Bondagora - Lady D
*After leaving Claire in her box, Bondagora prepared a new plan to get the Lasy of the castle... When Alcina enter in the hall, Bondagora jump from the stairs and inject her strange liquid in Alcina's neck before getting throwed away by the tall lady. But some seconds after that Alcina fall on the floor and Bondagora take advantage of the situation *
- Bondagora : Nnghhh ! Wow i think you will be perfect here, a good trophy for those who come inside your castle hehe
- Alcina D : Ggrmmphh !!! Mmpphhh !!!
- Bondagora : Don't worry i have to take you with me anyway, i won't let you there, but first, i have to find your "Mother".
- Alcina D : Mmphh ? Ggmmphh hhnh !!!
- Bondagora : Calm down big lady, i'm gonna come back for you later hehe.