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This Subscribestar site is devoted to the catfighting and women's wrestling stories that I have been writing for over 25 years (published under the alias "DG"), most of which involve the fictional Underground Women's Wrestling League (UWWL).
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The War to End All Wars, Part 2 (Remastered)See attached pdf to read the Erica vs. Rebecca hell i...

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Fallen Angels Edit: She-Devil vs. RebeccaSeveral years ago I wrote an epic story called "Fallen A...

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Fallen Angels Edit: Lauren vs. Erica

The UWWL story "Fallen Angels, Part 1" vacillates back and forth between two big hell in a cell matches: Lauren vs. Erica and Rebecca vs. She-Devil for the UWWL world title. I went back and made two edited versions of the story with just each match on its own. Below is the Lauren vs. Erica hell in a cell match; I'll post the She-Devil vs. Rebecca one in a week or so, but if you'd like to see it sooner then let me know.  

Fallen Angels, Part 1 - Lauren vs. Erica Edit
by DG
    Next came the match that many fans were looking forward to even more than the main event: the Hell in a Cell revenge match between Lauren and Erica. Erica thirsted for revenge on Lauren after the good girl literally took out Erica’s entire Underworld stable one by one across the world tour and beyond. Lauren defeated Dheera (despite being dominated for most of the match), butchered Karen’s face with a vicious dropkick and then pinned her, broke Brandi’s jaw, and utterly destroyed and humiliated Erica’s best friend Molly while badly breaking her nose not once but twice - knocking her off of the world tour in the process. 
Molly fully recovered from her injuries shortly after the tour and was dying to pay Lauren back for what she did to her in Kolkata, India. Lauren looked into the camera and called out Erica after trouncing and humiliating Molly that night, and Erica was listening loud and clear. Lauren was the first thing on Erica’s mind after she started recovering from her crushing defeat at Tokyo Torment (the worst night of Erica’s life, when she was tortured with her own Pear of Anguish by… HER). So with Erica on the shelf Molly challenged Lauren to a hard core falls count anywhere match at this year’s edition of BitchBrawl, the very first pay-per-view in the newly renovated and expanded UWWL club. Now BitchBrawl is a pay-per-view that typically brings back bad memories for the dirty blonde beauty (see “Bitter Rivals 2”), but that night Lauren wrestled a masterful match and just totally slaughtered the curly blonde haired bad girl. Molly got in some licks early on though and beat on Lauren’s tits with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire after stripping her baby blue top off, but after several shots from the barbed wire bat dug into Lauren’s oh so sensitive tit flesh the babyface managed to get out of the way, causing Molly to miss, and Lauren then swept Molly’s black fishnet clad legs out from under her. A furious Lauren then picked up the bat with her own tit blood dripping from the cruel barbs and then just slammed the weapon into Molly’s body all over – shredding her wrestling outfit with the barbs before finishing the job by stripping Erica’s best friend completely nude. The good girl then proceeded to just pound Molly’s naked body all over the club, including smashing her head right into a mirror behind the bar after dragging her over there with two big handfuls of blood stained curly blonde hair.
 Eventually Lauren gave Molly a standing dropkick to knock her bloody, crying, naked body onto a table right beneath the brand new balcony level. Uh oh. Lauren, with blood dripping from the barbed wire wounds on her tits, walked up the stairs to the balcony while high fiving her adoring fans. Lauren stood up on the edge of the balcony, with deafening cheers and camera flashes going off everywhere, and leaped off… did a flip in midair… and landed a HUGE senton bomb that plowed Molly right through the table with a loud CRUNCH! Lauren made history by becoming the first UWWL superstar to use the new balcony for high risk offense, and the fans were standing up and screaming “HO-LY SHIT! … HO-LY SHIT!” in reverence of the beautiful good girl. Lauren pulled herself up and then pinned Molly with one foot right in the table wreckage. The bell rang, Lauren’s theme song played, and paramedics came out to put Molly on a stretcher and take her to a waiting ambulance. 
 But Lauren was (and still is) in the midst of a vendetta against the bad girls to get revenge for all of her suffering and agony over the years. Lauren snapped after she was tortured in Hell for three days following the Superpowers’ crushing defeat at CuntClash 3, and she decided to start playing dirty by beating the heels at their own game – a strategy that has resulted in the longest winning streak of her career. So a beaming Lauren blew kisses at the cheering crowd and waited patiently for the paramedics to load Molly onto the stretcher, and then the dirty blonde Superpower got a running start… and KNOCKED Molly right off of the stretcher, making her naked body roll across the dirty concrete floor! The rattled paramedics loaded Molly back onto the stretcher and Lauren followed them back to the ambulance – walking right next to Molly while slapping her and taunting to her face all the way back to the ambulance, and when they got there Lauren pulled Molly off of the stretcher by the hair and gave her a standing dropkick right into the back of the ambulance. On this night Erica was still recovering from the severe neck damage Rebecca and Kerstin inflicted on her at Tokyo Torment and she was watching at home fuming with anger at Lauren – so much so that Erica got up and actually smashed her own TV with her fiancé and house guests sitting right there watching. Meanwhile, after her big win Lauren went home and fucked her husband’s dick raw to celebrate.  
 Molly’s beating had serious repercussions in Erica’s life, because Erica got married a few weeks later and Molly was the Maid of Honor… but the injured Underworld member had to attend the wedding in a wheelchair looking completely battered, and makeup can only do so much. So Lauren effectively tainted Erica’s wedding by butchering Molly in that hard core match. Despite the Maid of Honor’s battered state though Erica’s wedding was a rowdy party and the cops showed up not once but twice. Erica and the other UWWL bad girls have been banned for life from that hotel because of how hard they partied that night, but each and every one of them says it was worth it. Jennifer Sanderson was obviously not invited, in case you’re wondering.         
 And so SlutSlam arrived, the undercard matches all played out (including the crowning of new tag team champions), and it was time for the penultimate Hell in a Cell match between Erica and Lauren with tons of bad blood and scores to settle. Erica was introduced first, and the beautiful bad girl with long straight blonde hair and penetrating brown eyes walked down the aisle and entered the cell in her black deep U leotard with black fishnets, black fingerless gloves, and black boots carrying a bag of goodies in one hand and her kendo stick in the other. You can rest assured that The Pear of Anguish was in that bag of torture and bondage implements. Next, Channing introduced the lovely Lauren, who came through the entrance curtain to her usual rousing ovation and upbeat pop music. Lauren was wearing the skimpy sky blue bikini, shiny nude tights, and short silver wrestling boots that she always wears while carrying her field hockey stick in one hand. About halfway down the aisle Lauren curiously stopped, put her field hockey stick down, and then actually started to slowly and seductively strip her bikini top off! Lauren took her top off to reveal a fresh pair of tits with no scars, and the fans reacted to seeing this while the pay-per-view cameras got a great close-up. In an odd way Lauren was proud of the scars on her tits since they revealed her toughness, and her husband liked to lovingly and tenderly kiss them while making love. However, so many fans asked Lauren about getting plastic surgery to fix the scars that she finally decided to do it after destroying Molly at BitchBrawl. Lauren put her top back on after the reveal and continued making her way into the cell. As soon as Lauren made her way through the cell door though an angry and revenge hungry Erica dove through the ropes and tackled her! The princess of darkness started wailing away on the pretty good girl, who dropped her field hockey stick and screeched from the punishment. Channing scurried out of the cell quickly, the bell rang, and the two superstars were locked inside of the roofed steel structure. 
 Giving the bad girls fresh tits to work with is like giving a fresh canvas to a great artist, and Erica decided to test out Lauren’s boobs right away by drilling hammer blows into them with both fists. Erica then hoisted Lauren up by the dirty blonde hair, slammed her face into the unforgiving steel cell, and then rolled her into the ring. Erica picked up Lauren’s field hockey stick and slid into the ring with it. Erica slammed the stick down into Lauren’s belly, and then bashed each of her tits with it in turn. The Underworld leader then stood behind Lauren, put the field hockey stick around her throat, and dragged Lauren around the ring by the throat. Lauren’s silver wrestling boots swished on the mat with her hands clutching the stick and her tongue sticking out from being choked. Erica eventually dumped Lauren down to the mat and then sat down by her head pressing the stick into Lauren’s wind pipe, making Lauren stomp the mat with her feet and gasp for air. Erica subsequently picked Lauren up by the hair, tossed her into the nearest corner, and then ran in wielding the field hockey stick and SLAMMED Lauren’s tits with it from below. Lauren screamed and covered her hurting chest, but Erica knocked her hands out of the way and bashed Lauren’s boobs from below until Lauren’s baby blue top came loose. Erica easily yanked the bikini top off, revealing Lauren’s surgically repaired tits for the second time in about 3 minutes. Erica wrapped the top around Lauren’s throat and choked her with it, and then she started an all-out assault on Lauren’s bare breasts – just slamming it with the good girl’s own weapon time and time again, slamming the curled tip perfectly right into Lauren’s increasingly sore, swollen nipples and areolas. Erica drew that field hockey stick back and dug the cruel, curled tip right into various parts of Lauren’s luscious boobs like a mountain climber with a pickaxe. Erica then spun the stick around and started jabbing the handle right into Lauren’s tits – creating visible bruises and welts after each strike while Lauren emitted sexy moans from the punishment. 
Erica grabbed Lauren’s hair and forced the good girl over to the ropes near the corner. Lauren fought back and slapped Erica in protest but Erica succeeded in placing Lauren’s tits across the top rope, and then Erica reached down, grabbed the second rope, and brought it up over her tits to just CRUSH those lovely boobs between the top two ropes! Lauren howled out as she was trapped there with her arms dangling down at her sides and her boobs squeezing through the ropes. A smirking Erica then picked up the field hockey stick, slithered out to the concrete floor between the cage and the ring apron, and then she took the stick in two hands and just WAILED it right into Lauren’s ensnared boob flesh. Lauren yelped out from the pain, but Erica was just getting warmed up. She bashed the curved tip of that stick full force right into Lauren’s right nipple as it peeked out. Then her left nipple. Then the underside of Lauren’s left tit. Then her right tit. Blow after blow after vicious blow hammered into Lauren’s trapped boobs while Erica screamed in rage and Lauren squealed in pain. Erica took her time, picking her spots and nailing them perfectly. Eventually Erica beat Lauren’s fresh new tits bloody, making blood and sweat fly up into the air after a few particularly vicious blows. And through it all Lauren had to kneel there with her tits trapped in the ropes, her body shuddering after each blow and her yelps gradually turning to moans which then became soft, sensual gasps following each shot to her increasingly sore tits. Erica then jumped up onto the ring apron and started hammering Lauren’s tits from the side like a railroad worker – making the bruised up jugs jiggle in their rope prison. Finally, Erica climbed up to the top rope to Lauren’s left, raised the field hockey stick over her head with both hands… my God… and then leaped off the top rope down to the concrete floor and BLASTED the stick right across both of Lauren’s tits! This final blow knocked the good girl’s boobs right out of the ropes with tit blood spurting up into the air as Lauren flew back into the ring clutching her chest and wailing out in agony at the top of her lungs. 
Lauren was supine on the mat cupping her badly beaten boobs in both hands and softly sobbing. Erica rolled back into the ring (leaving the stick out on the floor), picked up Lauren by the hair while saying, “Stop crying, crybaby!”, and then gave her a snap mare by whipping her over her shoulder by the hair. The three time former world champion then picked up Lauren by the hair again and dumped her through the ropes and out to the floor like a piece of dirty laundry. Next, Erica roughly shoved Lauren’s back into the steel cell, and then went to clobber her with that field hockey stick. However, Lauren ducked and Erica rammed the stick right into the chain link! Lauren dropped to her knees and slugged Erica right in the pussy with a huge uppercut, followed by a big knee to the belly. Lauren then grabbed Erica by the hair and shoved her head into the cage, making the cell rattle. The dirty blonde Superpower subsequently slammed Erica in the back of the neck with an elbow to test her weak spot, producing a yelp from the bad girl. Lauren then grabbed two big handfuls of hair and viciously SCRAPED Erica’s pretty face across the cage – busting her open and making blood trickle down the cage as the bad girl screamed. While tormenting her foe Lauren leaned in close to her ear and said, “I fucked up your friends, and now I’m going to fuck you up too, bitch!” At that point Lauren looked up and saw Erica’s new husband sitting in the front row like he normally does for her matches. Lauren couldn’t pass up such a golden opportunity for humiliation so she locked eyes with him, sensually gave Erica a kiss on the cheek, and then slapped her ass. Lauren bashed Erica’s face into the cage again, and continued scraping her across the steel to bust her open even further. Lauren reached around, squeezed Erica’s cheeks in a humiliating way, and then used her hand to smear Erica’s blood all over Erica’s face while slapping her and laughing. Lauren then actually flicked Erica’s blood from her right hand toward Erica’s scowling husband. Lauren subsequently spun Erica around and gave her a perfectly executed standing dropkick to rocket her back against the cage. Erica dropped to her knees after hitting the steel hard, with blood dripping from the gashes on her face and head. The good girl walked up to her and pounded her bloody head a few times, then grabbed her hair, picked her up a little, and then fell back, put her feet against Erica’s belly, and monkey flipped her through the air – making her back crash onto the grimy concrete floor. 
 Now it was Erica who was lying on the floor heaving with exhaustion. Lauren stood back, patiently measuring her. Erica started struggling up to her feet in a daze, brushing blood and her sweaty blonde hair out of her face, and then Lauren ran up and NAILED Erica with another dropkick – sending her careening into the cell on the other side this time. Erica hit the cage with full force and bounced off like a piece of hail from a windshield, then collapsed onto the concrete floor. Underworld fans were silent, many of them sitting pensively and concerned, while Superpower fans cheered Lauren on wildly. Lauren scooped Erica up by the blood stained blonde hair and kneed her in the left tit a few times, saying “How do you like it, cunt?” before rolling the hurting bad girl back into the ring. Lauren remained on the outside of the ring, grabbed Erica’s legs, and positioned her right around the steel post. Oh no. Lauren grabbed Erica’s black boots, yanked her body toward her, and RAMMED her cunt right into the steel post like a wish bone! Erica’s mouth opened wide from the painful blow and she gasped out a soft moan. Lauren then pulled back on Erica’s legs as hard as she could to rub Erica’s pussy into the steel ring post, making Erica gasp out “oh my God… … oh my God…” a few times. Lauren finally let up which allowed Erica to clutch her sore pussy, moaning. Lauren then slid into the ring, stood up on Erica’s hair, and grabbed her wrists – a classic UWWL maneuver. Lauren pulled up on Erica’s wrists hard to practically yank her blonde hair out by the scalp, and Erica just s c r e a m e d in anguish. Lauren then smirked, reached down, and moved Erica’s black shoulder straps aside to pop her tits out of the skimpy deep U leotard like bread springing from a toaster. The fans erupted upon seeing Erica’s impressive chest. Lauren then did what the bad girls have done to her countless times over the years, even making her submit with it on a few occasions: she got a death grip on both of Erica’s nipples and then hoisted her up off the mat by the tits, pulling her hair and stretching up her tits at the same time while making her scream and arch her back. Lauren administered the torture with a disturbing look of anger on her face, as she pulled up on Erica’s tits with all her might. 
 Lauren finally dropped Erica’s tits, making her back flop down against the mat, and then Lauren dragged her away from the corner by the hair before dropping an elbow across her tits. The good girl in baby blue, with her bare tits still bloody and covered in bruises, then went out of the ring to get Erica’s kendo stick. Lauren wanted to return the favor by using Erica’s own weapon on her just like what Erica did to her earlier. Lauren brought the kendo stick into the ring and just whacked it into Erica’s body – pounding her all over as if she was trying to bash her right through the mat. Lauren then drove the stick into Erica’s tits, her throat, her belly, and then finally the good girl kicked Erica’s legs apart and wailed the stick right into Erica’s cunt three times in succession. After the third and final blow Erica clutched her crotch and rolled over onto her side with an ashen look on her face. Lauren kicked Erica flat on her back again and pressed her shoulders into the mat for the first pin attempt of the fight, but Erica kicked out at two. Lauren then lifted the bitch up by her hair, slung her into the ropes, and nailed her with a patented Lauren dropkick. The good girl splashed down onto Erica and hooked her leg, but again the legendary heel kicked out at two. Next, Lauren lifted her back up by the hair, slung Erica into the ropes, and then quickly picked up the kendo stick. Lauren ran up to a running Erica and slammed the stick into her body horizontally like a cross check in ice hockey. Erica crumpled to the mat, looking out of it with her bloody blonde hair matted across her sweat and blood stained face. Lauren drilled the stick into Erica’s mid section one more time before tossing it aside, and then Lauren grabbed Erica’s hair and scooped her up yet again. Lauren picked Erica up… and bodyslammed her right in the middle of the ring. The good girl then pointed at the nearest top turnbuckle, and her fans erupted at this because they knew what was coming. Lauren went over, scaled the ropes, and perched on the top turnbuckle. The noise in the club was ear shattering. As always Lauren waited patiently for her foe to struggle up to her feet, and then at just the right moment Lauren raised her arms over her head and leaped off… only to have Erica get out of the way, making Lauren miss her flying dropkick and crash land tits first onto the canvas! Underworld fans instantly came back to life, and Lauren rolled onto her side clutching her tits and moaning after the bad miss. 
 Erica shook off her cobwebs and moved in to capitalize. She grabbed Lauren’s dirty blonde hair with a sneer of hatred on her face and pulled her up to her feet. Erica then slugged her in the gut hard, making an audible slapping sound as her fist hit against Lauren’s bare, sweaty belly. Erica then twisted Lauren’s right arm, shoved her body away from her, and then pulled her back forcefully to NAIL her across the throat and drop her to the mat with a short arm clothesline, one of Erica’s signature moves. Erica then picked Lauren up by the hair again and put her in a headlock under her right arm. Erica lifted up her left arm in triumph, got a running start with Lauren in tow, leaped… and BLASTED Lauren’s gorgeous face into the mat to complete a perfectly executed bulldog! Underworld fans were going insane as Erica landed her finishing move. Erica rolled Lauren onto her back and hooked her leg while the referee dropped and started to count: “One! … … Two! … …” but Lauren just barely kicked out. Erica muttered curses under her breath after the kick out, but she was expecting it because she knew from personal experience how hard it is to put this bitch away. Lauren’s main strength as a professional wrestler is her uncanny level of stamina and her ability to come back after taking an unbelievable amount of punishment. There were several times over the years when Lauren’s arch rival Amy would give her an utterly inhuman beating only to have the good girl turn the tide and win the match. The most extreme example was a match that Amy totally dominated right from the opening bell – she stripped Lauren naked and beat her to an absolute bloody, bruised up pulp over the course of 20 minutes, with Lauren only getting in brief, feeble bursts of offense during the fight. Lauren’s bitter rival eventually climbed up to the top rope and leaped off to finish the bitch with a flying axe handle blow, but Lauren leaped up and nailed Amy in midair with a dropkick out of nowhere! Lauren crawled atop Amy’s dazed body and got a quick, shocking pin… but after the bell Amy was so furious that she took a rope, wrapped it around Lauren’s tits, and then dragged her around by the tits while Lauren screamed. Amy eventually dragged Lauren over by the bar in the dank, smoky club, wrapped the rope around the good girl’s throat, and then hanged her by the bar. Lauren’s naked body, covered in blood and bruises, dangled like a piece of meat and she desperately tried to loosen the rope around her throat with her fingers while gagging. Amy then took out a barbed wire flogging whip and angrily flogged the living fuck out of Lauren’s back and ass. Lauren would repeatedly pass out from the shocking pain of having her flesh shredded with barbs, only to be woken up again and again with yet another cruel slash from the barbed wire flogging whip – until she was covered with agonizing red streaks. Amy then dumped her down, strapped on a huge black torture dildo, and fucked Lauren raw right on the bar with the torture dildo while drinking a beer from the frustration of losing a match that she dominated.    
 Back to the match at SlutSlam, after Lauren’s kick out Erica picked her up by the hair, slung her into the ropes, and then hammered her with an elbow across the tits – making Lauren fall to her back clutching her tits in pain. Erica scooped her up yet again, punched her belly to double her over, and then lifted her up and bodyslammed her to the mat. Another cover, and another kick out at two. Next, Erica lifted Lauren up by the hair yet again, hoisted her over her head in a display of strength, and then DROVE Lauren’s back right across her outstretched right knee for a devastating backbreaker. Lauren howled out as her back slammed hard across her tormentor’s knee, bending her sexy body. Erica used the sharp fingernails on her left hand to slash up Lauren’s tits, while she tugged Lauren’s baby blue bikini bottoms down her shimmery legs and off of her. Lauren could only helplessly wriggle on Erica’s knee like an animal caught in a trap. After stripping off Lauren’s bottoms Erica dug both sets of claws into Lauren’s tits and scratched them up fiercely before blasting Lauren in the belly with a double fisted blow and then shoving her off her knee – making Lauren’s practically naked body roll across the dirty mat. Erica went over, stomped on her a few times, and then grabbed each of her silver wrestling boots and tugged them off – unceremoniously tossing both of them into the cage outside the ring. Lauren was on her back in nothing but her tights, with her cute little light brown bush hair showing through the nylon and spandex mesh. Of course the camera man had to get a close up of Lauren’s pussy for the entire world to see. Erica lifted up Lauren’s ankles, spread her legs, and then stomped her heel HARD into Lauren’s cooch – using the cotton crotch of her tights as a convenient target. Lauren yelped as Erica’s black boot slammed against her wide open crotch, and then Erica repeated the move 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… SEVEN times. And Lauren deliciously squealed after each crushing blow to her privates. Just imagine how sexy she looked writhing in pain on the mat topless with Erica stomping her cunt as hard as she could. Erica then tucked Lauren’s stocking feet under her arms, fell back, and monkey flipped Lauren toward the ropes… where she tumbled through and crashed down to the unforgiving concrete floor, eventually rolling right against the steel cell with a grimace of pain on her pretty face. 
Erica slithered out, grabbed Lauren’s sweaty hair, and pulled her up to all fours. Erica blasted her in the gut with a huge kick, and then started walking the battered good girl around the perimeter of the cell like a dog – using her hair as a leash while Lauren crawled slowly on all fours with blood and sweat dripping from her sexy tits. Erica walked her toy over to where her husband was sitting, and then Erica stomped Lauren on the back to knock her flat against the floor face down. Erica stood on Lauren’s back and pressed her body into the floor while lovingly looking her husband in the eyes through the cage and making sensual kissing gestures toward him. 
Erica then dropped down off of Lauren, slapped Lauren on the ass, and then grabbed the waist band of her tights and started to slowly peel them off over her ass, down her legs, and then off of her completely to make the good girl stark naked in front of countless spectators. After stripping her nude Erica grabbed Lauren’s bare ankles from behind and gave her a huge wheelbarrow kick to the bare cunt so hard that it flipped Lauren over onto her back. Lauren laid on the concrete grabbing her crotch and moaning after the cunt crushing blow. Erica grabbed her tits and pulled her up to her feet, then shoved her lower back into the ring apron. The princess of darkness then took Lauren’s stripped off tights and used them to bind her wrists to the second rope above her head. Lauren was trapped and at the mercy of one of the most sadistic women on Earth. Erica dragged her bag of goodies over near where Lauren was squirming and trying to get her wrists free to no avail. Erica reached into her bag of gruesome surprises and brought out what appeared to be a three way cross between a torture dildo, an electrified cattle prod, and a spiky Wartenberg wheel. It was a dildo shaped object with a spiky ball at the tip, kind of like a medieval weapon called a morning star, and when a grinning Erica flicked a switch the ball spun and purple electricity crackled between the spikes. Lauren’s eyes went wide upon seeing her fate and she struggled in her binds with even more urgency. Erica walked up to her, with Underworld fans loudly screaming for pain, and pain is exactly what she gave them when she DUG the electrified spikes into Lauren’s left tit and rolled the electrified spiky dildo across her boob – making the good girl emit a blood curdling scream while the electricity crackled. Erica rolled the electrified spikes across Lauren’s left tit, making it jiggle from the electricity, until Lauren’s tortured boob was covered in bloody pockmarks. Erica then moved over to the right tit and dug the electrified spikes in. Lauren was just howling out in pure agony as she dangled against the ring with her wrists bound above her. Finally, Erica punched Lauren in the belly and then made her sit up on the ring apron and spread her legs… and then, with Lauren softly pleading “No… no… please no…” Erica slowly shoved the rough torture dildo with the spiky electrified ball at the tip DEEP into Lauren’s vagina… and turned it on – grinding the spikes hard against her cervix and surging excruciating electricity through the deepest, deepest parts of her womanhood. Lauren’s face went pale and she started emitting unintelligible gasps while her lower body jiggled on the ring apron with her legs spread apart. Erica shoved the dildo in as hard and as deep as she could to make it stick inside Lauren’s cunt and then she reached over and picked up her kendo stick. So Lauren was trapped sitting on the ring apron with her wrists bound above her head and a spiked, electrified torture dildo rotating and grinding at her insides, and then Erica went over with the kendo stick and started harshly striking Lauren in the belly and tits. Strike after strike after agonizing strike with the cruel wooden kendo stick. Lauren’s body shuddered from each blow but through it all her face was stricken with agony from the torture dildo so her expression hardly changed after the kendo stick shots – but Erica bashed her so hard that her belly and tit flesh noticeably bruised up even more. After thoroughly bashing Lauren all over while the torture dildo ground and electrocuted her insides Erica finally turned the torture dildo off and pulled it out of Lauren’s chafed up cunt. Lauren let out a sexy gasp of relief when the spiked dildo was pulled out. 
Erica then untied Lauren’s wrists and the tormented good girl dropped to the floor, shivering and twitching from agony. Erica grabbed her hair again and then just rolled her under the bottom rope so that Lauren ended up face down in the middle of the ring. The Underworld leader followed Lauren in, slid next to her, trapped Lauren’s left arm with her legs, and then wrapped her hands around Lauren’s chin to PULL back hard and put her in the torturous cross-face – Erica’s finishing submission hold. Lauren’s body continued to shiver with agony and she moaned out as Erica pulled back on her neck. Lauren was on the verge of submitting, when Erica actually released the hold and let Lauren slump down to the mat. Erica leaned in close to Lauren’s left ear and said, “Submitting from my cross-face would be too dignified for you, slut. I’m going to finish you off how a whore like you deserves.” Erica then bound Lauren’s wrists behind her back with her own tights and then angrily shoved Lauren’s naked body onto her back so that her wrists were trapped beneath her body. Erica subsequently took Lauren’s legs and sat on the inside of her knees to both press her down and spread her legs apart. Erica then ominously removed each of her fingerless black gloves, tossing each one aside. The princess of darkness then bared her sharp black fingernails on each hand and raised them toward the roof of the cell to rile up the crowd – making Underworld fans cheer and Superpower fans either boo or sit concerned in their seats in silent dread. Erica gave one long, slow, thorough rake with her fingernails across Lauren’s labia while Lauren squealed and bucked her hips in protest. Next, Erica took her left thumb and forefinger, pinched her nails hard into Lauren’s clit, and then stretched her clit up as much as possible – exposing the ultra sensitive base of her clit. Erica then took the extra sharp nail on her right index finger and jabbed it into the base of Lauren’s clitoris, producing a soft moan of anguish from the good girl, and then Erica just dug and ground her fingernail into the exposed base of Lauren’s clit. Erica eventually started twisting the nail in, making Lauren’s hips buck subtly from an oncoming orgasm of pure agony. Erica then made sure to pinch the tip of Lauren’s clit with her left fingers hard while twisting and digging her nail into the base of the clit at the same time – sending waves of unbelievable agony coursing through Lauren’s pussy. While doing this Erica coldly said, “Suffer, bitch… suffer…” to her tormented opponent. And did Lauren ever suffer – only Amy had ever inflicted this level of pain on Lauren during a match.         
Lauren’s face was contorted in pain with her eyes open wide and her mouth open in an “o” as she occasionally whispered “Oh… … oh my God… … oh my fucking God… … oh my GOD…” while Erica cruelly dug into the base and tip of her clit. Erica occasionally curled her right finger and slowly ran her fingernail from the base of Lauren’s clit up the underside of it – scratching her clit from bottom to top. After a few minutes of this Erica took her left thumb and forefinger and pinched the sides of Lauren’s clit to expose the tip. Erica then took that sharp nail on her right index finger and slowly yet forcefully jabbed it right into the hyper sensitive tip of Lauren’s clit, digging and t w i s t i n g her fingernail in just like what she did to the base earlier. Lauren continued to gasp and moan with her hips subtly bucking in a consistent orgasm of pain. 
 Eventually Erica decided it was time to end the regulation part of this slaughter, so she leaned close to Lauren and said, “Get ready for this, bitch.” She then got a death grip on Lauren’s pussy lips, pinching each one hard, and Erica started screaming with rage while she SPREAD Lauren’s pussy lips as wide apart as possible and then PULLED her pussy lips up – literally trying to yank her labia right off. Erica pulled up so hard on Lauren’s pussy lips that she made Lauren arch her back off the mat. Lauren’s head was lolling side to side and tears started to streak down her beaten up face while she gasped, and her hips bucked from the extreme pussy pain. Erica spread apart and yanked up on Lauren’s scratched up pussy lips as HARD as she possibly could. Eventually a bucking and agony stricken Lauren subtly gasped out, “Oh my God… … I submit… … I submit…” DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! The referee called for the bell after Lauren had her pussy literally tortured into submission by the victorious princess of darkness. Erica kicked Lauren’s fucking ASS.        
 Erica finally released the labia pull about 45 seconds after the bell (with the bell ringing a few more times in futile protest), and Lauren’s hips slumped back down to the mat while she bawled and screamed in agony and humiliation. Erica stood up, kicked Lauren in the face, and said, “Shut up, crybaby” while lording over the loser with her arm raised in victory after handing Lauren her first defeat in over a year. Following the victory pose Erica decided to smother the bitch out, so she planted her ass across Lauren’s face while facing her feet. Erica then reached out and raked her nails across Lauren’s pussy a few times, and then dug her talons into Lauren’s tits a few times, occasionally yanking her off the mat by the nipples. Erica watched as Lauren’s toes curled in agony from the pain and then eventually went still as she passed out. Erica then got up and went to work on the revenge that she’d been planning for a long time. She got some bondage rope out of her bag of goodies and she wrapped the rope around Lauren’s tits. Erica also took out two very harsh nipple clamps with a long, thin chain extending from them and she snagged them onto each of Lauren’s nipples. Erica strung the rope and the chain through a pulley dangling from the top of the cell (which Monica lowered down with a switch after the match ended). Erica then took the ends of the rope and chain and YANKED down on them… to slowly HOIST Lauren up off the mat by her sensitive breasts… and HANG Lauren by the tits! Lauren woke up from this new torture to find herself dangling above the ring being suspended by her tits and nipples, which were stretched up so high that they looked like pieces of pulled taffy. Her sore tits were turning purple from being bound in the rope. Lauren was being hanged by the tits, dangling from the roof of the cell with her wrists bound behind her back, with blinding camera flashes going off all over to immortalize the moment. Erica then took out two more strands of rope. She tied one to Lauren’s right ankle and tied the other end to the top rope to Lauren’s right, and Erica tied the other rope to Lauren’s left ankle and then to the top rope on the left side of the dangling, defeated beauty – making sure that Lauren’s legs were spread really, really wide. So Lauren was strung up by the tits with her wrists bound, her ankles tied, and her legs spread apart, and then Erica reached back into her torture bag… and brought out her infamous medieval torture device known as The Pear of Anguish. Oh my fucking God. Erica was about to give Lauren the pear from below while she was being hanged by the tits at the same time. Erica walked under Lauren’s wide open pussy, and Lauren was subtly shaking her head no while she helplessly dangled by the tits with her knees about eye level to Erica, and then a grinning Erica took the pear and started shoving it up vertically into Lauren’s already abused cunt. Erica then s l o w l y expanded it inside the good girl’s vagina. The expression on Lauren’s face when the pear started expanding was something that bad girl fans will cherish forever – her stunningly gorgeous face (which looks even hotter when it’s beaten up) slowly distorted in an expression of more and more intense agony every time Erica tugged back on the handle a little further, making Lauren emit increasingly intense gasps while her eyes and mouth opened wider until her face was locked in the most extreme expression of pure, unadulterated agony that a human being can possibly convey. The torment from being hanged by the tits and having her cunt stretched open with the pear at the same time was beyond words, and the look of disbelief and horror on Lauren’s face indicated that she was experiencing depths of anguish that few have ever felt. Erica expanded the pear to maximum, and just stood there holding the pear up vertically and holding the handle back as far as it could go to keep the device fully expanded inside of Lauren’s stretched out vagina for over two full minutes, with Lauren’s face locked in the extreme look of pure agony. 
After Erica joyously played with her favorite toy how she normally does (expanding it and contracting it in various ways, paying attention to Lauren’s reactions to see what seemed to hurt her the most) she finally pulled the pear out of Lauren’s cunt. Lauren’s entire body shuddered in profound relief when the torture device was pulled out and she let out a long, soft moan. Erica untied Lauren’s ankles and then loosened the rope and chain hanging her tits – making the good girl fall down to the mat and crash in a naked heap. Paramedics were waiting outside the cell, and at this point Channing let them in so they could carefully pick up Lauren’s quivering, tortured body and take her back to the medical area. Erica uncharacteristically just stood back and watched as the paramedics picked up Lauren and then put her on a stretcher, and then they started carrying her toward the backstage area. Lauren’s face was still contorted in agony as they carried her down the aisle, as if the lingering memories of what just happened were torture in and of themselves. Erica made eye contact with one of the paramedics and nodded, and the paramedic nodded right back in understanding. Only a few observant fans picked up on this. You see, Erica paid the paramedics to make it look like they were taking Lauren to the hospital… but they actually carried her right back to the Underworld dressing room. The paramedics took Lauren into the Underworld dressing room, and then roughly dumped her off of the stretcher… right at Molly’s feet. And Molly was standing there with her own Pear of Anguish in one hand, a medieval breast claw torture device in her other hand, and a wide grin on her face. 
Lauren has been getting brutally tortured in the Underworld dressing room. The beautiful, soundly defeated good girl lies bound to a torture table with her arms flat at her sides and her legs spread wide. Molly has her new toy (which she got just for Lauren), a medieval breast claw that’s essentially a thin metal pole with curved, sharp talons at the tip like a small metal rake, and she’s gleefully raking it over and over again across Lauren’s tit flesh, making the babyface scream each time the cruel device runs across and scrapes up her boobs. Right now Lauren’s tits look like they’ve been attacked by a wild animal with sharp claws – and her recent plastic surgery has been completely undone, with a fresh set of scars on her beleaguered tits. Erica recently returned to the dressing room after having the gashes on her head and face stitched up and she’s using her clit crusher (a pair of very harsh pincers designed specifically for torturing a woman’s clitoris) to excruciatingly squeeze and twist Lauren’s clit like a dentist working on a loose tooth. Karen pounds on Lauren’s belly with a wooden club, Dheera occasionally wraps a sash around Lauren’s throat to choke the bitch, while Brandi is filming and taking pictures of the festivities so she can send a thoughtful care package to Lauren’s husband detailing the minutiae of his beloved wife’s incessant suffering. Lauren alternates between screams from the breast claw, yelps from her clit being squeezed, moans from her belly being blasted, and gags with her tongue sticking out from being choked. 
Once Lauren’s tits are scraped up to an obscene degree, the bad girls move on to their next perversion: a breast punishing machine. Lauren’s tits are like sore, bloody raw meat absolutely covered in red streaks… and then Molly positions the four extremely coarse, studded pile drivers of the torture machine in perfect spots to tenderize them up some more. A pile driver is positioned over each nipple, and there are pile drivers beside each tit as well so that Lauren’s boobs can be smashed from above and from the sides. Lauren lies bound to the table moaning from soreness, but she refuses to beg and just fearfully awaits the torment. The bad girls want to torture her tits nice and slow yet very hard so they can mindfully enjoy the good girl’s suffering, and so they turn the pile drivers on such that they slam into her boobs once every 3 or 4 seconds - but when they do they slam in as HARD as possible. Molly watches with a smile as the pile drivers over Lauren’s nipples slam down with full force into her tender boobs, producing a high pitched yelp from the good girl and making her boobs jiggle. Brandi laughs at this and calls Lauren a “pathetic cow titted cunt”. A few seconds later the pile drivers to either side of our helpless heroine slam into the sides of her boobs – making Lauren yell out a little differently this time while her boobs jiggle again from the punishment. Her shrieks of pain are oh so sexy and very satisfying to her tormentors. And so the torture goes on like this, with Lauren’s boobs slammed once every few seconds from above and then from the sides over and over and over again – and Brandi uses her camera to get some nice close-ups of how Lauren’s boobs jiggle from each blow and how the studs on the tips of the pile drivers cause a steadily increasing amount of visible bruising and soreness. 15… 20… 25 blows from the pile drivers as the torture goes on and on. Her tits get slammed 57 times… 58 times… 59 times… and through it all Lauren keeps on yelping in her sexy way with her pretty eyes shut and a submissive look of defeat and anguish on her face. 
Then Molly moves on to Lauren’s pussy. The boob crushing pile drivers just keep pounding away while Molly takes out her own Pear of Anguish, and roughly s h o v e s it home before slowly expanding it. Erica stands back and watches her best friend get her revenge like a parent watching a child at Disney World. Brandi takes a picture of Molly standing there with a satisfied grin in front of the torture table holding back the handle of the pear as far as possible to keep it expanded to maximum inside of Lauren’s already tortured cunt, and Molly just stands there holding the device in the fully expanded position for a full minute… two minutes… three minutes… Jesus fucking Christ… four full minutes. Lauren’s gorgeous face reveals her agony as she just quietly suffers, occasionally emitting a whispered gasp or a faint “my God…” After five minutes Molly finally contracts the pear before slowly expanding it again… and again… and again… 
After a few hours of this the bad girls decide to take their torture puppet for a little walk. They turn off the pile drivers, knowing they will be used again to tuck in Lauren in Erica’s dreaded basement later, and Molly removes the pear from Lauren’s incredibly sore vagina. The bad girls loosen Lauren’s binds and then Erica pulls her quivering, naked body off of the torture table by the hair. The dirty blonde beauty has been tortured into complete submission and she helplessly does whatever the bad girls want her to do like an obedient puppy. Erica forces her onto her knees, and Karen secures some excruciating nipple clamps to Lauren’s tits with a chain leash extending from the clamps. Lauren will be walked to Primal on a leash by the tits, where the Underworld fan club waits for her with hard dicks. Molly takes the end of the tit leash and tugs on it to make Lauren crawl on all fours while Dheera and Karen whip her back and ass with leather flogging straps. The Underworld walks Lauren like that all the way around the corner to Monica’s Primal night club, which typically features an after party following UWWL pay-per-views. Molly walks Lauren into the club and the Underworld fans in attendance cheer wildly when they see the heel stable enter with their prize. Erica’s husband hands his victorious wife a beer when she walks in and she kisses him with her right boot propped up on Lauren’s bare ass. 
Molly and Erica deposit Lauren onto a table on her right side, and Karen grabs Lauren’s right ankle and lifts it up to spread her legs wide. Molly then takes her pear and stuffs it up Lauren’s ass while Erica stuffs her pear deep into Lauren’s cunt. And then the two lethal blondes count to three and expand their pears of anguish at the same time. Lauren is actually being tortured with two pears at the same time. The pain is unbelievable, and after Lauren’s face contorts in a silent scream of untold agony the president of the Underworld fan club steps up with his dick out and jerks off until he shoots a huge load right onto Lauren’s pain-stricken face, with her eyes and mouth wide open in disbelief from the unspeakable pain. He steps aside while other Underworld fan club members start jerking off on the two pieces of sore raw meat known as Lauren’s tits. 
Brandi goes up to Lauren’s come covered face, squeezes her cheeks, and says, “You had fun breaking my jaw, didn’t you? Well tonight and tomorrow we will break your SOUL, you fucking BITCH” and then Brandi slaps Lauren right across the left side of her cheek. Moments after the stinging slap a fan club member spews a big load of cum right onto Lauren’s left boob – aiming for the areola and hitting it. It’s the first come shot onto her tits tonight, but it sure as fuck won’t be the last. 
Eventually Molly pulls her pear out of Lauren’s ass and Lauren gets positioned on her back on the table. Molly takes Erica’s pear and works it into her cunt while Erica stands back with her husband and lights a cigarette, relishing this victory celebration while using Lauren’s tormented body as an ash tray. Molly keeps the pear expanded in Lauren’s cunt with Karen and Dheera holding Lauren’s legs open wide and then a steady stream of men walk up to Lauren to squeeze her tits together and slide their dicks in between to titty fuck the good girl bitch. The men slide their dicks between Lauren’s boobs until they shoot load after load of come onto Lauren’s belly. After the titty fucking subsides another fan club member grabs Lauren by the hair, draws her head over the edge of the table, and then stuffs his dick into her mouth (as she lets out an “ooooommmmppphhh…” in protest). As he forces her to suck his dick other fan club members stand to either side of her and just spray her tits with come – coating them until they’re like large cupcakes covered in vanilla icing. And through it all Molly stands there fucking Lauren’s pussy with the brutal Pear of Anguish medieval torture device. 
Molly eventually pulls the pear out of Lauren’s tortured pussy and says, “She’s all yours, boys!” Karen and Dheera continue holding Lauren’s legs wide open while a steady queue of men line up in front of Lauren’s ragingly sore vagina like religious people waiting for holy communion at church. The men walk up and just fuck Lauren beyond raw like a long, steady freight train – pounding their dicks into her pussy and raping creampie after creampie into her cunt until there’s a steady stream of come flowing down from her pussy off the edge of the table like a gooey waterfall of semen. Other men continue to cum on her tits and fuck her mouth like it’s a pussy. And the bad girls stand around and laugh while Brandi takes pictures. 
A come drenched Lauren is eventually picked up from the table and passed around like a bong at a college party. She gets held up sideways by a group of men with one knee bent as guys take turns fucking her ass and pussy at the same time. Some of the guys who fuck Lauren’s ass decide to slap the branding scars on her ass cheeks. While this happens the Underworld fan club president decides that he wants Lauren to suck his dick and suck it real good, so he slowly stuffs his rock hard member into the dirty blonde former stripper’s mouth while grabbing her hair and forces her to suck his dick slowly and sensually. Her lips slowly go back and forth across his shaft, and each time her lips travel up his cock she emits an incredibly sexy noise, “mmmmmmppphhh … … … mmmmmmmppphhh… … … mmmmmmmmmmmmmppphhh… … …” My God it feels good to have one of the hottest female wrestlers on Earth sucking his dick like the expert that she is… until he finally can’t hold back any longer and he shoots the biggest, most satisfying load of his life right down her fucking throat. After his entire body shivers with pleasure from the incredible orgasm he pulls his dick out of Lauren’s mouth while she gags and coughs with come dripping from her lips. He can’t resist taking his dick and slapping Lauren’s face with it a few times, wiping some of the excess come onto her cheeks. And then another man steps up for his turn… and then another… and then another…
Don’t forget about the steady stream of men propping up her gorgeous, naked body covered in bruises and welts while they fuck and fuck and FUCK her ass and pussy as hard as they can,  using the legendary good girl like a living fuck puppet who exists solely for their pleasure.  
While all of this goes on Erica stands over by the bar with her husband soaking it all in. A very satisfying night after the devastation she experienced in Tokyo. Her mood temporarily changes for the worse though when she sees Jennifer Sanderson enter the club with fellow Inferno member Jenna to get a drink after visiting Olivia at the hospital. Even though the world champion had a huge victory tonight she’s somber about the severe damage to her best friend’s pussy. After watching Jennifer rudely fend off requests from a few autograph seeking fans like she usually does, Erica decides to do the mature thing by walking over near the bar where the champ is sitting to congratulate her on her big win. However, She-Devil can’t help snorting with derision and saying, “So Erica, this is the first time in years that you’ve come within 5 feet of me without getting your ASS kicked, you washed up bitch.” 
Erica is stunned that she came over to make peace and got a greeting like that in return. The princess of darkness replies, “You know, Jennifer, I’m tired of your shit - and everyone else is too. Why don’t you try lightening up for a change? I’m not going to let you or your fake titted skank ruin my evening.” Erica then storms off while the world champion just sneers and gulps back a shot of high proof rum.   
Lauren’s gang bang lasts until the night club closes, and then The Underworld take Lauren back to Erica’s basement for even more fun. Down in the basement Lauren gets strapped down to another torture table with her legs lifted up and spread with chains shackled to her ankles and the boob torture machine from earlier gets positioned over her tits again, and switched on. Her breasts get slammed once every few seconds again, with her boobs that are now glazed with dried come jiggling after each cruel blow. The pile drivers will continue to hammer her tits until the next morning. The Underworld leader then inserts a large, harsh, heated speculum into Lauren’s cunt and spreads it open to an obscene degree. Erica then takes out a very sadistic looking violet wand dildo, which is a long glass tube that vibrates and lights up with purple electricity when it’s turned on. The device has barbs all over it and a protuberance for the clitoris. Lauren looks closely at her fate… and sees that it’s autographed in black magic marker by her arch rival Amy! Erica says, “There is no love lost between your friend Amy and I, but lately we’ve bonded a little over our mutual hatred of you. She sends her regards, and in her honor I will leave her toy here inside of you all fucking night.” Lauren’s eyes open wide and she starts shaking her head no, and then tenses up as Erica draws the crackling electrified dildo closer to Lauren’s vagina, which is already on fire from hours of torture, and Erica cruelly inserts the dildo d e e p into Lauren’s pussy. Lauren howls out as it enters, and she can feel the cruel barbs digging into her insides as the dildo goes in – eventually digging into the end of her vaginal canal. The pain from the electricity is incredible, while the vibration causes the barbs to chafe against her internal vaginal walls. My God, Lauren might be completely insane from torment by tomorrow morning, as her body jiggles from her clit and the insides of her vagina being electrocuted. Lauren’s screams eventually die down and become a quivering, consistent response to the torture that’s a cross between a gasp and a moan with her eyes and mouth open once again in an orgasm of pure agony – an expression showing disbelief at her level of anguish. Before tonight Lauren did not think that human beings were capable of experiencing this level of pain, this is agony beyond anything she has ever experienced in her wrestling career or her entire life. Only Amy could have constructed a torture dildo that could hurt Lauren this much. 
Erica and her teammates go upstairs and leave Lauren like this for the rest of the night. Lauren lies there suffering for hour after hour, and the only sounds that can be heard in the dark, otherwise peaceful basement are the sounds of the pile driver machine hitting tit flesh, Lauren’s faint gasps and moans, and the subtle buzzing of electricity from the violet wand. At one point in the midst of her agony Lauren can swear that she can actually see Amy standing there with her arms folded watching her suffering with a smile on her face, but she’s probably just delirious from torture… 
The following day the bad girls cycle through the usual tortures including one that Lauren absolutely hates: chaining her to a wall and hooking her tits to a powerful tow truck winch that stretches her boobs to the limit while Lauren wails in agony. 24 hours after her defeat in the cell Lauren gets left on the doorstep of her house naked and mummified in cellophane with a mini pear fully expanded inside of her cunt and her nipples painfully stretched out with clear vacuum tubes. Erica never beeped the horn so Lauren gets discovered like that by her extremely worried husband a little while later, and upon seeing his wife he shudders in shock and says, “Oh my God… honey… what did they do to you?” He’s been married to a UWWL superstar for long enough by now to expect the worst from the evil heels, and the worst is exactly what they did to his beloved wife. He carries Lauren’s tormented body into the house, removes the cellophane around her crotch, and then carefully removes the mini pear from her pussy. He then removes the suction tubes from her nipples as well (cringing when he sees the state of her tits), and begins the long, arduous process of nursing Lauren back to health yet again…  
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Age and Treacheryby DG The ominous steel cube lowers down from the ceiling for the first UWWL hel...

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