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WaitFurGodot profile
It's my kink to get you horny. (he/him; age 35) Homeless, disabled, and looking for help and support with my art. Mostly naughty furries in art, comics, and animations.
Streams collection by WaitFurGodot
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Take it
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Make Up Stream

Krampus with me and the boys. He's clearly working from a list, I'm just... not sure which one. Naughty? Or Nice?

Anyway it looks like I basically won't be streaming on my usual days all December due to a combination of work and illness, so I streamed today and plan on going tomorrow for as long as I can before my next appointment in the evening. And if I finish the work I need to, maybe stream on Saturday, too? But I can't on Sunday.

But it turns out I have an ulcer. Like right on top of the door to my intestines, too. They put some kind of patch on it, like sealing a leak, and I'm getting another one or two added in on Sunday when they check it out. And now I have to chug a pint of this nasty medicine with pulp in it every day and limit everything I eat for the next few weeks and get a bunch of tests and possibly surgery. Again.

Kinda wishing the universe could maybe chill the fuck out for a few months and give me a break for awhile? That'd be nice.
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Catboy Twink

Done during stream of 24 March 2024 for a very generous donor!
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13 October 2024

I didn't stream tonight, but I drew this subscriber request offline before taking a nap cos I was just too exhausted to do it at the quick pace I normally do during streams.
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Stream(s) 30 June 2024

Thanks to everyone who showed up and made requests during my stream day today or hung around watching me work on my animation. Okay, my next surgery is on July 8th, and I'm not sure when I'll be streaming again. I'm gonna pre-emptively say I'm out all of July, but keep an eye on this space or turn on post notifications. Y'all will be the first to know when I'm coming back. You can still send in your requests and I'll put them in my queue in the order I get them. Just no idea when I'll get around to it, or if I'll even stream while I draw them.
Until then, thanks for waiting.
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Stream 20 Jan 2025 (Monday)

I didn't stream Sunday cos I wasn't feeling well and then accidentally slept through my normal stream time. Oops. But surprisingly, I still had a couple people show up to the couple of extra streams I did today. Everything is up on FurAffinity as usual with their own individual descriptions. Thanks for your support!
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Stream 24 March 2024

Tonight's stream only had 2 pieces, this being the only sketch. The rest of my time was spent completing a full piece for a donor.
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Stream 21 April 2024

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Stream 19 May 2024

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Stream 22 Sept 2024

The other piece that I worked on during my stream was a commission that I'm not done with, so it'll be posted as a WIP for subscribers.
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78 постов


$21 of $400
per month
One short animation loop every month that all subscribers can vote on topics & characters for.
$21 of $600
per month
Alts or special endings for monthly animation loops all my subscribers can vote on topics & characters for.

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