Allison and Kel Producing
When Erin had told Allison about the hucow facility, she had not quite believe what she had heard. A business that milked women and processed the milk? Ridiculous. It had taken Erin's twin sister Bec corroborating her story to convince the blonde. Both Hazels had offered to refer her if she was interested in earning a little extra money while pregnant. That had been enough for her to consider it. While she had balked a little at the strict "no clothing" rule in the contract, the Hazel's recommendation and the money on offer meant she had dutifully signed on the dotted line.
A couple of weeks later, Allison found herself naked and strictly bound next to Kelly, a mutual friend of the Hazel twins, with teats attached to her breasts, which had already started swelling from the treatments they had received. Said treatments also left her feeling quite aroused, much to her frustration. The Hazels had warned her that she would crave release without being able to do anything about it for the first couple of sessions, but she had undersetimated just how horny the treatments would make her. The third day was when she was due to get a vibrator installed for the session and she longed for it.