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G.G. Wylde Writes
G.G. Wylde Writes
Hot, Sexy stories, sometimes with twists thrown in
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G.G. Wylde Writes
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Most Horrifying Costume Award Goes To…

She scared me celibate
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

“Come on, Luke. We’ve been together for three years.” Her wheedling tone pierced my hungover like nails down a chalkboard. “Everyone knows we’re going to get married.” She stroked my chest, twisting my nipple the way she knew I liked.

Her logic baffled me. We’d been dating casually for six months, not three years. And I wouldn’t marry her. Ever. She was a nutcase. Certifiable.

“Sally, I love spending time with you.” I really meant I loved sinking my hard cock into her tight as fuck pussy. Hell, it would bring any man to his knees. “But I’m not ready to settle down and get married. I’m only twenty-four.” If I wanted to settle down, it wouldn’t be with you. I nuzzled my nose into the crook of her neck, giving her a little love bite. I needed to get laid. She was here.

Hands travelled down her luscious curves, smacking her plump ass and lifting her into my arms. She wrapped her legs around my waist, grinding her wet cunt onto the hard ridge in my jeans.

“Fuck, Sal, you feel fantastic.” I claimed her lips, bruising them as I demanded entry. Tongues tangling, my fingers slipped under her skirt and into her hot channel, drowning in her sopping hole. I groaned into her mouth and dropped her onto the couch.

Impatient to dive into her hot depths, I divested myself of my clothes and stroked myself as she performed a sensual striptease for me. She rolled a condom over my shaft with her teeth before flicking the light off.

I laughed at the glow-in-the-dark green cock standing at attention between us. “Fuck, that’s awesome, baby.”

She turned and bent over, twerking her ass in my face. Begging me to dive into her. I grabbed her hips and slammed my hard length into her, smiling and shaking my head as the neon green disappeared. She threw her head back with a scream as she shoved her ass at me.

“You can’t wink that dripping pussy at me and not expect me to pounce on it, baby.” Flesh slapping against flesh, sounds of our fucking filled the room. It was always like this with us. “GAWD! I. Love. Fucking. Your. Tight. Puss. So. Fucking. Good.” Every word punctuated by a hard thrust into her. Every pump of my hips answered by a loud squeal from my girl.

I couldn’t wait any longer. Couldn’t wait for her to shatter around my cock. And shatter she did. Spectacularly.

Her inner walls clenched down on me. Clamped around me, pulling my orgasm from my cock with a ferocity she’d never shown before. Milking me for every drop of seed.

“Oh baby, that’s it.” Sally twitched in my arms, aftershocks of her orgasm shaking her to the core. “Fuck, so good. I’ve never cum like that with anyone. Ever.” She turned, my softening cock slipping from her, and kissed me like she meant it.

I held her as she came down from her climax. Sat silent as she started talking about marriage again. Listened to her droning on about colour schemes and themes for our wedding. Heard about the engagement ring she’d already picked out. It was up to me to scrounge up ten grand to pay for it.

Her breathing slowed as she fell into a deep, sex-induced sleep. I waited another twenty minutes before slowly extricating myself from Sally’s embrace. Slipping off the couch, I creeped into my clothes and locked her door behind me.

Everything I’d ever left at her place landed in my trunk with a thud. Phone in hand, I sent her one last message.

Sally. Thanks, but I’m not having fun anymore. Goodbye.

Then I blocked her number and deleted our text threads.

Two months later, at a mutual friend’s Halloween party, Sally sauntered up to me dressed in a long, thin purple and cream box. A window on her chest showed two bright blue lines.

“What are you supposed to be, Sally?” Sweat beaded on my forehead. I dreaded her answer.

“I’m your worst nightmare, Luke.” She grinned as I replayed her rolling the condom on me. “Or should I say, Daddy?”
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G.G. Wylde Writes
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Mommies’ Playdate

Once the movie started, the Mommies got to play
Photo by Solas-ser on

Doorbell rings. Like Pavlov’s dogs, the kids screech and race to see who answers it first. I follow behind, hips swinging and a smile on my face.

God, I love playdate days. Marley closed the door behind her. Her two kids ran into the family room with my three.

I laid out snacks. Bowls of popcorn, pretzels and chips. Plates of cookies and Rice Krispies’ squares. Sealed straw cups of juice and bottles of water crowded the coffee table.

Remote in hand, my eight-year-old and her BFF, Marley’s nine-year-old, scrolled through Netflix looking for a new movie to watch. It was the only time we gave the kids carte blanche with food and movies. They loved playdates for that reason.

We loved them for different reasons.

“You’re hot as fuck, baby.” My hand brushed Marley’s hair off her shoulder. “They’ll be okay. Ready?”

“Oh, fuck yeah.” Marley chewed her lower lip, eyeing me hungrily. “I’m horny as fuck. Think you can handle me, sugar?” I shot her a naughty smirk.

“Handle you? Gorgeous, I’m gonna milk you dry.” She shuddered, squeezing her thighs together. We gave the kids some last-minute instructions and headed to the master bedroom at the back of the house, a chorus of ‘Okay, Mommy’ following us down the hallway. “Let’s see if we can make a squirter out of you today, Mar. You game for that?” She turned to me and slapped a kiss on my lips, eyes flashing with desire.

I guess that was a yes.

Door locked. Windows wide open, thank goodness for not having close neighbours. We threw our clothes around the room, not caring where they landed.

Cheeks cupped in my hands, I pulled her lips to mine and asked, “Do you trust me?” A tremor rippled through her. She knew I was going to be pushing her boundaries today. And I knew she loved it when I did.

I palmed her tit, thumb running over her rock hard nipple. “Get on the bed, sweet thing.” She scrambled into the middle of the king-sized bed, chest heaving. Her gaze followed my every moment.

Tools in hand, I straddled her hips and grabbed her wrists, pulling them above her head and tying them to the headboard with my husband’s expensive silk ties. I threw my head back and thrust my hips into her when she grabbed my nipple between her teeth. Knots secured. I looked down at her and grinned.

“You’re gonna pay for that, Jezebel.” Her giggle turned to a moan as I slid down her body and pulled her nipple into my mouth, nipping it. “That’s just the beginning.” One corner of my mouth turned up as I let her hard peak go with a pop and climbed off of her to tie her ankles to the bedposts.

Out comes the 10-inch realistic vibrator and the smooth, yet powerful, 7-inch one. I hold them up for her approval.

“Here you go, Mar. This one’s for your ass. I can’t wait to see you squirm as I shove it up there.” She was already twitching at the thought. “And this one’s for that sweet, juicy pussy of yours. You like?” I couldn’t resist the arousal seeping from her lower lips. I dipped my head and licked it up. “So fucking delicious, my sweet thing.”

Last thing I showed her was the crimson velvet blindfold. We’d gotten it in Las Vegas on our girls’ weekend a few months back. The hubbies thought all those toys we’d gotten were for them. Fuck, they couldn’t be more wrong. The hubbies enjoying them covered their true purpose. Marley and I used them on each other at least once a week.

“Here you go, Mar. Remember, though. Be quiet. If you can’t be, I’ll gag you.” I slipped the blindfold around her eyes and kissed the tip of her cute button nose. “Unless you want me to gag you.” A mewl of need escaped her lips, and her back arched, when I mention gagging her for the duration of our playdate.

I sit back to admire my handiwork. She glowed. She was gorgeous. All tied down and blindfolded. Got my juices flowing.

My dominatrix tendencies came out every chance they got. Today was one of those days. Hell, they snuck up on me the night we did tequila shots.

Fuck, I love Tequila.

I bend her knees to her chest and take the smallest vibrator in hand. “I’m going to lube this up for you, Mar.”

Shoulders pushing her knees upwards, I lean in and pull her ass cheeks apart, my pussy clenching at the sight of her pucker. Tongue rigid, I licked her, groaning with the dark, musky bite of her. The tip poked into her entry and my tongue fucked her ass. She arched her back, pushing her hips upwards. Head back, she silently screamed with the pleasure my tongue was giving her. When she was ready, I slipped the vibe into my throbbing pussy and soaked it with my juices. It was ready for her. She was ready for it. I kissed her belly button, sucking on the edge as I slowly pushed the little dick into her back end. Hips pumping slowly up and down, she helped me work it into her forbidden entrance, a contented sigh telling me it was where she wanted it to be.

Satisfied she was comfortable, I repeated the process with the bigger vibrator. I coated it with my pussy juice before sliding it into her hot, moist centre. A shiver ran through her. My eyes widened, darkened in desire as I watched her cunt clench down on it.

Fuck. Me. I would never tire of this woman.

Both vibrators were in place. I turned them up to the third setting. High enough to wind her up, but not high enough I couldn’t wind her up further. “There you go, sweet thing.” She grunted at me. Not that I expected much else.

I brushed the hair off her face with one hand. Grabbed the back of her neck with the other, pulling her to me. Hot breath mingling. I licked her bottom lip and grinned at the shudder that ran through her. I claimed her lip with a groan. Soft. Sweet. Delicious. I sought entry with my tongue, tangling it with hers as I demanded she submit to me.

Her breathless, ‘Fuck’ told me I was doing something right. I smiled, deepening the kiss. Panting, I laid my forehead on hers and closed my eyes. I loved this about us. The way we slipped into being lovers without question. Each time as exciting as the first.

If soulmates existed, she was mine. And I loved it.

I nibbled and licked my way across her jaw, pulling her earlobe into my mouth and rolling it around like a sweet cherry pit. I give it a quick bite, then lick and kiss my way down her neck… her collarbone… to her pert, full breasts. My tongue circles her nipple before pulling it into my mouth with a tortured groan. I’d been craving her flavour for hours. Days. Since the previous Wednesday, when our husbands took the kids to soccer practice and then out for pizza.

I swirl my tongue around her hard peak, biting down deliciously as one hand snakes down to flick her clit. She pumps her hips up to meet my hand. We whimper and gasp in unison. It was what we’d needed.

I pull her tit into my mouth, laving it with my tongue. Flick. I play with her nipple again. Chew. I bit down, just enough to make her groan, then soothe her reddened nipple and areola with a sweet lick and a kiss. Moving to the other breast, my free hand takes over teasing and tweaking the nipple I’d just abandoned to the cool air, mouth already making love to the honeyed tip.

I grasp the vibrator and let out a devilish chuckle as I pump it slowly, deliberately, deliciously in and out of her cunt. Squelch. Squeal. I watch as her juices flow from her centre. It is glorious. Beautiful.

Her sweet, musky scent wafts up to me. Envelopes me. I breathe deep, savouring the scent as my pussy pulses in response. She can’t see me, but I grinned like I’d won the lottery.

Gentle fingers open her lips and latch onto her clit. Her body shoots upwards. Only the heels of her feet and her shoulders hold her to the bed. “That’s fucking hot, Marley. Let’s do it again.” My barely there whisper has her whimper in response. I pull her little button into my mouth, sucking, twisting and chewing on it.

That big, textured vibrator pounding into her pussy the entire time. Harder. Faster. Furious, as if I’m angry she’s getting fucked and I’m not.

I’m not angry. I am aroused. Ready to get fucked, but more than satisfied to fuck Marley. To drill her into the bed. The orgasm building within her thrums through her body. Head thrashing from side to side, her whimpers change to groans. Groans turn into growls. Her growls of ecstasy become screams torn from her throat. Once. Twice. Three times she screams my name before collapsing back onto the bed, spent. Her juices coating my hand and my face.

“I told you to be quiet, love.” I hoped the kids wouldn’t come see what’s going on as I grab the panties I’d just taken off of her and shove them in her mouth. Wet with her own desire, she mewls at the taste of herself on the soaked satin.

“Now, where was I?” The one thing I’d hoped to avoid happened. The kids knocked on the door, asking if we were okay. I eased their fears while twiddling her clit and sent our spawn back to their movie.

“Okay. They’re back at it, with popsicles to boot. Let’s get back to it, shall we, sweet thing?”

Licking my lips, I wrapped them around her hard, throbbing clit again. She thrust herself into my mouth as her climax snuck up on her. She was so wet. So. Fucking. Wet. We’d trashed the sheets. I’d have to throw them in the washer once we finished up. But we weren’t done yet.

My teeth grabbed her clit, and I gently pulled, shaking my head like a dog with a treat. And it was such a sweet treat. I dragged the flat side of my tongue up her nub and slid the vibe from her centre with a delectably wet, squishy sound.

“Here you go, sweet thing. See how much you’re enjoying yourself.” I nudged the large silicone cock between her lips and watched her clean up her own juices. The ball of desire in my belly bursts as I watch her lick herself off the imitation dick. I trembled. So fucking sexy, my girl was.

I tossed the clean vibrator onto the bed before throwing her legs over my shoulders and settling between her silky thighs. A sexy sigh leaks out of me. Her scent wraps itself around me, pulling me into her. A turn of my head and I lick her inner thigh, tracing her juice slick up to her pussy. Her dripping, drenched, gorgeously soaked pussy.

I spread her lips, fingertips coated instantly. My eyes glassy at the beautiful dripping mess in front of me. Her cunt, freshly shaved for our playdate, winked at me. I smirked and, as much as I craved to touch myself and join her in bliss, I suffered through it.

Tongue flat, I savour her, licking from her ass and the vibe nestled there, to her clit. Slow and torturous. Her legs quaked. Ass clenched. Pussy wept.

I heard the desperation in her voice. Even through the gag. Her need to release made her keen, aching for an earth-shattering climax. Her need drove mine higher. Pushed me to tease her more. To leave her a whimpering, quaking puddle of cum. It was what she deserved. After all, it’s what she did to me every chance she got. It was my turn to return the favour.

I start at her nub. Her big-little-bean pulsed against my tongue. I circle it around her clit, then down through her folds to her quivering, moist centre. Fingers digging in, I grabbed her ass and pull her into me, my tongue diving in for a taste. I tongue fuck her. Fast. Slow. Hammering into her.

My eyes fluttered closed. I could feel my release building up inside of me. My pussy reverberates with the beginnings of my impending orgasm. I gulp down her juices as she cums in my mouth. Her thighs tighten around my ears as she bucks into my mouth. Then it happens.

She squirts right into my mouth. I. Fucking. Love. It.

Fuck, I did it. Thirstily, greedily, I guzzle down every drop. I lick my lips and drop my head to her thigh, one finger rimming her channel, swimming in the juices flowing unrelentingly.

“Sweet thing, that was wonderful.” Her purr of delight got lost in an aftershock of her orgasm. “I got you. Good god, baby. You squirted. Fuck yeah, you did.” Marley was coming down from her high. I couldn’t have that. I pulled the vibe partway out of her ass before pumping it in and out of her a few times before removing it and tonguing her ass.

She loved it, the way her arousal flowed like a river, hard, fast and all over me, told me that. I leaned in and licked her asshole again. And again. Fuck, my sweet thing is so sexy for me. I cup her mound, two fingers slipping into her cunt as it clenches, and she explodes all over me.

She writhes beneath me. Unable to bear it, I plunge the vibe I’d taken from her pussy into my own. My inner walls clench around the vibrator. And I cum. So fucking hard. But I keep going, pounding my pussy with the vibe while sucking you off. Finger banging you, three fingers deep. A hard nip to your clit and your ass comes off the bed. One last plunge into my depths and I bite back a scream. We come together. My muffled screams and her gagged ones echoing around the room.

Tears run out from under her blindfold. I’ve done a good job. I pull her panties out of her mouth and crash my lips to hers. “Oh hell, that was fantastic. I love having you all over me.” I sucked her tongue into my mouth, promising so much more.

Gentle fingers removed her restraints, tossing the silk ties in the laundry hamper. I rub her wrists and ankles, then grab a warm cloth and heated towel from the ensuite to clean us up with.

Once we’re clean, I pull her into me with a sigh. My chin on her head, she was the little spoon to my big spoon. We talk quietly, coming down from our lovemaking, cuddling as the kids finish their snacks and movies.

I drop a kiss on her temple. “There you go, sweet thing. Hope you had fun on our playdate.”

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