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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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 All Alped Up (MGE Commission)

Commissioned by Tahu1809


Sam smiled as he looked down at the latest iteration of the potion that would hopefully save his morality. A morality threatened by the horrible mamono mages who desired his sexual interests turned in a rather… paedophilic direction. On an average day, unlike his sister, Sam didn’t actually care too much about mamono. They were a problem for the Order and those who closely followed the will of the Chief God. Not that he wasn’t a worshipper, but he had no interest in ending up conscripted into a war he cared nothing about only to get raped at the end of whatever crusade they called. Besides, the Northern Kingdom of Sordan was doing well enough against regular monsters.

But when the mamono mages, or any other mamono threatened to alter his very mind? That’s when he took exception, and a baphomet threatening him with “Teaching him the wonders of loli love,” very much fit.

Now of course he had no illusions of actually winning any bout with a baphomet, or of possibly running away from her. His time researching mamono at the academy, not to mention for the creation of his potion he had now had revealed to him the great reach of any such powerful monsters. Racoon illusionists, aerial dominance, teleportation, etcetera… There were so many tools the baphomet could use to snatch him from away from wherever he escaped to.

However, befuddling them could be possible for a time, letting him steal victory from the jaws of defeat.

Not to mention becoming his true self. A self he’d longed for… for quite a time.

Taking a deep breath, Sam smelled his brew, his corrupt little potion, the thing that would let him both save his mind, and finally let him shed this horrible shell he’d been slipped into on accident. It would have happened eventually, he knew it. He’d learned about it when he’d discovered an old text by a bygone inquisitor that discussed the matter of “alps.” Men whose desires were not “pure” would become them even if they denied it. Alps would come from those who would feel lust for when the looked upon men, even if they felt the same for women.

Sam’s desires certainly weren’t pure, especially when he looked to his friend Karl, how he’d grown to be a strapping lad. The man’s muscles had become pillars of marble, his chest huge and defined. Karl’s abs could be used to grate cheese, and his jaw was strong enough to have been chiselled from granite. Seeing him in any kind of state of undress…

Sam shivered at the thought, while he was enticed by the female form too, perhaps a bit too much in certain regards, Karl was pretty much his only friend, and despite himself… he knew that if he were to be corrupted now, with not baphomet interference, there was no doubt that he would Alp.

Thus, his corrupt potion… he needed a better name for it. 

Well, no time like the present. Swirling the potion around a bit, Sam poured it out into his cup. The brew smelt like Cinderbell tea, a somewhat expensive tea many minor nobles enjoyed that Sam used as a base. Taking a deep breath, Sam downed the tea in a single gulp before setting the teacup down. For a moment, nothing happened, alarm bells started to sound outside, but Sam ignored them. Nothing he’d be able to do about it anyways. 

It started off with warm blooming from just about everywhere. Not just his loins though even as his cock hardened, but his whole body. Sam swallowed his spit, but his mouth was starting to get dry while his body continued to heat up. Unable to help it Sam started to pant like a dog, while at the same time he felt sweat starting to spread across his body. Despite it, he felt like it was barely helping with the heat. Needing to cool down, Sam shed his clothes, the things falling to the floor, and already they were nearly soaked. With a finger Sam flicked it across his sweat soaked arm, and it was almost like sliding a finger against a dewy leaf, water gathering around his fingers, and then he soon noticed the hair. His finger had come away with not just sweat, but the hair had come right off, and it left smooth skin behind. Looking down Sam noticed that his clothes had also ended up covered in his hair, and as he felt himself dripping, he gazed down to see his body hair following the sweat as it slid into a puddle below him. 

As Sam marvelled, he started to feel his ass, his thighs, and his loins growing even hotter. Sam reached down, touched them and it felt like his hands were cool by comparison. On instinct Sam reached for his genitals, before pulling away, a gasp escaping his mouth as his cock had jumped right to attention. The thing was smaller, and yet it twitched with a furious vigour as Sam nearly came from just that. The sensation of pleasure that had ripped through him had been so intense that he’d nearly fallen back. It’d been enough that he almost didn’t notice it as he felt his thighs beginning to touch, or his ass getting thicker, and rounder. Then paying attention to his chest, Sam saw his nipples growing, quill tip sized nubs expanding as they grew turgid, before his breasts started to rapidly balloon, growing a cup every few moments as the heat got turned up on his chest as well. It was like a sauna, and then Sam made the mistake of reaching for a breast. 

“Ooooh~!” Sam let out as he touched his breasts, not even the nipple as just the rough grab was enough to enflame his desires. Unable to hold himself back, Sam’s fingers journeyed further, sliding wonderfully up his breasts, his other hand reaching down to his even smaller cock. As soon as he reached his nipple the sensation of sensual delight filled him and nearly made him start to cum. The moment he wrapped his soft, smooth hand around his cock, it was like he’d thrown an oil pot into the lustful fire at his core. He felt the mechanisms of his member start to churn, his balls pulling in, his dick growing ever more sensitive as he rapidly jerked his now micro dick in with his fingers, his eyes rolling back as the sensations over took him. Sam let out a moan as the orgasm ripped through her, jism spraying into her hand as her eyes crossed, her mouth hanging open as she fell to her knees, her hips shaking and humping at her hand, prolonging the delightful pleasure rapidly burning her up from the inside out. 

In a haze of lust, Sam at some point brought her cum stained fingers up to her lips and started to lick and suck on them, the skin turning smoother than they’d ever been while she suckled on her own seed. The taste was delicious, her arousal soaring once again as she reached down with her other hand and quickly found that instead of a micro penis, a hole had appeared. Sam didn’t even hesitate as she let her fingers dive in, sliding into her slit with no restraint, moaning aloud as pleasure started to hammer her brain once again while she explored her new cavity. 

The feeling was so intense that Sam forgot to pay attention to the other transformations enveloping her body as bones shrunk and her hips widened. Her only focus was on the fingers sliding in and out of her new loins, exploring her virgin pussy. The feeling was not unlike a reversal of when she’d stroke herself, only pushing inward rather than out. Sam moaned more as the intensity continued to ramp, unable to stop herself now that she’d begun. Sam’s fingers kept exploring her slit, diving in with nearly her whole hand until she suddenly hit a specific spot. 

“Oooooh fuck yeah~!” Sam moaned around her cum soaked digits as she started to hammer one specific spot, her G-spot. With each assault from her fingers, divine delight thundered its way forth across her body, clouding her mind even more. Her hips continued to meet her fingers as they started to speed up, while she continued to lick and suck on her cum stained ones, before she started to feel herself coming closer once again. Sam moans grew in both crescendo and speed as she got closer to her goal. As she approached the knife’s edge Sam thought of slowing down, of perhaps edging herself a bit to hold. Her inexperience though doomed her as her fingers slid across a specific spot, and Sam’s eyes widened as a blast of sensation from her clit filled her. It was enough to bring Sam’s now thick and juicy legs together around her fingers to drive them in one last time as Sam cried out around her fingers in delight as she came once again. 

Exhausted, Sam collapsed after that into a puddle of sweat and hair, uncaring for the moment as she just lay there, letting out satisfied moans as she came down from her sexual high. Sam wasn’t sure how long she lay there, but eventually she gained enough strength to push herself up, and magic’d away the mess she’d made. For a moment Sam looked to her boy clothes, and considered them for a second, before smiling and ignoring them. She wasn’t going to be confined to some boyish clothes that probably didn’t fit her any more. Sam, or rather Samantha, had better ideas.

While her sister had… burned her feminine clothes, she still had clothes here and with just a bit of a creative use of some mending spells, some new clothes could be fashioned that actually fit her new form. Walking off to her sister’s room, Samantha grabbed a plain set of clothes her sister used to relax in, and started tearing at them. In their current form they’d never be able to fit around Samantha’s new and improved body, but with a few spells…

Within minutes, Samantha slipped on her new shirt and shorts, the best she could do for now. The shorts barely fit, pressing into her ass enough to merely highlight it. Meanwhile her shirt was little more than a sturdier bra with sleeves and a collar, tied together with a belt in a vain hope to keep her breasts contained. She could see the nubs of her nipples against the fabric, and the way it rubbed as she moved, Samantha was pretty sure she’d not exactly lose her blush any time soon, especially as she admired herself in the mirror. She licked around her thick lips, and smiled at her reflection for a-

But then there was a loud series of banging at the door, with a loud voice accompanying it: “Sam, open up!”

It was her friend, Karl. For a moment Samantha licked her lips, imagining his well muscled form, taking her in his powerful arms, holding her tight, before pinning her to the ground, his erection-

“For the Chief God’s sake open the damn door!” snapped out of her little fantasy, Samantha hopped to it, walking to the door, hesitating for a second as she now looked, almost completely different. Her hesitation didn’t last long, since Karl’d need to know about the new her anyways. It’s just…

“Sam!” with that last shout she opened the door, and barely got a look outside before suddenly two women were shoved towards her. On instinct Samantha cried out, along with the two women shoved into her. Meanwhile Karl sprinted away, barely looking in her direction before leaving.

“Keep them safe!” she heard her friend call out, he was already halfway down the hall before she could even process what was going on.

“What!?” Samantha called, but got no answer as she heard her friend pound his way down the hall and then down the stairs. After a moment of confusion, Samantha and the other two women pulled away from each other, a blush graced the face of the plain blonde woman in the very expensive looking dress. She’d landed face first into Samantha’s breasts, even lingering a moment before pulling back revealing the face of one of the princesses of the realm, Evelyn. She was the youngest, and in truth plainest of the princesses. Only her expensive garb and fancy hair done in series of long spiralling curls and her pretty face did much for her, as her bust was nothing more than mosquito bites. Samantha blinked a bit as she wondered why in the Chief Goddess’ name Karl would bring the princess here. 

The other woman had instead fallen on her arm, and had picked herself up first. She was a Nun from the looks of it. She looked barely phased as she pulled away; closing the door she’d been shoved through. If Samantha could remember correctly, she was one of the newest heroes of the realm that the Chief Goddess had chosen to bless. The Nun wore the standard uniform of her previous profession, and while it might conceal some of her assets, there was still enough of a hint that she could draw attention even without her pretty face. As she moved, Samantha noticed the mace on her hip, strapped to a belt, and from her training as a mage, could feel the holy energy wafting off of it with her magical senses.

“Really, you’re the one that Karl decided to stick us with? And what exactly are you wearing? Are you a noble or just the mistress of whoever owns this apartment” Evelyn asked as she looked to at Samantha, though Samantha couldn’t help but notice as she talked, her eyes were lower than they should be. She continued to try to glance upwards, but they kept slipping back down. Samantha felt her cheeks heating up a bit, her hands coming up to hide her protruding nipples a bit, and thankfully the priestly hero came to the rescue.

“Now princess, that’s rather rude,” the priestess said, her hand landing on the princess’ shoulder as the princess harrumphed.

“Doesn’t change that it’s true, so?” she continued to press.

“This is my apartment, yes. As for my clothes, they got ruined in an experiment I was running, now what’s going on outside?”

“You don’t know?” the Nun asked and Samantha raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve been busy with my experiments all morning, now what is going on and why did Karl bring you here?”

“Beats me, I doubt you can help us escape the monsters anyways, you look like you’re about ready to become one anyways, there is no way she can help us escape,” the princess said, waving her hand in a dismissive way. The young hero girl however ignored the princess and answered instead. As she did she bowed her head, as was appropriate for a peasant born hero to do in the presence of a noble:

“Please Lady mage excuse her highness, we have both had a rather disastrous morning. We require aid in escaping this country, or even the city without being molested by the mamono forces currently sieging the city. We had been separated from the rest of the royal delegation who teleported without us and now according to Karl you are our only hope of teleporting us out of here, yourself included. Please kind lady, save us and we will forever be in your debt!” the hero pleaded. As she said the last part however the princess’ eyes widened before she lightly punched the priestess.

“Don’t make promises like that! What if she gets corrupted and then she wants to call on our debt only to use it as a trap for us? Mamono have no honour after all!”

“If you’re done bickering, I can see about getting us out of here. Now it’ll take some time so I’ll reinforce the walls and you two can make yourself comfortable. I’ve got some tea in the pitcher over there so help yourself. Don’t touch anything else though,” Samantha said, hoping that they’d just leave her be. She’d do what they wanted, and then they could leave her alone to explore her new body. Despite having denied it Samantha knew her sister had some toys around here somewhere, they could be fun to use. 

Grabbing her wand, Samantha started to cast enchantments on the walls of the apartment, giving a short incantation. While it wasn’t likely to stop any kind of determined and magically adept mamono like a Baphomet, it would keep the rabble out, long enough to finally get the two away from here. 

Meanwhile the two girls had settled down by the table as they watched her work on the enchantments. Once that was done, Samantha turned to the two. They’d gotten themselves some tea cups, and thankfully none of them looked like they’d tried to use the small carafe of Holstaur milk Samantha had on the table. Though their tea was suspiciously hot… then again, the hero was a Nun, and they generally had magical training. As it crossed her mind Samantha looked to the junior hero and asked:

“Was there any kind of magical netting going around the city?” she asked, wondering if Karl’s request was for naught. The hero looked up from the tea she was enjoying and made a questioning sound. Then she realised what Samantha was asking. 

“Magical netting? No, not that I saw,” she said and Samantha sighed in a bit of relief.

“Then there are no worries. Good. Give me a few moments to summon up the teleport portal and you two will be off,”

“What about you?” the heroine asked and Samantha shook her head. 

“All my experiments are here, I have a place I’m prepared to flee to that will take longer to teleport to,” she said, boldly lying to a paragon of the Chief God, yet she nodded along, buying it. If the heroine knew that a Baphomet was after her, or rather her male form then she might be tempted to stay and help. Heroes were like that, selfless, always wanting to help in some way, and of course self sacrificing. But she already had a plan in the works and didn’t need her help. Better she escape and help some poor sod by healing their feet cuts or their broken arms than be caught in her the machinations of a child perverting brat.

“But… what if they find you?” the priestess asked, and with a self assured chuckle Samantha decided to put a little show on for her, a fireball appearing in her hands as she let the deadly lethal explosive roll between her fingers in a move of dexterity that suddenly seemed so much easier now. Had her potion made her more dexterous as well? From her magical senses, it even felt more powerful. Something to keep in mind. 

“Let them come,” Samantha said, leaving out the part where it was the fact that her sister couldn’t turn Samantha into her husband which was going to be the disappointing part for the mamono that would come after her.

Then maybe Samantha can snap her out of whatever the Sabbath did to her.

Of course the Princess snorted at that. “You? You’ll take down the monsters that come for you? Right…”

Rather than respond however, Samantha just started to swirl her wand in the telltale pattern of a mage creating a teleportation portal. She’d be happy to finally be rid of these people soon enough. Then she can get back to her lonesome. Slowly the portal started to take shape, a purple miasma forming in a spiral around the area where Samantha was aiming her casting. Soon enough it would open up into a portal, and so long as she kept the rotation up, the teleportation miasma would remain stable. Just a few moments more and-

“Guh~!” Samantha heard and turned to look over at the pair. She was about to ask what was the matter when her eyes widened. The princess had doubled over. Her hands were trembling; her face was red as sweat started to slick her skin. For a moment the Priestess got up, before she suddenly too seemed to be struck up something. The priestess fell to the ground, and Samantha looked around for where any kind of attack could have come from. Then as she looked back, the priestess- mercy her, she’d thrown off her robe, and the princess was desperately clawing at her own garb, pulling her top down… to reveal breasts instead of a flat board and they were growing fast.

Oh no.

They’d drank her brew, they’d drank her potion!

“What did you do?” the princess demanded, looking at Samantha, her eyes filled with anger… and lust.

“Me? I didn’t, you drank my experiment!” Samantha shouted, but the two of them didn’t seem to hear it. They kept doubled over, the two’s bodies shifted and changed before her very eyes, their bodies undergoing the same kind of alterations that Samantha had. Their thighs thickened, their breasts kept growing, their asses rounding out and tightening up until they were nice and thick. The priestess’ fingers pushed through her thighs, and underneath her shorts like panties, Samantha could clearly see through the soaked white fabric. Her fingers slid between her legs, and her fingers started to rapidly slide into her slit. The priestess moaned aloud, her body reacting on instinct, her chest rubbed into the floor, her fingers hammering in and out. Samantha couldn’t look away as the junior hero fell to her desires then and there. Despite herself, despite how she desired Karl, his strong arms, his thick body, his nice and big cock, the sight of the priestess touching herself, her thick and bubble butt bouncing in sync with her fingers. The action was doing something to Samantha that she hadn’t thought possible. Samantha almost couldn’t really look away as the woman’s ass and thighs kept growing fatter and fatter. Her ass as she was transforming was becoming incredibly thick and juicy that she almost wanted to grip it, to slap it, and maybe even drive her face between the priest’s thighs. 

Fuck me, the potion’s turned me Bi. Samantha thought, her concentration eroding, the rotating of her wrist slowing down as Samantha swallowed again. The Priestess moaned some more as she continued to thrust her digits into her snatch, her fingers coming out wet from both sweat and the priestess’ arousal.

The young hero’s ass was even eye catching enough to let the princess charge at Samantha before she even realised what was going on. With a cry, the mage was bowled over by the woman. Breath was driven from Samantha as the Princess slammed into her stomach and shewas left gasping on the floor as the formerly plain girl sat on her. 

Above her now was the princess. Her blouse had popped, her breasts had bulged. The things were so massive that her face was hidden and they were likely bigger than her torso. Her nipples protruded outward as thick, hard nubs of turgid flesh. From the tips, Samanthha could see small bits of white on the tip of her breasts, milk accumulating and starting to drip from them. Behind her bountiful breasts all that Samantha could see was incredible masses of hair in drills much like before, and the tips of large black horns poking out from behind the mountainous mounds. The hair’s volume had increased enough that it pooled around them as she sat on Samantha. However it wasn’t just her breasts and hair that had gotten massive. The Princess’ rear had ended up growing huge, her thighs and ass similarly matched Samantha’s and she could feel the princess’ pussy pressing against hers. At the same time something kept swatting at her legs that felt almost like a tiny broom. Samantha had no idea if she was doing it on purpose or not, but the princess’ hips started to shift and grind. She felt the heat of the girl’s core press into hers, their lips sliding back and forth, the two grinding against each other as the sensations filled them both with delight.

“What are- ah~” Samantha tried to say but the princess’ arms had finally come down, and landed right on Samantha’s breasts. She pressed down hard on them, her fingers finding her nipples easily and then squeezing. A bolt of pleasure rolled through Samantha as the princess continued to touch her, to fondle her breasts. At the same time she could hear the princess moaning as well, while the priestess in the background continued to finger fuck herself. 

“You betrayed uth!” the girl cried out, a lisp coming out at the end as she called out. With a ragged breath though, Samantha denied:

“No, ah, I didn’t!” but all that got her was a slap before the princess leaned down. Her breasts completely smothered Samantha’s face, her hands crushed beneath the princess’ new and massive breasts. Though curiously they were right by the blonde’s nipples, and in the basest part of her brain, Samantha was getting enjoyment of this as she started to fondle and grope the princess, paying her back for before. Milk slicked her fingers as she tugged and played starting to milk the massive heifer.

The princess let out a loud "Moo!", before she pressed her breasts even harder into Samantha’s face. Even suffocating, Samantha’s core burned with desire, her fingers teased and touched, wanting to feel her more, milking the princess as much as she could. Some part of Samantha wanted to latch onto those big, thick nipples, to suck for all of her worth, drinking in the princess' milk with gusto that would likely present her the same fate. Yet the thought of such sweet milk allured both her loins and her tongue Then the princess lifted her hips, and Samantha whined as she tried to follow, but couldn’t. All she could do now was grope and milk the princess of her precious milk, her hips shaking and her mind filled with a lustful smoke that obscured her thoughts. 

Then the princess pulled back, letting Samantha breathe. It hadn’t been long, but Samantha couldn’t help but pant, her breath ragged, her desires inflamed. She wasted no time grinding her pussy into the princess’ core, nearly making her double over from Samantha rubbing herself against her. Then Samantha saw the wet pair of panties in her hand. 

“No more talking!” The princess cried and shoved her soaked panties into Samantha’s mouth. Samantha cried out, before the scent did something to her. Her head filled even more with a heady sensation, her tongue delighted in the taste of the princess. Something was going on with her, she didn’t know what. It had to be the potion’s work, it was affecting her! Still dazed and confused however, Samantha didn’t put up any resistance, lust clouding her judgement as someone else came over. 

“Keep her still,” the princess commanded to someone, and suddenly Samantha saw a thick, juicy ass over her, the pussy of the person dripping, it’s lips inflamed and the clit was engorged enough to poke from it’s hood. 

“Yes, hah, princess,” the heroine said, before she lowered herself on Samantha. Samantha moaned, her head pressed against the woman’s pussy, her arousal wafting into her nose, slicing her thoughts asunder as the corrupt lust in her flooded her mind. At the same time the princess moved away, but before Samantha could complain, she felt hands pressing into her thighs, driving her down, and then she moaned as she felt a tongue slide against it. Samantha rode the wave of pleasure that cascaded forth from her pussy, the tongue already getting her closer and closer to cumming. Then it came again. A long, rough tongue first slammed into her clit, a tsunami rushing forth into her core, adding to the churning mess of lust in her, before the rest of the tongue would slide down. Pleasure followed the nimble and naughty organ as the priestess licked at her. Samantha could only moan as she was pleasured. There was the sound of something above, but she had no idea what as the thighs kept her deaf to the outside world. Then the priestess lifted herself up and Samantha once more moaned in anguish.

“Tho, you like transforming people huh?” Samantha heard the princess ask. Lust drunk as she was, all the wizardly bimbo could do was make a pathetic groan in her own defence as she kept licking at the panties in her mouth. 

“Let’s see what this does then,” the princess said and then something was poured onto the panties. Suddenly something thick and sweet started to soak into the panties. The taste was divine as Samantha greedily gulped it up through the panties, her eyes rolling back. As she drank, the inferno in her core blazed. Samantha moaned again. She tried to bring her hands up but two pairs of hands grabbed her arms, holding them down as Samantha jerked her hips. Something started to spring out her backside from her tailbone. At the same time, her head was so hot and Samantha let out a long, low moan into the panties while big, heavy things grew on the side of her head, and then the head spread to her breasts. It was like she was being transformed all over again, her breasts swelling even larger than before, and not only that but there was a growing pressure in them. Samantha moaned again weakly trying to resist the two transformed girls. 

“Oh ho ho ho, look at these fat tits,” the princess said, her words slurring together again as she let go. Samantha almost tried to get up, when the princess rushed forth, and took a nipple in her mouth.

“Oooo!” Samantha cried, the sensation like a bolt of lightning to her core, her pussy clenching and unclenching, the feeling almost making the former man cry out in delight. Paralysed, Samantha’s legs shook, her heart was in her throat, her breathing was ragged, her nipples were hard and leaking. Already her mind was going, the lustful fog was over taking her thoughts as Samantha let her head loll back and gyrated her hips hoping for mercy as sensual delight rocked her form. 

“Oooh, I can’t take it, please miss mage, help me~” someone said before Samantha felt the panties being pulled out of her mouth before she felt another mouth latch onto her nipple. 

“Mooooo~” was Samantha’s only response, the fog in her mind too much to even properly respond. Bliss filled her from head to toe, and she couldn’t focus on anything, the sensations were too much for her, and then her face was being crushed again. This time however Samantha’s tongue flicked out on instinct. The appendage didn’t waste time, driving itself deep into a girl’s pussy. The juices were sweet and sexy, the mere taste like adding oil to a wildfire as Samantha tried to moan again, the vibrations traveling through the pussy, making its owner moan as well before she started to grind it into Samantha. 

Something was said but Samantha couldn’t hear it, the thick thighs pressing a pussy into her face keeping her from hearing it. Even if she heard it though, Samantha likely wouldn’t have understood it as her brain was rapidly turning to mush, pleasure from her nipples dominating her world as she licked and suckled the pussy pressing into her. Then someone grabbed her arms, pulling them away from the hero's heroicly fat ass and she felt them pressed into something else. Barely took a second for Samantha to realise what they were and then started to squeeze. The princess' nipples leaked milk as Samantha started to play with her and she could hear through even the luscious thunder thighs of Klara the moo of pleasure from the princess, before Samantha moaned as well at the feeling of her own mammaries being milked by the princess' hand and mouth. The princess' tongue doing a far better job as she caressed Samantha's teat with her rough tongue, sending jolts of delight into her with each suckle.

Then like a grenade pleasure exploded through Samantha, soft fingers pressed into her pussy, a palm driving itself into Samantha’s clit. Samantha cried out again as that final act was too much for her. She felt it like a failing dam, the barrier to her cumming fell. Samantha’s feet somehow found purchase and pushed her hips up, her body extending and driving the fingers in further as Samantha couldn’t stop herself. Her hips shook with a great ferocity as they assisted the fingers in fucking her, sliding each digit over more and more of the insides of her inner lips. Sensual sensations continued to slide up her spine, the orgasm becoming full body as Samantha felt her whole body shaking while her vision went white. 


On and on their fun continued as time lost it's meaning to the three sluts. The potion's potency drove the three's lustful eloping to new levels as the orgy continued. Samantha's head was as awash with pleasure as the others, barely able to pull herself from the delightful haze that befell her mind. Whether it was from being fuck drunk or from the Holstaur transformation Samantha didn't know. She just knew that the two hotties were wondrous companions to have as she and the princess continued to suckle and drink, feeding the heroine, and sometimes trapping her between their breasts as they writhed and rubbed at each other. 

As time went on, the domination of Samantha fell away. Their attentions would shift from one girl to the next. They'd rapidly over power the other, holding her down, their fingers dancing across her lurid form. The princess was the first they shifted to, her haughtiness and barely milked breasts drawing the heroine to jump her, pushing her down before glomping a breast and beginning to suckle on her like a babe. The pleasure it brought let Samantha break the hold, and begin to suckle the princess' other teat. Joining in on holding the princess down and her fingers let her return the favour to the princess. The holstaur writhing in their clutches as they finger fucked and sucked her teats, pleasure easy to see on her face as her blush intensified and her eyes half lidded as sensual delight filled her mind with a mind numbing lust. These switches continued on as the orgy combined with those sounds of pleasure that were ever approaching in the distance outside, the monsters rapidly conquering the city and pushing forth to the noble quarter where Samantha lived.

Samantha luxuriated in the pleasure of the other two as by now they'd once more shifted to dominating her again, their fingers as heavenly as their mouths as she was sucked and finger fucked. She writhed in the prison of wonderfully soft skin that surrounded her on all sides, when suddenly the door opened. Someone was here. Despite the sudden intrusion though, the two girls kept sucking on Samantha, and the rapturous sensations of her breasts being suckled, of her milk being slowly drawn out but two lewd mouths was nearly enough to stop her from even trying to get up.

But even if there was likely nothing to fear, there was still a chance it was some inquisitor or hero, and so Samantha gave her partners a tight squeeze, before they eventually pulled off with twin pops. Samantha pushed herself up to look at whoever had come in, ready to cast sleep on them were they hostile, but then she saw who it was.

It was Karl. Her wondrous Karl. He was stood there in his protector’s armour, one of the few in the kingdom that could stand up against demonic silver. It’d been damaged around his heart, the plate caved in from a hard blow. Karl had also lost his helm at some point, his sheath hung empty by his side, his messy hair was slick and stuck to his head. His eyes were wide, and though his face moved a bit here and there, he couldn’t look away. Samantha saw his fingers twitching as he looked to them.

“Sa, Sam?” he asked, almost chocking as he saw her, his mind no doubt barely able to match her old form with the new, what with how much she’d changed. At the same time though, the slight blush on his cheeks were rapidly deepening as he looked at all three of them. After a second of staring his mouth slipped shut, his lips pursing, and he swallowed as he looked to her. For a second, his fingers started to close into fists, his strong, masculine jaw clenching. His muscles tensing and it was all Samantha could do to keep tears back.

“Karl,” she said, her voice trembling as she said it, and yet she hoped that… that despite… despite what had happened, what she’d turned into… that… that at least he might… She wasn’t sure what, other than maybe he’d accept her, or… 

Maybe even want her?

After a moment, Karl’s shoulders relaxed, his posture shifted. He closed the door behind him, and then in one swift move, he pulled the enchanted breastplate of his off, and threw it to the side. His gambeson was next and it joined the breastplate. Samantha’s eyes widened as she once more was blessed by the sight of him, the sight of his magnificent body. A body that was trained to be able to go toe to toe with a monster girl and win. As his arms moved, she couldn’t help but admire as his alabaster column arms moved with his big, powerful pecks. His abs were hard enough to grind cheese on. In a single smooth motion, Karl’s hand gripped his belt and drew it to the side, before letting it, his pants, and then his underwear drop. Samantha’s eyes widened even further still as her mouth watered from the sight. As his pants fell, a thick, meaty rod slipped out and swung up, slapping against his bare abs once, the sound almost seeming to reverberate through the three as they all shuddered at once seeing such a powerful pecker. 

Just the thought of it was driving Samantha mad, her mind going blank as her mind was once more engulfed by a lustful shroud. Her nipples hardened, her legs and thighs rubbed together as she saw his wonderful, magnificent, massive member swinging to and fro. Were she susceptible to such things she’d have slipped into a deep trance from such a view. At some point he’d started to move, perhaps when his cock had begun to sway, and then he was nearly in front of them. Samantha couldn’t stop herself, not that she would have, as she fell back again, her arms reaching down, and used her fingers to spread her lower lips, hoping to invite in the glorious guard.

“Please Karl… I, ah, I want you, so, so much~!” she said, her voice dripping with desperation. There was a banging at the door but Samantha ignored it, instead delighting as Karl fell upon her. His fingers reached out to her, grasping Samantha’s breasts, and she couldn’t help but let out a melodious ‘moo’ for him as pleasure spread across her front. Like with the others as he touched her teats, it was like his fingers were electrified, blasting delight into her breasts and down to her core. As if drawn in by some siren’s call, Karl’s head lowered town to one of Samantha’s breasts, and she swooned as he did so. A bright smile nearly split her face as he lowered his head before he pulled a hand away, and instead caught her nipple with his mouth, his tongue giving a loving and long lick across her areola. Samantha moaned again, his tongue giving off an even more intense blast of pleasure through her before suddenly he started to suckle from her. 

“Mooo!” she cried out, her eyes going wide as the sensation was more than anything she’d ever experienced except when the girls went hard on her clit, or the few times she’d attempted to use toys on her ass as a boy and hit a spot just right. Unable to help herself Samantha’s head fell back as her legs shifted and vibrated, squirming as her cunt quivered in need. 

Then he just kept going, his mouth drinking her milk in more and more, and her enjoyment just kept increasing as he sucked more and more from her. Her moos came out longer and louder, her hips shook and spasmed as he suckled. Her eyes lost focus and her mouth fell open, unable to do anything more than luxuriate in the feeling of absolute bliss that her chest was giving her. 

Then Karl pulled away and Samantha tried to pull herself together. Trying to slow her breath a bit so she could move closer to him and-

“Moo!” Samantha cried out once more as she felt Karl grab her hips, before pulling her close to him. Then she felt his rod and a sound emerged from her mouth as her eyes widened and gained focus once more. She looked to Karl, a smile spreading across her face as she felt his hot, thick, hard cock against her lower lips. She continued to quiver down there, suddenly feeling empty, suddenly needing him in her right then and there. Samantha smile continued up above, quivering with need as well as she was nearly about to start begging to cry out for him to fuck her into the floor with his magnificent divine cock. She needed him, she so desperately needed him. Then just as she was about to start, he pulled back and-

“Mooooooo~!” Samantha cried out, her eyes rolling back instantly as her jaw dropped as if a magical detonation had just fired off in her pussy, pleasure spreading through her whole body as she was suddenly so close to cumming already even after the girls had had their way with her. She heard Karl grunt as well, enjoying himself more as he continued to slide his dick in, and Samantha couldn’t be happier. On instinct Samantha did her best to tighten herself down below, clenching as best she could to make it as good for Karl as it felt for her. Yet even as she did she couldn’t stop herself from shaking and vibrating as she started to lose control of herself. Her joy had shot up through the sky, and she tried her best to pull him in further, wrapping her legs around his torso to bring him in as close as possible. Yet as she did Karl pulled back, only to thrust in again, drawing another moo from her as she shuddered and did her best to pull him in closer. Samantha was lost in a sea of pleasure as her mind started to fill with a lustful fog of such intensity any other thought than that of her love fell by the wayside. She once more nearly came again as she felt Karl beginning to fondle her, to touch her breasts.

Then he leaned forward and his mouth latched onto her other nipple. The sudden tsunami of pleasure nearly broke the camels back as she felt she was but a hair’s breathe away from finally being pushed over. Yet her husband to be hadn’t even cum yet and she so very much wanted him to cum when she did. She needed him to cum with her so she did her best to hold out, but it was a losing battle as his strong, muscular form, his wondrous mouth, his divine cock all did their best to assault Samantha’s mind and body. They filling her with lust and delightful sensations beyond anything she’d ever experienced before. Nothing could come close, and soon enough the dam broke as suddenly Karl shifted, and it was like he’d hit a critical point in her pussy.

“Moooo! Moooo! There! Yes! Moooo!” Samantha cried out as he thrust into her more and more. His fucking became manic as Samantha felt herself cumming with him, her moans growing wanton with his as they were engulfed in twin hurricanes of joy. Pleasure filled them both as Samantha’s pussy clamped down hard on Karl’s cock, and began to pulsate. Milk spurt from Samantha’s breasts and the cowgirl let out a long and unrestrained “Moo!” as she felt her husband start to twitch and spurt. Warm hot seed spewed into her and Samantha couldn’t be happier to receive him. He kept fucking her for moments longer before in a final, dangerously powerful thrust he slammed into her at full speed, going as deep as possible. He filled her fully before more hot and virile cum blasted into her like a spell from a wand.

Driven by the warmth and pleasure of his final thrust, Samantha couldn’t help how her pussy quivered and shivered across Karl’s cock, milking him more and more, making him thrust into her ever more as he kept driving his cock in with little movements that would cause a cascade of twitches and spasms as Samantha on a hair trigger would have her orgasm prolonged from each mini thrust and each blast of hot spunk. Eventually however their bodies pulled away from each other as Samantha, nearly unconscious from the blissful delight filling her fell back. For a moment she lay there, feeling how happy she was, how full she was with Karl’s cum, and how delicious that slightly sore sensation in her pussy, like a well trained muscle that she’d love to use again.

Then the door burst open.

“Dicks out this is the Demon Lords Army! Get ready to fuck, boy!” a loud shout came from the door and Samantha looked with all the others over to the group of blue and purple skinned demons in chainmail bikinis who were in the door way trying to get in… Until they noticed the three bimbos and their hunk.

“Aw Maou… they got here first, come on girls, I think I smell uncorrupted dick this way!” the leader said before she ran off, leaving Samantha and the others to their fun.


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Isekai'd into a Hentai Fantasy World (MHA)

Deku (and potentially others) find himself stuck in a fantasy world. His powers still work, but this is near the start of his adventure, he hasn’t even finished first semester yet, and some succubus is messing with him!


Izuku marched forth, moving with a sense of determination as he slowly moved down the hall, his lantern in front so he could see, while his sword was at his side. He kept on his toes so he could quickly avoid an attack by springing back, though it wasn’t lethal attacks he was mainly worried about.

It was attacks to his new and absurd breasts. 

Granted his ass could get attacked to, but at least back there it was only a slap or a grope, not… not what happened when he was felt up. Or rather she. 

Not long after she’d woken up in the middle of a field Izuku had encountered her. A bat winged girl had been there, which kind of reminded him of busty devil girls from anime. She had seemed friendly at first, all happy go lucky, really interested in her and honestly kind of cute and sexy at the same time. She’d accidentally blurted that out at her and she’d merely giggled before gifting Izuku the cursed object that was the reason she had such a lewd, female body now. 

She’d given her an amulet that was magical, and it certainly was, just not a beneficial magic to Izuku. The greenette hadn’t thought anything of it at the time, she’d put it on in order to not be rude, and at some point fell asleep. Then when she woke up, she’d been transformed… and… honestly she was hot. Potentially even hotter than any of the girls in class 1A. 

She’d spent so long, just holding her breasts, squeezing them a bit, fondling them in that tiny little camp, not to mention her ass. It was massive now, enough that it would be easy to smother someone with her new rear if need be. Not to mention it made a great cushion that went well with his now far larger hips and thighs. 

After that she’d looked around, but the succubi was no where to be seen, with only a note hoping Izuku liked her new body.

She did, and didn’t. It was… quite the conundrum. Thank Kami for the fact that she’d done all of that strength training with All-Might or her massive tits now might have given her back problems. For now though, they just kind of got in the way from how massive they were… and were distracting to her still female appreciating psyche.

Izuku swallowed, trying to get the thought of taking a little break out from her head. Now… now was not the time to take a break and… have some fun. Now was a time of action, of finishing her little initial expedition into this dungeon and scouting the place out. Not waste time… touching her big juicy…

Biting the insides of her cheeks, Izuku focused on the pain for a moment before releasing her bite and started to move forward again. She wasn’t going to succumb to the succubi’s curse, she was a hero, and she had a well of determination. She’d cleaned up the beach of Musutafu without powers, she’d gotten into U.A. High School, and she’d scout this dungeon to figure out what gear she needed in order to clear it!

It was a small step. Izuku had no illusions that she’d find the succubus that turned her into a buxom babe here. That wasn’t the point of this mission to clear this place out. Weeks ago orcs had started to attack caravans and make off with lots of money, and the local sherrif had said if someone could take them out, any treasure claimed would be that person’s treasure. Izuku wasn’t sure about killing, she’d do it if she had to but… hopefully she could just hurt the chief and they’d run away maybe? Unfortunately he’d be killed anyways, even if she turned him into the sherrif… so killing him quickly… honestly was kind of a mercy. Even though the thought made her stomach churn.

Of course, it was either this, or continue working as the local bar maid, getting groped, slaps on her ass, lewd comments… asking for a kiss… 

Izuku groaned, no doubt her face red as could be as she bit her lip. While she never considered herself gay, the way that they acted, how they… how they wanted her. How they acted. The mere touch was enough to set her off, and she wasn’t sure if it was a curse by the succubus, or if she was so worked up, or, or…

Fuck she hadn’t been able to masturbate in weeks! She didn’t know how, she could make herself feel good she knew, but she knew nothing about this curse, was it permanent if she was fucked? Would she even want to turn back into a man if she was fucked? She’d learned online from… lewd hentai manga that a woman’s pleasure was so much more than a man’s, and that from the gender bender manga that she’d read, it was enough to make someone want to stay a woman. She, she didn’t want that, to be corrupted like that and be convinced to stay a girl. Not that there was anything wrong with being a girl but she just liked her penis! That and she didn’t have to change her panties half way through every shift at the bar. So she had to suffer in silence as those she served drinks to customers to did lewd things, made lewd gestures, and all she could do was blush and try to avoid their gaze as they laughed. It… almost made her want to take them up on their offers, to let them…

Izuku let out a shuddering breath before realising she’d stopped again. Shaking her head, she kept moving, the sound of feasting up ahead was getting close now.

Soon enough, she came across a door that seemed to lead near the main hall of the ruined keep. Inside she could hear at least a dozen voices chatting and having a good time. Peeking around the door frame, Izuku confirmed it. Orcs. Not the Japanese kind of orc which were more porcine, but rather the western kind, the kind that was big, green, and…!

Woah. Was all Izuku could think as she saw how girthy one of the orcs were. At the head of the table, was a huge orc, and either he was a show-er, or he was hiding his axe underneath his fur pants since there was a rod as thick as her arm there. With wide eyes, Izuku pulled back and started to move away from the feasting place of the monsters before… before she did something she’d regret, her mouth already watering, and… and she’d need to change her panties after this. Right, she needed to get out, but then something caught her eye. There was a chest just down a hallway inside of what might have once been a pantry. Curious, Izuku crept down the hall and entered into the pantry, seeing various cutlery and silver dishes around on shelves, stuff he could certainly sell to people back at the village. Though still curious about the chest, Izuku plodded over to it and slowly opened the lid.

Surprisingly, there was no creaking sound as if the thing had been freshly oiled. Curious, Izuku saw what looked to be a ton of silver and copper coins inside of the chest, along with a few pieces of clothing. Reaching out, she grabbed the piece of clothing and raised it up to look at it. 

There was a puff of smoke, and suddenly Izuku felt herself getting wrapped up, her legs tied together, her arms pulled behind her back, and her clothes had disappeared, instead, seemingly replaced by whatever she’d grabbed. Izuku cried out, but found it muffled by some big large thing in her mouth. There was a bit of a draft and Izuku’s eyes realised that her breasts, her ass, and her pussy were all exposed as the cold dungeon air hit her. Izuku squirmed and cried out a bit as she moved.

Then she felt something, something pressing into her ass. Izuku cried out, and tried to use her power that All Might gave her but it wouldn’t surface for some reason, and there was a sudden purple glow coming from what felt like a collar around her neck. All her squirming and moving did nothing to stop whatever it was as Izuku felt it enter her. She let out a cry as something thick and big entered her ass, stretching her out little by little as it pushed. Despite its unwanted entry, the way that it stretched her out, felt good. There was a pleasure that Izuku had never felt before, and it made her pussy lips quiver while her ass was spread around the bead before her rear greedily ate it up. Izuku moaned, glad that it was finally over, before she realised there was another. Izuku’s eyes widened when she felt it start to get pressed in like the first. Only this one was bigger, and thicker. Izuku in vain tried to shake around, to wag the anal beads away, and to push them out to no use. The beads kept pushing in magically, spreading her out bit by bit, making her moan more and more as it spread her out, making her feel good as she tried to rub her thighs together.

In truth, a small part of Izuku was kind of happy about the situation, her core warming up, the pleasure from the beads adding a little to her lewd fire.

It continued like that as Izuku’s legs gave out, and she had to support herself with her head and breasts as they pressed into the floor while more beads pressed into her, each bigger and thicker than the last, spreading her ass out and filling her up~! Izuku’s eyes rolled back as her moans grew steadier. Her hips gyrated with each bead, and eventually Izuku tried to reach back, not for the beads but to touch her neglected pussy, but she failed, her ass was too big. Thus she kept moaning and resigned herself to enjoying the sensation as her ass was filled with beads. Then finally, it stopped as the largest bead finally sunk into Izuku’s ass and she moaned a long, wanton groan of desire as her pussy was wet and quivering, practically dripping with her arousal. Izuku knelt there, unable to muster the energy to move. All she could do was spasm a bit from the pleasure, and from how good it felt to be full, how wonderful it was.

“Mmmmh, how’s my cute little girl doing hmm?” Izuku heard, and her eyes went wide. She tried to get up on her knees, but her heavy breasts kept her from rising, and instead she fell down onto her stomach. Stepping around the greenette though, the succubus who’d transformed Izuku stepped into view, kneeling down with her spiked boots. The demon ruffled Izuku’s still messy green hair as she giggled a bit while Izuku squirmed. 

“Better be quiet, otherwise the Orcs will hear you, and if they catch you, you’ll be their cock sleeve for the rest of your life as they break your cute little mind and fill you with cum and their cute little snotlings,” despite herself, Izuku couldn’t help the scared little cry from coming out, muffled by the gag thankfully as the succubus started to massage and gently scratch at her head. She couldn’t help but shiver as the delightful tingling started to spread through her scalp and spine. No magic as far as she could tell which was good, just a surprise head massage.

“Now, I could release you, it’d be simple, but you’ll have to do something for me in return, ‘mkay?” she asked, and the greenette stayed silent, trying to calm down a bit as the succubus kept massaging her head.

“Here’s the deal, I really, really, really, want you to use that wonderful big brain of yours, but with that stupid self destructive magic you have, well it’s like you have a hammer and now everything is a nail. There may be healers around in this realm, but they won’t do it for cheap, and you don’t exactly have a lot do you? So I’ll release you from this wonderful dress I made for you. But the collar stays on. Oh, and I’ll even give you back your items if you want, but that will cost you extra. So my cute little greenette, what do you think of that offer?” and with that she pulled out the huge red ball gag that had been keeping Izuku gagged. 

“Y-your not giving me many choices. If I don’t go through with it, I’ll get raped by orcs,” she said, and the succubus giggled.

“Judging by how horny you are, I don’t think it’ll stay rape for long, but no. If you don’t want to take my deal, I’ll just teleport you out of here, and you can figure what you want to do from there. Be awful if someone found you though in that dress, after all, that dress messes with your mind, and makes you want to serve you know,” she said, no doubt beaming above the greenette, though she could see nothing but the demon’s footwear. 

“You’re evil,” Izuku whined while the succubus just giggled.

“So what will it be cutie? No self destructive power? Or a fun bit of exhibition with possible slavery in the mix?” she asked and Izuku’s eyes widened. Right, slavery was a thing in this world. It’d never been stamped out by the western powers, and with her mind being messed with like this, not to mention the other stuff…

She’d likely end up the pleasure slave of the local lord. He’d already seemed keen on her when he’d gone to the bar once, and with his troops patrolling…

“O-okay, I’ll do the first thing,” she said and the succubus clapped her hands together.

“Wonderful, lets just get us out of here,” then she stood up properly and started to do something above her, before there was a flash, and suddenly Izuku was back in her room, the succubus there in front of her, and… so was the chest of coinage! The dress however wasn’t gone.

“Now, did you also want your adventuring gear back?” she asked, and Izuku nodded. If she didn’t have her power, she’d better get that stuff back, that had cost a whole month of her money working here along with working on various minor quests!

“I thought so. I put them in little containers, and stuffed them in here,” she said, stepping around Izuku until she patted at the greenette’s rather large back side, and Izuku’s eyes widened. Her items, were in those beads.

“You… you put them in my ass?” she asked, her face letting off a fair amount of heat as her blush continued to grow deeper.

“That’s right, now we can have a bit of fun as I pull them out of my cute little future maid,” she said as she reached, and tugged on something sticking out of Izuku’s ass. As she pulled, Izuku moaned a little, feeling her hole once more getting spread out, her ass widening again. The fact that she pulled on it slowly didn’t help, as the stretching sensation lasted longer than when the toy had been put in. The erotic sensation slowly spread through Izuku like a warm glow, the pleasure once more filling her ass as her pussy was left neglected. The greenette made a few choice sounds, whining a bit as she almost wanted the succubus to touch her, to slip a finger or two down there and start touching her. The demon never did however, merely pulling at the beads. Then in a moment a bead slipped out, and Izuku’s ass closed back up, but the bead hadn’t been that size before, what’d happened?

“Wha, but, it-it hadn’t been, hadn’t been that size before,” the greenette said, confusion entering her voice while the succubus giggled.

“I made it so they resize themselves when getting pulled out, makes them a bit more fun.” With that she resumed pulling as Izuku’s ass was once more opened up. Slowly but surely, the anal beads were being pulled out, and just as the succubus had said they were each bigger than the last, with the pleasure increasing more and more as Izuku’s bulbous butt was spread by each bead. Slowly Izuku’s mind was filled with a lustful fog, each bead adding to it more and more as her pussy quivered, dripping little drops of feminine nectar. The greenette’s eyes started to roll back as the beads coming out started to get thicker and thicker, each feeling better than the last. Soon enough, with each passing of a bead, Izuku’s moans of delight grew more powerful, coming out louder as her mind forgot about modesty, as pleasure came to dominate her lewd hormone filled body.

Soon enough they were near the last of the beads, each bead taking long, long moments to pull out, each stretching out Izuku more and more, just as they had when being put in. Only now the boy turned girl couldn’t help herself as her body resisted the pulling, her pussy clenching as it desperately sought a cock to milk, to fill the empty void. Though the succubi’s pulling was constant and she never gave an inch as the greenette’s ass was spread out, reaching as large as her hand with the final few beads. Each bead nearly prompting an orgasm on their own as Izuku’s pleasure continued to heighten and rise. Her ass felt so good being stretched out, but as each bead left her ass, it also left a hollow feeling inside of her, like she was meant to be filled with a toy, like she wanted to have her ass filled. There was almost a longing for the beads to go back in despite the fact that they’d been part of a trap.

“Okay my dear, last one,” the succubus said as she pulled on the last bead. The very last one, and the largest. Izuku couldn’t hold back her moans as the bead started to spread her out, spreading her rear end wide with its size as slowly her back door was once more spread open. The orb continued to widen the greenette, the spreading inducing more delightful pleasure in the girl as she was spread out, her pussy now clenching, begging and crying for attention. Soon enough, the bead had reached the largest part of it, and this time the succubus slowed as she started to crest the apex of the bead. Izuku’s moans grew louder, her eyes growing misty again as her toes curled and her fingers started to dig into her bound hands. The pleasure from her ass was immense, and as the bead did finally reach its zenith, it was like a dam bursting open as Izuku felt the beginning of an immense chain reaction through her body. Her pussy clamped down and it was like she was having a full body orgasm, pleasure ran through everything as the final bead was pulled. Izuku cried out in ecstasy as her body moved on its own, her hips pumping and gyrating, her breasts were being pressed deep into the floor while her back arched as she felt like she’d entered nirvana. 

Then it all came slowly crashing down as Izuku fell to her side, panting hard as she rested her head on the floor. Her breaths came in shuddering gasps, her pussy still clenching on and off, still reacting while the succubus came around behind Izuku and petted her head. 

“Now that was adorable. I think I’ll leave you those beads. Just say the words “I’m a dirty slut” while thinking of your items and the beads will spit them out. You don’t even need to take them out, since the things will safely teleport out of you. Might even be able to teleport them to your hand if you want, oh and you can only take them out one at a time if their in your ass, but any bead outside will just automatically release the item when that’s said. Anywho my cute little future maid, toodles~!” then with that she disappeared in a small puff of smoke, and Izuku was suddenly free of the restraining dress, leaving only the quirk cancelling collar, and the beads behind.

Hopefully no one had heard her cries of delight.


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 Alec’s Punishment (Worm AU) 

No idea why but Shadowmind’s idea tickled me.


Alec sipped on some tea he’d found in the Dallon cabinets as he supervised Vicky’s cheerleading practice. Even with her bimborific body given to her by Amy, her force field easily let Vicky practice her routine, doing all her flips, swinging her pom-poms around, and cheering aloud for everyone to hear. She was practically was inviting their neighbours to watch the nubile girl prance about, only now, her body had been bolstered beyond it’s usual amount of sexiness. At the same time, Vicky pranced around in an utterly shameless uniform, toys easily able to be seen protruding from both her lower holes, barely held up by panties, her skirt not even hiding all of her butt. Meanwhile her shirt was so strained trying to hold in the boobs that obviously had vibrators strapped to them, and buzzing until her nipples were hard as diamonds, sticking through her shirt. 

“O-One, t-two, ah, thhhhreee, ah fffu-four! Ah,” she cried out as she did her part while Alec watched, smiling, appreciating the bimbo’s curves as his medical “issue” was being attended to by Brockton Bay’s own lovely healer, Panacea, who was in the leather fetishist’s version of her costume. He’d even specially ordered it for her about a month back. It was all nice and white, there was even a hood, but where before, Panacea wore a form concealing robe, her costume hid her form from no one, showing off her dump truck ass, her lovely tits, only being barely supported by the corset she was in as her hard nipples hardened in the autumn breeze. She actually wore a mask with this costume as well; part of her new uniform, a nice gimp mask, able to have all of its opening’s closed. Right now, both her eyes were covered by a blindfold while she attended to Alec’s medical issue, which was of Panacea’s doing. 

Of course, it was hard to see Amy work from around his own now far larger boobs which according to the cock sucking slut were F cup, a ‘gift’ from Amy when the two Dallon sisters learned that Alec hadn’t exactly been helping them. Rather, he’d been setting them up for ridiculous hi-jinks for his own amusement. Not that Alec personally minded, it was strange having boobs but alright, and nice big ones too. The strength upgrade to help support them while also keeping them perky was nice even though he doubted he’d be keeping them. 

As he reminisced on how they’d gotten back at him, Alec noticed Glory Girl was about to do the part of her routine he’d been anticipating. Vicky had her arms up, before she reached down, presenting her ass for anyone who might be behind her, before grabbing a foot. Standing back up, she brought the foot with her, her mouth open, and he could hear a slight grown leaving her lips as she started raising her leg. As she did so, it started to press the toys into her further. The toys slid deeper into the bimbo who didn’t even try to hide it on her face as she went cross eyed while the toys buzzed like crazy in her snatch. She started to moan a bit like a wanton whore. If it weren’t for her forcefield keeping her up, Alec guessed that she’d have likely collapsed, and as he thought so, he started to see her hips moving, her whole body shuddering, and her thong growing wetter as her feminine cum started to dribble down her leg. Alec sighed and hummed in his rather new feminine voice, smiling as he did so and quite pleased with himself. All the while Amy stopped a moment, likely listening to Vicky’s moans of ecstasy.

Gripping the riding crop he had with his silk gloved hand, Alec gave a single, firm swat onto Amy’s butt, which was exposed and red from all the times she’d gotten distracted by Vicky’s moans. 

“Now now Mistress Dallon, you must continue with the operation, and with no delays,” he instructed, enjoying the feminine lilt of his new voice before reaching down and grabbing Amy’s head and pushing her back down, feeling her continue to suck on him. Sighing with satisfaction, Alec went back to sipping tea, and reached up to grab his nice large boob, feeling its heft as he tweaked his nipple through the maid costume they’d stuck him in. 

That was another part of the punishment. Other than the constant horniness which was honestly easy to ignore for Alec, the massive breasts he now had, and the cock upgrade, they’d also told him in no uncertain terms that for messing with them, he was to be punished. As for Alec’s punishment, it was to be the household’s maid until the two girl’s he’d been manipulating forgave him. Of course, the two girls were also massive slutty subs, so the situation quickly reversed, with Alec acting as their dutiful maid that made sure the “Mistresses” kept to their schedule and practice, not that they’d have it any other way. They’d after all spent literal months telling him their various depraved fetishes. How Vicky wanted Amy to turn her into a slutty brainless bimbo cheerleader, while Amy wanted to be made by Vicky into a slutty nurse sex toy for her, and later Alec as well, to enjoy.

He wasn’t sure how long this punishment would last for, he needed to get back to the Undersiders at some point, but he didn’t mind playing the maid. Sure the house was all nice and clean for them sucked while the two horny lovers sucked face in their room. Usually he’d be too lazy to do so, but they didn’t have anything fun to do around the house while he lazed about and Amy made him impotent until he did the maid stuff, so he did. Besides, he knew how this role play sex stuff works, it only works if they all play their part, and honestly, these hot as hell girls both wanting him to fuck them and do super kinky shit with them, consensually? It gives him the biggest boner. Of course, Vicky now has to practice her cheer leading, and Amy the sexy sex toy, needed to be kept busy.

“Go f-fairies, go-go go fairies!” Vicky cried out as she continued the routine, a massive blush on her face as the toys kept buzzing in her, and her movements kept shifting them and sliding them in and out of her. Her erotic panting was just making Alec hornier as Amy kept sucking on him, bobbing on his cock like there was no tomorrow. Initially, Amy had been pretty crap as sucking cock, gagging, having to stop, but slowly she’d been getting into it as Alec kept her practising at it. She bobbed her head up and down his cock, her tongue actually getting some work in right now as she licked at the rim of his cock’s head, before bobbing again. She never went far, but that was what her hands were for, sliding up and down his length where her mouth couldn’t reach. Her other hand fondled his balls, adding to the pleasure that he was enjoying while watching the slutty cheerleader show. Course, if she went for his ass it would feel better, but he’d leave it up to the little sex toy to decide how she wanted to pay him back for the maid work. 

Then Alec heard the sound of the house’s sliding door open and he looked over to see Brandish, standing there, her mouth agape as Victoria froze.

“M-mom!” Vicky cried out before a sudden very powerful buzz hit her, as her legs came together and she crouched as the buzz pushed her over the edge, and she moaned while she came. At the same time, Amy accidentally went too far upon hearing that, and started to gag as she pulled herself off of Alec. Brandish immediately looked their way as well, and saw Alec with his cock fully out, with Amy gagging while her face was still near his crotch. Immediately, identifying the likely master, Alec watched as a sword and shield formed in the lawyers hands and she pointed her sword at him with fury dancing across her face. He didn’t even argue as he raised his hands in surrender. He was almost tempted to get Amy to get back going on his cock, but that’d probably lead to his head getting cut off. 

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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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