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This Subscribestar site is devoted to the catfighting and women's wrestling stories that I have been writing for over 25 years (published under the alias "DG"), most of which involve the fictional Underground Women's Wrestling League (UWWL).
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Bitter Rivals 3 (Remastered)This story takes place after "Rising Flames" and before "Last Woman S...

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Battered Boobs (Remastered)Battered Boobs is a "flashback" story about the origin of the Lauren-A...

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Bitter Rivals 4 by D. G. This is an epic match so I'm only posting it as a pdf, but if anyone wou...

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Bitter Rivals 3 (Remastered) by DG (dolguldur@email. com or universemigrator@yahoo. com)

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Bitter Rivals 2By popular request I'm posting the rest of the "Bitter Rivals" series one story at...

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Bitter Rivals (remastered version)

I've decided to go back and clean up typos and passive voice in my early stories and then post them on here in chronological order (between new releases) - starting with the first UWWL story I ever wrote. 

The next brand new UWWL story - "Down Home Debut" starring The Farmer's Daughters - will be released on January 5th, 2022. 


Bitter Rivals (remastered version)
by DG
            “OOOOooooooohhhhh my CUUUUNNNNNTT!!!” yelps Amy as Lauren slams her in the crotch with a devastating kick. Lauren then grabs a handful of Amy’s dark hair and tosses her out of the ring’s corner, sending Amy flying to the club’s grimy mat. Lauren then leaps into the air and lands her elbow forcefully onto Amy’s mouth. Lauren straddles Amy, grabs her hair with her left hand, and sends her right fist into her face several times. But Amy manages to wriggle her right arm free, as she swipes her long, black fingernails into Lauren’s eyes, causing Lauren to roll off of her, holding her eyes and screeching from the pain.
 Lauren and Amy have loathed each other for a long time. They are both members of an underground women’s wrestling league that holds matches in dank bars and clubs in bad parts of town. The league usually features matches that are brutal and very violent because the stakes are so high (the winners get paid a large sum of money whereas the losers get paid next to nothing) and the women are allowed to do anything short of shoot each other. A referee is used simply to listen for submissions and to slap the ring three times to signal a pin. Lauren has long hair that’s naturally light brown but she dyes it dirty blonde, and she’s the prettier and younger of the two. Amy has tanned skin and shorter brunette hair. She’s about a year older than Lauren and her breasts are slightly larger. 
The two women learned to hate one another because of their frequent battles in the ring. Their feud began in their late teens and the wrestlers are now in their mid 20’s. They are similar in size, strength, and ability so their matches are almost always close and as a result the violence escalates to an obscene level because both women want that victory money and they’re willing to do anything to each other to attain it. Eventually their hatred became so intense that the money became their second priority, behind seeing the other woman writhe and sob in agony. Lauren and Amy have fought each other in a pro-style ring, in mud matches, and in oil matches. In the beginning of their rivalry a particularly violent match saw Amy hurl Lauren out of the ring, drag her across the length of the entire club by her hair, and then bind her to a pole by tying her hands behind it with her own bikini top, after which Amy pounded Lauren all over until she passed out. In a later meeting Lauren got revenge for that humiliating defeat in a mud match by dragging Amy through the mud pit by her large tits, stuffing Amy’s muddy panties into her mouth to muffle her sobs, and finishing her off by roughly twisting her clit until she passed out in torment. 
Tonight Lauren and Amy are fighting once again, but this time the two wrestlers have agreed to raise the stakes higher than ever. The winner gets a victory purse higher than they’ve ever fought for before, and the loser gets nothing. On top of that, the winner of the match gets to tie up the loser and torture and humiliate her any way she wants until the club closes, probably an hour or so after the match. Lauren is dressed in a baby blue bikini that leaves nothing to the imagination, and for the pro-style match she has on sheer tights and silver wrestling boots. Amy is wearing a black bikini and black wrestling boots. When we last left the combatants Lauren was reeling on the mat from having her eyes raked by Amy. Amy lifts her up by her hair, bends her over, and slams a knee into her gut. Lauren clutches her abused tummy and shuts her eyes from the pain, as Amy follows up with an uppercut to the chin. Lauren falls back to the mat. Amy now gets on her knees, wraps both of her hands around Lauren’s neck, and chokes her with all of her strength, leaving marks on Lauren’s neck from her sharp nails digging into it. 
“You like this, you fucking bitch? I’m going to break your fucking neck, tramp,” Amy taunts as she continues to squeeze. 
Lauren escapes the choke by sliding her hand into Amy’s bikini bottom and grabbing her twat. Amy shrieks and immediately reaches down to pry Lauren’s fingers from her privates but Lauren has a good grip on Amy’s clit and refuses to release it. 
“I’m going to yank your clit right off, you fucking CUNT!” Lauren now taunts. 
Lauren grinds Amy’s clit between her fingers as Amy howls in agony from the clit torture. Amy is desperate now and, as she tries to pry Lauren’s hand loose with her right hand, she reaches out with her left hand and tugs Lauren’s top down a little, exposing her right breast. Amy uses her nails, which she made sure were nice and sharp so they’d be an asset for her in the match, to scratch up Lauren’s right nipple and areola. Now Lauren screams from the pain, but she continues to grind Amy’s clit. Amy can’t stand it much longer, so she releases her right hand from the feeble attempt at prying Lauren’s hand off her clit, and furiously punches Lauren in the mouth several times. Lauren is stunned enough by this for Amy to get Lauren’s hand off of her clit and out of her bikini bottom. Now both wrestlers take time to get up and recuperate on opposite sides of the ring, before they charge one another. They grapple in the center of the ring and Lauren manages to toss Amy into the ropes, meeting her on the rebound with a powerful dropkick. Lauren now scoops her off the mat by her hair and sets her up for a vertical suplex, which she executes perfectly. Amy is now flat on her back, moaning. Lauren kicks her in the side, and follows that with a few stomps to the tits. Amy clutches her tits and rolls onto her side, curled into a ball. Lauren lifts the hurting brunette off the mat again by her hair, and gets her into a headlock. She then charges into a corner, driving Amy’s head hard into the unforgiving turnbuckle. The turnbuckles on this ring aren’t padded like the turnbuckles in a normal ring – they’re metal – so Amy is hurt badly by the move. Lauren takes Amy and drapes her neck across the middle rope, and now it’s Amy’s turn to be choked. After well over a minute, Lauren pulls Amy’s neck from the rope and then sends her into the ropes on the other side of the ring, running into her with a clothesline that drops Amy like a rock. 
Amy is lying on her back, clutching her throat, when Lauren picks her off the mat again. When Amy gets to her feet Lauren knees her in the cunt 4 times in succession, as Amy shrieks wildly from the agonizing blows: “AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHhhhhhhh!!!” The ravenous crowd is going crazy over the brutal punishment the two women are inflicting on each other. 
“I hate you so much, you piece of shit whore!” Lauren shouts in Amy’s face before picking her up and bodyslamming her to the dirty mat. Amy’s eyes are glazed over and she almost looks out of it. Lauren begins to pull Amy off the mat yet again by her hair but Amy, despite her pain and grogginess, anticipates the move and is able to grab Lauren’s tights and toss her out of the ring through the ropes to the concrete floor.
 Lauren is stunned as she hits the floor hard, and Amy slithers out of the ring to take advantage. She stomps on Lauren, and then kicks her in the gut. Amy pulls her foe off the floor by her beautiful hair, and with Lauren facing her she wraps her arms around her waist, and then runs her back into the ring apron. Lauren cries out from the pain, as Amy throttles her in the belly with a succession of powerful punches. Amy punches Lauren in the belly over and over again until she falls to her knees, clutching her wounded tummy. Amy goes over and sends a knee right to the side of her head. Amy then picks up the dazed beauty and slings her over her shoulder. She parades Lauren’s body around for a few seconds, riling up the rowdy crowd in the process, before carrying her over and lifting her as if she was going to perform an atomic drop, but instead Amy drives Lauren crotch first into the steel railing separating the fans from the ring area. The move devastates poor Lauren – her eyes close as she opens her mouth wide and moans from the agony. Amy sends Lauren off the railing and into the fans with a punch to the throat. The railing is now between the two girls. Amy reaches over the railing and yanks Lauren up off a fan’s lap by the hair, and then she grabs Lauren’s head and tucks it under her left arm. She drapes Lauren’s left arm over her head and grabs her tights with her right hand as she prepares for a vertical suplex. Amy lifts Lauren out of the crowd, over the railing, and then sends her back slamming down hard on the concrete floor. Amy has now completely turned the tide of the match, and Lauren needs to do something or she’ll continue to suffer at Amy’s hands. Amy picks Lauren up by the hair, punches her in the belly, and rolls her into the ring like a piece of trash. 
Amy follows her back in and stands over her; Lauren is lying flat on her back with her hair in a wild mess around her. Both women look tantalizingly sexy with their bodies drenched in sweat. Amy steps on Lauren’s hair, grabs her wrists, and yanks her up off the mat by her wrists, causing her hair to almost get torn out of her head. Lauren shrieks like mad from the pain. After continuing this torment for about two minutes, Amy smiles as she reaches down and tears Lauren’s top off, exposing her sweaty tits to the crowd, as they roar in approval. Amy holds Lauren’s top over her head, displaying it like a prize. Her smile then widens as she reaches down and grabs Lauren’s tits, then she pulls Lauren off the mat by her tits, causing her back to arch. Lauren’s tits are being pulled and her hair is being pulled too because Amy is still standing on it.  Lauren begins to sob in agony but refuses to submit because she knows what will happen to the loser of this match. Amy pulls on Lauren’s tits for a few minutes, relishing every one of Lauren’s cries and sobs. Amy finally releases her foe’s tits, and Lauren curls into a ball on her side and continues to sob uncontrollably, clutching her severely wounded mammaries. 
Amy doesn’t allow Lauren to recuperate as she winds up and kicks her in the face. Amy reaches down and slowly lifts the battered girl to her knees by her hair, when Lauren makes a desperate bid for a comeback with a blow to Amy’s gut. Lauren is weakened at this point of the fight, though, and Amy barely feels the blow. Amy stops her attempt at a comeback by raking her nails across Lauren’s eyes. Amy proceeds to drag Lauren over to the corner and put her back against the ring post. She then brings her right fist back and punches her hard in her bare tummy. She continues to rain blow after blow after blow into Lauren’s belly, which begins to turn red from the punishment. Lauren is hurt so bad she can’t even scream, she just leans her head back with her eyes closed and her mouth open. After the belly punching session, Amy sends a kick directly into Lauren’s crotch. She then leads Lauren by the hair out to the center of the ring, knees her in the twat a few more times, and punches her in the stomach again, doubling her over. When Lauren is bent over, Amy puts her head between her legs in preparation for a pile driver. Lauren offers no resistance whatsoever as Amy lifts her legs up in the air, holds her up for a few moments to display her to the crowd, and then slams her head to the mat to finish off the move. Lauren’s body crumples to the mat, and she lays on the mat face first and motionless. Amy rolls her onto her back, stomps her in the belly and in the bare tits, and then walks over to the corner and begins climbing the ropes. Amy triumphantly stands on the top turnbuckle, raising her arms over her head. She then leaps off and lands perfectly on Lauren’s belly with a loud SMACK. Amy straddles Lauren’s prone body, placing her knees over Lauren’s shoulders, and tells the referee to slowly count her out. Amy raises her hands over her head in victory as the referee’s hand slaps the mat three times to end the brutal contest. The bell rings and fans yell wildly. 
The ordeal is far from over for Lauren, however, as Amy gets to have her way with her until the club closes for the night. Lauren is in a pool of her own sweat, with tears staining her face and blood visible around her lip and nose. Her top was torn off earlier so all she has on are her sky blue bikini bottoms, sheer tights, and silver boots.  Before beginning the torture session, Amy goes outside the ring and reaches underneath it, bringing out a bag full of things she prepared for the occasion. She takes a pair of handcuffs out of the bag and handcuffs Lauren’s wrists behind her back.  Amy pulls Lauren’s wrestling boots off. She then reaches down and tears Lauren’s bikini bottoms off, punches her in the crotch several times, and then peels her tights off leaving her completely naked, much to the delight of the crowd. Amy slides out of the ring again and grabs Lauren’s ankles from the outside. Amy drags her so that her legs are spread in front of a corner ring post. Amy pulls Lauren’s ankles hard and slams her bare cunt into the unforgiving steel ring post, and she proceeds to slam her over and over again, pulling with all her might. After slamming Lauren’s crotch into the post many times, Amy pulls her legs as if she were trying to split her in half. Lauren sobs uncontrollably from the pain. Amy releases her legs and slides back into the ring. She grabs Lauren’s hair and drags her several feet out of the corner by it. She then stands on Lauren’s hair and once again grabs Lauren’s bare tits with her sharp nails. She scratches and twists Lauren’s nipples until they’re raw and bright red. After this torment, Amy pulls Lauren’s tits off the mat, causing her back to arch.
“Does this feel good, bitch?”, Amy taunts, “I’m going to pull your tits off.”  
When Amy tires of this she releases Lauren’s tits, and then her hand reaches down to Lauren’s crotch. Amy grabs a fistful of pussy hair and pulls her off the mat with it, making her back arch again. Amy is now pulling Lauren off the mat by her pubic hair, while still standing on her hair, and Lauren is absolutely beside herself with agony and humiliation. Amy pulls hard until a large clump of pussy hair comes off in her hand and Lauren’s back falls back to the mat. 
Amy reaches into her bag again and pulls out two segments of rope. She starts tying one end of each rope to one of Lauren’s ankles and the other end to a top rope next to a corner of the ring. Now Lauren is lying on her back with her crotch facing the corner, her hands handcuffed behind her, and her legs tied and spread wide open. Amy smiles at Lauren’s predicament, and thinks about what to do to her first.  She decides to pick up Lauren’s discarded pair of tights, wrap them around her throat, and viciously choke her with them. When this finally ends, Amy stomps Lauren’s tits and belly several times. Next, she gets on her knees in front of Lauren’s exposed crotch and begins to slowly and methodically rip every single hair out of Lauren’s abused cunt. Amy takes her time, pausing between yanks to send punches into Lauren’s clit and vagina. When every hair has been ripped out, Amy continues to rain a torrent of blows onto Lauren’s womanhood. Punch after punch after devastating punch right into Lauren’s now bald pussy. Amy gets to her feet and stomps and then grinds her boot into Lauren’s twat. Amy then climbs to the middle rope, leaps off, and drives her elbow straight into Lauren’s pussy. Amy likes the yelp the move brought forth from Lauren so she sends a few more elbows into Lauren’s ravaged snatch. Amy ends this particular cunt torture session by raking her nails all over Lauren’s tender area, concentrating on her clit. She twists, grinds, pinches, and scratches Lauren’s clit until Lauren passes out. Amy notices Lauren slipping into unconsciousness, so she brings smelling salts out of her bag and administers them to her vanquished adversary. 
“I want you to feel every second of this torture, slut.”  
Amy now unlocks the handcuffs, unties Lauren’s legs, and roughly pulls her to her feet by the hair, leading her to the corner on her wobbly legs. Amy puts Lauren’s back against the turnbuckles and puts the handcuffs on her wrists again. Lauren is now trapped in the corner with her wrists handcuffed behind the ring post.  Amy goes to the opposite side of the ring, gets a running start, and drives her shoulder into Lauren’s gut. She repeats this 5 times. Amy wants to work on Lauren’s belly more so she moves in and punches her in the gut over and over and over. Amy loves seeing her fist bury deep into Lauren’s soft belly with each punch. She proceeds to rain a flurry of various blows onto Lauren’s body – kicking and punching her in the cunt, and punching her in the tits, belly, and face. A long time passes until Amy tires of this punishment.
She decides to climb onto the second rope to look down on the beaten bitch. She grabs Lauren’s hair with her left hand and tilts her head back. She then blasts her square in the face over and over with her strong right fist. Lauren is a mess. Amy gets back down off the second rope and begins kneeing her in the cunt, while occasionally leaning in and whispering insults into Lauren’s ear. It’s almost time for the club to close, so as a final touch Amy grabs Lauren’s hair and pulls on it until some of it comes loose. She intends to keep the hair as a souvenir. After a few final punches, Amy lets Lauren’s badly beaten body to slump down as Amy exits the ring savoring her complete and total victory.               
Here's an image of Lauren waiting through the undercard before fighting Amy at a bar on a Saturday night: 
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