"Valiant Madarmes preventing pathetic Flat Justice agitator from disturbing peace of Brestocratic Order."
Originated as a group of “Moms with Arms” – a peacekeeping movement during Years of Grim and Fierce Envasions in first century UAA, when many futales and members of law enforcement were drafted to defend borders against Nightmares of Envy, today Madarmiere is the main law enforcement body of the Realms of Bosom responsible for internal security. Bosomian Government, contented to transfer duties of protection, assistance and maintenance of general public order to Herquisitorial Police, entrust Madarmiere with enforcing national laws and maintaining Brestocratic Order, duties which include peacekeeping operations and crowd controls during Flat Justice Riots, security of essential buildings, Jager duties near populated areas, and acting as a military police inside Fortress Cities. CHESTs (Critical Halts, Emergencies and Security Tactics) are highly trained and armed units of Madarmiere, not much different from active military personal, primed to resolve high-risk situations which regular Madarmes are not fit to deal with. All Madarmes are authorized to bear arms, but during regular patrols are restricted to a whip alongside with a basic flintlock or dragon with rubber buckshot cartridges.
Madarmes are know as the most brutal primary law enforcement in Meority, with a permission to use force without warning and perform violent public interrogations, which associated with a permanent state of high-alert over Envious threat and paramilitaristic structure of Madarmiere, but as well with the fact that most officers are of Yeomam class and enjoy open dominance towards Board class. Of course Munelity ladies can’t be arrest, fined or even investigated by Yeomam Madarmes without an official order from chief officers, who are of Munelity family themselves, even if a law was publicly violated.
When it comes to Cults of Envy (which are not rare for the Realms of Bosom due to various reason), Ordono Krano is pressuring Bosomian Government to prohibit its organizations from dealing with Envious threats or at least transfer command over departments which are experienced and equipped to deal with such threats. Ruling Tofar reluctantly comply with this behavior and ignore demands and scolding from Herquisition, thus Madarmiere in Eastern Realm are still carrying out own investigation of Heretic-related reports and send CHESTs to carry out own Cult Hunts, regularly interfering with investigations of Herquisition. Though numerous Gangs of Envy were exposed, existence of some are often denied as a result of haughty and Brestocratic elite culture, but most are accepted as an internal failure and disgrace that should be repaid in full by superiors and Muneles who failed to prevent entrusted subjects turning traitors. Currently worrisome is the involvement of Envious in rising numbers of Flat Justice Riots through the Realms.
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