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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Ambushed Elf 4


Aerin lay in Gina’s tent, not feeling motivated to move or even really doing anything. Gina had played a bit with him this morning, sliding her fingers into him, making him moan for her, but it’d only been a momentary distraction before she got up and left the tent. He’d been collared again, this time with a proper slave collar of corrupted steel with a chain that was held place by a spike in the ground. He could get up, and maybe even try to dislodge the spike, but the thing was a meter long, and with her high orc strength, she’d driven it down deep, only stopping when it hit some kind of rock below. Though, truth be told, even if it was only a small tent spike keeping him here, he wasn’t sure he had the willpower to do something so trivial, or deal with the consequences after. After… after Gina had made him cum from his ass, had pegged him, and forced him to realise that he might have been abandoned… he… he didn’t know what to do, and he just lay in bed. His routine didn’t change much, with Gina taking him everywhere she went, teasing him, pleasuring him, but now that he was left alone, he just stared off into the distance, tears sporadically filling his eyes whenever he couldn’t help but think on how he might have been abandoned, how... how his family might have just left him to be corrupted. 

His only respite since Gina had left to do something was the hot flashes, when his ass would twitch, and his dick would harden in its cage. He’d pant, and whine, his worries suddenly overtaken by a mighty need, and he’d end up curled in her blankets, one hand on his caged cock and balls, massaging them, while his other hand slipped back there, teasing his ass as he moaned into the pillow. Those flashes didn’t last long until they were bashed aside by those horrible, horrible thoughts, by those thoughts that he’d never see his family again, or at least, never see them again as they were supposed to be, uncorrupted, pure, and proper. He’d either push through, interrupting them with his wild sudden desires until he gave up after tiring himself, or he’d realise what he was doing, and stop it all, disgust reining supreme. When the last succeeded, he’d feel a churning in his stomach with himself, his weakness allowing the orc to so easily unbalance him, to corrupt him despite the chastity cage, and steal now two of his virginities. He only had one left now, and since the new Demon Lord came to power, the power of corruption had only grown. Aerin wondered what would happen to his cage, would the demonic energies merely break it off, or would it grow worse? Perhaps it would gain spikes and elongate the cage? Maybe it would let him feel everything done to his cage, becoming like a cock that tortured the real one within, stabbing into it with spikes as it electrocuted him, and forced him to cum at his “wife’s” whim? Then, when would he begin to like it? He knew it would happen eventually; he’d become warped and unrecognisable compared to before. She’d change, enough that he’d find anything enjoyable. 

It’d happened to his Uncle, the original heir to house Feldon, before he’d been captured in a Dark Elf raid. Aerin’s Father had gathered a grand force of ten thousand elves, rallying his own men, conscripting from the populous, and calling on all of his allies to assist in saving Aerin’s Uncle, even converting to worship the great Patron and praying to him. The Patron even gave Aerin’s father his boon in return for being ever loyal to the Patron. It was one of the few successful wars against the monsters since the rise of the new demon lord. They’d marched on the fortress of the Dark elves, and lay waste to it, the trap that the elves had tried to spring, failing utterly as their hubris brought their ruin. 

Father had found Uncle, tied up; his mistress beating him savagely, blood dripping from the whip she used on him, his balls twisted and tied up, needles piercing through them, while his cock had been flattened, and all manner of different, horrible tortures had been done to him. When Father had burst into the room to save Uncle, he’d been begging her for more, a manic smile on his hooded face as she tortured him, the corruption having filled him, and changed him. When ordered, like a dog, Uncle tried to kill Father, and while Father struggled, trying to save Uncle. It wasn’t to be, as when he killed the harlot who’d enslaved Aerin’s Uncle, twisting his mind in such horrible and ugly ways…

The results hadn’t been pretty. Father had been found, beaten, battered and bruised, blood dripping from his mouth, his eye torn out and thrown across the room with claw marks scaring his face. All the while he held the one responsible, his dearest older brother, the one he’d always looked up to, who he’d been forced to slay to protect himself. 

Soon, Aerin supposed he’d end up like that, like his Uncle. A hollow creature, defiled and corrupted by the one who held him captive now. She’d already defiled him in all ways but one, and even that little bit of purity left in him couldn’t hold back her corruption, especially now. Especially now that he couldn’t stop denying the obvious. He was abandoned. Aerin had grown up on the stories of how his Father had gathered his allies and troops in record time, charging to the rescue, and how it inspired a generation of commoners and nobles alike to do the same. 

What had made his Father abandon him? Did he already suspect Aerin of falling? Did he doubt the Patron’s power? If so then what use was this cage he had on? Why torture him like so? Why restrict a growing elf access to his needs, his sexual desires? All it’d done was make it so that while it prolonged his corruption, it made it all the worse, because… because he enjoyed how they were trying to corrupt him. If he was going to be abandoned, why even cage him! Why even fight the encroaching horde of monsters? 

“Damn it Father, why?” Aerin whispered into the pillow, hiding his face again as he slammed a weak fist into it. Had he done something wrong? Had he disappointed his Father? Why why why? Questions filled Aerin’s head as he continued to think, trying uselessly to try to figure out what it might have been that caused him and his house to abandon him.

Then Aerin remembered how Father would always visit Uncles tomb. They’d buried him in the castle, in the centre of the courtyard, and carved a statue of stone in his image above his grave. Father would visit it every day, at the break of dawn. Aerin remembered one time, he’d been up early, and wandering the halls, getting some fresh air when he saw his Father, staring at the statue, a haunted look on his face, his hand gripping his sword, like he was about to draw it. With his elven eyes, Aerin saw the tears rolling down his Father’s face, and as he came down from the walls, and snuck up close enough to hear, he heard his Father speak.

“Oh Brother, was I wrong? Were you better there, in her care?” was all he said as he stood there, not realising his son was there as well, watching and listening. Was he struck now, struck by these thoughts, these worries? Was that what kept him from coming, from riding to the rescue of his heir? Worries about having to kill him? About having to cut down another of his lineage? That he’d be corrupted by the time he came, and all he’d done was for naught? 

In the end, though, would he truly be better with Gina? When he’d been corrupted, twisted and changed? That corrupted Aerin, he would likely say so, so unrecognisable to those of his family. But then, the real Aerin, the pure one, he’d be dead, only a creature left behind, someone that the Aerin of before wouldn’t even be able to comprehend. Then again, the Aerin of even just a week ago would never understand, that clawing desire, that wondrous feeling of cuddling with his captor, of having that pillar which didn’t judge him so harshly. He hated her, and yet… and yet, he wanted so much to just cuddle with her, to slid his body up against hers, to burry his face into her far larger form, and just, and just…

He hated her, or rather should have, and yet, he wanted her here, her hands caressing his head, her strong arms and legs, curling around him, pulling him close, her smell. It… he hated how well he slept these days, how nice and rested he was now, even with his lusts. Now he only needed to mewl, and squirm. He only had to ask, and to call her Mistress, and she’d let out a small giggle before her hands fell down to his ass, and would begin to slide into him, turning him into a hot moaning mess cuddling against her.

Then, it struck him, how… how his Father abandoning him, might be right. How it might be for the best. He… he was already being corrupted; there was no doubt now. Those feelings, they… they couldn’t be right. They were wrong, and it was wrong to feel them, especially for Gin- the high orc. Oh Patron, he was lost already, and he just didn’t know it yet. Fresh tears began to fill Aerin’s eyes as he lay there, unable to move, unable to think, already mourning losing his mind, and his self, before oblivion took him.


Aerin woke with a start, his eyes wide, as his dick was pulsing and squeezing against its confines, pulling against the bits of string that kept the cage flush against his body. He was panting and he started to move his hips, his ass twitching as he rubbed his legs together while his heart beat and he panted in a cold sweat, rational thought having fled before he woke. Aerin tried to move, but couldn’t for a moment, feeling at the warm and strong things binding him, and realised that Gina, Gina had crawled into the bed with him, and was spooning him. He heard Gina groan softly as he squirmed in her grip. Slowly, Aerin started to turn around, his mouth watering as he moved as if possessed. Lust was all that was running through his mind, as he even started to hear his back pop as he twisted in Gina’s grip, and latched onto one of her breasts. 

He suckled like a desperate new born, his lips engulfing Gina’s nipple, and his tongue sliding around her quickly hardening nub. That seemed to wake Gina up full as she let out a bit of a gasp and a giggle as she opened her legs to let Aerin properly spin. 

“Ooooh, what a slutty little elf I have here, being honest again, hmm?” Gina asked, and Aerin didn’t even try to deny it, his hormones and libido acting as the only driving force in him, his need was critical, and his intelligence, the thing that made him civilised had been pushed aside by that sudden burning need. As he suckled on her teat, Aerin started to hump at her, breathing hard through his nose as he didn’t even truly see, only doing his best to meet that critical want, that thing overpowering his will. He reached up and gripped at her other breast with his free hand, caressing it, and softly groped it, enjoying the feeling of it hardening under his fingers. Gina giggled again as she started to reciprocate, her arms reaching down Aerin’s back, and sliding across his crack.

Aerin’s response was immediate as he arched his back, doing his best to let her get a better angle of attack on it, even twisting his legs to try and spread his cheeks for her. The power of his lust overshadowing any thoughts of resisting his deep baser desires. As one of her fingers slid into Aerin’s rear, he let out a long moan into her breasts, and squeezed down on her digits. That lovely stretching driving Aerin mad as his lust addled mind wanted more. When she didn’t immediately continue to push into him, he pulled off her nipple, and looked up at her.

“Please Mistress, more!” he said breathlessly, voicing his desire, his absolute need for her to continue, or to go even farther. If he could, at this moment, as his lust overwhelmed his senses, he’d have fucked her and damn the consequences, his hormones running high and his libido higher. Gina let out a hearty laugh as she plunged her fingers into Aerin more, seeing in him now that husband she really wanted, the one that was honest with himself, and only came out at night, when his mind was weak and susceptible. As she plunged further into him, he cried out like a wanton whore, enough that it could be heard from tents around, and he didn’t care. Satisfying the need in his loins was all Aerin cared about at the moment. 

Reaching back behind her a moment, Gina grabbed a hold of something, pulling it forward, and Aerin’s eyes widened, before he swallowed upon seeing the high orc’s strap on being pulled over. 

“Lay back on the bed, and hold onto your knees, I’m going to fuck you into a puddle,” Gina said as she slid her fingers out of her hubby. Aerin didn’t waste a second as he rolled away from her, letting her kneel on the bed while he lay on his back, and pulled his legs up, breathing hard as his blush had no doubt turned him red as a beat. Gina as she stood there in the afternoon sun looked gorgeous, and his cock twitched along with his ass as he looked at her, anticipating her quenching that burning flame with her thick dildo. The high orc smiled down at him with that smug look before she grabbed onto his calves, and started to slide her way in. Aerin moaned once more, even louder this time as he felt her begin to stretch him out, opening him up as his ass greedily sucked her dildo in, spreading him wide and sending wondrous, sensual sensations through him as his ass was spread out. As the head of the dildo slid in properly, Aerin’s eyes went crossed as Gina pushed in further. 

“Oh, Patron!” Aerin cried out as Gina started to thrust into him, sliding into him like she’d learned he loved. Aerin let out a long sensual moan as she began to fuck him once more, filling him up with her faux cock that he so desperately loved. Each thrust into the elf boy made his cock twitch, though he paid it no mind, rather focusing on how good it felt, how Gina was fucking his ass and making him feel back there, as he couldn’t really perceive anything else. His eyes were crossed and unfocused, the only sounds he could hear was the pounding of his own blood, the slicks of Gina’s dildo sliding into him, and his own moans. As for what he could smell, it was all Gina’s scent, that damning musky mix of dried sweat and the trace remnants of her various sessions with him both willing and unwilling. 

As she continued to fuck him, he could already feel that wondrous bloom of pleasure beginning once again, and his moans redoubled. Aerin’s hands fell to his sides along with his head falling back as well before his moans turned to crying out for “Mistress!”

Were he able to, Aerin would have rolled back, he’d have tried his best to fuck himself on Gina’s cock, riding her reverse cowgirl if necessary to continue that incredible pleasure he felt, but he couldn’t. Gina held him down, her hips thrusting her dildo into him like a dog fucking a bitch, and Aerin couldn’t be happier. His ass squeezed and pulsed, trying to close around the dildo, practically trying to milk it of anything it might have to offer him. With one hand, Gina reached out and gripped Aerin’s long blond hair, pulling his face up, just so she could lean down and kiss him. Her tongue battered through his parted lips and dominated the kiss like she was dominating his ass, pleasure filled Aerin once more as the barrage of pleasure only continued further while he started to feel that dribble from his cock drip onto the dildo, before sliding back into him. It was almost poetic, like they were cumming together as Gina unknowingly fucked his cum up into his ass, further lubing up her toy with the treasure she desired of him.

Her hand swiped down to his cage and pulled up some of his cum, and pulled away from him. She licked it from her hands, and let out a moan as she hilted herself inside of him. Paralysing Aerin as he spasmed again, another dribbling of cum falling from the cage as he panted, overwhelmed by the sensations moving through him. He wanted more but with her holding him down, he had neither the leverage nor the energy to keep going, but luckily for him, Gina did.

They continued from there, unabated as Aerin spasmed again and again as the plundering of his ass didn’t need a recovery period before he could go on. It was like a reversal of the way the corrupted fucked, where instead of the man, corrupted in form and mind continuing to fuck as his refractory period was dialled back to being practically nil, it was Gina fucking her hubby’s ass, and him begging for more as the pleasure, the lust, and his male libido destroyed any thoughts of holding back, of taking a break. It wasn’t until the lube wasn’t enough, until the roughness of Gina’s thrusts began to make Aerin bleed, and she started hurting him that she stopped, as she tasted blood as she swiped his cum form her dildo. 

Aerin collapsed after that, curling in a ball with her around him once again, his ass swore as she slowly rubbed the healing balm into him, soothing him, and continuing to make him feel good. For now, the fucking had taken the edge off, but he was still horny, he still suckled on her hard nipples and embraced her for now, his will not up to the challenge of opposing her. He wasn’t satiated, that would only come when the cage came off, though when that would happen, was a mystery.


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