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G.G. Wylde Writes
Hot, Sexy stories, sometimes with twists thrown in
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G.G. Wylde Writes
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Most Popular Babysitter in the Neighbourhood: Part 2

Following Mama's Directions
photo: Viv Thomas

With his cock thrust deep inside Carrie, Brad grasped her hips and held her to him. Cock pulsing, trembling, his seed poured into her. Rope after rope of cum coating her womb. The thought of breeding her made him cum harder than usual.

I’ll never get enough of this girl. He nuzzled into her neck, kissing that sensitive spot just below her ear. This will be fun.

Front door closed. Footsteps walked across the floor. High heels carried the new arrival to the basement door and down the stairs. There was no question who it was.

Panicked, Carrie’s fingernails dug into Brad’s shoulders as the lovers tracked the clacking of the heels across the ceiling. Still buried hilt deep in his young paramour, Brad put a finger to her lips and winked at her. He didn’t look as worried as she thought he should.

“What if it’s Mrs. Knightley?” Carrie’s anxious whisper blew into Brad’s ear. “What are we going to do?”

“Oh, Carrie, love. Trust me.” Brad claimed her lips in a sweet kiss. “Everything will be fine. Promise.”

“Carrie, you down here? I have a cab out front waiting to take you home.” The sultry voice giggled as Brad’s wife walked into the rec room. “I thought I’d surprise Brad when he returns tonight.”

Cynthia Knightley, fresh off the last-minute flight change she never mentioned to her husband, stood with her mouth open and tears shining in her eyes.

Her gaze shifted to her husband’s, an accusatory tone in her voice as she stomped one foot in frustration.

“You promised I could have a go, first, Brad.”

Carrie looked from husband to wife. Mouth agape, she replayed Mrs. Knightley’s words through her mind.

“First?” Confused, she looked at Brad for clarification, her eyes narrowing at the sexy smirk on his face. “Brad?”

Brad Knightley cocked his head at his wife, turning his magical sexy smirk on her. She shook her head, staring at the floor.

“No. No. Brad, don’t smile like that. Stop it.” By the time her words faded off, she was smiling at him and taking his outstretched hand as she moved closer to the lovers. “Was she as perfect as we thought she’d be, darling?”

Cynthia’s fingers brushed the hair from Carrie’s face. Tenderness and desire shone in her amber depths, warming the younger woman from the inside out. Carrie squirmed under the scrutiny. Brad wrapped his arms around her and groaned as her pussy clenched around his stiffening cock.

“Oh Cynthia, she is perfect. Better than we’d hoped.”

Cynthia looked at her husband, excitement lighting up her face. She licked her lips, catching the bottom one between her teeth. Head tipped to one side, Cynthia blushed and cupped Carrie’s cheek, one thumb caressing her cheek.

“You’re beautiful, my girl. Do you know how desirable you are?” Thumb running across Carrie’s lips, Cynthia felt the girl tremble. “Is this okay, darling girl?”

Carrie didn’t know what to think. She’d always thought Mrs. Knightley was unapproachable and distant. Never saw what attracted Brad to her. Until now.

Is this okay? I’m not sure. The girl swallowed the uncertainty bubbling up her throat. I should say no. What would Grandmother say? A pleasant tingling in her belly spread to her pussy, making her inner walls flutter around Brad’s cock. She’d tell me it was immoral to lie with another woman.

Carrie looked up into Cynthia’s hopeful, lustful eyes.

“Yes, it’s okay.” Carrie’s whisper made the older woman tear up and mouth ‘thank you, darling’ before pulling the girl’s lip from her teeth with a sweep of her tongue.

“So sweet, darling girl.” Eyes wide, Carrie gasped and Cynthia claimed her lips. Both women’s eyes fluttered closed. They moaned into each other’s mouths. Carrie squirmed as a desire she’d not expected flooded through her.

“Bloody fucking hell.” Brad, forgotten in the ladies’ kiss, dropped his head back and tightened his fingers on Carrie’s hips. She wiggled down on his cock, burying him deeper inside her. Her arms snaked around his wife’s neck as his wife palmed the pert, young tits before her.

Finger and thumb rolled a hard nipple. A pinch and a twist of that nipple rolled Carrie’s hips. Brad’s cock thickened inside her. He thrust up into her no-longer-virginal cunt.

Cynthia deepened their kiss, kicking off her shoes and divesting herself of her travelling clothes, leaving a pile of cotton and lycra at her feet.

Carrie bounced on Brad’s cock, his hands lifting her and ramming her down as his erection grew.

“Fuck, Carrie. I’m going to fill you again, baby girl. So. Fucking. Good.” Carrie tore her mouth from her new lover, dropping her head back and keening with each stroke.

Not to be left out, Cynthia dropped her mouth to pull a nipple between her teeth. She sucked and nibbled it as her hands roamed all over the young woman’s body. Dropping to her knees, she licked her husband’s length as he drove himself in and out of Carrie’s tight little pussy.

Rigid and hot, Cynthia ran her tongue ran up the hot, wet slit, from the cock pounding into it to the clit begging to be sucked and chewed. Which she did. Eagerly.

“Oh. Oh. Yesss!” Carrie grabbed Cynthia’s ponytail, rocking her hips to press her clit into her mouth.

Cynthia licked, sucked and nibbled the babysitter’s engorged button, one hand stroking her husband’s cock as it plunged in and out of the pussy she was eating. The other hand was three fingers deep in her cunt, her juices squishing as she pounded herself to a monstrous orgasm.

“Cum, baby girl.” Brad chanted as he hurtled towards his release. “Cum for us, Carrie. Cream all over my cock. Squirt into my wife’s mouth.”

His words drove the women on to their climax. Carrie’s hips ground into him. Hard. Furious. She screamed as her cunt pulsed and clenched around his cock, sending a stream of cum into his wife’s greedy little mouth.

Cynthia’s hips bucked as she exploded onto her fingers, swallowing the sweet nectar filling her mouth along with her cries of pleasure.

The three lovers collapsed into a heap on the recliner. Chests heaving. Breath heavy. Smiles glowing.

Brad brushed the hair from his women’s faces, leaning up to kiss them each on the forehead.

“My girls.” Tenderness in his eyes, he stroked their faces. “Fuck, you two are amazing.” Cynthia kissed the hand Brad held to her cheek. Sated, she smiled at him and glanced at Carrie, cuddled into his shoulder.

“Darling girl, you were the sweetest treat I could’ve asked for when I got home tonight.” She turned her head and kissed the younger woman’s naked hip. “Text your parents and let them know we need you to stay the night, yeah?”

Startled, Carrie bit her lip. “You want me to stay?”

“Oh, darling girl.” Cynthia leaned up, her drenched pussy dragging along her husband’s thigh. “We’re so not done with you yet. Text them. Then we can go to bed.”

Cynthia got up, pulling Carrie along with her. Arms wrapped around her new lover, Cynthia squeezed her ass, pressing a kiss to her mouth.

“Thank you,” she whispered against Carrie’s swollen lips, “for the gift of you. Delicious.” Cynthia licked the girl’s lips, gasping as Brad’s hands slipped into each of their pussies. “We best get those texts sent, love. He’s getting impatient for more.”

Over sensitive and swollen, Brad brought them both to a shuddering climax. Arms still around one another, the women held each other up as their arousal flooded his fingers. He pulled them free, dripping with their essence, and put them in the other’s mouths.

“Here you go… how does she taste, Carrie?” She groaned as she greedily licked his fingers of Cynthia’s juices. “You can have more once you tell your parents you’re staying.” She nodded eagerly, typing a message to her mother.

His wife finished savouring the sweet nectar he offered and grabbed her phone. “Yes, darling girl, I can’t wait to bury my face in your cunt again.”

After checking on the kids, Cynthia sauntered into the bedroom to find Carrie cuddling Brad on the bed, gentle fingers stroking his cock as they waited for her.

“Naughty boy. You’re hogging her.” She pulled the babysitter off her husband. “Carrie, what do you need, darling girl?”

Eyes wide, the girl shook her head, blushing and mumbling. The Knightleys shared a look.

“She’s perfect, Brad.” Cynthia’s wondrous whisper and soft caresses along the young, lush curves before her left a shiver behind. “You can tell us, darling girl. Anything.”

“I’ve… well… I’ve always wondered what you would taste like.” She shrugged, as if she expected a rejection.

Carrie’s eyes snapped to Cynthia’s face at the other woman’s gasp of delight. She swallowed hard. Emboldened, the babysitter cupped the breasts bobbing in front of her with both hands and squeezed.

“Oh, yes, darling girl, yes.” Cynthia trembled under the anticipation of what this beautiful girl would reduce her to. “Please. Touch me. Tease me. Taste me.”

Thighs squeezing together, seeking relief, Cynthia pressed a bruising kiss to Carrie’s mouth before laying back on the bed.

“I am yours, darling girl. Do what you will to me.”

Not to be outdone, Brad laid beside his wife, head propped in one hand, the other twisting her nipple. He watched the young woman’s eyes roam over his wife’s luscious curves. She reached a hand out to stroke her foot, trailing her fingers up her calf and along her thigh, then moving to the other foot for a repeat performance.

Cynthia couldn’t keep still. Her hips bucked up to meet the hand teasing her pussy. Her head moved side to side as she mewled like a kitten. Eyes on her young explorer, she licked her lips. Waited impatiently to be on the receiving end of her lover’s tender ministrations.

Uncertain, the young woman looked up at her experienced lovers. They smiled, encouraging her to continue. Brad told her, “Touch her as you’d touch yourself, baby girl. As you did when you didn’t know I was watching and listening.” He grinned, knowing what this would do to his wife. “When you called my name.”

“Oh fuck, sorry I missed that.” Cynthia swallowed, imagining Carrie touching herself until she was screaming Brad’s name. “Yes, darling girl. Touch me like that.” Carrie didn’t disappoint.

Emboldened, Carrie laid her body atop Cynthia’s, pussy to pussy. Hip to hip. Breast to breast. Mouth to mouth. Leaning up, she smoothed the hair from her face and fisted it, pulling their lips together. Mouths a hair apart, the babysitter studied her employer’s face.

“I thought you didn’t like me. I was uncomfortable around you, but I always craved your touch and approval.”

“Good girl.” The words were barely out of Cynthia’s mouth when Carrie crashed their lips together with a growl, her pussy grinding into the other woman’s. Wet, the squelching of their combined arousal filled the room.

“Good girl,” Brad purred, rubbing Carrie’s ass in circles. “Take her. Make her yours. She wants it. Needs it. Craves it.”

“I do. Oh fuck, I do, darling girl.” Carrie’s kisses intensified. She moved her mouth across Cynthia’s jaw, down her neck, and to the sensitive spot under her ear. Sensuous nibble pulled the flesh into her mouth. She sucked on it, leaving a hickey to remember her by. The older woman threw her head back, hips up, and cried out in ecstasy.

Carrie pounced on the glorious tit thrown into her face. Nipping and tugging on the nipple, groaning with the cries of pleasure from her new lover.

Hands in Carrie’s hair, Cynthia pulled her close, thrusting their pussies together, the movement driving their desire higher and higher.

Carrie pulled off her lover’s nipple with a pop, kissing her way down her belly to the cleft of her thighs. She swirled her tongue around her mound, the soft peach-fuzz tickling her as she parted the slick lips and dipped her tongue in for her first taste of pussy.

She pulled the throbbing clit into her mouth, sucking it like a candy. It pulsed in her mouth. Quivered. Engorged. Until it let go and a gush of liquid landed on her chin.

“Oh!” She grinned and licked her lips, turning her attention to licking the cunt in front of her from slit to clit. Over and over again. Cynthia couldn’t take it anymore. She snaked a hand down to circle her clit while her pussy got eaten. Voraciously.

“Oh, fuck this.” Brad moved to lie under Carrie, her dripping pussy over his face, and pulled her down by the hips. His muffled exclamations of delight and groans of satisfaction were clear.

“This, darling girl. THIS is what we’ve wanted, Brad and I.” Their eyes met. Carrie nodded, tongue buried in Cynthia’s slit. Eyes hooded by desire, she pushed two fingers into Cynthia’s cunt as she pressed her pussy into Brad’s face.

“Curl them up, darling girl. Curl them… oh!” Hips flying upward, Cynthia screamed her orgasm, thankful her children slept like logs. She collapsed onto the mattress like an octopus thrown on the beach. Staring up through hooded eyes, Cynthia watched her young lover drop her head as her climax overtook her.

Brad moved to his knees, growling as he fisted his cock, making quick work of painting his lovers with his seed.

The bedroom door opened. Brad’s best friend stood, mouth agape, as his buddy’s cum coated the sated, glossy-eyed women under him. Brad regretted giving him a spare key.

“Fuck, dude, you could have waited until I got here.” He palmed his hard cock through his grey sweatpants. “I love your wife’s pussy as much as you do, but that tasty young morsel looks delicious, too.” His eyes, glowing with excitement, met his friend’s. “The guys would love to meet her.”

All three looked at Carrie, who bit her lip, wondering what meeting the guys would entail. She nodded and shrugged. “Sure. Why not?” 

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G.G. Wylde Writes

A Smile Was All She Needed To Defeat The Aliens

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G.G. Wylde Writes
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Her Love Shattered His World

No one loved Roger like Tayla did… and that was a good thing
Photo by Gwen Mamanoleas on Unsplash

"OMG, Tay, you're one of a kind, you know that?” Roger panted, his hands fisted in her hair, guiding her along his shaft. “Your mouth is fucking magical, baby.” He threw his head back with a groan, hips lifting. Ass clenched. Cock twitching.

She didn’t let up. Couldn’t stop. Tayla wanted his cum in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around his shaft as she dragged him from her lips, licking his slit to draw his spicy goodness into her mouth.

“Only for you, lover.” She licked his balls before sucking them, one at a time, into her mouth. “You’re the only one for me, baby.”

“Oh yeah, lover, I know.” Roger rolled his hips, settling himself back in her mouth, her teeth grazing the satin hardness of his cock. “Just like I’m all yours, baby. All yours.”

He closed his eyes, missing the hard, calculating look in hers. She blinked, and it disappeared, replaced by a love so great she would do anything to preserve it.

Anything to keep him with her.

She hummed in delight. He groaned in ecstasy. Her hand slipped down her body, pinching her nipples before caressing their way down to her pussy. She grabbed herself, squeezing her bare mound. One finger dipped between her lips, rubbing her clit, then running through her slick pussy to her opening.

Her tongue soothed the burn of her teeth on his length. He shuddered at her touch, cock twitching as his balls pulled tight to his body.

Tay pushed two fingers into her cunt, pumping them slowly in and out as her hips rocked with the rhythm. She pulled him into her mouth one more time, deep throating him until she swallowed the head of his cock, sending a stream of pre-cum down her throat.

With a contented groan, she popped him out of her mouth, biting her lip and sending him a naughty grin.

“Feeling adventurous, Rog?” She reached for her bag, pulling a strawberry-shaped glass plug and a long, thin black bag from the side pocket.

“May I?” She holds up the butt plug with a grin,

Roger always found butt play interesting, but his Tayla made it fun, too. No way he’d refuse that action.

“Fucken-A, baby.” He laid back on the bed, pulling his knees to his chest and exposing his puckered entrance. “Go for it.” She pumped the plug into her pussy a few times, coating it in her juices, and slowly pushed it into her lover’s ass. Once it sat comfortably between his taut ass cheeks, she sat back on her haunches and smirked at him.

“Now, Roger, there’s something you need to remember. Okay?” Confused, he looked into her eyes and swallowed hard. “You cannot, under any circumstances, clench down on that plug. Got it?”

“Yes. Got it.” He nodded, licking his lips and watching her finger run down the soaked seam of her cunt. “Why not, though?”

Tayla adjusts her position. Feet flat on the bed. Knees bent. One hand behind her for support. Head cocked, she smiled at the man who stole her heart her first day of college.

She leans forward, her free hand cupping Roger’s cheek, thumb brushing over his lower lip. Apprehensive, the love he thought he saw in her eyes soothed the anxiety welling up in him.

“Well, lover,” she leaned over, lips a hair from his, “if you cum or clench those tight buns of yours, that fragile butt plug will shatter in your ass. Glass shards will spread throughout your bowels, causing untold internal damage.” She placed a gentle kiss on his mouth, biting his bottom lip. “Now remember… don’t cum. You don’t want to clench up.”

A fiendish presence lurked behind the sexy gleam in her eye. His gut told him to be wary of her mile-wide mean streak.

She leaned back, patted him on the shoulder, and put her hand back on her pussy. One finger tracing her clit, rubbing it and pinching it. Her knees fell to the bed, and she sat, splayed, before him.

Tayla watched his face. And his cock. Corners of her mouth curved up when she saw his eyes widen, turning into a full-blown grin when his cock began bobbing in his lap.

“You like that, lover?” She ran her fingers down the length of her seam as she played with her cunt. Playfully, she reached over to swipe pre-cum from the tip of his stiffening cock.

“That’s dirty pool, baby.” Roger fought his body’s inclination to rock into her touch. “How can I keep from cumming if you do that?”

She slurped her finger clean, continuing to pump his length. Her pussy flooded with arousal as he thickened in her hand. Slow, sure strokes edged him closer to release.

“Oh, baby,” she licked her lips and gave him a salacious grin, “I love it when you cum for me. And you love it when I take you to the edge and back. It’s all good.”

Hand still pumping his shaft, thumb pressed hard against her little button, Tayla threw her head back with a groan and dipped two fingers into her channel. Curled up, thick like a little cock, her fingers dove in and out of her drenched hole. Faster and faster, with her thumb matching the frantic rhythm as her hips thrust up into her hand.

“Don’t worry, Roger baby, you can do it. You have more self-control than that.” Her eyes narrowed at him, calculating and cold before innocence pushed it aside. “You’d never let temptation take you from me, would you?”

Roger swallowed his dread back, choosing to trust her and her love for him. He wished he shared her faith in his self-control.

Fingers still curled around his cock, her strokes still slow and steady. She pulled him along with her. Roger pushed his hands into the mattress, lifting his ass off the deep blue silk sheet. Eyes squeezed shut, he willed himself to keep it together.

“Tay… baby… please.” His Adam’s apple bobbed with the effort to keep from blowing his load. “Please stop. I can’t take much more.” She didn’t let up. He begged her, “Please, baby. Please stop,” desperate for release or relief from the orgasm building in his sack. His balls hardened, drawing up tight against his body. Roger reached over, stilling Tayla’s movements.

He was nervous. His bodily control was slipping.

“Please, Tay.” Some may have doubted her, but he knew she was capable of what she says would happen with the glass butt plug. Hoarse with the effort of keeping himself in check, Roger’s eyes pleaded with her. Begging for redemption.

Pulling her drenched digits from her cunt, she removed his hand before slipping her fingers into his mouth. He closed his eyes at her sweet scent, tongue lapping at her juices. Groan of delight at her cinnamon-lemon taste overwhelmed him.

She stroked him. Renewed vigour and passion pushing him over the edge. He couldn’t fight it any longer. Trust in her and her love for him gave him the push to let go.

“Ugh-unh!” Cum burst from his cock, coating his belly and her hands with his seed. He squeezed his eyes shut, head back, and cried out his pleasure as he clenched his entire body, bracing for the longest orgasm of his life.

Eyes flying open, a strangled cry of despair echoed around the room as the glass plug shattered inside his body. Shards flew around his bowels, embedding themselves into the soft, internal tissue. Roger turned to the woman he loved. One thing preyed on his mind.

“You were serious?” He whispered, hoping he was wrong.

“Are you okay, lover?” Her cackle sent shivers of dread down his spine. “Do you notice that? That cold is liquid nitrogen spilling from the shattered glass.”

Roger understood the consequences of liquid nitrogen, but he still wondered why she would do this to him. Hurt at her betrayal, he croaked out the question, waiting to hear her reasons.

“I don’t understand… why?!?”

She didn’t say a word, reached into her bag and pulled out a handful of photos. Small, black and white, clear as day, photos.

Of him. With her mother. Her cousin, Len. And with her twin aunts, Bekki and LuLu.

In lots of compromising positions.

Lips dry, Roger looked up at her, mouth flapping open like a fish in the bottom of a dinghy. No words would make it better.

“Nothing else matters, does it, lover?” Hand still on his softening cock, Tayla stroked him, loving and gentle. “You’ll join them soon enough.”

Her maniacal laugh washed over him as he closed eyes, resigned to his fate. As he lay there, feeling an iciness fill his belly, he knew he’d never met anyone quite like Tayla before.

And he wished he never had.
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G.G. Wylde Writes
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Playing with the Big Boys

If you can’t handle the ex, stay out of the relationship
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

“You’re a real piece of fucking work, aren’t you darling?” Sarcastic and bitter, the tone cut through me faster than her words could. “Tuesday night. Fantastic night with the disappointment of my life, right, darling? After all, you were there.”

Eyes flashing, fists clenched at her side, she postured herself threateningly towards me. She leaned in, giving me the chance to back up in self-defence. I didn’t back up.

This slip of a woman didn’t scare me. Not like this. Whatever hold she held over me was distracting, worrisome, but not frightening.

“So… how WAS your dinner meeting last night, anyway?” Hands on her hips, I wasn’t sure what, exactly, she was accusing me of having done. There were a few different options.

“Went fine, actually. Thanks for asking.” Shrewishly analyzing her, I asked what she least expected. “I can fill you in on my hook-up after the meeting, too. If you’re that hard up for spank bank material.”

Her head whipped backwards in astonishment, wild eyes staring out of her pale, shocked face.

“That’s what you really want, isn’t it, darling?”
One foot in front of the other, I advanced on her.

“She was an excellent investment, too.”

For every step I marched forward, she retreated one backward. Until her shoulders hit the wall, forcing her still as I stopped inches from her.

“Well worth the hotel suite our company sprung for. Not to mention the gifts and room service WE lavished on her.” My nearly-ex-wife hated that we are still business partners. We each refused to buy the other out, so business partners we remain.

If looks could kill, I would have been dead. This was getting good.

“Expensed everything, as usual, my dear husband?” Her voice wavered as she tried to play my game. “Typical. I hope she really was worth it.”

I ground my hips into hers. She bit her lip to keep from screaming my name in ecstasy.

“Goodness knows she didn’t look like much.” Her breath caught in her throat as she worked at getting the insult out. “All hairspray and boob job.”

Hands beside her head, I caged her in and leaned in close. Mouth grazing her ear, I whispered into it.

“Like that’s not all you are anymore, sweet cheeks.” Then I kissed her.

Hard. Furious. My tongue demanding entry into the sweetest thing ever. Okay, I’ve tasted every inch of her. Her mouth was the second sweetest tasting thing I’d ever eaten.

And I know me eating the sweetest thing I’d ever tasted was all she was thinking about. It drove everything out of my mind, too.

Slender, trembling arms snaked around my neck, pulling me as close as she could. She mewled in delight, my tongue slipping in between her gasps of arousal. We devoured one another for a moment, lost in the desire of our youth.

Reality crashed, and hard, when my office door flung open and someone shrieked.

“Randolph! What do you think you’re doing?” One four-inch-heeled purple Jimmy Choo-clad foot stomped on the luscious carpet, the beginning of a spoiled child’s tantrum. “You should be settling the terms of your divorce, not determining who still has their tonsils.”

Foreheads leaning against each other, I stared into my estranged wife’s eyes. In that moment, it was easy to remember why I’d fallen in love with her. Why we’d gotten married and what brought us to this point in time.

I remembered it all. That wasn’t necessarily a good thing. It would be nice to forget some of it so we could at least attempt to live our lives together.

So much history. Too many problems. Lots of arguments and pushing-pulling to gain control of a relationship doomed from the start.

When we’d first met, she could’ve convinced me to do anything, no matter how outlandish or outside my comfort zone it was. And she usually did, too.

Until this. This changed nothing, and it was better she know that sooner rather than later.

My fingertips tickled her thigh, slipping under the hem of her skirt and northward, skimming the damp silk covering her hot, moist centre. Time for me to assert my dominance and control of the situation.

“You know, sweet cheeks, the divorce is still going through. This changes nothing.” My lips grazed her cheek before lightly nipping her bottom lip, leaving us both breathless. “I didn’t mean this to go further than it has. We’ve never been good for one another, but the sex… oh, the sex has been fantastic.”

I pulled the soaked fabric aside, slipping my fingers in for a sweet treat. An outraged roar and stomping of feet across the office confirmed I wasn’t as subtle as I thought I was being.

Okay, I never thought I was being subtle. But I thought I’d hidden my actions better. Apparently not.

Amber. My wife. Only woman I’d ever love. The only one I could never live with.

My fingers walked through her depths as she looked at me in disbelief. Her body loved what I was doing to her, even if her mind didn’t. Goodness knows I was having the time of my life. Her mouth told a different story. A much different story.

“You bastard!” She hissed at me as her body convulsed with her release and her hand slapped my face. “If you think I’ll be paying that back in kind, you’re sorely mistaken.” She pulled her face into a mask of indignation, barely covering her desire for me, and tugged her dress down.

Head raised, mustering as much dignity as she could, Amber assessed me with a seductive grin. One red-nailed finger touched my lips, tracing a path down my chest to my belt buckle. Cupping me in her hand, squeezing just enough to let me know she was the dominant one now, she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine.

“Never forget, darling husband, just who wears the thigh-high black leather high-heeled boots in this family.” With a chuckle, she stepped back and turned to Fiona, my evil-eye-giving slut of the week. Eyes wide and innocent-looking, my soon-to-be-ex-wife smiled sweetly and crooned, “He’s all yours, honey buns. Hope you can handle him.”

She turned in the doorway to give me one last, longing look.

“Don’t worry, Randy old boy, I’ll be back for more… negotiations… later this week. Make sure you bring your big boy toys. And fresh batteries. You’re going to need them.”

Her full-throated laugh carried her all the way to the elevator. The sound washed over me, reminding me just how much fun it was to play these games with her. My eyes flickered to Fiona. Too easy to read, easier to manipulate. Quick to react. Bored me with the banality of our relationship.

I would continue to play these games with Amber, and she with me. I looked forward to those games, embraced them with every fibre of my being. Amber and I loved nothing better than playing with one another. We were good at it, too.

Fiona, ass swinging seductively, made her way to my side and wrapped herself around me, laying a claim on me she didn’t have. One arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close as I looked into her eyes.

One thought ran through my mind. It made me appreciate everything my almost-ex-wife was, and I missed her in my life before I’d evicted her from it. Fiona smiled, thinking the loving look in my eyes was for her.

If you can’t handle Amber in my life, love, I’ll keep looking for someone who can.
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