Update to Tiers
To counteract the percentage of my donations all these platforms take, I have decided I need to raise my prices. I will be giving everyone (even new subscribers) a month's worth of leeway to continue getting requests for the next 4 weeks (4 streams) before requiring the switch if you want to continue. It'll still be a once a month payment for a sketch every week, but now only available in the $10 "Requestors" Tier. I also rearranged some of the benefits so that any more animated gifs, comic book pages, and character sheet related WIPs I make, are for the $5 "Supporters" Tier and higher. Exclusive WIPs are still available to those in the $1 "Tip Jar" Tier and higher.
You have until 9 September 2024 to get in your requests at the $5 tier before I'll start only taking them from those in the $10+ tier. Sorry if this is an inconvenience to anyone. Blame the platforms that take 12% off the top of every sale. I hope you all choose to stay, no matter the tier, but if I lose some of you, then thanks for sticking around as long as you did! I really appreciate it!
Thanks for waiting