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G.G. Wylde Writes
G.G. Wylde Writes
Hot, Sexy stories, sometimes with twists thrown in
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G.G. Wylde Writes
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The Curvy, Titian Queen, The Sexy Horndog and his Fiancée

Her sexy curves brought their relationship to its knees and her pussy
Photo by mocker_bat on AdobeStock
“Thank you. Have a good night.” I closed the cab door and took a deep breath. A large, sprawling raised-ranch-style house sat at the end of the car-filled driveway. Friendly and bright, it welcomed me to my stepbrother’s Dirty Thirty birthday party.

I took a deep breath and wandered into the backyard. It’d been years since I saw Slick. Our parents got married when we were teens. We clicked immediately, but fought it as long as we could. Then we were both off at college and visits were fewer and further between.

Should’ve fucked him when given the chance.

And that chance happened a couple of days before Slick left for his sophomore year of college. I was watching my mother’s old DVD of Zandalee, with Nicolas Cage. It was my first exposure to the Hotwife life, and I liked it. A lot.

Slick came in during a sexy scene and plopped down beside me. Before long, we were kissing, and I was stroking his cock through his sweatpants while he rubbed my pussy through my sleep shorts. Heavy petting turned to mutual masturbation.

We played with and edged each other throughout the movie, our unspoken challenge to see who could hold off cumming the longest.

As the end credits began, I craved the taste of him in my mouth. Never given a blowjob before then, but I wanted to give him one. He laid on the floor and pulled me onto his face. I gave him the wettest, sloppiest blowjob while he was the first to eat me out.

For the record, we climaxed together as the screen faded to black and the DVD menu appeared. I swallowed every drop Slick spurted down my throat. We licked each other clean, cuddling for a while. Then tidying the rec room and heading to bed.

Two days later, he was back at school. Regret set in. I did my level best to avoid being alone with him for the next decade.

Zandalee is still my favourite movie. Watch it when I’m horny and lonely, which is far too often. Think of him, my forbidden love, every time.

Five years. When mom had the twins.

And my attraction to my stepbrother hadn’t lessened in my absence. It’s grown.

What the hell can I do about it now? I mentally adjusted my big girl thong and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing!

I pushed the gate open, cringing at the loud squeak, and stepped into a raucous party. My comfort level lowered. These were Slick’s friends. He didn’t know I was coming. Mom told me about the party and said he’d love to see me.

Meaty hands wound around my waist, lifting me off the ground. I reared back, grinning when I recognized Slick’s cousin, Ray. My cousin too, I guess. He shoved a Black Fly vodka cooler in my hands and kissed my cheek.

“Red! Fan-fucking-tastic to see you! Didn’t know you’d be here. We’ll catch up later.” He squeezed my hip and called out, “Hey, sleaze-bucket! What the fuck, man?” Before heading off to see whoever the sleaze-bucket was.

I giggled, shaking my head and scanning the crowd for Slick. My belly clenched at the familiar loud, carefree laugh drifting over the yard. Our eyes locked. He grinned, lifting his beer in greeting.

I grinned and shyly averted my eyes. Then I saw him.

Head taller. Shoulders broader. Aura brighter. He dwarfed the surrounding men. Including Slick, and he wasn’t a shrinking violet.

Caramel hair framed a masculine jawline covered by the same coloured beard. Pink tongue dipped out to lick lips begging to be bitten. Warm, whiskey-coloured eyes I wanted to lose myself in twinkled with interest.

Celtic armband tattoo caught my eye. I grinned. It matched the one around my ankle. His was black, mine purple.

He flashed me his grin. Sexy. Alluring. Panty-melting. Couldn’t wait to know him better.

Once I figured out who he was.

We toasted one another with our drinks. He went back to the BBQ. I stared. At him. The embodiment of Adonis, straight from my imagination.

I moved among the partygoers. My eyes strayed to the grill every few minutes. Craved a peek at the Adonis wielding the BBQ tongs.

He must have been feeling the heat, because he stripped off his t-shirt and my heart skipped a beat.

A tree of life tattoo adorned one shoulder blade. In shades of purple and blue. Chest muscles rippled above a perfect six-pack. And that mystical ‘V’ pointed to the promised land under his jeans.

Land of cream and sugar, from what I could see.

“You like that, baby sis?” Slick’s whiskey smooth voice tickled my ear. “That what you want? Ro would be a good choice. He’s got an enormous cock and knows how to use it, too.”

Slick’s lack of sexual inhibitions was hot as fuck and thinking of the two men playing together destroyed my panties.

“Oh yeah? How do you know, Slick?” I threw my arms around him, pulling him in to kiss his cheek, his sandalwood and cedar scent washing over me. “Happy birthday, big brother.”

He rested his hands on my hips and held me to him. His cock, hard and twitching, pressed into me. I closed my eyes. Licked my lips. And pushed against his erection.

Foreheads resting together, he groaned. “Fuck, Kay. I still want you.”

“Me, too, Slick. So much.” Our bodies moved, grinding together in the beat of the 54–40’s Red, Red Wine blasting from the corner of the yard. I may have missed his wedding last year, and I knew what we were doing was wrong, but I couldn’t find it in me to care. Something drew us together.

Slick dropped his hand to my thigh, fingers trailing up and under the skirt of my purple sundress. He pushed the drenched satin of my thong aside and pushed his finger into my pussy as he claimed my lips.

Hard, bruising, and demanding, he shoved his tongue into my mouth, fucking my mouth while finger-fucking my cunt. Hips rocking into him, I grabbed his cock and stroked him through his grey sweat-shorts before dropping my hand under the waistband.

Slick walked us back towards the fence in the shade of the old oak tree.

“Slick? Slick! Where the hell are you, love?” Eyes open, panting, we listened as my step-sister-in-law, Vicki, called to her husband again. He pulled his fingers from me with a regretful smile. I pumped him twice more, wiping up his pre-cum with my fingers.

Eyes on each other, we licked our fingers clean with a groan. Slick kissed me quick and turned, calling back, “Right here, gorgeous,” and waving his hand in the air.

I straightened myself up and grabbed another drink. I needed it now, more than before.

What the hell was I thinking? I moved from group to group, meeting new people and reacquainting myself with others.

“Hi there. We’ve not met. I’m Delaney.” The cute brunette put her hand on my arm, sending a jolt through me. I smiled at her, trying to figure out why she looked familiar. “You a friend of Slick’s?”

We were close to the same height. Thick, lion’s mane of hair the colour of freshly roasted chestnuts framed her face. Bright, sky-blue eyes twinkled at me. It was obvious she loved to laugh and have a good time. My body reacted to her same as Slick and his buddy, Ro.

What the hell is wrong with me tonight?

“Mhm. Kind of? Ha ha. I’m Kailie, Slick’s stepsister.” I took a drink of my cooler, nervous and excited at the same time. I eyed her Turquoise tank top and denim booty shorts, admiring the way they hugged her curves.

She told me how she met Slick, and I grinned. I’d heard a lot about her and told her so. She blushed, and we shared a few more Slick stories before she excused herself to get the cake ready.

“Don’t go away. I want to hear your sweet voice raised in song against these drunkards.” Delaney gave me a quick hug and headed off.

Slick winked at me as his wife placed his candle-laden cake in front of him a few minutes later. I backed away, a wave of lust for my stepbrother nearly overwhelming me. One step at a time. Until a brick wall stopped me.

I wiggled and waggled as a hardening cock nestled between my ass cheeks. A sexy smile and my hand flew to my face. Two warm hands grabbed my thick waist, holding me still.

“You don’t want to keep doing that, Darlin.” Deep, mesmerizing voice drew my eyes over my shoulder. I froze.

“Or do I?” A shock of desire shuddered through me, my hips grinding into him of their own accord.

I wasn’t sure where this wanton woman came from, but I liked her. I bit my lip and looked back at Slick and his cake, my hand slipping between Ro and me to stroke the hard ridge in his jeans.

He groaned into my hair, fingers gripping my dress and pulling it low over my cleavage. Slick’s eyebrows raised, noticing the slow reveal of my large breasts. His eyes widened, a salacious grin stealing across his face.

He nodded his approval as I turned, leaned up and kissed my stepbrother’s buddy on the lips. Twice. Then I flipped around, out of his grasp, chanting, “Chug, chug, chug, chug” along with everyone else as Slick downed a full birthday pint, ending with a triumphant belch.

Another roar from the crowd as drinks and cake passed through the party and I disappeared into the crowd, leaving his arms empty and my pussy screaming for relief. I slipped into the house, needing a moment to recharge.

Soft footsteps took me upstairs in search of an open washroom. Didn’t find one, but I spied some gorgeous artwork in a bedroom. The master bedroom, by the size of it.

Artwork was my kryptonite. As an art history buff, the bright colours drew me to it like a bee to honey.

Movement in the doorway caught my eye. “Oh, Del. You startled me.” My heart skipped a beat at her brilliant smile. “Have you seen this collection? So cool.”

I turned back to the artwork, pausing at the next one along the wall. It was a beautiful, casual portrait of Delaney and the Adonis I’d groped earlier. And kissed. Fuck. Ro’s her husband.

My face flushed. I looked at my hostess with mortification. “Um… this is your room. Your house. Your husband.” My mouth gaped open, and I swallowed thickly. I felt ill.

“Fiancé. We’re not married. Yet.” She took one step forward, cupped my jaw in her hand, and leaned into me. “Tell me to stop… before I can’t, my Titian queen.”

The sexy grin I shot her told her all she needed to know. I gripped her hips and pulled her to me as she slammed her lips onto mine. She squeezed my ass and laughed at the squeak that burst out of me.

Face beaming when I told her girl-on-girl porn was my favourite, she slipped my panties aside, dipping two fingers between my folds. She finger-fucked me, the squelching sound of my arousal forced from my pussy echoing around the room. She pushed me backwards until I laid on the bed.

I came hard, my cum soaking the duvet. My body quivered as I watched her suck my essence from her fingers. I sat up, scootching to the side of the bed.

Loved watching her lick her fingers clean. Grabbed her wrist and sucked three of her fingers into my mouth.

An image of Ro in my mind had me working her fingers like I wanted to work his fucking cock.

I released her with a pop and a grin. We kissed like we needed one last fuck before we died, working each other’s clothes off. I laid back on the bed. Delaney reached into the bedside table.

I hung my head over the side of the bed and grabbed her thighs. Fingers digging in, I settled her aromatic, dripping pussy over my mouth, pulling her down until I licked the length of her cunt.

Fuck. I’d never tasted another woman’s pussy before, but I liked it. No, I loved it.

I slipped one hand down, fingers circling and rubbing my clit as I nibbled on hers. My fingers mimicking what my mouth was doing to my gorgeous new lover.

My face flooded with her sweet honey. Throat working overtime, I swallowed every drop and licked her clean before Delaney stepped away from me, motioning me onto the bed proper.

She snapped a length of satin between her hands and wrapped it around my head, fastening the blindfold snugly before kissing her way down to my drenched, trembling pussy. After wringing a quaking orgasm from me, Delaney stepped back.

“There you go. God, you’re delicious.” She pressed a chaste kiss to my mound and stepped back. “Tonight is all about you, sexy girl. And making you shatter to the wind. Ready?”

“Yes, Delaney. God, yes.” But I couldn’t wait. I needed more. My hips lifted. I searched for something to relieve the ache in my core.

Fingers caressed down my body until my hands grabbed my pussy and I slipped two fingers in to rub my clit, mewling my need to the room.

“You want some cock, sexy girl? A big, hard cock to fuck you good?” A powerful hand wrapped around my wrist. Pillowy lips pulled my soaked fingers into a hot mouth, suckling them and humming with delight, a familiar masculine scent making my pussy clench.

“Slick?” My barely there whisper went unanswered.

Kisses trailed from one breast to another, and up to my neck. A nip to my earlobe sent a shiver of desire down my spine.

“I’m here, baby sis. And I’m yours if you want me.” His breathy whisper had my pussy weeping with joy.

“I’ve always wanted you, Slick.” I reached up, my fingers curling around his jaw.

He slid the blindfold off. Our eyes met, years of pent up desire shining bright.

I noticed Delaney by the door and winked at her as she pulled the door closed behind her.

“My beautiful Kailie. Finally, mine.” Slick lowered his mouth to mine, licking the seam of my lips. “I’ve waited so long for this.” All I could do was whimper. I was a needy, horny, sopping mess, and Slick was ready to dirty me up even more.

Sexy grin lighting his face, he nuzzled my neck as he moved down my body, taking a nipple in his mouth. He lapped at my hard nub, biting it gently as he kneaded the other breast. Nipple pinched between his finger and thumb. He settled himself over me, his thigh pushing my legs wide.

Both hands on my breasts, he twisted and pulled at them, growling his need as my back arched, pressing them into his hands. Hot, urgent kisses took him down my soft belly, over my hips, and to my molten core.

“Oh, Kailie, you’re as sweet as I remember, sis.” Slick, the forbidden lover I’d always craved, licked me from ass to clit and back again. “So fucking sweet.” His tongue lapped at my ass and threw my legs over his shoulders, spreading my cheeks for easier access.

I fisted the sheets, pussy gushing as his rigid tongue speared into my puckered entrance. I’d been waiting years to be claimed by Slick, and to claim him as mine. Didn’t matter what happened from here. Only here and now mattered.

A movement in the mirror drew my eye. Sexiest whiskey-coloured gaze stared back at me. His chest heaved as he watched Slick gulp my juices down. I licked my lips. His Adam’s apple bobbed, swallowing his desire.

Eyes on his, I tugged Slick’s hair and whispered, “Ro’s watching.” His eyes flicked up to mine with a devilish glint in them. He slid up my body, notched his cock against my core as my eyes fluttered closed. I shivered as lust rippled through me.

“You want him to join us, baby sis?” Lust-filled and unwavering, I looked up at him as he slammed his lips to mine, pushing his tongue into my mouth. Muskiness of my pussy, a heady mix of lemon and vanilla, filled my mouth. I nodded. He spoke to Ro without breaking eye contact with me.

“Come on in, Ro.” Slick licked my lips, sucking on my lower lip, as Ro chuckled and stripped on his way to the bed.

I glanced up at his muscular hand, stroking his silky length, pre-cum beading at the tip of his cock.

Slick told the truth about Ro’s enormous cock. Wonder if he really knows how to use it?

Slick watched the two of us together, a smug look on his face.

Ro leaned into me. “I want you, gorgeous."

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was so handsome it hurt. Made my pussy ache. I had to have him. Had to have them both. All I could do was bite my lip and nod.

He grinned, lowering his head to my chest and pinching a nipple between his teeth before sucking my tit into his mouth. I arched my back. Slick’s chuckle washed over me as I wrapped my fingers around Ro’s hard length. A growl of approval. Quick squeeze and I lazily stroked him, relishing the way he grows in my grasp.

Ro and Slick shared a look. Heat flooded my pussy. My body trembled. Slick grabbed my hips, flipping me onto all fours as Ro slid under me, positioning his cock under my mouth.

Hand on my hips, Slick slid his cock from my pussy to my ass, spreading my juices around, before pushing himself into my forbidden entrance.

I squealed as he entered me, filling me completely and beautifully. A long, low moan left me as Ro pulled my cunt onto his face, tongue lapping at my clit. I smiled, then sighed happily as I lowered my lips around Ro’s long, thick cock, mouth wide.

Sounds of flesh slapping flesh filled the room. Moans mingled with growls of delight. Squelching of juices flowing freely spurred us on.

Ro’s fingers dug into my ass cheeks, spreading them wide to give Slick full access. I pressed myself back into my lover’s cock while rubbing my pussy across Ro’s face. I could feel a monstrous orgasm rolling in my belly, building and growing.

Needed more. Wanted the release. Craved it.

Cheeks hollow, lips tight, I sucked my way up his length until the tip of his cock was all that was in my mouth. I worked the head, nipping at the ridge. Teeth grazing it lightly. I held myself still, licking the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock. He lifted his hips, thrusting himself to the back of my throat. I swallowed as he spurted his seed down my throat, his guttural cry as I took his load drowned in my orgasm.

As he filled my belly, I ground my pussy into his face. He nipped my clit, sending me over the edge. I squirted my arousal all over him and Slick, who slammed his dick into my ass, holding me still as he cried out his release.

I rolled over onto my back. The guys got up. Ro pulled my exhausted ass up onto the pillows. Slick returned with a warm cloth and cleaned me up. They climbed in with me, one on each side, and we cuddled together. It was warm. Sweet. Comfortable.

“How long are you visiting this time, baby sis?” Slick’s question was the last thing I remembered.

“Not leaving. Back for good.” My answer drifted off as I fell into a deep sleep. Didn’t hear the guys leave. Didn’t hear Delaney come in, just found her note on the bedside table when I woke up.

Hey sleepyhead.
You looked so sweet. I let you sleep.
There are fresh towels in the bathroom if you want a shower.
Love, Del

“Well, I definitely need a shower.” I padded into the bathroom, admiring the glass shower enclosure. “Wow. Gorgeous bathroom.”

With the water beating down on me, I sluiced it off with my hands, luxuriating in the piercing hot stream hitting my sore muscles. I turned, noticing my audience in the doorway.

Delaney and Ro stood watching me, eyes blazing with desire and need. They murmured to one another, hands roaming over their bodies. Ro’s eyes never left mine as I caressed myself and enjoyed the shower.

So, turned on by the sight before me, I slid my fingers into my pussy and blew Ro a kiss. Night wasn’t over yet.

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G.G. Wylde Writes
Public post

The Sexy Horndog, His Fiancée, and the Curvy, Titian Queen

Her sexy curves brought their relationship to its knees, her pussy, and the next level
Photo by Vasyl on AdobeStock

“Del? Do we have any more of that local IPA stashed away?” My eyes scanned the backyard as I called over my shoulder to my fiancée, pointing to the large red cooler my buddy sat on when she answered.

I flipped the burgers on the grill, rotated the buns, and piled finished burgers onto a platter before handing it to my buddy.

Squeak of the gate caught my ear.

She caught my eye.

Coppery tresses shone in the orange glow of the sunset. Espresso eyes twinkled in the warmth of newly lit Tiki torches. Bare shoulders invited my ravenous exploration of her luscious curves.

And those curves.
I mentally bit my knuckle at those curves of hers.

Full breasts. Thick waist. Voluptuous hips. Her ass. Fuck her ass.

My cock twitched as I thought of digging my fingers into her hips and slamming myself off of those glorious ass cheeks.

Our eyes met across the yard. She grinned, like she knew what I was thinking, and lifted her Black Fly vodka cooler in greeting. My pants tightened as I watched her pink tongue dart out to pull a drop of moisture off the can before taking a sip.

I swallowed hard, knowing she’d already changed my life. I’d only ever felt this pull to my Delaney. No one else. Not until now.

Oh boy… I think I’m in trouble.
I saluted her with my Corona and let it slide down my throat. Her lips curved in a devilish smirk. The niggling thought turned to certainty. I’m definitely in trouble.

The two of us played tag for the next few hours. Her eyes would follow me as I moved closer to her, only to have one of her girlfriends pull her away. My cock would twitch as she slid through the crowd towards me, only for someone to need something from the party’s host.

Frustrating didn’t even cover it.

“Okay everyone!” Delaney clapped her hands, continuing when every eye was on her. “Time for the cake.”

Right. Slick’s birthday.

I’d almost forgotten the reason for the party was my best buddy’s thirtieth birthday. His wife put the cake, filled with thirty individual candles and decorated to look like an off-road rally, in front of him.

I held my umpteenth Corona high and called out, “Everyone ready to sing?”

The crowd cheered as a plump, meaty ass backed into my cock, wiggling to get purchase. My hand flew to the sexy, thick waist nestled into me out of reflex, steadying the woman now in my embrace. Our eyes met again. A shock of attraction ran up my arm.

My Titian queen grinned and palmed my dick, squeezing as she stroked my length. Everyone around us burst into a drunken rendition of Happy Birthday as she leaned up and kissed me.

She spun around in time to chant, “Chug” along with everyone else as Slick downed a full birthday pint, ending with a triumphant belch.

Another roar from the crowd as drinks and cake passed through their ranks and she was gone. Arms empty, cock hard, I scanned the yard unsuccessfully for her. With a smile plastered on my face, I rejoined the party. Aching for an opportunity missed.


“Goodnight, thanks again, guys.” Slick slobbered a kiss onto a giggling Delaney’s cheek and poured himself into the passenger seat of his classic Camaro. “You guys rock!” Head out the window like a cocker spaniel, he screamed as his wife drove down the street.

Back in the kitchen, my hands in hot soapy water, Delaney slid her arms around my waist, kissing between my shoulder blades as she unbuckled my jeans. Deft fingers slipping under the waistband of my bright blue boxer briefs, she gasped as they wrapped around my still hard cock.

“Babe, you were packing this rod all night and didn’t come get me?” She peeked under my arm, working her hand up and down my length. “Why were you so needy, Daddy?”

I didn’t know how to tell her I craved another. That another woman had my cock aching. I’d opened my mouth to answer when soft footsteps entered the master bath above. Pipes clanked up the wall as our ensuite’s shower spurted to life. My shaft twitched in my love’s hands.

Curious eyes met amused ones. “Del, you got something to tell me?”

“One of our guests needed to stay overnight. Hope you don’t mind.” She squeezed my cock, dragging her thumb across the tip and spreading pre-cum down my length. “You seemed to get along tonight. Didn’t think you’d mind.” She shrugged and pumped me once, then twice, before helping me walk out of my pants and leading me upstairs with a grin.

We stopped in the master ensuite’s doorway. Her arms wound around me, fingers fondling my balls, kissing me and whispering sexy, filthy things in my ear.

Opposite us, the oversized glass shower enclosure dominated the room.

Thick glass panels and azure marble tiled walls. Gleaming stainless steel hardware. River rock floor. Extra-large rainspout shower head.

And standing under it, my Titian queen from the backyard. On full display. Hands roving down her body, rubbing and caressing her curves as the water sluiced over her. Lavender-scented steam wafted through the room.

“She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? Look at those tits of hers. You want them in your mouth, don’t you?” I stood, transfixed, fingers itching to be the pinching the nipples she rubbed under the water. In my bathroom. My cock was a divining rod to the paradise it craved. And it craved her.

I nodded, unable to speak around the lust clogging my throat. Delaney ran her hands over my chest, sending shivers down my spine. My ass clenched as I held myself back.

“You want her, don’t you, my little horndog?” Her nails grazed my shaft. Pre-cum dripped from my tip. I pressed my cock into her hand, eyes trained on the erotic shower before me.

“Not so little, am I?” She laughed at our usual routine. I claimed her lips, growling when she bit my lip and taunted me again.

“You want that big, hard cock of yours to slide right into her slick cunt, don’t you?” She tightened her grip, slowing her strokes. “Until your balls slap her ass and she’s screaming your name.”

“Yes, baby girl.” I murmured into her hair as she stroked me closer to relief. “But only if I wrap my lips are around your clit while you both scream my name.”

My Delaney… sexually explorative, adventurous love of my life… groaned and rubbed her aching pussy on my thigh.

“Yassss, please, Daddy!” Kiss full of promise pressed to her temple, I growled in need.

“I have to bury myself in a pussy, Del.”

“In her pussy, Ro. I know.” Her juice coated the thigh I pressed into her throbbing, wet cunt.

“You want to lick my pussy then smear my honey all over her nipples as you bite down on them, don’t you, Ro?” My hips pumped into her grasp. “How would you like to taste her, Ro? To feel her thighs clamp onto your head as you bite her clit, her juice washing your face with her sweet honey. So sweet. Her honey is so incredibly sweet.”

The longing in my love’s voice brought my eyes to her. I saw the way she looked at my Titian queen. Heard how she spoke of her. We were both smitten.

My seed hardened my balls, ready to burst from me. It would be epic. I knew it.

“No, Del. I want to watch your tongue licking her. Circling her asshole before sliding into her cunt and slipping up to her clit.” My cock hated me even more now. Purple and angry, it threatened to explode onto the bathroom floor.

There was nothing I loved more than watching my girl devour another woman’s pussy. But too much talking and not enough fucking or sucking made my cock ache. That needed to change. Soon.

“I want my cock so deep inside of her I’ll fuck you while you ride her face.” I bit Delaney’s lip, shoving my tongue deep in her mouth the same way. “And I want to watch her tongue spear into you as you lower yourself onto her face, kissing me while you roll your hips over her mouth. Your honey dripping down her jaw.”

“Fingers pinching your nipples. You’ll cry out with a glorious mix of pleasure and pain as you cum all over that gorgeously curvy queen’s face.” The image of my Titian queen’s throat swallowing my fiancée’s cum has my cock jerking in Delaney’s hand. “No, Del, please. Not yet. I need pussy. You know I need pussy. Please.”

Pleas for a hot, wet pussy to sink into pushed my Delaney into a full-body, shuddering orgasm. She cried out and collapsed in my arms.

I looked up to find my gorgeous Titian queen three fingers deep in her cunt. Eyes on mine, she braced one hand on the glass partition and finger-fucked herself. She licked her lips, threw her head back and, legs quaking, quivered as her orgasm overtook her.

Lips to Delaney’s ear, I nibbled the lobe and kissed her neck… all while watching the most gorgeous redhead I’d ever seen bring herself to a wall-shaking climax.

My beautiful fiancée gave me the sweetest kiss, nipped my lower lip, then padded over to the shower door and slipped under the water. She took my Titian queen’s hand and beckoned to me.

“Come on, lover. What are you waiting for?” Her words pushed me off the bathroom wall, my cock leading me to the shower door.

My Titian queen’s hands moved to Delaney’s waist, digging in before sliding down to the apex of her thighs, kneading and stroking my lover’s meaty flesh.

Dark eyes flashing with desire, she kissed my fiancée’s shoulder before reaching for me.

“Ro, this is Kailie. She’s sweet, sexy and tastes like cotton candy.” I shot a questioning look at my blushing girl before taking Kailie’s hand.

“Hi Kailie.” I dipped my head to brush a kiss across her lips. “Nice to meet you, beautiful.”

One hand wrapped around my hard, velvety shaft, she cupped the back of my neck with the other. My fingers dug into her hips as I pulled her towards me.

Lips a breath apart, she grinned and claimed me with one kiss and two quick strokes as I lifted her up by that fucking glorious ass of hers. She hooked one leg over my hip and speared herself on my cock while Delaney slid behind her, fingers pinching my Titian queen’s nipples.

Back arched, dark auburn hair hanging down her back, her hips pulsed my cock deep into her. She stilled, shivering, as I pounded into her.

Delaney and Kailie kissed, hard and frantic, while Del slid one hand down to rub furious circles around our new lover’s clit and fingerfucked herself with the other.

The pace picked up. Sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed in the still warm shower. Groans and cries of pleasure flew from our mouths. We threw our heads back, crying out together. The three of us entwined as one.

I kissed Delaney, then Kailie, resting my forehead against hers.

Yep, definitely in trouble here.

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