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Thread Necromancer
Thread Necromancer
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Displaying posts with tag Hobgoblin.Reset Filter
Thread Necromancer
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 Entry 8 – Hobgoblin


Fren walked through the bushes, looking around as she wore her favourite set of straps her sister got her. Her sister got her a nice matching set, and hers helped support her big boobies as well while Fran’s made hers look bigger. Of course, she also had her club as well since Fran told her never to leave the cave without it. So she didn’t.

As she walked, Fren wondered what exactly had held up her sister for so long. She didn’t normally take this long, but then, she wasn’t normally out looking for a man since there were almost no unclaimed ones back in Usseldorf. Sure there were small raids by scary people on horseback with lots of armour, but they usually came and killed one or two people before fleeing before the guards could be called to arms to take them down.

She was probably just getting held up by having fun with their husband though. Fren giggled a bit in a dreamy voice, imagining Fran, their husband holding her face to his crotch as her big sister made lewd sounds. His cock would be going down her throat as Fran played with his balls and the dildo she liked to put in. Idly, Fren reached down, avoiding her breasts but rather pressing against her pussy lips as she imagined the scene, her dreamy smile turning lewd as she pushed through another set of bushes, when she heard the sound of shouting. Tilting her head, Fren slowed her approach to the next set of bushes, and crouched down before peering around them. 

As she looked, Fren’s eyes widened as she saw, she saw… she saw her sister, a… a sword stuck in her back, surrounded by three men, with another man barely out of his boyhood tied to the ground, though he was unconscious from the looks of it.

“Poor bastard, he should have followed the laws and not gone out looking for trouble. Any idea who he is?”

“I think his name is Arin. Goblin got him and must have been fucking him all morning. His sister got turned into a werewolf or something so that’s probably why he’s got that silver sword on him.”

“Probably just end up fucking her if he even got to see her again. So what should we do about him? Guy’s been fucked by a goblin.”

“Make sure he’s alright, it’s just a goblin, not a succu-” Fren burst from the bushes, screaming out bloody murder as she raised her club high. Caught flat footed, the first man was smashed in the face by her club before he could get his sword out. She heard a crunch before she slammed her club into a second man’s chest and he went down. There was the sound of metal on wood as she smashed his chest before the third guard made a slash at her that cut deep into her arm. Fren cried but swung her club towards the third man. He dodged before Fren’s club could connect. Undeterred, Fren charged once more at the man, going for an underhanded swing that the guard side stepped before coming back and kicking her in the chest. 

“Gyaah!” Fren cried out as a greater pain than she’d ever felt blasted through her as her vision blurred and she was thrown flat on her back. Fren dropped her club and grabbed a hold of her bountiful breasts in an effort to protect her soft and extremely sensitive chest. A pitiful moan came out of her. Tears had already been welling her eyes, and they only came faster now as the pain was paralysing. A wracking sob came from Fren as she tried to regain her breath, tried to get up. But she saw two of the men on either side of her. One placed a boot on her stomach and pointed a sword at her. 

“How’s Rodriguez?”

“Just unconscious, bless Ares, hehehe,” the one she’d smashed with her club in the chest said. He said the Goddess of war’s name so mockingly as well.

“So, what do we do with her?”

“She’s a hob, so that likely means there’s a band of the little shits around here. Don’t stick her, the near by town doesn’t have the defences to fight off a goblin raid yet without losing most of their menfolk.”

“But what about that one, the Hob went into a frenzy when she saw the goblin dead like that?”

“That’s why we’ll take her hostage. You still have those slave collars from that one dark elf right?”

“Yup, still got them back at the church.”

“Good, we’ll take her hostage to buy us some time until reinforcements arrive. Keep watching the bushes, I don’t want any more surprises,” as he said that, he looked down at Fren again, kneeling down near her. Whimpering, Fren tried to push away at his face, but the human stayed out of reach, and her chest still hurt, but at least he’d pulled his sword away. Maybe if Fren managed to escape, she could beat him down for hurting her, and maybe then show him the proper way of touching her there.

“Sorry about that Hobby,” as he said that, he pulled his hand out of his gloves, and then… and then he reached down. 

His caress was soft, and Fren’s blush suddenly enveloped her face as she felt the warrior’s hand on her breast. Unlike a human, Fren never repressed herself and let out a somewhat pained moan, the kick’s sting still lingering as the man touched her, but yet, the touching was like an electric spark spreading through her. The sensation started to fill her as the man let his other gauntlet drop. Fren eyed it, her breath quickening. Was he, did he want, but… why, why would he hurt Fran? Conflicting desires spread through Fren as she wanted to be touched more, her hypersensitive breasts already feeling so good from the man’s touches, and the pain, it almost made it feel better and more intense. Fren’s moans grew louder as the feeling in her continued to build. 

“Uh?” the one that wasn’t touching her asked and the man, no, her husband to be, looked up at him. 

“Hobgoblin breasts are extremely sensitive. I have my reasoning for it and I’ll tell you back in the village. Just trust me a moment, and get me some rope,” but then what about Fran? Did, they couldn’t have been the ones to… to murder her, not if they were acting like this, right? They, they must have just come across Fran. Fran, oh Fran. 

Tears continued to fall down Fren’s face as she lamented her sister, her dead corpse being left there. It, it wasn’t fair. As he looked away, Fren grabbed his other hand, and pulled it to her chest, not wanting to think anymore. Not, not right now. The man didn’t seem all that surprised and soon enough, with both hands, he started to knead her breasts. The sensations immediately made Fren cry out a bit as his hands were like magic, sending pleasure through her, just like Fran used to do when they needed to blow off steam. As Fren’s new husband kneaded her breasts, she rubbed her legs together, adding just a little bit of extra to the pleasure emanating from her breasts as the man’s touches grew rougher, his fingers pressing into her soft supple flesh with ease, each press a new sensation flowing through her. 

Then he reached her nipples, and it was like a detonation of delight as Fren cried out. The well inside of her suddenly felt like it was going to overflow as her new hubby started to touch her more, as he lightly caressed her hard nipples and then.

“Ooooouuuuuah!” Fren cried out as he pinched them, Fren’s legs spreading out, her pussy juices spraying out as her eyes rolled back and her mind went blank. Pleasure ruled her mind as it descended on her thoughts like a dense fog. 

Then he pulled on her breasts, pulling her up towards him by them and Fren started to hump at her knight, at her hubby as he played with her breasts, the pleasure unending for her as he grew rougher and rougher with them, spreading them out and continuing to play with her nipple. Another climax was already building in her, her pussy twitching and drooling all over her husband’s torso as she humped at him, meanwhile she felt rope being tied around her arms behind her. It was done in such a way that Fren’s arms were painfully stuck in place, but that was fine because her husband was here, and he was making her feel so good~!

Her hubby pinched once again and Fren pussy clammed down, twitching and trying to milk an imaginary cock in her, but found nothing, only able to squirt out more of her quim as she started to buck her hips again while her mind went blank. More, she needed more from her hubby!

Then as she blanked out from the climax, she felt her hubby shift positions, not enough to leave her, but to touch her from behind now, his big strong arms wrapping around her and groping her front as he walked her, and pulled at her tits to draw her in a direction. Panting hard, Fren followed those hands as they pulled at her, walking as best she could while her juices dripped down her legs, until they reached the horses. There he spun her around, and let go of her breasts!

Fren made a distressed sound but then he grabbed her by her armpits and hoisted her up on top of the big horse, before mounting it himself. Wasting no time Fren shifted forward, rubbing herself against her husband, but it wasn’t as good as when he touched her, as when he was making her cum with his hands on her breasts, she wanted more.

Then with a pat on her head she looked up at her husband, as his rugged face, his stern features. He looked down his nose at her before speaking: “I need to ride now, don’t interrupt too much or it will take longer for me to… touch you again, okay? The rubbing is fine, just no more than that, and don’t break out of those ropes.”

Fren nodded before something occurred to her.

“But what about Fran? What about those guys?” she asked but he jerked his head over to the one horse to his left. There Fren could see two of the men, one sitting like her only unconscious, while the other was tied up, and on the horses rump, but in enough that he shouldn’t fall off. But, she didn’t see Fran.

“As for your goblin friend, this country is lousy with armature necromancers, I’m sure she will be up and about in no time,” he said, and Fren gave a sad nod. Fran didn’t want to be a skeleton, she wanted to be a goblin… but… if that is what she was meant to be…


I’m not sure I got the stupidity of Hobgoblins correct, but anyways, if you enjoyed this, please like, comment, and if you enjoyed this, subscribe on my Subscribestar to show your appreciation!
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I would love to see if my stuff is good enough that people might support me and my work so I can do it more often.
I kind of want to hit 5 subscribers since it would be great to have that amount of people supporting me~!

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