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Icarus Illustrations profile
Icarus Illustrations
Icarus Illustrations
is creating Digital art and Erotica

Subscription Tiers


You can currently join and view my content on this tier for free. I'm trying to see if volountary support can be a sustainable alternative to a paywall, I will keep it going for as long as possible.

6312 subscribers Follower
per month

I'd buy that for a dollar

Just $1 to be part of this community, You can pay more if you feel like you can afford to - but I appreciate times are tight for everyone and I would like this place to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Most posts will be available immediately with the exception of monthly "tales of intrigue!" Which you can still vote on, and eventually, even the monthly Story content will become available for you a couple of months after being published.

212 subscribers SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
per month
Big Fans

Showing lots of love and support for the cause!

This is all I'm asking for complete access to everything the minute it's ready. I'm hoping enough people are willing to spare this small amount per month to make a full time commitment possible.

You'll be making the time investment possible for a monthly expansion themed story every month of at least 30 panels. These "Tales Of Intrigue" (as they're known) are decided on by a vote every month, where you'll choose from a list which story you'd like to see.

449 subscribers SubscribeStar $5.00 tier


  • Another patreon refugee.
Icarus Illustrations

My Subscribestar is now Free

Lets find out if there's an alternative to paywalls to support a full time artist.
All future posts will be public and available on the follower tier for as long as possible.
If the experiment works, it can continue indefinitely. The support of this community literally puts food on my table and I am eternally grateful but I don't want anyone to miss out if they cant afford it, or their bank wont let them support subscribestar.

I'm doing this for many reasons, 
Firstly, Paypal and J.p. Morgan are using their financial leverage to cancel lewdness on the internet I get a lot of messages from people who cant register here using their banks, I've got no solution for that other than making it free for people who's banks literally wont let them in. Secondly because times are getting tougher for everyone i'd prefer knowing people arent having to make budget choices. And thirdly I want to atone for letting everyone down with the unplanned nervous breakdown and 6 month hiatus that happened when my dads cancer treatment started going downhill, my bad.

I'll give an update and review on this policy in December. If i'm still able to pay bills I'd be happy for it to continue. Regardless of what happens, the public archive will always be public.

Icarus Illustrations
Public post

My Subscribestar is now Free

Lets find out if there's an alternative to paywalls to support a full time artist.
All future posts will be public and available on the follower tier for as long as possible.
If the experiment works, it can continue indefinitely. The support of this community literally puts food on my table and I am eternally grateful but I don't want anyone to miss out if they cant afford it, or their bank wont let them support subscribestar.

I'm doing this for many reasons, 
Firstly, Paypal and J.p. Morgan are using their financial leverage to cancel lewdness on the internet I get a lot of messages from people who cant register here using their banks, I've got no solution for that other than making it free for people who's banks literally wont let them in. Secondly because times are getting tougher for everyone i'd prefer knowing people arent having to make budget choices. And thirdly I want to atone for letting everyone down with the unplanned nervous breakdown and 6 month hiatus that happened when my dads cancer treatment started going downhill, my bad.

I'll give an update and review on this policy in December. If i'm still able to pay bills I'd be happy for it to continue. Regardless of what happens, the public archive will always be public.

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Icarus Illustrations
Public post

TOI: Laura and Water IV - A swell day out (Finale)

  • DESIGN: Set/scenery, props, characters, lighting, clothes, textures. - FINISHED
  • RENDER: Choreography, morphs, expressions, rendering frames. - 105/120ish?
  • EDITING: Narration, photo shop, cutting room, effects, re-shoots. - 
  • PREMIER: Compose post --

Workshop Gallery Buffer: 3/20 Frames.
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Icarus Illustrations
Public post

Workshop Gallery 15/10 and Triple Archive Dump.

Still working on the story, I been struggling with insomnia, hospital consultations and a writers block, I got a little overambitious with the finale (typical) so I took a break when needed as promised to avoid a burnout. Good news is I'm rested and I started artwork again today-  I'm just cooling off after a 12h session and am bit too fuzzy to renember what I've already published for a gallery post - so I'm going to send workshops 27.28.and 29 to the archives. Happy spelunking! :3

Workshop 27#
Workshop 28#
Workshop 29#

I'd like to add text for some gallery pictures and sequences, like this one - I usually try for pictures that can speak and tell a story for themselves, but a little narrative adds some nice context and flavour.

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Icarus Illustrations
Public post

Workshop gallery 25/09

Another workshop attempt at literally stretching the limits of rigged anatomy at larger sizes (I'm not always successful) and this project turned out well. There were limits the birth canal could stretch to before the thighs got in the way because of rigged joints and attempts to make it look the way you want are so much harder than drawn art. Gina's was about maxed out in this scene before I improved on that.
It took some head-scratching, z-brush and re-rigging the pelvis, but it's worth it to have the option of birthing an object the size of watermelon and have it look not only believable but pretty good (as long as you can pretend her bones are made of elastic :P). - Will be sure to to this milestone to work in the future.
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Icarus Illustrations
Public post

Workshop Gallery: 21/09

"Why has Icarus just spent the last 6 hours making cum props and shaders in the Worksho-
oh that's why." 
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Icarus Illustrations
Public post

Lorixia Ravori

I may have said this before - it's rare that I'll publish life model collabs for several reasons and in respect for privacy it's rarer still to reveal which ones they actually are. But Lorixia is a kindred spirit  and is delighted to share the modelling practice <3  I've been promising to get around to this with her for nearly a year, so her character design is long overdue in more ways than one.

Lori is a close friend and I'd like to ask everyone to respect her boundaries, I'm very strict on the stance it needs to be Lori approaching us with requests for her character, not the other way around, so it's entirely up to her if her likeness appears in any cameos :3 

Thanks for the practice hun, you look lovely.


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The monthly "Tales of Intrigue" returns! A monthly pregnancy and expansion themed short story of a minimum 30 panels.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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