Bondagora - Claire
After leaving the underground, Bondagora arrives in another room where she find another girl.. She wear a red jacket with a jean and boots, but most important, She has a gun !
Bondagora rushes on Claire and forces her to kneel down, she takes her gun and throws it away before starting to tying her up...
- Bondagora : Well i'm sorry for this, i know you don't know why am i doing this, but don't worry, we gonna take good care of you ! Hehe
- Claire : Mmphh ?!
- Bondagora : Yes and you gonna find your friends back !
- Claire : Mmph nngh ?!
- Bondagora : Shhh don't make too much noises, i still have to catch the big Lady... Anyway, it was a pleasure Claire... See you very soon !
- Claire : Mmpphhh !!
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