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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 4 – Slime

I decided to rewrite the slime entry so that it would make more sense.


Aton ran through the tall grass as fast as he could, swiping the taller stalks out of the way. It was his only chance to escape while the caravan guards were still fighting the monsters. For a moment he looked back, and already saw that a fire had started among the wagons, some of the flames reaching high into the night sky, giving off some light in the twilight. No doubt whatever other monsters that were in the area would be attracted to it, and like hell was he going to end up becoming-

“Gahhhh!” he shouted as his foot caught something. He threw his hands out in front of him, and they landed in something, mud maybe. Aton tried to pull his hands back, but as he tried, he found that they were stuck.

“What the hell?” Aton whimpered, a quiet panic settling in, before he heard something, almost like…

Then he saw her. He couldn’t see her well in the dark, but the figure emerging from the brush, her surface shone a bit in the moon light, showing off a voluptuous figure, with immense breasts and hips. She looked like she’s just come out of a pool and was dripping wet in the darkness. Though as he saw the rising moon through her face, and the ever widening smile, a smile that went far beyond what a human should be able to do, he knew he was dead.

Figuratively, he’d certainly live, but… if he’d ever make it back to his loving wife and kids as he was now, there wasn’t a chance.

“No, NO!” Aton cried out as he redoubled his efforts even though intellectually he knew it was hopeless. He’d once seen the strongest man in his old village get swamped by these things, and he hadn’t even been able to pull them off. What chance did he, reedy and malnourished Aton have? Even so he desperately tried to pull his hand from the goo girl, only succeeding in pulling her closer.

“Husband,” was all she said as she flung her arms out, her body expanding, her breasts shrinking as her form expanded, quickly growing taller than him, while her sides spread out like leather on a tanning rack. Aton couldn’t help but scream as she crashed down on him, enveloping him with the sticky fluid of her body, instantly soaking him with herself as she rapidly enveloped him. 

Without any hesitation, Aton felt the slime starting to rub him all over, the parts around him solidifying, even as he tried to push out against them. The slime girl’s fluid body easily slid past Aton’s modest clothes, a part of her was already rubbing his cock, his balls, it was as if he’d paid for an expert team of half elven whores to pay special attention to his privates, and the slime was already making him gasp.

Some of the slime pulled away, exposing Aton’s face to the open night air, the moonlight letting him see a bit as the slime kept touching him, as she started to surge into him. Aton gasped as he felt slime enter his ass, sliding in easily, sending a strange, pleasurable sensation through him. Despite himself he felt a twitching in his cock separate from the monster’s touching. He felt a strange, but not entirely sensation of something entering his cock, a slightly cool feeling of something sliding in as the slime circled his dick while also trying to jerk him off. His momentary gasps slowly turned to repeated pants, his voice coming out just a little with each as he reacted to the pleasure, the strange and alluring pleasure he was feeling from the slime filling his ass, spreading him out back there, which somehow felt good. Then as well from how she filled his cock, sliding down into his urethra, and sending alluring shivers down his spine.

At the same time, the slime started to properly push into him, slipping past his clothing, though they were still wet. He felt the slime kneading him, pressing into him from every which way, focusing on his muscles, or on other places. He felt the monster rubbing at his thighs, rubbing that place between his ass and his cock, and then also rubbing his nipples, swirling around them. Aton couldn’t help it as his moan grew louder as the pleasure the slime gave him increased further. 

Then above him, illuminated by the moon light, he saw the slime taking shape above him, her exaggerated form smaller than it was before. No longer were her breasts bigger than prize winning pumpkins with an ass comparable with a horse’s, but rather they both had shrunk. Her breasts could still smother him in their mass, and her ass was still would have been enough to turn the gaze of everyone in his village. Now though, they looked less like those of a perverted witch or wizard’s mistress, and more like the most gorgeous maiden that all in the town and beyond would desire. As she sat atop Aton, the slime girl slid her hands across him, circling his chest, a finger forming under his slime soaked clothing to trace where she was pressing as she moved across his chest. She circled his nipples once and then twice before she brought herself low. She slid those massive breasts across his chest, and Aton couldn’t help but swallow his spit, his gaze continuously drawn to those massive globes of slime that were capturing his attention.

“Husband,” she said again before letting out a vapid giggle, and then leaned down further. Her lips pressed up against his, and she started to kiss him. Aton tried to stop her, to keep his lips shut, but she forced her way in, her slime unable to be resisted as she loosened his lips through force… and a generous amount of pressing and sliding into him down below. Her ministrations down below increased further, her slime moving in ways to send more pleasure through him as a part of him started to feel amazing, forcing him to moan with lips that didn’t remain closed for long.

As she slipped in, her tongue quickly dominated the field, conquering his mouth with ease as she slide around and circled his tongue. She tasted of blueberries while her lips made his tingle like when he’d kiss his wife. As they kissed, she pressed further into him, pleasure erupting from his ass and from the tendril of slime in his cock, making his hips shake and shiver, wanting to thrust it into somewhere, anywhere to increase his pleasure. His mind was being overtaken by the monster, so filled with lust he couldn’t resist much longer, and that was when she struck. She moved his cock to point upwards, towards her, and through her, Aton could see her spread her pussy while she looked lovingly into his eyes. Then, all in a smooth motion, she used her slime to push him forth, and she drove him into her. Aton cried out as her velvety walls sent a hair raising wave of pleasure through him. At the same time, whatever she was doing in his cock sped up, the pressure increasing as the length of the tendril increased, turned bumpy, and then she continued to move in him. At the same time, the slime in his ass pulsed, filling up larger, and larger, that spot, that wonderful, agonising spot being assaulted on two sides, while he felt himself getting spread out and toyed with back there. A strange, intense pleasure filled him while her pussy squeezed down on him, her walls shifted and sucking him in, while at the same time opening up to let him more easily slide in. Aton was already getting close to cumming, and his moans reflected that, coming out with enough force that bubbles started to get pushed into the slime girl as she giggled.

Then Aton felt it, a sudden rush of pleasure more intense than those before flowing through him quickly. His balls contracted, and his cock started to pulsate. The man went cross-eyed as he started to cum; white shooting into the blue beauty, and only then did the monster girl pull back. She laughed as her eyes turned to hearts as she fed off of him. 

Yet, as he kept thrusting, he didn’t feel tired; he didn’t feel like he could stop either. His libido hadn’t vanished but had only increased, spiralling out of control. Reaching up, Aton grabbed the slime girl by her hips and started to earnestly fuck her, his mind unable to comprehend doing anything else. He needed her, he needed to fuck her. He needed more. Then as he fucked her, she started to shrink, a bulbous mass pulling from her and from the slime around Aton. Her form shifted from a very mature adult to almost a teen, a barely developed teen, but a teen nonetheless, and the blob detached. While he was too busy fucking the now barely mature slime girl to fully pay attention, he did realise that there was now a clone of her who smiled at them. After another moment, the slime slide away from them in the tall grass, while Aton kept fucking the wonderful slimy creature, thoughts of escaping the monsters that attacked his caravan, the destruction of his livelihood, and those of his wife. All those thoughts deserted him as the slime girl filled his core with her mana while he filled her with cum.


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Thread Necromancer

Entry 4 – Slime Aton ran through the tall grass as fast as he could, swiping the talle...

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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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