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CW18+ NSFW (Coms: open) Hey my name is Trinket (She/her), I'm a commissionable erotica writer and petgirl story enthusiast. Please pet me and tell me im a good puppy, ask me to show you a trick. Thank you so much for considering supporting me, It means the world. ~ Reminder that everything I write is fiction, none of it reflects the image or actions of real people, and all characters are consenting adults over the age of 18.
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I will write you a custom SFW or NSFW story with 1-3 characters and location / content of your choice, content regulations are listed below. The normal charge is 2.5c usd a word, I will consider price alterations given the scale and difficulty of the requested content. Please take a look at some of my example work before ordering to get a feel for my writing style, I dont adapt my writing style to be anything other than what it is. Be sure to have a decent idea of what you would like for the content and characters before you reach out, all characters in commissions with any amount of NSFW content must be 18 years of age.



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  • High quality sex pawsitive fetish and BDSM erotica
  • Comissionable erotica artists who answers Dms!
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Current commission status: 3 Slots Open.

Hey everyone, I realized I didn't have any of my story commission info on the Substar so I figured I would pin it up here. Please feel free to reach out any time if you're interested!

Commission me on Fiverr:
My shop is open on Deviant Art:
Im also on Pixiv: 
I accept Commissions privately through PayPal as well (Dm me)

Info and restrictions:

Please contact me before ordering to get a more realistic quote. Set price on most places is for 1000 words at 2.5c usd per word. 
I will write you a custom SFW or NSFW story with 1-3 characters and location / content of your choice, content regulations are listed below. The normal charge is 2.5c usd a word, I will consider price alterations given the scale and difficulty of the requested content.  Please take a look at some of my example work before ordering to get a feel for my writing style, I dont adapt my writing style to be anything other than what it is. Be sure to have a decent idea of what you would like for the content and characters before you reach out, all characters in commissions with any amount of NSFW content must be 18 years of age.



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Toyed: Art by Nimbletail

A little story about my puppy girl learning some new tricks!

Trinket was the best puppy-girl she knew, she always had been. All through her training with the FBP they always made it a point to tell other pups to behave and act like her, billing her as a shining example of a pup proud to live the worry free life that being a pet privileged her with. But even old dogs needed to learn new tricks now and then, which is why when her master had suggested that she return to a training facility for a few weeks for some specialty training and some gear changes to please some of his new fetishes she was happy to comply. She loved her master, he was her everything, and in the few years they had spent together as owner and pup she had never once doubted his judgment. That was why she had signed the lifetime contact and allowed herself to be permanently collared after all, she trusted him. 

She never fought with the trainers that directed her, following their every instruction to the T and almost absentmindedly trusting the system that had ruined the lives of so many before her, she didn't care, she had found her master and that was enough for her. Even in her time serving him, she had spent a decent amount of time working with the FBP in promotional material to maintain the checks they sent her master to help care for her, affording her all the squeaky little toys a little pup like her could want to fill the cage like lockable pet playroom she spent most of her time in. The same was true now, even as the gruff trainers led her down the long hallway toward the experimental wing of the building, she followed at their heel with an altruistic assumption she was on her way to help her robo pawed friends learn some new tricks along with her. 

She knew the FBP did bad things, especially down in the experimental wing where they had taken her, hell she had even no doubt aided in a good deal of the FBP's wrongdoing by allowing them to use her image for their propaganda. Despite it all, she trusted that she now belonged to her master, and that nothing that was going to happen to her would be without his explicit permission. She still had no idea how her master intended to change her image for his personal satisfaction or how far he was willing to go to do so, but at least it was at his discretion and not some secret board of directors above her that she had no influence in. The placard on the door they pulled her into still made her swallow hard, emblazoned, with the words 'long term pet services', unknowingly one of the only pets unfortunate enough to pass through those doors who had done so without being dragged kicking and screaming.

Nonetheless, the trainers in the experimental wing handled her as if she were any other disobedient pet, manhandling her into a set of rubber band restraints the moment they dumped her onto the cold stainless steel veterinary table to completely restrict her movement to an animalistic crawl on her elbows and knees. She knew what came after restraints like these, this wasn't the first time she had been bitchsuited. She continued to be compliant as they shoved her quivering frame into a humiliating doggy printed bitch suit, much tighter than any of the others she had worn for short periods if her master didn't want her going anywhere. With an easy lift, they pulled the thick silicon pads at the end of each of her now completely restrained limbs into place and smoothed the rigid suit tight over her skin like a glove, sealing the thing glove tight and leaving only her dripping puppy parts exposed to the air.

She shivers as they stabilize her on all fours, wondering how long she would be trapped in the infuriatingly arousing state of deprivation the suit forced upon her. Swallowing hard, she is caught off guard by the full face mask that is pull over her face, the second and only other hole in the overly sexualized puppy costume created by the open rubber ring gag that now forced her mouth open. The darkness behind the blindfold-like mask was somewhat startling behind the mask, accompanied by the farther limited hearing she could do through the thick cloth, making her completely helpless and only able to rely on a slight sense of smell and limited perception radius. Drool spilled from her mouth and onto the stainless steel table as the secured the whole suit with some unseen force, sealing her in a prison of her own compliance as she willed herself to remember that this was what her master wanted for her. 

What she could have never perceived, was how easily she could be manipulated now, and as the new highly restricting posture collar her master had orders for her was secured around her neck, she struggled to even perceive words as her two exposed holes begged to be used for their newfound purpose. The way they picked her up and carried her made her feel weightless and helpless in the best possible way, and she blushed beneath the mask as she found herself fantasizing about her master using his new pet in the most utterly dehumanizing ways. Still not truly believing her master has gone to the lengths of permanently bitchsuiting her, she is surprised to find that there is seemingly no zipper down the back of the costume like normal and that the oddly sticky nature of the inside gripped her skin tightly. For her as someone who fantasized about bondage often, she couldn't have been more aroused by lack of knowledge she had on when she would be free, she reveled in the lack of decision she had in the matter.

Nonetheless the needy nature the suit forced upon her fit her personality more than she initially thought, and she lusted to be reunited with her master as they forced further changes upon her with her new containment, complete with a new type of kennel they used to store and completely immobilize her when she wasn't being trained now. It was all so deliciously terrifying, the new storage container basically just a tight box they could completely seal her in by securing her in place with a set of straps and a massive new toy that trained her puppy parts with their new training programs. The voice of her petsitter referred to her as a new nickname among the praise and discipline it gave her from the shock collar and vibrating nipple pads, 'Toy', a word that more accurately depicted her new position as something more akin to an object to be played with and stored away after use instead of the full blown pet she had been for close to half a decade now. She didn't care, and every second she spent being machine fucked and trained to be a better toy for her master by the hypnotizing sensory deprivation and orgasm denial the new long term storage container tortured her with slowly rotted her brain of anything but dumb little whorish fantasies about being filled with her masters cum from both ends. 

She thought the day might never come, there was truly no way for her to tell the time beneath the thick doggy hood while she is stored away and forgotten about for hours, needy body forcing her mind into a state of pleasure and denial for days on end only broken by selfish and unseen trainers using her well trained holes for their personal pleasure, never once granting her in orgasm as the cruel machine she is trapped within trains her into a new form of pet, constantly dripping at both ends as she feels her crate boxed into a larger one and wheeled to a truck where she is finally relieved to believe herself being finally sent back to her master. She waits in angst, ready to present himself to her as his pet and beg for his affectionate touch the moment he opens the thick case she has been trapped in for weeks. After what felt like an eternity apart, she heard her master's voice praise her once more, his new toy eager to please him to the fullest of her ability.

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(In)Voluntary Admissions Book 2: The Presentation -  Art by Nimbletail

The long awaited sequel of my (in)Voluntary Admission story with over 60 pages of content! If you haven't read part one, check it out with the links below. (In)Voluntary admissions follows brand new ComPet puppygirl Trinket during her FBP service as she navigates adapting to her new life as an (In)voluntary cog in the propaganda machine. Alone and afraid, will she choose to stay in her new life? Or will witnessing her own image used enslave 10% of the country's young girls drive her to other conclusions?
Compulsory Pettification: AKA ComPet is a government run program that was initially highly scrutinized by the public but grew to be wildly popular after its slow successful integration with society over the last several decades, it sees a percent of the world's 20 year old female population (10%) drafted into “Pet Service'' for a term of two years to serve as state owned “pet girls” or “ComPets”.They therein forfeit all human rights and after a rigorous term of obedience training these pets are then leased to a variety of owners for the remainder of their service and used in various applications before returning to everyday life.
(In)Voluntary Admissions Book One Links:
(In)Voluntary admissions is based on NimbleTail's lovely little ComPet Universe, big shout out to all those who have helped so far! Im so happy to finally share this with you all, thank you so much for your encouragement!
Come support me on substar or comissions me to write something for you:
Original art and ComPet / Pet-Sitter Concepts By the ever lovely NimbleTail
Big Thankies to Brentwood Society for all their help as well, Sue Sharp is a character that belongs to them and she has her own full lovely story you should 100% go explore as well!
Shout out to Pepper Puppy for letting me use her character as well!

All characters are fictional, consenting, and adults. Viewer discretion as the content warnings are no joke. 

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Maid Of Milk - Art by Nimbletail

This is a teaser for, and the prologue to, book 2 of my novel series (In)Voluntary Admissions, comming soon with over 60 pages of content! Hopefully by the end of the month but no promises. This prologue story takes place a few decades before the events of our main (In)Voluntary Admissions story and is set during the early days of the existence of the Federal Bureau Of Pettification, when its reach and sinister nature were not as widely known to the public and Hupet based services were relatively new and basic. It follows a young woman named Maddison Halver, who bares a striking resemblance to our main character Trinket, as she and the political organization she founded, F.E.R.A.L, plan and execute a raid on on an FBP Hu-cow milking facility. As always thank you for reading and please consider supporting if you like my content.

(In)Voluntary Admissions Book One Links:
pt.1 -
pt.2 -

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-Waiting for a tail-
A petplay snippet by Trinket - Art by Formant

Hey everyone! sorry I've been super busy with the holidays lately I haven't had much time for writing. In the mean time, here is some old commissions from formant I got that have little stories along with them. I realized i put them up on Deviant Art ages ago but have never shared them here.

It was almost complete, everything felt like a dream. The shock collar and muzzle had taken her voice, the soft padded paws restricted her movements and forced her to crawl, the leashes unwavering security held her tight to the cold steel table of the veterinary clinic and forced her exposed puppy parts into the air, it was all so terribly arousing.

It was what she wanted though, what she had always wanted, a carefree life with no real worry save for when her next meal or playtime would be. She saw them readying the final piece, the slick silicon plug tail made her helplessly wet as she prepared herself for them to be well acquainted soon. She was so caught up in her head she could barely focus on the Vets words, but they stung just as much as any of thier condescension laced tone. "Every puppy needs a tail to match those cute little ears, im sure you'll learn to wag it like a good girl in no time. Welcome to your new life Puppy."
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-Play Pawtners-
A Petplay Snippet By Trinket
- Art by Nimbletail

Got a joint commission with the ever lovely Pepper of our two pups playing some fetch with their new  cyber paws,  Its so cute!!

CONTENT WARNINGS: Forced petplay, Body Modification, Entrapment, and Human Trafficking
-Play Pawtners-
Trinket had come to realize that there was always a reasoning behind the Proceedings of the FBP, even if she did not know them. Normally they used her good behavior and mild temper to try and impart a sort of comforting role model position on her over other pups, letting her play with other less compliant pups to help send them in the right direction if they were having trouble adjusting to life on all fours. It was something she had never minded doing, and actually often found rather relaxing when the activities were enjoyable.

Something about taking the more motherly role and helping other pups through their hard times made her feel better about her own predicament. Since no one had been there for her in her first few days of service, she tried her best to be the role model she never got at the beginning of her service. Today however, when she had been picked up by a man in an experimental wing jumpsuit, she knew she was in for some less than savory activities with her raven haired pup friend, Pepper. The long dark hallways of the Experimental wing were enough to make her shiver just thinking about the terrible things they did within them, each and every heavy electrical security door no doubt separating her from endless heinous misuse of government fundining on humiliating and torturing those who didnt comply with the Bereau’s iron fist.   

It was odd, in every other experiment they had forced her to partake in with Pepper, she almost always came out on top with better performance, more treats and much easier compliance than her raven haired counterpart and she judged they used her as a sort of scientific control in their experiments. She often wondered how much better the other pups life could be if she were just a good puppy like everyone else, but she had long since come to terms with Peppers insubordinate nature. When she arrived she expected to see her friend waddling around on her tapered limbs clumsily to the amusement of the staff like normal, but instead, the pup seemed to be as agile as ever, sporting a brand new pair of shiny looking mechanical paws that granted her a significant change in her ability to move about and do so gracefully.  

Without a word the experimental engineers descended upon her like a pack of ravenous wolves, giving Trinket quite the startle as their multiple rough hands restrained her limbs to bitchsuit status and began to strap her into a sort of odd metal harness with similar robotic paws to Pepper’s. Much to her surprise, once she was fully secured and the paws had synced with her PetSitter, she regained a certain sense of mobility as she found the little paws were easily maneuverable and responded in sync with her movements as she got her balance. Somehow, like the robotic trainer in her head that told her she was a good girl, she could control the new appendages with her mind almost as naturally as any other. 
Her sympathy for Pepper grew as she realized how far off the ground and presented to the world the two of their puppy parts were in her new paws, but as the staff began the tests and she was forced to fetch the ball repeatedly her sympathy quickly returned to being used on herself. Every time she returned with the ball, the pleasurable vibrations from her gear stimulated her more powerfully as they forced her to continue to demean herself for them like a helpless little animal. 

Pepper easily pulled ahead in terms of points, no doubt having had a decent bit of time to practice with her new paws beforehand. She had never seen such a look of determination in the other pups eyes before, never seeing Pepper try hard at anything the staff forced her to do let alone be running laps around her just to earn extra praise. Part of her was almost a little proud, maybe she was a good influence on Pepper after all. She understood the reason for the tests now. She was never meant to win, Pepper was, and she was happy letting the other pup take the spotlight for a while. 
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-Under The Skin: Part Two-
A Petplay Story By Trinket
- Art by Nimbletail

Hello everyone! This is the official continuation of the story I've been working on while I'm hard at work on book 2 of Involuntary Admissions! Part two of Under The Skin, a new story where we follow a young soon to be Veterinarian "Molly" as she desperately tries to finish the volunteer service hours she needs to graduate at the local clinic before its too late! Things only seem to be getting worse for poor little Molly.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Forced petplay, Wattersports, Coercion and Blackmail, Entrapment, Human Trafficking, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Phycological Torture, And Depictions of Strong Verbal Degradation.

“EWW THE LITTLE BITCH JUST PISSED ON ME!” The tech that had been holding her snarled. His rough hand found a hold on her collar, jerking her face up off the floor only to thrust it back down into the puddle of her own, still warm piss and pin her to the floor. “Just because you're not housebroken yet doesn't mean you get out of learning your place.” The man's voice was inches from her ear, despite the small layer of protection the hood of the suit provided, the man's commanding tone made her petite frame tremble as he yelled at her. He brought his hand down against her ass hard a few times, spanking her roughly like a disobedient child. 

As if on command, the moment her face hit the ground the two metal prongs that had been pressed against her neck from the collar came alive with a horribly painful shock. It shot from her neck all the way through her body to a place deep inside of her, emanating from the tip of the tail plug they had stuffed inside her in synchronicity with the pulse from the collar. She doubled over in pain, collapsing further into the now cold puddle of her own urine face first. She tried to gasp through her mouth, the thick silicon gag giving no leeway for her to breathe through her mouth and forcing her to focus on breathing through her nose if she didn't want to hyperventilate.

 The shocks came along with a voice she had never heard before, originating from what she thought was the room around her, but upon second thought seemed to be emanating from inside her own head. The slightly robotic, female voice snapped at her with a vitriolic tone. “Bad Puppy! Good Puppies go potty outside!” Her one open eye darted around the room, looking for the source of the voice and finding none. Had she just imagined it? Had it come from the speaker? The Techs hadent seemed to have heard it.  

The hand that had been holding her face to the ground released, but she didn't dare try and raise her head from the ground and earn herself another punishment. The smell of her own urine had long since filled her senses, seeping into the soft material of the suit between her thighs and the majority of the left side of her face and turning them cold and damp as it began to dry. She heard the raucous laughter of the techs now accompanied by the sound of the Lead Vet laughing maniacally through the speakers as she lay there in defeat, still hoping she might wake from the continuing nightmare.

“On your paws idiot. Or were you just gonna lay in a puddle of your own piss forever?” The Techs words stung worse than anything else, washing over her as she slowly raised her head and looked up at them on her hands and knees. The click of a leash meeting the ring at the back of her collar echoed through the room, tightening the thick band of leather around her neck to an uncomfortable level. “God, Are you happy Mutt? Now I have to give you the hose or you’ll stink up the whole kennel. No one will want anything to do with you if you wreak of piss. Help me get her on the table.” One of the tech’s motioned to the other, the more burly of the two moving quickly to scoop her up in his arms. 

 As an almost involuntary action, Trinket's limbs flail about as she struggles to keep her footing on the ground. Just as the Tech lifts her a few inches off the ground her flailing causes him to lose his grip, sending her tumbling back to the floor with a thud. She lets out a pained yelp as her shoulder impacts the hard concrete, knocking the wind out of her only to be made worse by another terrifying shock that bites at the side of her neck with a ferocity she had only just recovered from. The pain was enough to make her collapse onto the ground again pathetically, trying again to gasp for breath and making her situation worse by not regulating her breath through her nose.

Again came the robotic voice, this time cementing in her mind that it sounded almost like she had a 2nd conscious now. “Bad Puppy! Good doggies obey their handler.” The voice in her head was accompanied by another growl from the tech, the voices overlapping and confusing her with their vicious attacks on her intelligence. “Dumb Little Fucking BItch!” The tech’s voice boomed, fed up with the girl's disobedience. “Bet that didn't feel good did it? You want to hold still or you want a few more FUCKING SHOCKS so you know what they feel like?” 

Trinket made no attempt to rise from the ground again, laying there in defeat for a moment in a desperate attempt to catch her breath. Without so much as a squeak both of the men’s hands were upon her, one holding her arms and the other holding her legs as they lifted her off the ground and strapped her limbs into leather restraints at each of the four corners of the stainless steel table. She didn't bother to fight this time, a few silent tears streaking her face as she cried silently, trying to avoid a third horrifying shock.

“There. That wasn't so bad, was it? You clean your act up and I might even give you a little treat. How does that sound, Girl?” The tech's voice was dripping with a sickly sweet sedition, mocking her by offering her the same sympathy he would any other animal he handled. She didn't move, keeping her eyes locked on the cold steel of the veterinary table as the men moved around her. “Besides, I hear some pups even like how nice their suits feel once we turn on the petting function.” The pup winces as the tech's voice comes close to her faux ears again, the easiest way for sound to reach her with the thick hood over her real ears. “All the bitches really like it when I switch their little suits to heat mode, that's for sure. I'm sure you will too.”

The tech’s hand rested firmly on the back of her head, pinning her face to the cold steel table much less harshly now that she had seemingly calmed down. At this point, it was easier for her to just stay still than it was for her to even think about disobeying. She was trapped in a worsening nightmare, her mind raced, there had to be some way for her to escape. Obviously not right now, she couldn't even move her arms, but she would need to keep her eyes out for a way to escape or call for help. 

“Hold still.” His hand still firmly held her head to the table when, without any further warning, an icy sting met the back of Trinket’s neck. The pain is enough to make her wince, but after the horrible shocks she had been given earlier, it felt almost like mosquito bite if anything. As the icy cold faded an interesting sensation was left in its place, a strange  itch she desperately wished she could scratch. As she remained still, doing anything to avoid another shock, the tech's hand patted the back of her head a few times in a way that was oddly comforting and humiliating at the same time.

“See, all you have to do is be a good little doggy and there's no need for any nasty little repercussions. I knew you would be a quick learner.” The techs words were still dripping with condescension, no doubt trying to reinforce her good behavior like she had been taught in her behavioral science classes. Everything was all happening so fast that she hadn't had time to react to the last set of stimuli before they were forcing another on her. But it only took her a few moments of processing to understand the horror of what the little sting really was, they had just microchipped her like they would any home pet. 

Before she had a chance to react, the tech grabbed her chin, forcing her gaze up to his as he fitted two small glass lenses into the eyeholes of the suit. For a moment, everything went black as the now visor-like lenses completely blinded her by blackening out for a moment, bringing before her eyes a virtual reality like load screen bar that slowly counted from 1-100%. As her last sense is taken from her for a moment, she can't help but whimper into the gag for the 100th time, desperate to gain some sort of sympathy in the eyes of her captors. Clearly the suit they had locked her in was capable of much more than she had anticipated, and was a terrifyingly advanced piece of technology. 

The tech speaks again, letting go of her face as her vision returns to normal. “Now, let's get all that gear synced up and I'll take you to meet Helena. I'm sure she will be delighted to hear she has a new bitch to break. She might even introduce you to the other girls and give you a nice bowl of food, if you're lucky.” The tears continue to streak Trinket's latex and leather covered face, silently weeping as she shook with the first true feelings of despair she had ever experienced. What had she ever done in her life to deserve something like this? And she wasn't even the only one they were subjecting to this horror? How many times had they done this? And worse yet, how many times had they gotten away with it? This was the kind of nightmare stuff you only heard about in movies, but now, it was happening to her. 

The other tech, who till this point had been out of Trinket's view, spoke again. “Jesus Bill, the little thing looks like she's going to pass out like Whisper. You remember when you suited her and she passed out from the first shock? Damn that was funny.” He chuckles, interrupted immediately by the vet whose name she now knew was Bill as he continued. “You got a sick sense of humor Ken. They are animals, they just need some time to think for it to sink in. Can't blame an animal for being scared the first time you take them to the vet right?” Bill's tone was strangely sympathetic, having changed completely now that she was nothing more than a helpless little animal on his table like all the rest. 

Bill pulls the final piece from the small metal table and waves it in her face as he moves behind her, a small c-string like undergarment that he secured to the suit over her previously exposed privates. As he pushes it into place Trinket can feel a small plate like device press against her clit, providing her an odd mixture of comfort from being covered, and terror at what the device could possibly be for. Moments later, she feels similar, pasty like devices, pressed against her nipples to cover them. “Now, for some quick tests.” Bill's voice is accompanied by the small beep that is produced from a control remote in his hand.

The voice in Trinket’s head sprung to life again, robotically echoing a list of computer-like startup code as it appeared in the bottom left corner of the connected display the otherwise invisible  lenses created. She could feel the entire suit cling to her skin even more tightly somehow, contracting and spreading a warm sensation across her entire body as the suit's inner lining seemingly tensed up and bound more tightly to her skin so that there was no friction between them.  

“Hu-Trainer PetSitter system syncing. 
Software v2.0B. 

Hello Pet. Welcome to PetSitter. Stand by for a systemwide sync and connectivity test.

Fetching pet microchip id: null
Assigning pet id: 2v00001
Assigned Trainer: Helena (Custody locked)
Behavior Score: null

Fetching vitals: 
 -Breed: German Shepherd
-Height: 5’6
 -Weight: 135lbs
-Classification: Terrier 
 -Heart beat: 110
 -Blood type: A-
 -Vaccination status: Boosters needed

Fetching Components: 
-Control Collar: Synced Successfully (Speech Dissabled)
 -VIsor: Synced Successfully
 -StimPet suit liner: Synced Successfully (Movements Restricted)
 >Petting Mode: ACTIVE
-StimPet crotch cover: Syncing
>Heat Mode: INACTIVE
-SmartTail neural link: Syncing
-NFC Microchip: Syncing
Full Sync Complete. Good Puppy!

Stand by, Initiating Connectivity Stim Test.”

As the words that appeared on the screen stopped, again came a loading screen, but the way the rest of the dreaded suit came alive stopped her from really being able to pay attention. Starting with the device that had been pressed against her crotch, and the two small pads on her nipples, pleasurable vibrations started out slowly and grew to an almost unbearable level of stimulation. Just as she had recovered from the assault on her genetals, all at once the suit covered her body with what felt like 1000s of tiny little suction cups and bristles that all caressed and stimulated her skin everywhere the suit touched, from her head to her toes she shivered with an uncontrollable mixture of pleasure and terror as she is immdiatly brought to a level of complete overstimulation with no control of her senses.

Inside her mind she screamed, but out of the gag came only pathetic muffled whimpers. She struggles feebly against the restraints again, desperate to free herself from the hellish confinement the suit imprisoned her within. Then as quickly as it had come, the suits torture ceased, leaving her with a thick layer of goosebumps in its place. “Full sync complete. Well done Puppy!” The voice receded from her head again, allowing her to fill her brain with her own thoughts. The pain in her behind had only grown, her body still painfully adjusting to the foreign invader sunk deep in her ass. 

This was madness, pure madness! Within a few measly minutes they had stripped her of everything she held dear, lording all of her previous privileges over her to show her how easily they could be taken. She felt pathetic, disgusting, whimpering and snotting all over herself like any other pathetic animal that might have had the displeasure of crossing paths with Bill or the other psychos that ran this place. Why did their judgment sting with such conviction? Was this all just to teach her a lesson about humility? For some reason she felt like they were far past that now.

 The metallic click of the restraints at the corners of the table being released snapped her attention back to her all too vivid reality. She tensed up again with fright, going stiff as the two techs freed her from the restraints and lowered her back to the floor. The tensing of her muscles made her shoulder ache from where she had fallen on the floor, wincing from the pain as some of the adrenaline that had been pumping through her finally wore off. She looked around again, still in a daze as her mind struggled to comprehend all of the things they had done to her. 

Another metallic click sounds and Trinket can feel a tug at her collar, the leash attached to the ring at the back of her collar now cutting off her air slightly as it is yanked. She hadn't noticed it until now, but she was shaking, cowering at their feet as she tried to keep stable on her hands and knees. The padding that the suit provided her knees was rather minimal, but it did help. She heard the two men exchange words as she tried to keep from falling over or passing out, though she was too distracted to hear what they were saying. She hadnt noticed until that moment, but when she looked between her legs the tail that had once been fully extended was now curled between her legs, held there somehow whenever she clenched her anal muscles fearfully.

The collar around her next tightened again, the leash now dragging her forward toward the security door adjacent to the one they had come in through. Each Time she moved, she crawled on her hands and knees painfully, resting all her weight on her knees in a terribly uncomfortable shuffle across the floor. She felt the tightness around her throat cease for a moment as Bill knelt down to look her in the eyes, startling her again that she had done something wrong. “Up off your knees, Pup. You're gonna blow your knees out before you're half done if you keep walking like that.” Bill said, in an almost sympathetic tone.

Bills hands moved to her knees, gesturing them up off the floor and steadying her as she began to rest all her weight between the palms of her hands, and the balls of her feet. It was a taxing position on her body to hold, but it did keep her knees off the ground and she did gain a bit more control of her dexterity as she balanced her weight better. Nonetheless, she felt utterly humiliated, as the new, more dog-like position forced her to raise her ass and privates farther into the air. Putting them on display for anyone to see if they weren't covered by the crotch covering. 

Bill's voice met her ears again. “Goooood Girrrrl.” His tone is intensely patronizing as he pats the top of her head a few times, the petting somehow just as reliving as it is humiliating. “See, there you go. Doesn't that feel better?” Their eyes meet again as he pats her a few more times, eliciting a pleasurable sensation on her skin anywhere he touches her. It felt like the same sensation that had overwhelmed her moments earlier, only much less intense, for some reason, now it felt almost heavenly. She couldn't hide the look of misplaced satisfaction in her eyes, the way the suit's petting feature felt confused her heavily. Equally as much a look of terror, her gaze was a search for some form of reassurance, after having been shocked a few times, the relief from the petting felt almost earned.

There wasn't much sympathy in Bill's eyes, but there was some. And that was something to work with. As he pulled her onward through the door she struggled to keep her knees off the ground, already to a point of exhaustion. Her shoulder still ached from the fall, she still struggled to breathe through the muzzle and the urine that had dried on the side of her face smelt terrible and had begun to irritate the soft skin of her face. Yet, the tug of the leash dragged her onward endlessly, down a few long hallways and through another set of security doors.

Trinket tried to make a mental map of the complex as they led her deeper and deeper into it, losing track of how many twists and turns there were to remember. The complex seemed needlessly maze-like, no doubt on purpose to confuse her. The helplessness set in again as she realized how many layers of steel and concrete there were between her and her escape. One last door surprised her, when a breath of fresh, non conditioned air swept over her as they led her into a big fenced in yard. The sun had already begun to dip below the horizon, casting eerie shadows onto the oversized play structures and pet toys that dotted the yard. The time was passing faster than she had originally thought. 

Amid the colorful assortment of distractions in the yard, she spied the small group of figures she was being led toward. Sitting on their hands and knees, or she supposed paws, around a tall female figure, were 3 other puppy-suit clad women in various dog printed designs. The tall, lab coat wearing woman looked back and forth between her clipboard and the three helpless women before her. Her badge read the name “Helena” and her long, messy brown hair and tapping of her red soled high heels in the dirt impatiently told Trinket everything she needed to know. This woman was in charge, and she took pleasure in doing so. 

The first, a rather tall and well busted puppygirl sat somewhere in her mid 30s and actually did not have her face covered with the tight mask they had bound the other three including Trinket herself in. In fact, the girl's long blonde pigtails accented a set of bright blue eyes that peered up at the lab coat wearing woman in the center dumbly, tongue lolled from her mouth to give an air of almost vapid stupidity to her otherwise beautiful features. The unmasked girl wore a similar suit to the one she wore but with much longer, more realistic fur, printed in the coat pattern of a golden retriever. The bone shaped nametag that dangled from her collar read the name, Peaches.

The second girl, who looked much less excited about her predicament, had her face fully covered with the same thick mask and muzzle gag they had confined her too. The meek pup, smaller than she was, couldn' t have been more than 5’ tall and 100lbs. She couldn't make out the eyes behind the visor she wore, but the little pup was clad in a humiliating, fluffy white pomeranian poodle type pattern that she did not envy the small girl for having to wear. The terribly tacky collar she wore seemed to be much thicker than the rest, spelling out the name Whisper in gaudy pink and white rhinestones. Whisper seemed shy, almost hiding behind Peaches like a scarred child would, resting against her older comrade timidly.  

The last girl, who made eye contact with her as Bill finally led them to a stop in front of the intimidating woman in high heels, seemed to be around the same size as her, only much more emaciated. The third girl's suit was more terrifying than even whispers, much more tight and restricting as it bent each of her limbs at the joint and sealed her hands and feat tightly against her body so that she was completely confined to crawling on her elbows and knees. The lengths these psychos went to just to dehumanize their captives seemed to be nightmarishly unending, dropping to another level of depravity every moment she tried to acclimate herself to the last.

The last girl's collar tag read CoCo, and the dark brown chocolate lab colored pattern of her suit reinforced her chocolatey image. The way CoCo struggled to keep her balance with her limited mobility, and the fiery glare in her eye told her everything she needed to know about her. CoCo was a trouble maker, and had been punished with the humiliating bitchsuit for her non compliance. It terrified her for a moment with the thought that there were far worse punishments to be earned than the nastly little shocks the collars delivered, clearly CoCo had found that out the hard way. 

The whimpering little pup had the same snout like muzzle as she and Whisper, and wreaked even from a far of sex and old cum. The area between the girl's legs was on full display to the world, not covered by one of the little flaps like the rest, and her privates and inner thighs dripped with a mixture of what could only be assumed to be a large amount of nearly dried semen and her own leakings. Worse than the sex, the girl smelled like a wet dog, and was clearly being punished with a lack of a proper cleaning in addition to the many other things. As their eye contact finally broke again, her vision was snapped back to the two staff standing before her.
The two had already begun talking before she turned back in, but with how little sound made it through the holes in the faux ears she couldn't really hear them unless she turned her head up at them and focused hard. She found the woman, who she had confirmed via her nametag was the Helena they had been talking about earlier, looking down at her with a scornful glare. For a moment, she thought she almost saw a look of pity on Bill's face, but she couldn't be certain. The woman's stern glare broke for a moment as her eyes darted back to Bill.  

Trinket watched as Bill handed the end of her leash over to Helena, who immediately drastically shortened the amount of leash between her hand and trinkets collar by yanking her into submission at her side. The collar tightened to an almost completely asphyxiating degree, forcing her to balance in a crouched seating position with her front paws barely touching the floor. Immediately, the pups hands lurched from the floor toward the back of her neck desperate to gain some air grabbing at the leash, but the moment they left the ground the weight of her own body further tightened the collar, making her fall face first into the dirt of the play area with a pathetic whimper as the woman released her viscous grip.

Helena’s voice lashed at her as she tried to rise again, hoisted from the ground by the leash tightening once more as the woman's commanding and viscous tone hit her ears. “Little pisser can't even sit right! How's the dirt taste, Bitch? Oh wait your mouth is a little full isn't it. Now, SIT” She giggles devilishly, yanking the girl back from the dirt by the leash. “Now you’ll need the hose for sure. It'll be a nice cold bath you can remember the next time you want to go pissing all over yourself and the floor. I'm not as tolerant as Bill about cleaning up your little messes so don't even try it or I'll plug those other little holes of yours for a week, Got it? Bark once if you understand.”

When she was finally able to stabilize herself in the same, crouched SIT position, she found she couldn't turn her head to look at Helena in the face. No doubt on purpose, the woman's commands came down on her like from a practically unseen source, all she really saw of the woman was her high heels and the black stockings she wore under her pencil skirt. The more time she spent on all fours being treated like an animal, the more she saw just how intense their tactics were. It reminded her of a paragraph in a medical book she had read about avoiding eye contact with animals to not induce fear, and to show dominance. It was all so painfully obvious to her.

From behind the gag the pup tried to bark for the woman, but she didn't know how she was supposed to do that with such a big gag in her mouth. Much to her surprise, when she tried to vocalize the noise, an odd bark-like growl did escape her. For some reason, realizing she could bark to communicate was somehow more humiliating than having her voice taken from her all together. Being praised for it was just overkill. “Good, now that that's settled. Heel.” Helena snarkily replied. 

As the leash lessened slightly she caught one last look from Bill as he crossed the yard and headed back toward the building, this time she was certain it was pity for having left her with the viscous woman that was plastered on his face. Was Helena really so terrible that she frightened even a grown man like Bill? Who was she? Just another employee or someone more important? 

She didn't have much time to think, as the tug of her collar dragged her from her sitting position to a slow crawl at Helena's heel, the woman's hand held the leash at just the right angle so the pup was forced to keep the very specific pace at the womans side or loose the ability to breathe.      
Helena continued to speak down to her as the leash dragged Trinket closer and closer to a small cinderblock shed, on the side of which hangs a garden hose. “Thats it, keep up. You'll have lots of time to practice this one so I won't kill you by making you get your training in during my morning walk like I did CoCo. You don't want to end up like her do you?” The pup didn't really know how to answer, but she knew the question was rhetorical. 

The other three pups in the yard had disappeared from Trinket's view when she had fallen in the dirt and disoriented herself, but as Helena stopped them in front of the shed with the hose she noticed that all three of them had followed and were now sitting patiently to the side watching her. All three of the pups looked to her as if they were testing her reaction, but for some reason CoCo’s look was as if she were about to enjoy Trinket's suffering. She made eye contact with Peaches for the first time, the girl's vacant eyes now on full display for her to gaze into.

For the brief few seconds she and Peaches made eye contact before the frigid water from the hose hit her Trinket found an almost caring sympathy in the larger pup's eyes. It was a comforting look, a look like Peaches herself had been in the same position she was in now at one point or another, and that everything would be okay. It was such a simple comradery that she hadn't realized just how much she needed. After what felt like hours of torture, she almost shed a tear over being given the most basic compassion by someone in a similar situation to hers. But it was Ripped from her just as fast as it had come.

She tried to gasp, but only managed to further choke herself on the gag in her throat. Desperately, she tried to keep her balance as the water rushed over her. Even through the suit, she felt the icy cold water hit her skin, instantly soaking her to the bone. Though the suit was made out of a strange latex like substance, it seemed to do nothing to block the flow of water as she felt the icy feeling penetrate it fully and reach her skin underneath without much resistance, it left an odd sticky feeling between her skin and the suit as she felt the hose spray her from head to toe a few times

As the water continued to wash over her it made her nipples grow to an almost unbearable stiffness under the heart shaped pads that covered them. She shivered to stay warm, and winced in pain again as her body clenched tightly around the thick tail plug that was still buried deep in her ass. Her body wanted nothing more than to curl up on the ground in a little ball to conserve as much heat as possible, but Helena’s unyielding grip on the leash kept her steady on her feet if she wanted to breathe. As the bone chilling water hit her face she felt it wash the tears and urine that had gathered on her cheeks, somewhat of a relief from the ammonia that had begun to get a little irritating.

 Finally, the water stopped, and Trinket felt the exterior of the suit begin to dry in the air rather quickly as the majority of the left over water ran down her legs and pooled beneath her. When she finally unclenched her eyelids to look around she found the same sadistic look of pleasure in CoCo’s eyes she had found before, only now she seemed to be much more satisfied that she wasn't the center of the punishment for once. Trinket found herself almost feeling bad for the little brown pup, deep down she knew CoCo would probably love any type of bath she could get, cold or otherwise. 

“Shake it all off pup, it's getting late. You already missed dinner so you're going to have to wait till the morning. But the four of you can have some kennel time together to get acquainted in the meantime.” Helena’s voice snapped her back to a listening position as Trinket raised her head to look up at the woman again. She caught another split second view of the woman's face as the leash now began to pull her forward again, Helena was very attractive and clearly wearing a full face of makeup that accentuated her features.   

“Come on Puppies, Heel.” Trinket watched as when commanded, the other three pups followed along as closely as they could to the woman's heel as she led the four of them toward a different wing of the building than they had been in before. Up until this point she could still more or less tell herself which direction she had come from, but with all of the things that had just happened she couldn't tell up from down. All she could do was try her best to keep pace with the woman's heel and avoid the judgemental eyes of the other pup. Surely she had seen the worst of things right? Right!?
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