Kelly And Sarah's Shift Alone

Kelly and Sarah were relieved to look at the clock and notice the store would be closing in Five minutes. Their co-workers call out for the day leaving the Two of them alone to manage the entire store for the evening. The door chime rang as the Two girls sighed knowing a customer was coming in so late in the evening. "Great, a last-minute shopper. What an asshole. You want this one?". Sarah looked at Kelly "No, he is all yours. I got the last one!". Kelly scoffed and greeted the customer with her fake smile and approached him. "Hey sir, can I help you with anything?". "um, you guys carry network cable?" the customer awkwardly asked. "Yes sir, I can show you, it's just this way". Kelly and the man began walking towards the aisle. Kelly noticed the man staring at her ass, "Ugh, pig!" she scoffed to herself as they approached the aisle. "You girls all alone tonight, where are all your staff?" Kelly looked at the man not even thinking about the odd question. "We had a few guys call out today, so it's just me and my co-worker Kelly". "I almost forgot, do you have any more of those USB drives I saw a sale on when I walked in? I noticed none left". "Yeah, let me get Kelly to grab you one while I help you with the cable". Kelly yelled to Sarah to go grab the item. Sarah shook her head as she left the room to the back storage area. 

Sarah slammed the door behind her cursing, annoyed that the customer had not left yet. "Five more minutes and we can get the hell out of here," she thought to herself searching the shelves for the product. *CLANG* Sarah jumped as she heard something fall in the dark warehouse. "Hello, Kelly is that you!?" she yelled hoping for a response. No one responded so Sarah shrugged it off and went back to searching. Sarah grabbed the drive relieved she could finally get the man out of the store. Sarah turned to a man standing in front of her. As she was about to scream, his hands grabbed her, covering her mouth and holding her arms. Sarah gasped and she was dragged into the dimly lit warehouse.

"Is your friend okay back there? She has been gone a while". Kelly annoyingly looked around to see if Sarah had returned but was nowhere to be found. "She probably can't find the item. I will go back and give her a hand. I just need to lock the door so no one else wanders in after hours. Do you mind waiting here?". "Not at all, take your time" the man smirked back. Kelly locked the door and proceeded to the back warehouse of the store. "I'll only be a minute" she yelled back to the man. 

Kelly opened the door annoyed. "Sarah, what the hell are you doing back...oh my god!" Kelly's annoyed tone became panicked as she turned the corner and saw Sarah, stripped to her bra and panties, a dildo gag shoved in her mouth tightly. an unknown man looked up at Kelly as he was wrapping duct tape around Sarah's body tightly and smirked. Kelly screamed as she turned to run away. As Kelly turned, she ran into something and fell to the floor. The man she had been helping stood tall in front of her. "What is going on here, who are you guys!?" she yelled out. "I'm calling the cops!". Kelly pulled out her phone panicking trying to unlock it. Before she could unlock it, the phone was snatched from her hands and both men held her still while duct tape was tightly wrapped around her wrists. Kelly screamed, "HELP, SOMEONE HELP US, PLEASE!" as loud as she could before her screams became muffled as a large ball gag filled her lips and mouth, sealing it shut. Kelly whimpered as she looked over at Sarah sobbing in the corner, drooling all over herself unable to move. Kelly squirmed as her uniform was cut off and her pants pulled down exposing her. Her bra straps snapped as they were cut off with a knife exposing her firm breasts. "Those are nice" the man muttered as he groped Kelly, tightly squeezing her breasts in his hands. Duct tape continued to wrap around her breasts, legs, and ankles. Before she knew it, Kelly was fully bound and gagged, helpless and alone with Sarah and Two men wondering what they were going to do with them.

"Alright girls, up we go". Kelly was lifted to her feet, pleading through her gag, drooling saliva all over herself. Sarah was picked up and carried as she cried out. Kelly whimpered as she was lifted over the man's shoulder. The man smacked her ass hard as she moaned carrying her into the warehouse shipping area. The two girls were placed into some folding chairs as the Two men wrapped duct tape around their legs and the chair holding them in place. Sarah's panties were pulled down to her knees as she whined out for the man to stop. "Oh shut up!" the man said to Sarah as he shoved his hand into her crotch. "Be good, or I'm coming back to this" he licked his lips as she whimpered submissively and put her head down. "We have a few items to pack into our truck before we go, if you girls sit there and be good, nothing bad will happen and I'm sure someone will find you eventually!" the man laughed. The Two men slammed the door to the warehouse as Kelly and Sarah listened to them filling their bags with items.

Sarah began sobbing loudly as Kelly looked over signally her to be quiet. "Shhff, be quieft" she attempted to blurt out as her muffled sentence was drowned out by the whimpering cries from Kelly. Kelly began to squirm and rattle her chair trying to escape. She stopped when the door swung open and the two men entered the room again. Sarah's tears streamed down her face as she pleaded for the men to let them go. "Alright ladies, we decided maybe it would be better if you came along with us for a ride instead. We always wanted a couple of hot bitches to party with!". Sarah and Kelly's eyes widened as one of them pulled open the roll of duct tape. The other man pulled a vibrator and rope from their bag. Kelly and Sarah could not get away. They were at the mercy of their captives.