izuku had never felt before, and it made her pussy lips quiver while her ass was spread around the bead before her rear greedily ate it up. Izuku moaned, glad that it was finally over, before she realised there was another. Izuku’s eyes widened when she felt it start to get pressed in like the first. Only this one was bigger, and thicker. Izuku in vain tried to shake around, to wag the anal beads away, and to push them out to no use. The beads kept pushing in magically, spreading her out bit by bit, making her moan more and more as it spread her out, making her feel good as she tried to rub her thighs together.

In truth, a small part of Izuku was kind of happy about the situation, her core warming up, the pleasure from the beads adding a little to her lewd fire.

It continued like that as Izuku’s legs gave out, and she had to support herself with her head and breasts as they pressed into the floor while more beads pressed into her, each bigger and thicker than the last, spreading her ass out and filling her up~! Izuku’s eyes rolled back as her moans grew steadier. Her hips gyrated with each bead, and eventually Izuku tried to reach back, not for the beads but to touch her neglected pussy, but she failed, her ass was too big. Thus she kept moaning and resigned herself to enjoying the sensation as her ass was filled with beads. Then finally, it stopped as the largest bead finally sunk into Izuku’s ass and she moaned a long, wanton groan of desire as her pussy was wet and quivering, practically dripping with her arousal. Izuku knelt there, unable to muster the energy to move. All she could do was spasm a bit from the pleasure, and from how good it felt to be full, how wonderful it was.

“Mmmmh, how’s my cute little girl doing hmm?” Izuku heard, and her eyes went wide. She tried to get up on her knees, but her heavy breasts kept her from rising, and instead she fell down onto her stomach. Stepping around the greenette though, the succubus who’d transformed Izuku stepped into view, kneeling down with her spiked boots. The demon ruffled Izuku’s still messy green hair as she giggled a bit while Izuku squirmed. 

“Better be quiet, otherwise the Orcs will hear you, and if they catch you, you’ll be their cock sleeve for the rest of your life as they break your cute little mind and fill you with cum and their cute little snotlings,” despite herself, Izuku couldn’t help the scared little cry from coming out, muffled by the gag thankfully as the succubus started to massage and gently scratch at her head. She couldn’t help but shiver as the delightful tingling started to spread through her scalp and spine. No magic as far as she could tell which was good, just a surprise head massage.

“Now, I could release you, it’d be simple, but you’ll have to do something for me in return, ‘mkay?” she asked, and the greenette stayed silent, trying to calm down a bit as the succubus kept massaging her head.

“Here’s the deal, I really, really, really, want you to use that wonderful big brain of yours, but with that stupid self destructive magic you have, well it’s like you have a hammer and now everything is a nail. There may be healers around in this realm, but they won’t do it for cheap, and you don’t exactly have a lot do you? So I’ll release you from this wonderful dress I made for you. But the collar stays on. Oh, and I’ll even give you back your items if you want, but that will cost you extra. So my cute little greenette, what do you think of that offer?” and with that she pulled out the huge red ball gag that had been keeping Izuku gagged. 

“Y-your not giving me many choices. If I don’t go through with it, I’ll get raped by orcs,” she said, and the succubus giggled.

“Judging by how horny you are, I don’t think it’ll stay rape for long, but no. If you don’t want to take my deal, I’ll just teleport you out of here, and you can figure what you want to do from there. Be awful if someone found you though in that dress, after all, that dress messes with your mind, and makes you want to serve you know,” she said, no doubt beaming above the greenette, though she could see nothing but the demon’s footwear. 

“You’re evil,” Izuku whined while the succubus just giggled.

“So what will it be cutie? No self destructive power? Or a fun bit of exhibition with possible slavery in the mix?” she asked and Izuku’s eyes widened. Right, slavery was a thing in this world. It’d never been stamped out by the western powers, and with her mind being messed with like this, not to mention the other stuff…

She’d likely end up the pleasure slave of the local lord. He’d already seemed keen on her when he’d gone to the bar once, and with his troops patrolling…

“O-okay, I’ll do the first thing,” she said and the succubus clapped her hands together.

“Wonderful, lets just get us out of here,” then she stood up properly and started to do something above her, before there was a flash, and suddenly Izuku was back in her room, the succubus there in front of her, and… so was the chest of coinage! The dress however wasn’t gone.

“Now, did you also want your adventuring gear back?” she asked, and Izuku nodded. If she didn’t have her power, she’d better get that stuff back, that had cost a whole month of her money working here along with working on various minor quests!

“I thought so. I put them in little containers, and stuffed them in here,” she said, stepping around Izuku until she patted at the greenette’s rather large back side, and Izuku’s eyes widened. Her items, were in those beads.

“You… you put them in my ass?” she asked, her face letting off a fair amount of heat as her blush continued to grow deeper.

“That’s right, now we can have a bit of fun as I pull them out of my cute little future maid,” she said as she reached, and tugged on something sticking out of Izuku’s ass. As she pulled, Izuku moaned a little, feeling her hole once more getting spread out, her ass widening again. The fact that she pulled on it slowly didn’t help, as the stretching sensation lasted longer than when the toy had been put in. The erotic sensation slowly spread through Izuku like a warm glow, the pleasure once more filling her ass as her pussy was left neglected. The greenette made a few choice sounds, whining a bit as she almost wanted the succubus to touch her, to slip a finger or two down there and start touching her. The demon never did however, merely pulling at the beads. Then in a moment a bead slipped out, and Izuku’s ass closed back up, but the bead hadn’t been that size before, what’d happened?

“Wha, but, it-it hadn’t been, hadn’t been that size before,” the greenette said, confusion entering her voice while the succubus giggled.

“I made it so they resize themselves when getting pulled out, makes them a bit more fun.” With that she resumed pulling as Izuku’s ass was once more opened up. Slowly but surely, the anal beads were being pulled out, and just as the succubus had said they were each bigger than the last, with the pleasure increasing more and more as Izuku’s bulbous butt was spread by each bead. Slowly Izuku’s mind was filled with a lustful fog, each bead adding to it more and more as her pussy quivered, dripping little drops of feminine nectar. The greenette’s eyes started to roll back as the beads coming out started to get thicker and thicker, each feeling better than the last. Soon enough, with each passing of a bead, Izuku’s moans of delight grew more powerful, coming out louder as her mind forgot about modesty, as pleasure came to dominate her lewd hormone filled body.

Soon enough they were near the last of the beads, each bead taking long, long moments to pull out, each stretching out Izuku more and more, just as they had when being put in. Only now the boy turned girl couldn’t help herself as her body resisted the pulling, her pussy clenching as it desperately sought a cock to milk, to fill the empty void. Though the succubi’s pulling was constant and she never gave an inch as the greenette’s ass was spread out, reaching as large as her hand with the final few beads. Each bead nearly prompting an orgasm on their own as Izuku’s pleasure continued to heighten and rise. Her ass felt so good being stretched out, but as each bead left her ass, it also left a hollow feeling inside of her, like she was meant to be filled with a toy, like she wanted to have her ass filled. There was almost a longing for the beads to go back in despite the fact that they’d been part of a trap.

“Okay my dear, last one,” the succubus said as she pulled on the last bead. The very last one, and the largest. Izuku couldn’t hold back her moans as the bead started to spread her out, spreading her rear end wide with its size as slowly her back door was once more spread open. The orb continued to widen the greenette, the spreading inducing more delightful pleasure in the girl as she was spread out, her pussy now clenching, begging and crying for attention. Soon enough, the bead had reached the largest part of it, and this time the succubus slowed as she started to crest the apex of the bead. Izuku’s moans grew louder, her eyes growing misty again as her toes curled and her fingers started to dig into her bound hands. The pleasure from her ass was immense, and as the bead did finally reach its zenith, it was like a dam bursting open as Izuku felt the beginning of an immense chain reaction through her body. Her pussy clamped down and it was like she was having a full body orgasm, pleasure ran through everything as the final bead was pulled. Izuku cried out in ecstasy as her body moved on its own, her hips pumping and gyrating, her breasts were being pressed deep into the floor while her back arched as she felt like she’d entered nirvana. 

Then it all came slowly crashing down as Izuku fell to her side, panting hard as she rested her head on the floor. Her breaths came in shuddering gasps, her pussy still clenching on and off, still reacting while the succubus came around behind Izuku and petted her head. 

“Now that was adorable. I think I’ll leave you those beads. Just say the words “I’m a dirty slut” while thinking of your items and the beads will spit them out. You don’t even need to take them out, since the things will safely teleport out of you. Might even be able to teleport them to your hand if you want, oh and you can only take them out one at a time if their in your ass, but any bead outside will just automatically release the item when that’s said. Anywho my cute little future maid, toodles~!” then with that she disappeared in a small puff of smoke, and Izuku was suddenly free of the restraining dress, leaving only the quirk cancelling collar, and the beads behind.

Hopefully no one had heard her cries of delight.


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