Bondagora - Ada
After leaving the second daughter, Bondagora enter inside a cave with barrels everywhere, it seems to be a wine cave or maybe something similar to wine... Anyway someone hits her from behind but she recover fastly and assault the stranger until dominating her.
Once she secured the stranger, Bondagora realize who it is... Ada Wong.
- Bondagora : Well well, the famous Ada Wong ! What a good surprise, but i have to say that i thought you were better in fight hehehe.
- Ada : Ggrmphh !! Agnnhh !!
- Bondagora : I know i used some stuff you probably don't know... But i don't care i'm not here to be fair. I'm here to kidnap you and your friend !
- Ada : Fmmph ?!
- Bondagora : Ooh you don't know ? Apparently a journalist and this agent of the STARS are here. But it dosen't.. Wait..
- Ada : Mpphh !!
- Bondagora (withspers) : It seems we have company hehehe.
- Ada : Mmphh ?
- Bondagora : Anyway i will come back to you later to bring you at the NSC but for now... I come for you ! JILL !
- Jill : Huh ?! Ooh shit !
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