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Shaso profile
Hello everyone and welcome to my SubscribeStar page! My nickname is Shaso and I'm the developer behind the game Dilmur!
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121 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
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Easy Level!

Thank you for your support! This way you demonstrate that I work for a good cause.

Access to the latest game version!

12 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Supporter Tier

All the previously mentioned rewards.

NOTE: Android version comes out with delay. With the first bugfix update.

  1. Access to the game 10 days before the early acces release. 2.Opportunity to participate in *votings influencing various game aspects. *
11 subscribers SubscribeStar $4.99 tier
per month
Hard level!

All the previously mentioned rewards.

NOTE: Android version comes out with delay. With the first bugfix update.

1.Opportunity to check out the sketches and other illustrations for the future projects.

2.Access to the game 13 days before the early acces release.

3.Opportunity to participate in ALL votings influencing various game aspects.

4.Access to my illustrations in PSD format!

5.Your *voting power increases by 2 points. *

6.Expanded animated scenes from the game. Example

7.**The poll about scene variations. **I will post 2-3-4 sketches of scenes, you pick the one you like the most and you’ll see it in the game. Once for each update.

9 subscribers SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
per month
Advanced level!

All the previously mentioned rewards.

  1. *Opportunity to leave your trace in the Musem of Dilmur! *
  2. Your voting power increases by 3 points.
3 subscribers SubscribeStar $15.00 tier


  • My game is absolutely free, but if you support me, you'll have an early access to the game version and to my Discord server. Also, $5+ Pledges will give you an opportunity to participate in votings. And it's not just deciding next characters' hair color. In the votings, patrons decide what will be in the next version of the game. But in case if there is anything urgent needs to be added immediately, the voting for the current update will be skipped.

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It is time for news!

Hello, everyone! It’s been a while, but at least now, after the continued silence, I have quite a few topics to discuss with you.

Let me start with the unpleasant news: the alpha build of the next update is ready and the text will be sent for translation later this week but on top of that, I have still work to do on art and animations. So I will need at least another month to wrap this all up.

Hence you may rightfully ask - why is this taking so long? In reality, I feel a bit exhausted. All this time, apart from translation and receiving some help with plugins, proofreading, and advice from other people, I worked alone. I took on quite an ambitious project for my first time and it drained me if slightly – besides, my health also took a blow. In the course of developing the latest update I fell sick 3 times - this has never happened to me before. This significantly affects the project’s deadlines, especially when there is just one person working on it.

I understand this may be annoying and there are dissatisfied people, considering how long it took to release the previous update. This has become the main issue for me, so I tried to find someone to help me with the script and text. However, inviting someone to the project when it’s in the middle or by the end of its course is quite challenging and so far I wasn’t successful.

I was blind and obsessed with finding a script-writer for the project, but then, thanks to some people, I had an epiphany: turns out, there is a way to make my job easier in a different direction. Here we finally get to the good news.

Starting the next update, @MesaFer officially joins the project. He will manage the technical side of the game – RPG Maker MV Editor, and any other help he can offer. This will let me focus on writing the text and do what I love the most – working on the game’s visuals!

@MesaFer has helped me a lot previously with plugins and general tips and advice. The new markers displaying the available events are his doing.

Also, the new lighting that for now will be added for one level only. We need to check if this will affect the performance on other devices. Further on we have plans to implement this lighting system to the gameplay - e.g. for the arc of the second general.

Regarding 0.19 – all that remains is visuals, which is not very difficult, so I don’t expect it to affect the deadline.

Further on, together with @MesaFer, we will try to post information regarding the development more regularly. We will do this by simply posting news more frequently and adding the devlog channel in Discord. There we’ll share bits of news and what we’ve done so far.

In conclusion, here’s a little preview for you. I think you know where you can find the full version.

Dear subscribers – I love you all, I really do. This game has already occupied a big part of my life and the fact that it also found a place in yours means the WORLD to me. Thank you so much for supporting and cheering me up – this really inspires me. And thank you for the criticism – after all, how else can I improve?

All right, it is one thing to talk and another – to act, we’ll see the results of this. After all, this will be my first time working together with someone. I’m a bit nervous but excited at the same time. So if you are still dissatisfied, annoyed, or not feeling certain (especially if you’re a subscriber) – unsubscribe, and if you are still interested in this project, watch us work on 0.20. We will do our best to demonstrate the changes by actions.

Excuse me again for the long wait and continued silence, and I ask you to let me finish this update to get us closer to developing 0.20 which will start with big changes.

That’s it for now! Thank you for your attention, take care of yourself and your dear ones!

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Time for feedback!

Hello everyone, a quick post with some development news.

Most of the work with text is done. I'm still working on the text on my own for the most part for now, so it's going slow, but it's going.

Along with that, the work on art is also being worked on. And starting with that post, I'll start teasering them.

Also in 0.19, there will be a new way of navigating complex events and large locations, like Arcade and Lower City. The event icon (again, not for all events, I'm afraid of overload the screen) will now appear on the sides of the screen to help you navigate. If you have suggestions where this feature would help you in your past walkthrough, write - I'll add it.

That's all for now.

Thank you for your and support. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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Time for feedback!

Hello, everyone! It’s about time to share some news with you about the development!

I have finished working on the update plan as well as sketches for most of the events. In 0.19, I am going to finish the route with the guys in the “Arcade”, wrap up the fighting club task and conclude the route with the third VIP client in the brothel. Besides, I will go over all the bugs you have reported in Discord, including typos in the English version. Again, thanks a lot for reporting all this! Among other things, I will slightly change the start of the game. Most changes will affect the grinding for H-games (it will be toned down), as well as AP spending (it will also decrease).

Unfortunately, Midea (her events in the brothel), outfits for the “Arcade” and sex events with the mobster-stranger in the “Arcade” go beyond the scope of this update, so it is more likely that I will gradually add them into the game along with the story missions, instead of dedicating a separate update for them.

As for the approximate release date, I will let you know about it when I’m finished with the text – for it is easier to estimate the remaining work after it’s done.

Thank you all for your attention and support!

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Dilmur 0. 18c. Android version.

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Time for feedback!

Hello everyone! Finally, here’s a long post after a long break.

About the break itself – I have nothing else to add. Everything I wanted to say is in the postbelow. But I will say that you can demand a refund for this period of my inactivity. Please write me in DMs or reach out in Discord.

Regarding 0.18 – I hope you enjoyed it! As you have already noticed, this update brought in better animations. From this point on, you can expect them to be of similar quality. I have also updated NWJS and PIXI, but this only includes Windows – I’m still working on the Mac version. About that – I have no Mac device available, so testing and supporting Mac versions is problematic at the moment. Besides, the MV version is not fully stable (unlike the MZ version). I have added a notification about it when downloading the game.

In addition, some people experience troubles on Windows devices – for now, there are just a few and it’s not clear yet if they are related to the game or the devices that run the game. About 0.19 and what’s coming in the future… The theme of the future update is already determined. There, I will try to patch up all the unfinished “holes.” For example – events with the guys or a mafia passerby in the “Arcade,” arms baron in the brothel and a fight club (no h-events are to be expected here).

I’m also going to work on making a smoother star for all the new players. From the start of the game and up to the arc in the camp – there is a lot of unnecessary grind and excessive stuff that can be trimmed or cut whatsoever. That is why I wanted to ask for your help here: if you have experienced this, please share in the comments. I will play through all routes and add more hints, tips and notifications. Maybe I will re-work the journal with tasks. This may cause the corruption of save files, but I will do my best to avoid that.

And 0.20 will officially start the second general’s arc. And the following updates will be related to the main plot up to the final act. But there may be small breaks in order to launch updates for “patching up” – like it will be with 0.19.

Now I’m working on the Android version of the game, and adding the content from 0.18 to the memory room. This may take some time since the structure of the events changed and now it’s not as easy as to copy and paste everything. Will be done in next week. That’s about it. Thank you all so much for your enormous

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*Small news and BG preview. *

Hello everyone, a small news on update development.

I won't have time to finish the update before the end of the month. Still not' done with animations and a couple of new, small events. Also, I get a little sick, nothing serious.

So as not to leave you empty-handed, but without spoiling too much, there will be a background preview from of the events.

Also note that the animations in this update will be different, I hope you'll notice and like it :)

That's all for now, sorry it took so long, but this time all time was going on development. Didn't plan on it, but in terms of number of pictures it will be like 0.17.

Thank you for attention and supporting.

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$148 of $1,000
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Reaching this goal will allow me to spend money not only on myself. Upgrading my setup, buying new soft and hiring new assistants - all this will indirectly affect the quality and speed of the updates.

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