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This Subscribestar site is devoted to the catfighting and women's wrestling stories that I have been writing for over 25 years (published under the alias "DG"), most of which involve the fictional Underground Women's Wrestling League (UWWL).
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The UWWL World Tour, Remastered: Yokohama, Japan Main Event-The Main Event: She-Devil (champion) ...

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House Show by DG

Since I'm working on the sequel I figure I should post the original for those who haven't read it. Enjoy! 
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Anjou vs. Dheera: Best of 3
by DG

     After a few days of much deserved rest the plane from Athens touches down in New Delhi and the wrestlers check into their hotels. The two Indian wrestlers who will be featured on this relatively brief leg of the tour are coming home (both Anjou and Dheera will have friends and family attending tomorrow night’s show here in New Delhi) but nobody else has been here before, and the UWWL roster is excited to have such a new experience.
The centerpiece of this leg of the tour is a “Best of 3” series between babyface Anjou and the sadistic heel Dheera. As what happens all too often in pro wrestling, these two ladies wee the best of friends – closer than sisters – but are now mortal enemies. The English word “hatred” isn’t strong enough to describe how these two gorgeous Indian women feel about each other.
Anjou is 5’6”, has lighter skin, and is generally considered the cuter of the two, but 5’8” Dheera has a slight size and strength advantage (which Anjou makes up for with her agility, perseverance, and viciousness). Dheera is a master of female torture and is generally considered Erica’s “second in command” in the evil Underworld stable, while Anjou is one of the top members of Rebecca’s good girl Superpowers stable. Both women were born in India but then their families moved to the United States when they were very young. The families of Anjou and Dheera have been friends for a very long time, and both wrestlers excelled at various sports when they were growing up. Some of the White girls at their high school would make fun of them for being immigrants and the two Indian hotties realized their penchant for violence when they decided to beat the living shit out of those pretty White bitches after school – and they enjoyed the hell out of it. One time Anjou and Dheera jumped the pretty blonde captain of their high school cheerleading team and, after giving the popular rich cunt the beating of her life, they left her naked and tied to the flag pole in front of the school. Everybody knew who did it but nobody ratted on them for fear of repercussion, even though the girl’s parents threatened to sue the school. Thus, the two Indian bad girls decided to become a tag team in the UWWL and were a legendary duo who had one of the league’s greatest tag team championship reigns of all time… until they had a huge falling out right before the first War Games pay-per-view (see the story “War Games” for more details). Anjou ended up turning babyface and the two are now arch enemies. Dheera beat Anjou to a bloody pulp in a cage match at that pay-per-view, but then Anjou got Dheera back by bashing her in the face with a tire iron and winning the Superpowers vs. Underworld war games match one year later. Dheera was carried out of the cage that night as a bloody mess with a severe concussion, and went on to experience serious, career-shortening concussion problems that took her over two years to fully recover from. Dheera is now 100% again and hungry for revenge against her former tag team partner and best friend. 
Dheera gets introduced first and the heel comes out to the warmest reception she’s ever received from fans, partly because she has family and friends in the audience. As an aside, it’s a little awkward for the families of the two enemies because they are still close and they feel strange about watching the two women destroy each other. Dheera has on her usual maroon two piece metallic sheen bikini with sheer black tights and maroon wrestling boots. The home town sweetheart Anjou is introduced next to The United Nations’ theme song and the fans absolutely freak out upon seeing one of the most beautiful Indian women on planet Earth. She has on her orange, white, and green flag of India patterned two piece leotard with the blue Chakra symbol on her ass, in addition to matching wrestling boots and sheer nude pantyhose. She comes out waving the Indian flag – which really makes the fans fall in love with her.   
The two beauties hate each other so much that Dheera charges Anjou in the aisle and they viciously clash like animals fighting over a mate. The bell rings, and the Indian superstars pound on each other with wild abandon – showing such hatred and violence with each other that it’s uncomfortable and even disturbing for their loved ones to watch the fight. The two of them rip each other’s tops off about ten minutes into the fight so they can target each other’s boobs, and their tawny tits get covered in bloody scratch marks as they scream at each other with guttural war cries. Dheera’s fury over the tire iron attack fuels her aggression and she’s on offense for about 60% of the fight, and her offense starts to wear the lighter skinned cutie down after a while. After twenty minutes of primal fury from the depths of Hell Dheera delivers a massive bodyslam and then rolls a battered Anjou out under the bottom rope and down to the concrete floor… and then goes right out after her. Dheera grabs Anjou’s sweaty black hair and leads her over to the railing right in front of Anjou’s family and then SLAMS her bare tits into the top of the steel railing, smiles, and then splatters her elbows on top of Anjou’s boobs – grinding her tits into the steel railing right in front of her shocked relatives! After grinding her tits into the railing real good with her elbows Dheera then sends jackhammer blows with her fists right down into Anjou’s hurting mammaries (with Anjou’s makeup smeared and running down her sweaty face), before grabbing her by the hair and rolling her back into the ring. 
Dheera tosses Anjou into the nearest corner, but the agile Anjou jumps up onto the second rope, leaps off, and turns around in midair with her fists raised for a flying axe handle smash to turn the tide… but a furious Dheera catches Anjou in a bear hug, spins around with Anjou in her grip, and then falls back to SPLATTER Anjou’s pretty face into the turnbuckles for a devastating snake eyes move. Anjou crumples back to the mat, barely conscious with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open, as Dheera leaps on top of her and hooks her right leg. One … … … Two … … … THREE! Dheera stands up to have her arm raised with her right boot on Anjou’s bare, scratched up tits as Channing makes the official word – awarding the bad girl a 1-0 lead in the best of three series. However, Dheera still wants more revenge as she strips Anjou’s bottoms off, spanks her bare, nylon covered ass, and then tosses her out to the concrete floor in just her pantyhose. Dheera then wraps Anjou’s previously discarded top around her throat and leads her on all fours right in front of Anjou’s family… where she puts her in the excruciating camel clutch on the grimy floor! Anjou writhes in agony on the grimy floor with her bare tits sticking out as Dheera pulls back on her chin and laughs, calling her a “pathetic cunt” right in her ear while tormenting her in the submission hold. Anjou’s family can’t bear to watch their beloved prodigal daughter suffering right in front of them. This keeps up until Susan and Lauren from The Superpowers run out to rescue their teammate – helping her back to the dressing room as tears trickle down her face from such a humiliating defeat to her worst enemy.
The day after the wild New Delhi show the UWWL plane touches down in the city formerly known to Westerners as “Calcutta” on the northeastern coast of India near the Bangladesh border. Just like at every city on the tour UWWL fans are waiting with signs, cameras, and pictures for the wrestlers to autograph (with lovely homecoming heroine Anjou having the longest line) as they make their way to their hotels. 
Anjou during a modeling shoot in her home country
The next night arrives, after Anjou spent a day doing modeling shoots in her native country (see picture above) and the club tonight is extremely hot and steamy inside. Monica is pissed off that her wrestlers, who are tired and beaten up by this point of the tour, will have to fight while it’s over 100 degrees Fahrenheit under the lights in the ring. Monica argues with the building manager but gets nowhere because he doesn’t speak much English. Tonight’s show is already going to feature nothing but steel cage matches as a special theme similar to the lingerie show in Paris and the bikini show in Brazil, and because of the heat Monica decides to make this night even more primal by making all of the wrestlers fight in the nude.
Bell time finally arrives and fans pack into the club, making it even hotter with their body heat. The club is so intimate that the fans in the front row can practically reach out and brush their fingertips against the chain link of the foreboding steel cage. The fans have been drinking to prepare for this once in a lifetime event and they are buzzed and rowdy before the show even begins, but then when Monica makes the announcement that all of tonight’s matches will take place in the nude the fans erupt in complete pandemonium. This is going to be one for the ages, folks.
Fans explode when Anjou’s music hits and the gorgeous model makes her way to the cage in nothing but sandals and a white bathrobe, which she strips off before she kicks off her sandals and then walks up the stairs barefoot to enter the cage against her hated arch rival – who’s already inside after removing her maroon bathrobe earlier. Both of their naked bodies look amazing under the hot lights, and they’re already sweating in the steamy cage. 
Anjou wants revenge after Dheera humiliated her in front of friends and family in New Delhi to go up 1-0, so she starts the match with passionate ferocity and hurts Dheera badly early on, busting her head open on the unforgiving steel and attacking the sweet spots on her naked body. However, Anjou fights with so much fervor and it’s so hot under the lights in the cage that the lighter skinned good girl ends up draining her energy, so after Anjou’s initial barrage Dheera ends up turning the tide with a drop toe hold that bashes Anjou’s pretty face into the unforgiving chain link. Dheera then hurts the good girl badly with punches to the belly and boobs, swift kicks to the cunt, and beats her bloody with nasty shots to the face. After several minutes of harsh punishment Anjou turns the tide back into her favor with her trademark quickness and athleticism (ducking under a clothesline and then delivering a dropkick) but eventually she is too worn out and the bigger, stronger Dheera ends up powering out of a pile driver attempt by standing up and back body dropping an exhausted Anjou hard onto the sweat and blood stained canvas.
A smirking Dheera reaches down to grab Anjou’s sweat drenched dark hair, pull her up to her feet, and tenderize what might be the sexiest Indian body on the planet with hard, HARD shots to the cunt, belly, and boobs with Anjou gasping after each shockingly painful blow; Dheera’s strength advantage takes its toll as her strikes are much harder than her more agile babyface rival. From this point on Dheera punishes Anjou severely and is on offense for about 70% of the remaining fight. With only a few minutes left in the time limit the two beauties roll around on the grubby mat with their hands in each other’s hair and their makeup completely smeared on their pretty, sweat drenched faces. Fans can actually see subtle steam rising from their bodies in the lights of the club as the two tigresses claw and bite at each other’s bodies in desperation. Dheera says, “I fucking hate you, bitch!” while Anjou simply says “Fuck you!” in return. Dheera eventually rolls on top of Anjou, with their naked bodies pressed together, and she stuns Anjou with a quick knee to the sore, abused pussy that brings forth a satisfying yelp of pain. Dheera then animalistically moves her mouth toward Anjou’s chest and chomps down on her left tit as Anjou shrieks! Dheera works her teeth into Anjou’s tit like a dog with a rawhide bone – completely legal as the match is no DQ – and then after a while she lets go and lifts her head up with Anjou’s tit blood dripping from her angry mouth while Anjou gasps in horror from the vicious breast attack. Dheera then springs her feet up in the air, DRIVES her right knee hard into Anjou’s pussy, and leaves it there. Dheera then starts to G R I N D her right knee into Anjou’s bare, already very sore womanhood as hard and as rough as she can while the good girl writhes and moans in agony with her drenched hair matted across her gorgeous yet bruised and bloody face. Dheera uses her knee cap to grind Anjou’s clit into her pubic bone like a mortar and pestle. Dheera presses Anjou’s shoulders into the mat and screams for the ref to count, and she does: “One!” … … … “Two!” … … but Anjou wriggles out for a two count. Channing announces that there is only a minute left in the time limit – this one is going right down to the wire. If this is a draw then the series will remain 1-0 and the next match will feature two falls. 
Dheera head butts Anjou while still grinding her knee into her cunt, and presses her shoulders down a second time with Anjou’s blood spattered on her face. The sexy blonde ref (who is also exhausted and drenched in sweat after 44 minutes of combat in the hot cage) taps while counting verbally: “One!” … … … “Two!” … … … … but Anjou just BARELY manages to get her shoulder up. Then Dheera, in desperation, kicks her feet off of the mat again and SLAMS her knee very hard into Anjou’s cunt one more time, as Anjou’s eyes close and she moans from the cunt crushing blow, lolling her head to the left side with a submissive look on her face and her gorgeous hair in a sweaty mess while Dheera’s sweat drips down onto her. Dheera aggressively grabs Anjou’s wrists, presses them into the mat firmly, and says, “Count the bitch!” The referee slaps the mat while once again verbally counting along: “One!” … … … “Two!” … … … … “Three! That’s it – ring the bell!” 
Bad girl wins and good girl loses. Dheera laughs right in Anjou’s face as the bell resounds throughout the raucous club, and fans go absolutely crazy. Dheera just PINNED Anjou with only six seconds left in the time limit, to sweep the series 2-0: a humiliating, demoralizing loss for the babyface, who starts crying as she sits up and wipes sweat and blood from her eyes while Dheera jumps up and down celebrating her victory right in front of her – rubbing it in. Anjou can’t believe she just lost two matches in a row to her hated arch rival, and she collapses back to the canvas in an exhausted heap with her hands covering her crying face and her hair in a wild, sweaty mess. Dheera gives a sobbing Anjou one last stomp to the belly for good measure.
The winner of the series gets the loser as her personal slave for 24 hours, so Dheera goes outside of the cage to get a set of iron shackles and a slave collar on the end of a chain, and goes back in to put a sobbing Anjou in the metal binds before attaching the slave collar. Dheera then leads the defeated fashion model off for an all-night party in the bad girl locker room, with Anjou as the guest of honor – and the target of their endless perversions…
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