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G.G. Wylde Writes
G.G. Wylde Writes
Hot, Sexy stories, sometimes with twists thrown in
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G.G. Wylde Writes
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All Tied Up and Ready to Fuck

Knotted up with desire, pussy gushed with need

The velvet blindfold cradled my faced. Head turned, tracking his silky voice.
Pussy clenched, weeping with desire.
Calloused hands stroked my back. Caressed my fiery skin. Tearing my arousal soaked panties from me.
Fingers pulled. Knots held. Rope unyielding. Alabaster complexion tattooed by his desire.
I squirmed. Wiggled. Savored being held tight.
A hand slipped between my thighs, cupping my drenched sex. A hot mouth bit my pebbled nipple.
One finger circled my swollen bean. Purple silk rope rubs between my lips, taunting and torturing me. Hips pumped, chasing release.
“Daddy. Please.” I beg for relief. He kisses my neck and pushes my wet panties between my lips before withdrawing his touch.
“Now,” his breath skitters across my ear, “who’s feeling naughty tonight?” He disappeared.
Chilled in his absence. Nipples aching. Diamond hard. Whimpering. Velvety steel nudges, drags through wet folds.
Muffled scream as his cock fills me. Complete at last.

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G.G. Wylde Writes
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The Sexy Horndog, His Fiancée, and the Curvy, Titian Queen

Her sexy curves brought their relationship to its knees, her pussy, and the next level
Photo by Vasyl on AdobeStock

“Del? Do we have any more of that local IPA stashed away?” My eyes scanned the backyard as I called over my shoulder to my fiancée, pointing to the large red cooler my buddy sat on when she answered.

I flipped the burgers on the grill, rotated the buns, and piled finished burgers onto a platter before handing it to my buddy.

Squeak of the gate caught my ear.

She caught my eye.

Coppery tresses shone in the orange glow of the sunset. Espresso eyes twinkled in the warmth of newly lit Tiki torches. Bare shoulders invited my ravenous exploration of her luscious curves.

And those curves.
I mentally bit my knuckle at those curves of hers.

Full breasts. Thick waist. Voluptuous hips. Her ass. Fuck her ass.

My cock twitched as I thought of digging my fingers into her hips and slamming myself off of those glorious ass cheeks.

Our eyes met across the yard. She grinned, like she knew what I was thinking, and lifted her Black Fly vodka cooler in greeting. My pants tightened as I watched her pink tongue dart out to pull a drop of moisture off the can before taking a sip.

I swallowed hard, knowing she’d already changed my life. I’d only ever felt this pull to my Delaney. No one else. Not until now.

Oh boy… I think I’m in trouble.
I saluted her with my Corona and let it slide down my throat. Her lips curved in a devilish smirk. The niggling thought turned to certainty. I’m definitely in trouble.

The two of us played tag for the next few hours. Her eyes would follow me as I moved closer to her, only to have one of her girlfriends pull her away. My cock would twitch as she slid through the crowd towards me, only for someone to need something from the party’s host.

Frustrating didn’t even cover it.

“Okay everyone!” Delaney clapped her hands, continuing when every eye was on her. “Time for the cake.”

Right. Slick’s birthday.

I’d almost forgotten the reason for the party was my best buddy’s thirtieth birthday. His wife put the cake, filled with thirty individual candles and decorated to look like an off-road rally, in front of him.

I held my umpteenth Corona high and called out, “Everyone ready to sing?”

The crowd cheered as a plump, meaty ass backed into my cock, wiggling to get purchase. My hand flew to the sexy, thick waist nestled into me out of reflex, steadying the woman now in my embrace. Our eyes met again. A shock of attraction ran up my arm.

My Titian queen grinned and palmed my dick, squeezing as she stroked my length. Everyone around us burst into a drunken rendition of Happy Birthday as she leaned up and kissed me.

She spun around in time to chant, “Chug” along with everyone else as Slick downed a full birthday pint, ending with a triumphant belch.

Another roar from the crowd as drinks and cake passed through their ranks and she was gone. Arms empty, cock hard, I scanned the yard unsuccessfully for her. With a smile plastered on my face, I rejoined the party. Aching for an opportunity missed.


“Goodnight, thanks again, guys.” Slick slobbered a kiss onto a giggling Delaney’s cheek and poured himself into the passenger seat of his classic Camaro. “You guys rock!” Head out the window like a cocker spaniel, he screamed as his wife drove down the street.

Back in the kitchen, my hands in hot soapy water, Delaney slid her arms around my waist, kissing between my shoulder blades as she unbuckled my jeans. Deft fingers slipping under the waistband of my bright blue boxer briefs, she gasped as they wrapped around my still hard cock.

“Babe, you were packing this rod all night and didn’t come get me?” She peeked under my arm, working her hand up and down my length. “Why were you so needy, Daddy?”

I didn’t know how to tell her I craved another. That another woman had my cock aching. I’d opened my mouth to answer when soft footsteps entered the master bath above. Pipes clanked up the wall as our ensuite’s shower spurted to life. My shaft twitched in my love’s hands.

Curious eyes met amused ones. “Del, you got something to tell me?”

“One of our guests needed to stay overnight. Hope you don’t mind.” She squeezed my cock, dragging her thumb across the tip and spreading pre-cum down my length. “You seemed to get along tonight. Didn’t think you’d mind.” She shrugged and pumped me once, then twice, before helping me walk out of my pants and leading me upstairs with a grin.

We stopped in the master ensuite’s doorway. Her arms wound around me, fingers fondling my balls, kissing me and whispering sexy, filthy things in my ear.

Opposite us, the oversized glass shower enclosure dominated the room.

Thick glass panels and azure marble tiled walls. Gleaming stainless steel hardware. River rock floor. Extra-large rainspout shower head.

And standing under it, my Titian queen from the backyard. On full display. Hands roving down her body, rubbing and caressing her curves as the water sluiced over her. Lavender-scented steam wafted through the room.

“She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? Look at those tits of hers. You want them in your mouth, don’t you?” I stood, transfixed, fingers itching to be the pinching the nipples she rubbed under the water. In my bathroom. My cock was a divining rod to the paradise it craved. And it craved her.

I nodded, unable to speak around the lust clogging my throat. Delaney ran her hands over my chest, sending shivers down my spine. My ass clenched as I held myself back.

“You want her, don’t you, my little horndog?” Her nails grazed my shaft. Pre-cum dripped from my tip. I pressed my cock into her hand, eyes trained on the erotic shower before me.

“Not so little, am I?” She laughed at our usual routine. I claimed her lips, growling when she bit my lip and taunted me again.

“You want that big, hard cock of yours to slide right into her slick cunt, don’t you?” She tightened her grip, slowing her strokes. “Until your balls slap her ass and she’s screaming your name.”

“Yes, baby girl.” I murmured into her hair as she stroked me closer to relief. “But only if I wrap my lips are around your clit while you both scream my name.”

My Delaney… sexually explorative, adventurous love of my life… groaned and rubbed her aching pussy on my thigh.

“Yassss, please, Daddy!” Kiss full of promise pressed to her temple, I growled in need.

“I have to bury myself in a pussy, Del.”

“In her pussy, Ro. I know.” Her juice coated the thigh I pressed into her throbbing, wet cunt.

“You want to lick my pussy then smear my honey all over her nipples as you bite down on them, don’t you, Ro?” My hips pumped into her grasp. “How would you like to taste her, Ro? To feel her thighs clamp onto your head as you bite her clit, her juice washing your face with her sweet honey. So sweet. Her honey is so incredibly sweet.”

The longing in my love’s voice brought my eyes to her. I saw the way she looked at my Titian queen. Heard how she spoke of her. We were both smitten.

My seed hardened my balls, ready to burst from me. It would be epic. I knew it.

“No, Del. I want to watch your tongue licking her. Circling her asshole before sliding into her cunt and slipping up to her clit.” My cock hated me even more now. Purple and angry, it threatened to explode onto the bathroom floor.

There was nothing I loved more than watching my girl devour another woman’s pussy. But too much talking and not enough fucking or sucking made my cock ache. That needed to change. Soon.

“I want my cock so deep inside of her I’ll fuck you while you ride her face.” I bit Delaney’s lip, shoving my tongue deep in her mouth the same way. “And I want to watch her tongue spear into you as you lower yourself onto her face, kissing me while you roll your hips over her mouth. Your honey dripping down her jaw.”

“Fingers pinching your nipples. You’ll cry out with a glorious mix of pleasure and pain as you cum all over that gorgeously curvy queen’s face.” The image of my Titian queen’s throat swallowing my fiancée’s cum has my cock jerking in Delaney’s hand. “No, Del, please. Not yet. I need pussy. You know I need pussy. Please.”

Pleas for a hot, wet pussy to sink into pushed my Delaney into a full-body, shuddering orgasm. She cried out and collapsed in my arms.

I looked up to find my gorgeous Titian queen three fingers deep in her cunt. Eyes on mine, she braced one hand on the glass partition and finger-fucked herself. She licked her lips, threw her head back and, legs quaking, quivered as her orgasm overtook her.

Lips to Delaney’s ear, I nibbled the lobe and kissed her neck… all while watching the most gorgeous redhead I’d ever seen bring herself to a wall-shaking climax.

My beautiful fiancée gave me the sweetest kiss, nipped my lower lip, then padded over to the shower door and slipped under the water. She took my Titian queen’s hand and beckoned to me.

“Come on, lover. What are you waiting for?” Her words pushed me off the bathroom wall, my cock leading me to the shower door.

My Titian queen’s hands moved to Delaney’s waist, digging in before sliding down to the apex of her thighs, kneading and stroking my lover’s meaty flesh.

Dark eyes flashing with desire, she kissed my fiancée’s shoulder before reaching for me.

“Ro, this is Kailie. She’s sweet, sexy and tastes like cotton candy.” I shot a questioning look at my blushing girl before taking Kailie’s hand.

“Hi Kailie.” I dipped my head to brush a kiss across her lips. “Nice to meet you, beautiful.”

One hand wrapped around my hard, velvety shaft, she cupped the back of my neck with the other. My fingers dug into her hips as I pulled her towards me.

Lips a breath apart, she grinned and claimed me with one kiss and two quick strokes as I lifted her up by that fucking glorious ass of hers. She hooked one leg over my hip and speared herself on my cock while Delaney slid behind her, fingers pinching my Titian queen’s nipples.

Back arched, dark auburn hair hanging down her back, her hips pulsed my cock deep into her. She stilled, shivering, as I pounded into her.

Delaney and Kailie kissed, hard and frantic, while Del slid one hand down to rub furious circles around our new lover’s clit and fingerfucked herself with the other.

The pace picked up. Sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoed in the still warm shower. Groans and cries of pleasure flew from our mouths. We threw our heads back, crying out together. The three of us entwined as one.

I kissed Delaney, then Kailie, resting my forehead against hers.

Yep, definitely in trouble here.

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A Smile Was All She Needed To Defeat The Aliens

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