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Zjera3D profile
NSFW Adult (18+) Animations. I'm often working on several projects at once; releasing them as they finish. Nearly all projects have various forms of music, some with sound effects, and most with bondage and/or machine themes.

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"Camping" Loop Release

  •  Baldur's Gate 3 - Lae'zel/Shadowheart

    Soundless loop of a 'what if' scenario for Baldur's Gate 3. 'What if' your character didn't survive the crash or and Shadowheart ran into Lae'zel down the road?

    This was a practice/model test more than anything, but like a lot of those saves, it was something decent enough to fix up for a release of some kind. Nothing special, but hope you all like it.
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Public post

Weekly WIP #93

  •  Camping - Baldur's Gate 3 - Lae'zel/Shadowheart loop
  •  Other/Misc

    Figured I'd make a test animation into a loop, since it was pretty decent. According to a Discord follower, I'd shown this off some awhile back. I don't recall it, but I don't recall lots of things these days.
    Ever wonder, since there are so many different ways to do things in BG3, what would happen if your character never showed up or didn't survive the crash? Maybe some of the party still find one another. Maybe they don't. Maybe they become friends. Maybe...they don't.
    My little take on Lae'zel and Shadowheart finding one another then later on; Camping.

    Trying to find some voice lines I can use without having to download some 10-hour long bullshit to sift through. Why finding voice clips has become so hard I dunno. Loop is 12 seconds and might not loop very well since Shadowheart is a bit wiggly. Will be released with or without sound next Saturday.

    In other news, the previous WIP's question of 'Who' has been decided. Black Cat did in fact win out over the others. I even ventured into non-hero choices, just in case. In the end she just fit the idea best, was a great choice for model quality and was a featured character on my banner, which for some reason I saw as a small list of 'must use' people. Not sure why, but eh.
    Next up for that project? Scene build. Thankfully it should be small. This theme of animation won't have many, if any, camera changes.
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