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Welcome to the official support hub for Messy Academy, an AB/DL 18+ visual novel that has been in active development for over 4 years! Our team strives to deliver new content every month, with exclusive content and early-access for our supporters.
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-Access to free public versions of the game!

472 subscribers Sub Star Follower
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-Access to News Feed! (general news updates, behind the scenes (writing), finished art previews and voting polls!)

-Exclusive Supporter Only Game Releases! (These are exclusive to supporters for 30-45 days until the following supporter release of new content. )

-Special Discord Rank! (Invited to MA project discord server in style with a unique supporter rank! Along with access to a extra discussion channel for latest releases!)

86 subscribers 1st Year Student
per month
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-Your name in the Credits! (As Subscribestar supporter!)

-Early Concept Art Previews! (Be the first to see how the art progresses along for cg, sprite and bg art before the finished previews are shared!)

-Access to HD Versions of CG art pieces from the game! (Plus alt art not featured in-game!)

-Access to a mini game walk-through guide! (Guide for all game choices and unlocked content!)

38 subscribers 2nd year student
per month
3rd Year Student

-Previous tier rewards!

-Story Script Previews! (Access to rough & finished written scripts for upcoming content!)

-Early test builds before the official release! (At least one early version of the next upcoming release of new content, a week or more before the official release date!)

-Digital art-book! (Receive the art book as we near the end of development in 2025! Tons of never seen art, commentary, etc!)

9 subscribers 3rd year student
per month
4th Year Student

-Previous tier rewards!

-Extra cg scene (simple) funded! (You helped cover the average cost needed for a extra cg scene to be added!)

-Special in-game credits mention for your more than generous support!

1 subscriber 4th year student
per month
5th Year Student

-Previous tier rewards!

-Extra cg scene (complex) funded! (You helped cover the average cost needed for a extra cg scene to be added!)

-Special in-game credits mention for your more than generous support!

0 subscribers 5th year student


  • Access supporter exclusive game versions to download!
  • Access posts every month that highlight new content coming ahead!
  • Your support helps fuel our development and features!

[~About Us~]

Messy Studios is a tight-knit team working on an 18+ adult visual novel called Messy Academy! The game is centered around adult baby/diaper lover themes, but also has school slice-of-life, rom-com, drama and mystery! [Male/Female protagonist options! Coming late March, more information in the link below.]

The game development has been ongoing for 4 years, with 2 years expected remaining to finish the base game. We already have plans for DLC content and future projects on par with the quality expected from MA.

Support is very important, as we rely heavily on monthly funding in order to cover the costs to our artists, programmer, editor, composer and more! Without it, the game wouldn't be where it stands today. Many choose to support at the $5 tier for a well-rounded selection of benefits, including exclusive game versions that are one release ahead of the free public version!

If you'd like to read more about the game's story, features and other useful information, check these posts out below! ^^

[More about the game, details and general info!]
[Our Guide post, archive of all our posts we make, including latest game downloads!]

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[~May News Post #1~]

Posted for FREE, $5, $10, $25, $180, $250 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

[~May Development Report~]

It's been a wild few months with development behind the scenes, but we're very hopeful that what we're about to deliver for content with the entity of episode 5's content, including what scenes exist currently being tweaked with our ideal level of polish for the game as a whole. That it'll be very worth the wait and we want to keep that energy moving month to month on our deliveries of new content! <3

Besides development, it has been a odd course of a few months into this year. The year started off very very depressing for myself personally, mentally and physically. If you missed that early on, it was just one thing after the other with house issues. Power being out during the Winter for a bit, pipes freezing and bursting, leading to a panic attack upon discovering our basement was a foot of water deep. >.<

Things have been better since then in the past two months, but college has been getting a bit rough and just the day to day routine of getting stuff done personal wise has left me trying to make time for getting other things done too. Outside of the weekends, the days legit are a blink and I'll miss it kind of feeling lately. ^^"

Not to ramble on, just trying to help fill in the blanks for stuff to help make sense of things in recent months.

That said, let me jump into the bulk of development mentions!

[~SFX & Ambient~]

In case you missed it, we reached our $1200 funding goal during April! We did a voting poll to ask supporters if we should use the extra funding to begin our journey into adding SFX and Ambient tracks into the game, or if we should use those funds towards more cg art.

The results are in!

We did tally up votes from Fanbox supporters as well! But it's very clear that we're using the extra funding towards sfx/ambient tracks! ^^ This doesn't mean cg art is slowing down or anything, so no worries for those who wanted more cg art to be covered by the costs!

We've begun the process of chatting with four people who are interested in the position and I hope to have a decision on who our lucky sound designer will be for these by the latest, next Friday!

Shout out to those who saw the Twitter post and pointed a few in our direction to help with this! <3 Very excited! Thank you everyone who took the time to vote as well!

(While our funding goal has dipped under $1200 for the start of May, we hope to be able to afford these moving forward still. It'll be on our lower end of funding priorities if our monthly funding really dips down, but we want to hopefully get some examples of the sfx at the very least in the works during May and show footage of how this pairs up within the game. Of course... Starting with diaper related sound effects first. :P )

[~Dev Plans/Story & Programming~]

Starting right away, the awaited v0.20 news! I have been talking with our programmer and upon some testing with one of the branches, we ran into some issues that need fixed up, which is in the works now. It shouldn't be anything majorly long to fix though!

Once we get that sorted out here soon, we'll test the build to make sure nothing is broken and gather up the builds for Windows, Mac and Android! We'll put out a post labeled "Pre-release v0.20" when there's 24-48 hours before the date of release for the build.

We'll also detail in full what the differences are with the free/paid builds in that post and we'll list the details about other bonuses within that.

I'd like to personally thank everyone who has been more than patient with us, and for those who have given up on us or silently or vocally awaiting on the fence for more content delivered. No matter where you stand, we're very excited to share a first look with episode 5 (v0.20) content to show off what our ideal finalized and polished feeling should be from MA moving forward and being applied to earlier content as a lower priority along the way! <3

[~CG art~]

MarxeDP & AjoseMP did a decent bit of work during April and their plans for May should showcase some exciting new cg art for the future routes coming up!

During April, Ajose progressed on some expressions being fixed up for existing cg art that's been finalized, minus some expression tweaks to better fit context of scenes even better. They've also started work on a brand new cg scene featuring Zoey for her route, which should be fun! (Lots of player choices during that are planned.)

Marxe finished up work on the tickle fight from ep 1, along with ep 4's magical battle scene being updated! They've started work on ep 2's Nova swimming race and are continuing to work on a number of things into May.

Hearing from Ajose, they let me know that during May, they'll work on finishing up the expression tweaks and begin on a brand new cg scene featuring Nova for her route! (I think old school Nova fans and in general, will really be happy with the variants on that one! :P )

April's cg scene related posts

[~Sprite art~]

Lisa managed to finish up the bg character creator tool being updated for development use! She is also working on something else that we can't discuss currently, but for May.. The plan is to continue on this mystery thing and also a few minor sprite tasks.

We should have more exciting sprite related stuff to share as we head into June if my estimate on that stuff pans out. ^^

April's sprite related posts


ds-sans has work picking up again, making it a bit difficult to progress further on a few things. <.< But! We have discussed our plans for May into June for gui needs still.

Our main plan to work on now is add a "Extras" button on the title screen, which will lead to a screen for DLC, About, Gallery and more! We hope to have previews to share with everyone and a first in-depth look of the overall gui in-game upon the release of v0.20!

[~Other Notes~]

Not much comes to mind to add for now, but we have a lot going on behind the scenes for the upcoming months of content. Each month should feel like a boost up in terms of excitement and open much discussion for what awaits ahead with the mystery behind Pembroke Academy!


If this is your first time joining along and you enjoy the project, please do consider supporting us on Subscribestar if you aren't already! Plenty of exclusive posts are made, at least 2 new posts every week or more!

Keep yourself informed and updated on development by following Subscribestar notifications or bookmarking our >Guide Post< You can also continue to keep updated through our page or Twitter as well!

Be alert! The only websites that are officially ran by myself (Princess Bridget) and Messy Studios working on development of Messy Academy are from the following list below. Any place otherwise is unofficial and they might be impersonating us for their own gain. Avoid payments/donating to other sources as it won't be helping fund further development into our game!
(You can also find our official posts/account on these sites, but due to their nature we won't include links directly.)
>F95zone< (Username: Messy Studios)
>omorashi< (Username: Bridget1999)
>tapatalk< (Username: Messy Studios)

Be alert! The one and only official Discord server for following the Messy Studios team development is this one. >>Discord<< If you've come across any other server impersonating us, be sure to report your findings with me directly and steer other's interested in our video game project away from possibly scam attempts.

~ From all of us at Messy Studios! ~
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[~April News Post #2~]

Posted for FREE, $5, $10, $25, $180, $250 tiers
Unlock Tier

[~April News Post #1~]

Posted for FREE, $5, $10, $25, $180, $250 tiers
Unlock Tier
Public post

[~April Development Report~]

Hope everyone has been doing well recently! We're just right around the corner of getting our content out and moving along once again!

Our overall plan for April to start us off and keep things simple... We're shooting for two main releases this month. First release will be v0.20 (Free & Paid) removing the whole "Part" mess out of the titles, as the free version will feature about half of the episode for the public and the paid version for supporters will feature the whole episode, wrapping up episode 5's content for good.

Later in April, we're shooting for also doing v0.21. This will include episode 1 QoL fixes and additions, along with route episode content. This means players will get the chance to personally try out our new feature that displays the protag (Male or Female) on the text box ui throughout the gameplay. Our plan with that is slowly introducing it and getting it caught up for the whole game.

I want to briefly touch on the lack of posts being made recently as well. There's a few factors as to why there hasn't been a ton of weekly posts, partly there just hasn't been a ton to share as our sprite artist is working on stuff that is a bit secretive at the moment. Our cg artists are getting back into the swing of things too, with one of them that was sort of MIA for nearly two months. I've finally heard back from them and figured out what was going on, but on the art side of things, there just hasn't been a ton to share visually.

The other aspect is more on my personal happenings in the day to day, as I've been finding myself finishing up classes for the day and by the time I end up getting my personal stuff done, project work and a bit of free time for enjoyment mixed in. Its already time for bed to start the process over the next day. ^^" So, I've been trying to juggle when to toss out some posts at times.

I'd like to personally thank everyone once again for all the support and kind words recently! The amount of funding support seen during March leading into April has not only cleared our main funding goal, but we were pretty close to our 2nd funding goal that'd help cover more costs for cg art each month or possibly sink the extra into sfx/ambience needs for the game.

We're not sure what caused the increase in funding, if its related to the female protag being introduced into the game? But we're very very grateful for everything! <3

[~Dev Plans/Story & Programming~]

As mentioned, two releases are planned this month. v0.20 (Free & Paid) is what we'll focus on first.

I have heard back from our programmer and confirmed what our status is on being ready for releasing that content. They were recently sick with a fever and just recovered from that the other day, but talking with them... We're double checking over the content on our tests and all of the finalized gui elements for the game should be functioning as intended.

The only thing we won't have ready yet for a while is the title screen. We will have a temp placeholder button on the existing title screen in order to access the cg gallery screen though! We'll be asking for a ton of feedback on how the gui functions, our main concern seems like it'll fall on the text box and if the text and layout is good overall as we want to make sure the readability is solid for players.

Behind the scenes, there is a good amount of writing lore stuff going on, much that I can't share in detail to avoid major spoilers for the game's story and personal stories for characters. But there's a lot of documents that keep track of the timeline for how events pan out throughout the game in order to make sure the storylines we're trying to tell are on point.

Its a lot of work and pre-planning, thinking about what falls in line for stuff now and how it connects into events that aren't going to be in the game until 8 months from now and making sure we're on the right path with how everything connects.

I'm personally excited for many of the storylines to reveal themselves along the way and I believe there are some unexpected qualities that players will be surprised about when it comes to the overall story about the academy and motives, mixed with learning a deeper level about characters we haven't seen in the past yet. Perhaps even... There's someone we're close to that's hiding something about themselves and those running the school, but it'll only be a matter of time before secrets unveil and add to the mystery.

[~CG art~]

MarxeDP & AjoseMP have a plan for April's work, on Ajose's side.. We're looking to tackle a good chuck of cg stuff that has been paid for on a list. I talked with them just yesterday about it and from the sounds of it, they're already in action. We'll be sharing a collection post of those previews sometime this month.

Alongside that, Ajose will also have around 2-3 brand new cg scenes they can begin working on. These are for future route episodes and so I'm not sure how to go about sharing them quite yet, when they are ready. <.< I'll most likely keep the title of those posts non-spoiler related and in bold within the title "SPOILERS" will be the first thing mentioned. Then the images won't appear first thing, that way it doesn't ruin the surprise for those that want to go in blind.

Marxe is finishing up work on two cg scenes being updated and I have to talk with them sometime before the weekend to see what else they have planned for this month and how our list of paid cg art is looking by then too.

[~Sprite art~]

Lisa has been really busy during March, working on something secretive for the project. I'm really excited about how its coming along, but it won't be until a bit later when we fully reveal that. It'll be a very hard time trying to hold back on showing it off until then, but we do have other sprite stuff to showcase before then. :P

Lisa has started updating the bg character creator tool, one of our last sprite related things that needed to be updated to showcase the new eyes and some adjustments made to the game's cast and oc characters over the course of last year. The tool itself is a .psd file that we use for development in order to simply create a number of background students to help fill in minor roles that wouldn't need fully unique sprite files gameplay wise, but still looking good and the limitations will only be noticeable if you saw 3-4 characters made with the tool next to each other.

We have a list of minor sprite work besides that in order too, some a bit spoiler related and other stuff not so much. I'm hoping April will be a big month for sprite needs, if many of those minor needs listed are done. It'd leave us with 4-5 decent sized things left as we move into May and during the Summer to possibly wrap up sprite needs for the project.ย 

Previews for the bg creator tool changes will be shared this month sometime at the very least!


ds-sans came out of nowhere with the fully finished cg gallery screen last month! Something I wasn't expecting to be done until this month, but that means.. We only have the title screen remaining! Its hard to say if the title screen will take more than April to complete or not, but we're pretty much about to wrap up gui needs for the project!

Expect to see a ton of these previews for the gui stuff as a big collective post before our release of v0.20.

[~Other Notes~]

Depending on how stable our funding goes through April into May... Knowing gui needs will be done and then sprite stuff by Summer. We could very easily begin work on sfx/ambience work for the project in May. We know many want sfx for sure! We've collected a list of ideas for what kind of sounds to include into the game from safe for work types that aid the game generally and of course... The more naughty sounds needed to really boost those moments. :P

We already have the config settings ready to where, if a player doesn't want sfx on. They can easily turn it off or adjust the volume of those in case its too distracting.

Ambience would help aid and fill in areas for the music, where we want music playing in the game to feel fitting to select moments without being on repeat for 10-20 minutes at a time. ^^" It's a hard balance to get sound direction just right for a game and I have even more props to those with musical/sound talent in general after having to research and figure out how to properly handle things with that. (As I'm totally not a musically or sound talented person.)

My ultimate goal would be the addition of voice talent for the game, but I already know this will greatly rely on some sort of funding campaign, similar to our Kickstarter. Except the entire purpose of the funding would be seeing if there's enough interest to cover the costs for voice over work, which is pretty expensive when we're talking about a game with 300,000+ word count or so in total by that point.


If this is your first time joining along and you enjoy the project, please do consider supporting us on Subscribestar if you aren't already! Plenty of exclusive posts are made, at least 3 new posts every week or more!

Keep yourself informed and updated on development by following Subscribestar notifications or bookmarking our >Guide Post< You can also continue to keep updated through our page or Twitter as well!

Be alert! The only websites that are officially ran by myself (Princess Bridget) and Messy Studios working on development of Messy Academy are from the following list below. Any place otherwise is unofficial and they might be impersonating us for their own gain. Avoid payments/donating to other sources as it won't be helping fund further development into our game!
(You can also find our official posts/account on these sites, but due to their nature we won't include links directly.)
>F95zone< (Username: Messy Studios)
>omorashi< (Username: Bridget1999)
>tapatalk< (Username: Messy Studios)

Be alert! The one and only official Discord server for following the Messy Studios team development is this one. >>Discord<< If you've come across any other server impersonating us, be sure to report your findings with me directly and steer other's interested in our video game project away from possibly scam attempts.

~ From all of us at Messy Studios! ~
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[~March News post #2~]

Posted for FREE, $5, $10, $25, $180, $250 tiers
Unlock Tier

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

596 subscribers
53 posts


This is the bare minimum costs that covers our team's active development on a monthly basis! This is roughly what we had coming in from Patreon each month to cover the costs for our artists, programmer, editor, writing, etc. Much of it goes right into the art! If we can reach this goal, it'd mean we can easily without any worry continue our active development on the game project that's been on-going for 4 years strong, with 2 years expected that remains in development before it's finished.
$1,138 of $1,200
per month
If we manage to reach this goal, we'd be around our peak in terms of funding we've received in the past, back on Patreon! This extra amount of funding would allow for more cg scene art and goodies like sfx/ambiences being worked on for the game! ^^
$1,138 of $1,500
per month
If we manage to reach this goal, we'd without a doubt be able to hire a 3rd artist to speed up cg art for the game! Extra funding would help speed along cg art and sfx/ambiences even further than before! <3
$1,138 of $2,000
per month
At this goal being reached, each month... We could seriously begin our voice acting campaign! We'd do a casting call with real voice actors using and encourage everyone to sign up, try out for the roles and begin the process of adding voice over work into MA from the start of the game slowly catching up to where the current build/releases are at that time forward. ^^

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by contributing โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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