(In)Voluntary Admissions Ch. 1: The Long Haul pt1

(In)Voluntary admissions follows brand new ComPet puppygirl Trinket during her FBP service as she navigates adapting to her new life as an (In)voluntary cog in the propaganda machine. Alone and afraid, will she choose to stay in her new life? Or will witnessing her own image used enslave 10% of the country's young girls drive her to other conclusions?

Compulsory Pettification: AKA ComPet is a government run program that was initially highly scrutinized by the public but grew to be wildly popular after its slow successful integration with society over the last several decades, it sees a percent of the world's 20 year old female population (10%) drafted into “Pet Service'' for a term of two years to serve as state owned “pet girls” or “ComPets”.They therein forfeit all human rights and after a rigorous term of obedience training these pets are then leased to a variety of owners for the remainder of their service and used in various applications before returning to everyday life.

This is my brand new petgirl story and the debut for the pet play novel (In)Voluntary admissions based on NimbleTail's lovely little ComPet Universe, big shout out to all those who have helped so far! Im so happy to finally share this with you all, thank you so much for your encouragement!
Original art and ComPet / Pet-Sitter Concepts By the ever lovely NimbleTail
Big Thankies to Brentwood for all their help as well, Sue Sharp is a character that belongs to them and she has her own full lovely story you should 100% go explore as well!
Shout out to Pepper Puppy for letting me use her character as well!

All characters are fictional, consenting, and adults. Viewer discretion as the content warnings are no joke.