"Valiant Madarmes preventing pathetic Flat Justice agitator from disturbing peace of Brestocratic Order."
Originated as a group of “Moms with Arms” – a peacekeeping movement during Years of Grim and Fierce Envasions in first century UAA, when many futales and members of law enforcement were drafted to defend borders against Nightmares of Envy, today Madarmiere is the main law enforcement body of the Realms of Bosom responsible for internal security. Bosomian Government, contented to transfer duties of protection, assistance and maintenance of general public order to Herquisitorial Police, entrust Madarmiere with enforcing national laws and maintaining Brestocratic Order, duties which include peacekeeping operations and crowd controls during Flat Justice Riots, security of essential buildings, Jager duties near populated areas, and acting as a military police inside Fortress Cities. CHESTs (Critical Halts, Emergencies and Security Tactics) are highly trained and armed units of Madarmiere, not much different from active military personal, primed to resolve high-risk situations which regular Madarmes are not fit to deal with. All Madarmes are authorized to bear arms, but during regular patrols are restricted to a whip alongside with a basic flintlock or dragon with rubber buckshot cartridges.
Madarmes are know as the most brutal primary law enforcement in Meority, with a permission to use force without warning and perform violent public interrogations, which associated with a permanent state of high-alert over Envious threat and paramilitaristic structure of Madarmiere, but as well with the fact that most officers are of Yeomam class and enjoy open dominance towards Board class. Of course Munelity ladies can’t be arrest, fined or even investigated by Yeomam Madarmes without an official order from chief officers, who are of Munelity family themselves, even if a law was publicly violated.
When it comes to Cults of Envy (which are not rare for the Realms of Bosom due to various reason), Ordono Krano is pressuring Bosomian Government to prohibit its organizations from dealing with Envious threats or at least transfer command over departments which are experienced and equipped to deal with such threats. Ruling Tofar reluctantly comply with this behavior and ignore demands and scolding from Herquisition, thus Madarmiere in Eastern Realm are still carrying out own investigation of Heretic-related reports and send CHESTs to carry out own Cult Hunts, regularly interfering with investigations of Herquisition. Though numerous Gangs of Envy were exposed, existence of some are often denied as a result of haughty and Brestocratic elite culture, but most are accepted as an internal failure and disgrace that should be repaid in full by superiors and Muneles who failed to prevent entrusted subjects turning traitors. Currently worrisome is the involvement of Envious in rising numbers of Flat Justice Riots through the Realms.
(A reminder than Meorenell Century is equal to 64 years, while Millennium is 512)
“Praise Her Bosom!”
The oldest of Four Great Nations in its entirety: from guarded domain to a form of government, its culture hasn’t changed in thousands of years, symbolizing cold stability and iron traditions, as unyielding as Her gorgeous mountains.
Bosom Region experience unique diverse climate through its territories, most notable are its local winters. Extremely cold-dry around Cleavage River, when sunlight from Shata-Nata gets partially blocked by Meorenell’s Ring and moist winds being trapped in many mountains and valleys surrounding it; in southern part heavy dry snowfalls are in abundance, while lands around Armpit Seas experience wet snow. It is not a surprise local alpine bovines were domesticated and become sacred among primal Bosomians: twice the size of cattle from other regions, in life they provide with wool, milk and warmth, as in death they become meat and pelts.
Tofar tribe were the first kin to permanently settle in Bosom Region, somewhere after First Settlements were drowned. As new generation were born and firstborn dying, people already begun forgetting about Joyful words of Meora, they couldn’t comprehend how world was became to be, but were looking for a scapegoats to vent their anger. Tofar were exiled for bestial savagery and unstable nature bordering with Enviosity, but also being blamed for Crumbling and other disasters. Yet, they didn’t care, just left, swearing to return one day. Although a handful outcast members of other tribes followed, they were in aversion of Tofar as much, and settled afar from them.
When first Envasions begun from Frosted Archipelago, Hellish Spawn would miss Bosomian camps, many of which were located in mountain meadows still crumbling, and push straight to Sea of Birth. So neither would knew about existence of each other for a prolong time. Those few Horrors to get lost in mountains were mere an annoyance for hunters, not smart nor fast enough to escape and warn Umbral Swarms about other children of Meora. However, worse part of this period is that people of Waist Regions thought of Hellish Spawn as of Tofar who fully degraded during their seclusion on south. Not fully wrong though, as already some villages were turning away from Her Light, and worshiping whispers of the Serpent.
Local population kept growing, Crumblings were calming, temporary camps become settlements, and then settlements grew into cities. Routs between neighbors were established, activity and civilization spreading inside Cleavage valley, and so did Envasions, growing with malice and threat, finally recognized a new prey, but not realizing who is really going to be hunted.
It is around that time a strong fellowship bond was forged between two tribes as they never abhor nor detest each other – Mawls came to Tofar, reaching their hands in friendship. Since first day Mawls were the ones who never showed hostility, they were able to look past feral habits of Tofar, giving them hope as a sistern tribe... a hope to be admired by other children of Meora.
Because southern society was cut off from the rest of Meority for a prolonged time, they were unable to gain as much progress and develop, even something as simple as Agriculture was lacking at basic level. So it was Mawls who to brought sciences, inventions and knowledges from outside, as an intermediary, and for that kindness Tofar begun subduing inner beast – to not let hard work of sistren tribe be left in vain.
Then, after Crumblings were no more, around thirty century UAA, it was the Tofar who proposed the establishment of the Kingdom of Bosom with their one-eyed sistren, as a mocking opposition to Kingdoms of Tum that rejected their tribe. Only before that, first of all for themselves, to prove own strength against the Envy and absolute loyalty to Allmother – Tofar went on a campaign to cleanse Cleavage meadows from Envious gangs. In that process they annexed villages of other smaller tribes, took them under own protection. With that done, first envoys of the Kingdom of Bosom reached Sea of Birth, and thus Tofar fulfilled their ancient promise – they returned.
Millennium have passed, mutual despise was forgotten and newly founded nation grandly proceeded.
Bosomians accepted role of the Shield and Mace against increasing Envasions through southern continent, and first Knights of Creation were forged in battles.
Trade with other nations was set in great demand around nineteen century UAA, when Kingdom of Bosom became provider of unique goods – and it was very prosperous turn indeed. Metallurgy quickly advanced in need to supply Bosom Knights with superior equipment against Serpents’s Swarms; producing not just exemplary arms and sexiest armor, Bosomian smiths were the first known to work with steel, wrought iron and many other alloys. This success was attributed to broad abundance of iron deposits in the region, allowing local smith for careless experimentation and error trials in pursued of perfecting own craft. It is no wonder so much full plate armor was in use by Bosomian soldiers.
Purified remains of slain Jealous Beastiary of all sizes were sold north as curiosities to people who, of course, would never see them. Desire for these baned trophies was fallen off after Pestilential Envasion shrouded northern continent, yet this new fear was bolstering Waist Nations to support and investment into a southern Kingdom which stands as a perpetual wall against vile creatures.
Silver and gold mines were opened around Her Mountains with a swift development in art of jewelry and tableware, but especially profiting it was for erotic bikini-bijouterie that were in high regard by [REDACTED] nobility. New quarries started to operate around Cleavage Rivers, excavating and delivering unique limestone, natural slates and marble, attracting artistic stonemasons from other nations to work on non-exportable rock – many of these creations never left Kingdom of Bosom, and the most sultry and alluring busts and statues can still be found in museums and parks as gorgeous as the day they were finished.
By sixteen century UAA many other tribes fully settled around, most of them were Lerrels, Kovari, Griffaurs, Lezor and Runiarns: ranging from insular states to barbaric nation raiding their neighbors. Actions of latest exasperating territorial senses of Tofar inside Kingdom of Bosom, which at the end led to sweeping military campaigns against local states in later sixteen and early fifteen centuries. Innocent smaller cities would surrender under pleads of Mawl ambassadors, or learn to surrender immediately fearing cold wrath of Bosomian armies at the gate. As a result of these campaigns, Kingdom of Bosom absorbed surrounding territory and grew in size and populations almost twice, rebuilding many captured capitals into first Fortress Cities. Historians recognize this time as the beginning of Brestocracy, yet possibly it started a couple centuries earlier even.
Starting from tenth century relationship between the Kingdom of Bosom and the Hegemony worsened (for known reasons), and in fifth century the Hegemony declared Tofar tribe a “Menace to Meority”. No active conflict between two nations and no open Crusade declarations against Tofar were recorded, though they were unofficially hunted north of Waist Region, chased as far into the Crus. Of course that means all financial and material support previous received to utilize against Envasions was diminished, almost to a halt. It is believed that [REDACTED] intentionally put sanctions, waiting for an Envasion season strong enough to weaken “Kingdom of Disdained” – one of such happened indeed, but too late for Hegemony to act, as the Grievous Strife begun.
Bosomians were not directly participating in a War against the Hegemony, being too busy to fend off nine years of Grim and Fierce Envasions, even loosing a few Fortress Cities to Jealous Swarms. Yet, they were sending excess production of equipment and supplies to Union of Abs until the Hegemony fell, and after its defeat they agreed with other nations to erase all record of [REDACTED] from own history as a gesture of mutual despise. During this period no other nations dared to invade Bosom region... or maybe no records left of fools who did try.
When the Age of Aspects began, honorable Bosomian families of both majority tribes agreed that come the time for change and renewal, to complete unification of this region and solidify order of Brestocracy: the Realms of Bosom was forged as we know it today. A Diarchy was established – two greatest noble families and their scions were elected as hereditary royal dynasties, to rule over lands of iron, gold and ice. Two Capitols were build; Two Crowns were cast; Two of first White Queens were married.
Bonfure-Terfar family of Tofar were decided to reign over eastern domain of Cleavage River, biggest part of the Realm, and an old capital Saptarga which still stand magnificent today. Tofar, too proud of ancient heritage, prohibit development of new cities and projects for many leagues outside Saptarga walls to keep natural beauty and charm of this province untamed; industrialization and modernization of bound communities, and restorations of capital buildings are minimal and debatable policies, even to receive residency requires decades of waiting for a permission (and to leave – no less) be that a lowborn or a Munele. Bonfure-Terfar family itself is notable for their pale-blue golden fur and twin-tipped keratin spines, which is attested to be a result after centuries of mutual intertribal breeding with a coruler royal family. It was also promulgate that members Bonfure-Terfar are all powerful Engifted and not a single was ever to be Envious (yet outside of the Realms not many believe this claim).
Medali family of Mawls were elected to govern over western domain of Cleavage River – smaller, but more fertile land of the Realms. For the shape of their horns, which are alike to Gorgeous horns of Meora herself, they are specially honored and divinized among not just Mawls, but other tribes as well: for such it is regarded as truth that Medali are most intelligent and quiet of Mawls. New capital Vostarga was built for them on Armpit Bay, and at its center was situated Hall of Cherish – a palace build exclusively to display and protect marble Busts of Bosomian Heroes and Queens, perfectly imitating curves of the originals; you can even acquire limited replicas, and in modern age they come in soft materials as well, mimicking real busts in most perfect details. Medali family are so proud of this historic wonder, they declared it immoral to see treasures of the Hall of Cherish unnaturally: thus any interior depictions, from paintings to photography, are prohibited and illegal.
Meographically two domains of the Realms are encouraged to cooperate – Meora’s Eastern Mountain was developed into a cordillera of mountains during Crumblings, while Her Western Mountain was slid down into more plane hill ranges. Both domains of the Realms contribute and depend on each other, but difference in production is more related to cultural contrast between Tofar and Mawl tribes: for example west is where breeding of massy alpine cattle, mining and military developments are prominent, while harvesting of Bosomian grain, forestry and cultural entertainment is dominating on east. This interaction binds the Realms together more than traditions between Royal dynasties, yet ancient sistrenship between Tofar and Mawls is an even stronger link.
Today the Realms of Bosom are the biggest producer of cheeses, yogurts and cementitious substances, exporter of esteemed unique marbles, noble metals, rare minerals and, especially, iron, thanks to massive Magnetic Anomalies of Her Bosom, with the largest one east of Cleavage Lake. In addition, the Realms are famous for durability of masonry work, but even more famed is their versatile and durable Molokoncrete – for which many ancient structures still stand today unyielding to time and Envasions alike, and continued to be used for construction of every new Fortress City up to this day, and forever will.
Most of all, the Realms of Bosom is our golden shield against Envasions, from the Antarctic Seas to Western Oceans they are iron defenders of Her Gorgeous bust, who embrace Nightmares of Envy with their chests forward, unyielding in cold purpose of being the Tuhr – One Who Sacrifices Oneself.
Releasing it after I finished with Four Great Nations is too long to wait, releasing it at random moment during this topic is weird, thus it shall be seen at the beginning.
Clip from an interview with a Mawl who experienced life inside Lord’s Domain. Blue-Blue Report, Tumtober 1158.
“...I dunno. Me like chocolate! There was many chocolate things! Trees made of chocolate! Earth made of chocolate! Rabbits made of chocolate! She built houses for us from chocolate and candies, and we eat that! Rivers were sweet. Me didn’t like beetles thou… they taste bitter and bite me back. Well… everything was biting me back.
Meriri tired of sweets and stopped visiting … Me was sad she didn’t like chocolate as me did. But more left for me and Lady of Candy then! Me visited her very often. We were happy many years!
One day Lady of Candy said something to me. It made me sad… but not angry! It made me sad for Lady of Candy... Me left chocolate world last time. Never seen Lady of Candy again… Me remembers now… Me sad again...”
Clip from an interview with a tourist lost in Lord’s Domain. Blue-Blue Report, Bustegnis 1123.
“...I traveled north-west from town, wanted to climb that mountain and see nests of dragon sparrows. After few days I was at its foot, and before dusk made a camp to rest for tomorrow’s ascent. I think “It” happened when I went upstream in seek of mushrooms. There were too many of them, my favorites too. Something changed when I cut one, I realized – there are face on that big tree. I inspected them. Never seen these people of course. Should have stopped there, but made one step closer and it was no way to return anymore.
When I turned around to leave... I bump into the same tree. Same bark, with same faces. I turned again, but that tree was still on my path. I was scared, thought I couldn’t move, paralyzed by a wrong mushroom, or a bug stung me, or something. I couldn’t hear rivulet and bird songs anymore. I tried to move again. I was turning around, but these bark-made faces were still in front of my face. I… was sure I did turn around, and I was sure I stopped looking at that tree… but every time, in a moment, it was again in front of my eyes.
At that moment I started to think it was just a dream, but then remembered: I wake up every time I realize when sleep. Not this time – it was not a dream. I tried to turn around again more few times. Tried to run, but hit the tree. Tried to walk sideways and backwards, away from the tree while keep looking at it, but every time I walk too far away I find myself standing next to it again. I was closing my eyes to not see it and I was not blinking to always see it… but I always stay in front of the tree.
I sat down, shaking. It was getting dark and cold. Faces were looking at me. Many look happy, some look like laughing. I let my back against the tree… it was in front of me again… but, then, what is my back pressing against, I thought? I quickly turned around, and in a moment before the tree appeared in front of my face again I saw… nothing… Whatever I leaned on with my back was gone – I stopped feeling it as much as I couldn’t see it. I tried something else. I understood that when I stop observing the tree while touching it, its tangibility exists together with its visualization in front of my eyes. It didn’t help that much, because the tree I could see was as tangible.
I stood up, decided to walk around... AND FINALLY! Something started to change. I kept walking around the tree, it didn’t move, I could understand it because faces were not the same anymore. I kept walking, and the tree begun to change: as I was circling it I find more faces covered in moss, until every face was heavily green. I kept walking, and saw... faces are not made of bark, but stone, and it was not a tree anymore, but a wall, endless, until horizon and up in the sky. But there was no more sky... Forest was gone as well... I was inside… emptiness? Nothing but the wall was there.
Dim light was coming from air itself. I felt pressure of fear and panic. Instead of a tree it was a wall, instead of it always being in front of my eyes now it is always on my left. I tried to walk backwards, but the wall was moving towards me as if I was walking forward.
Kept walking forward then. I don’t know how long. Days? I was already tired. Moss on faces was drying out, falling off. Crude stone they made of become polished, clean. Then faces begun cracking, but under cracks was gold. I kept walking forward. Sleeping under the wall when tired. Golden face on a golden wall. I was exhausted. Gold was cracking now and splinters of it were on the floor. When I tired to pick one it disappeared from my fingers and returned to where I picked it. I kept going. Gold was turning to ash. From now on faces were crumbling to dust, the wall was covered in black traces with piles of ash at the bottom. Then... nothing… just a wall… I kept walking… and It was just a wall…
I couldn’t return anymore… the wall was always on my left and always moved towards me… I was angry at it, so I would relieve myself at it when I need! I kept walking… I was crying… I wanted to sleep… I wanted to eat… I wanted to drink... I wanted to give up…
Days? Days later I… I finally saw a face! It was perfect. I mean it was perfectly made. Not wood, nor stone, nor gold – a real face in wall. Yet I don’t remember whose face, of what tribe. But below it was a hollow cut into the wall, a form for a... face. I… put my head in there. I didn’t know what to do anymore, I couldn’t think straight, so I did something… It was warm, but nothing happened… I was waiting… tried again… nothing happened…
I hit my head against the wall! and again… and again… I kept beating the wall with my head, crying… I could hear my blood streaming… loud… I kept beating the wall! Wanted my pain to become its pain! I kept beating the wall! I kept beating the wall, under that face! I kept beating the wall!...
I hit the grass… I could hear my blood streaming… loud… I could hear rivulet streaming… loud...
I crawled towards it… drunk it… It was finally a water! I drank it until started to vomit from so much water… Then I woke up in hospital of that town. Was told hunters found me bleeding and feverish. I was in bed for a week. If map is true, then where I was found and where I set my camp are on the opposite sides of a mountain I wanted to visit… I told what remembered and Herquisitors came to investigate, I understood what happened was not normal anyway. They say it might be a Domain of one of the Lords of Creation. I heard about these…
They brought my belongings. Told she apologizes and asks how to mend what happened... don’t know… don’t want to know… I just left… I never returned and don’t want to.”
The Serpent lives even when dead, for it is Eternal. It was sealed in prison shaped by Meora, but Its influence can reach outside, and some things obey Its commands. Yet with equal hatred and envy they bear towards all which exists, they hate each other for existing as much, giving us a chance to not be overwhelmed with forces we are not ready to face, of enemies within and enemies without.
Jealous Beastiary
Deep inside the Ocean of Mud are born creatures pestilent in their nature. When Meority was divided we were giving them different names, but even different cultures understood these things to be not from this world – Umbral Horrors, Nightmares of Envy, Hellish Spawn – creatures of Serpent’s descent, Its offspring, in mind and flesh, monstrosities acknowledged by Herquisition as Jealous Beastiary. From smallest pests to terrifying ancient Leviathans, they exist solely to purge us – children of Meora.
Mud-born Umbral Horrors have no common mold, formless and mindless they have no shapes to evolve from or into – never the same they are in nauseous forms. While Leviathans manifest batches of monstrosities boiled inside their twisted minds, endless in depraved imagination: a swarm of beasts made of glass which erupt in deadly shrapnel upon death, tireless army of hundreds headless bodies and thousands bodyless limbs in control of one distant worm for a brain, an unstoppable herb of armored mountain-eaters…
When enough of Jealous Beastiary are begotten inside the Ocean of Mud or bred by Leviathans in a gyne frenzy on Cursed Islands, they gather into shoals and swarms led by dreadful Tyirans, to march towards us in a wave of deadly Envasions.
Regardless of what nightmares are set upon us – we fight them and prevail, but even in death these parasites bring ruin and sorrow, like a vile creator of them. When slain, Umbral blood and flesh starts poisoning earth, water and air, corrupting the existence itself, demanding immediate purification and cleansing, or punish our indifference; yet no less worse fate awaiting those who slay them – as heroic this duty is, our heroes become tainted by a corruption, even if still loyal for Allmother until death and unburdened by Envy, Light of existence is not pure and bright anymore for those who know the evil so close.
Infernal Miscreations
Also known in different cultures as Chaosborn, Tarfested, Tarformed, the Warped or Hellgrafted – pitiful creatures who were victims, rather than evil, like water turned vinegar.
Umbral blood and flesh left untreated will deform nature before its inner corruption dissolves by itself (yet even then it stays a raw poison). A mercy when it just kills, but as unstable it is, some animal and plants transform, distort, fuse, and reborn into monsters. As mutated, now acting only as vicious execrated husks, they become vessels to continue Serpent’s bidding just by existing.
Too many of them gather into violent Tarherds, breed and spread new forms of Malady upon Her gorgeousness, but even more dangerous they are when intelligence from a life before is still intact – these creatures understand where we are weak enough to ravage and when we are too dangerous and avoid, bringing havoc we wouldn’t expect.
Whatever they all are, we shall show the pity and obviate of a miserfull life they are suffering now.
The worst of all our enemies, Traitors and Heretics, ours sistren who turned away from Her Light, from Her Joy and Gorgeousness… no, not our sistren anymore, they don’t deserve to be even remembered as such. Whatever happens with Envious Souls after death, be they forgiven or forgotten, it is not for us to question Allmother’s decision, but in life they are traitors and deserve to be treated as such.
It start slowly, with doubts withing themselves. But then suddenly they fully embrace the corruption and we know no about their dark secret when we see them walking among us as fellow sistren. Tempted by the Evil they seek only to subvert Meority, to own it, to satisfy inner gratification, not even listening to whispers of the Serpent, but still making It triumphant through ruinous actions. What they create is corrupted, what they create is corrupting. They can fall so low as to drink Umbral Blood, or use it to graft themselves with other creatures… or even with the source of this blood. And if a mountain of bodies and ruins is what Envious need to see unreachable dreams on a horizon – then they will erect it.
More appalling it is when an Engifted becomes Envious. The Corruption touched by the Gift transform one into a nightmare with powers of creation they never should have wielded. Weakest become Young Abomination and lead small cult-gangs of common-minded Heretics to feed minuscule greed from within, easily dealt with by Ordono Krano, but the most vehement Engifted become High Abominations and gather massive Cults of Envy – such cults pose a threat to entire nations… and at this very moment, they might be scheming thousands of wicked plan to destroy entire Meority...
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