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Sterling Stories
Sterling Stories
I write erotic literature! Mainly femdom and feminization themed, but I don't limit myself to just those topics. Finished stories can generally be found on LushStories,
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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 5: The Choice

With little time to choose, Sam makes a (poor) decision.

"So, what's it gonna be, dolly?" Alice asked, the machine still pumping the 7-inch dildo in and out of my mouth. Alice started counting, "5... 4..."

Shit. I can't have Laura find me like this! But I also want to be unlocked...

"3... 2..."

I'll go with the throatfucking... at least that would only be a few minutes longer of torture, which is better than God knows how long before the next opportunity to be unlocked...


Panicked about running out of time, I tapped with my left hand. No, wait! That's the cage! I quickly stopped, hoping Alice hadn't seen which hand made the noise, and I started tapping with my right hand instead.

"Both?" Alice asked. "Marvelous. Such a good little doll. Remaining caged and becoming a fleshlight. Tyler would be so proud of you if he knew... Maybe I should text him about your dedication instead?" Alice laughed. "No. I wouldn't do that. It would spoil the surprise!"

Alice walked over to the machine. Click, click. The dial went up to 5. "I'm no musician, but according to the text at the dial, speed setting 5 is the equivalent of 100BPM," Alice said. "It's too bad I don't have a radio or Wi-Fi back here... I'm sure we could find the perfect music to sync up with your beautiful, wet, sucking noises."

Of course, I had to panic and make matters worse! Getting myself into more trouble and making the wrong decisions when given an option seemed to be my superpower these days... At least I would get to use my phone again. Laura is probably pissed off at me for not calling, messaging, or replying to her for so long. Still, getting to orgasm is also nice though, even if it has to be caged...

Hng, gluck, gluck. With the machine pounding away at me, my saliva kept building up. With no time to swallow it down, it coated the dildo and made me drool. I would have tried to imagine how I would shower with Alice, given that the store has no showers (Would she take me home with her? Or would she come home with me? I hadn't the slightest clue), but with the machine still doing its thing, it was simply too much for me to focus my brain into forming any coherent thoughts.

Another half hour or so went by. The floor was now a mess of chocolate syrup and saliva. Alice walked into the room, observed the scene, and said, "I guess I'll inform Tyler that it's not just your caged dick that's 'self-lubricating'!" She chuckled. "I brought my vibrator over, so I can give you that caged orgasm," Alice said, waving her vibrator around.

"Wanna know a little secret?" She asked. "I used it on myself first, and it's still a little wet, so you might end up feeling some of my juices running over your cage and skin."

The thought had me so excited, that it sent a shiver down my spine. It must've made for a funny sight, as I was still tightly bound.

"Glad to see you like that thought as much as I did," Alice said. "But what excites me even more is the next bit..."

"Hmmpf?" I tried to vocalize my confusion, as the machine was still relentlessly violating my throat.

Alice kneeled at the machine, her hand reaching for the speed dial. "Remember how you choose to go the extra mile on this thing?" Alice asked. "When I said it would be for a few minutes, what I meant was that I would keep it on that setting until I made you cum. So perhaps it's a good thing you opted to stay caged, now I can help you be done faster!" Alice said, proud of her plan.

"Now, you might ask yourself, 'why?'. Why specifically until you cum?" Alice said.  "Because cumming is a result of reaching piqued arousal. It's the most honest way to announce you loved something. And I want you to show me how much you love being relentlessly throatfucked like a fleshlight. To be reduced to nothing but a toy."

Her words were so degrading, but something in my head couldn't help but agree that that was a very hot idea.

Click, click, click. The dial went up to 8. If I had to describe this new experience, I would have said it rhymed with a rather well-known song, as it was 'harder, wetter, faster, rougher'. Luckily, thanks to the extensive preparations, I was able to keep myself from throwing up. I was, however, drooling all over the place.

Alice took her time getting back to the side of the bondage furniture. She enjoyed watching the machine forcing its way inside me, the continuous wet slapping of the dildo's base hitting my face as my throat produced a gagging sound, over and over. By the time she finally got close to my exposed cage, she took it in her hand. Fondled it. Teased it. At some point, I could even swear I felt a kiss on the cage, though it was hard to tell with everything going on.

"Now that you're all worked up, I wonder how long you'll need to cum from the simulation of my vibrator," Alice teased. "One minute? Thirty seconds?... Ten?" She chuckled. With a barely audible 'click', the vibrator turned on. Its vibrations were shortly thereafter resonating against my cage.

Feeling stimulation from more than just one spot... both mentally and physically. The experience was something else entirely. Alice had no problem edging me mentally, purely through her words. And physically... The dildo abusing my mouth made me feel like a fleshlight, like a toy. A toy that was meant to be used, not cared for. And then there was also the cage shaking with the vibrations of Alice's vibrator. It did not feel as good as jerking myself off, but it certainly didn't feel bad either. It was a strange kind of pleasure. A pleasure that I could not control, no matter how much I wanted to. I couldn't speed anything up or down. The arrival of my orgasm was no longer up to me. A concept that still felt very foreign to me.

Suddenly, I felt Alice's hand cupping my testicles. "Do you like it when I do this?" Alice asked, as she softly squeezed and played with them. Her actions made me want to moan, but it was suppressed by the dildo and its assault on my throat. The only noise I could produce was a repeated gagging noise.

Alice slowly started tightening her grip, specifically around my left testicle. She squeezed harder and asked, "How would you feel if we made one of these go 'pop'?" Her voice sounded sadistic, evil, and mischievous. "After all, you only 'need' one..." she continued. Her grip began hurting me more and more. "Do you even need one at all?" Alice was no longer playfully teasing. It was like she was suddenly possessed and dead set on castrating me by clenching her fist around my testicle. My eyes had started to water, my gagging noises were laced with screams of agony. But there was no stopping it.

As if by divine intervention, Alice released her grip. "I'm kidding," she said. "I wouldn't do that. I take far too much pleasure in making my doll clean up her messes." She got up. "Don't move," she said. "Not that you have an option." Alice walked over to a cupboard and grabbed a glass. When she got back to me, she held the glass in front of my cage. "Now, be a good doll and fill this one up for me," She cooed. "Cum for me, baby."

On command, I started spasming in my cage. Alice saw I had started climaxing and, in response, pretended to lose her balance. She fell towards the machine. Her hand, in an attempt to catch herself, landed on the speed dial and turned it to 10, the max setting.

Glark, hurk, gack. The assault on my throat went into overdrive. The sensations were so strong, that I had started to succumb to them. With my arousal piqued during my orgasm, and the machine operating at its maximum speed, my eyes rolled up into the back of my head. I lost the ability to catch my breath, and everything turned dark as I started losing consciousness.

When I finally regained consciousness, I was untied. The fucking machine and the bondage furniture were gone. The floor was clean, with no drool or chocolate syrup in sight. To my surprise, I was laying naked on a comfortable mattress. Was it all just a bad dream?

Alice entered the room. She was carrying a plate with croissants. "Here, eat up," she said. Her face and stature emanated kindness. "I did promise you breakfast. And I meant it," she continued. "Sorry for what happened back there. I truly enjoyed seeing you take that dildo, but I admit that I took it a little too far."

I was at a loss for words. After all that had happened, Alice actually seemed sincere. I guess behind all that attitude is a caring heart after all. "I-" I stammered, accepting the food. "Thank you, Alice."

"I may be extremely kinky and demanding, but aftercare is always important," Alice said. "You more than deserved it today."

I took a bite out of the croissant. It was filled with some sort of chocolate spread. I hadn't had those since I was a kid. If aftercare meant getting delicious childhood food and affection, I'd gladly suffer her kinky side any day. I took another bite. A content 'Hmm' followed as I enjoyed the delightful treat.

"I'm glad you like them," Alice said. "Much better than just some syrup, right?"

I nodded in silence. Another bite. Though this bite had a remarkable crunch to it. There was something hard, but not unbreakable, in this part of the croissant. It affected the taste too. Despite the chocolate spread, this bite was far less pleasant to my taste buds. However, not wanting to be disrespectful and spit it out, I still decided to swallow the chunk down.

Upon seeing my facial expression, Alice said, "Let me get you something to drink." She walked over to the fridge and poured a juice drink into a glass. "Here," Alice said,  handing me the glass. "Pineapple juice. It may not be the best combination with the food, but it's good for you."

Having had nothing to drink, I greedily chugged the entire glass in one go. "Thank you, Alice," I said. "I really needed that."

"I can imagine!" Alice replied. "Now, finish your plate and get dressed, so you can go home. You deserved it," she said as she petted my head.

I finished my plate and got dressed. I was rather bummed that I was barely even awake for long enough to actually enjoy my orgasm. It was a very cruel reward, and I started to wonder just how much I'd regret the shower reward...

"Oh, sweetie? Before I forget..." Alice said as I was about to leave the employees' room. "The unlock code to your phone is the shape of an 'S'... as in 'sissy sammy'." She winked at me and let out a short laugh.

"I'll see you again tomorrow... And take this!" she exclaimed as she tossed a small enema bottle. "Use this before you drop by tomorrow. Clean yourself out! We don't want any sudden accidents!" she added as her facial expression filled with disgust.

I guess I know what tomorrow's training is going to be...
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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 4: Breakfast

With Tyler's interest in the doll established, Alice decides Sam needs to prioritize other training activities first.

"And skip breakfast tomorrow, for reasons!" Alice's words still echoed in my head as I found myself in front of Wonderland once again. I was rather hungry, as I usually don't skip breakfast... but I also knew that going against Alice's wishes would not be beneficial for me or my keys...

I entered the store. Alice perked up. "There you, are!" she said. "I was beginning to think you passed out from hunger on the way here!"

"Hunger, or anxiety," I replied. "You haven't even told me why I had to skip breakfast."

"I did, actually. I clearly remember saying it was for reasons," Alice said, jokingly. Her tone became more flirty as she continued, "I also recall saying I was going to unlock you today..." Alice's finger lifted her necklace again to provide visual confirmation of my chastity key still being there.

"So, what's the training task today?" I asked. Given the intensity of the dolly training, I could only imagine what she had in store for me today...

"Everything is set up in the back! Mostly, anyway," Alice replied. "Nothing public. And it won't even take that long today. You're in luck." Alice walked me to the back as we entered the employees' room once again. In the corner of the room, I saw what seemed to be a piece of bondage furniture. Leather straps attached to its legs, a padded top, and several other straps to keep one's body locked in place... it seemed that this was my training seat for the day...

Alice caught me staring at the furniture and said, "Yup, that one is yours. Your daily training sessions for the next few days will all involve bondage of sorts. You need to be trained to act like a doll. And dolls don't move on their own. So training you like this will make it easier to put on a convincing show for your friend, Tyler."

"But I thought you said you weren't going to do that?" I asked nervously.

"Well, it'll be more like a test drive, really," Alice chuckled. "I'll let him buy you, but I'll tag the box with a silent alarm directly linked to my phone. It'll go off once Tyler opens the box up. I'll give him a few hours to get his money's worth out of you, before calling him to return you, as there will have been a recall by the manufacturer. He'll return you, and get his money back, thus undoing the purchase."

"That sounds overly complicated with too many key moments that could go wrong," I said.

Alice rolled her eyes at me. "Speaking of key moments..." she began. "I don't like the way you seem to be doubting me. You shouldn't ever question your keyholder like that. I have your best interest in mind. I'm offended you question my ideas." She reached for a drawer in the room and revealed a key identical to the one around her neck.

"I would like to remind you that you only have three of these..." Alice taunted. "Well, two now." She added as she walked over to the toilets. Alice swung the door open and made sure I could see how she dropped the key into the toilet. The key splashed into the toilet water. "How's this for a key moment, sweetie?" Alice teased as she flushed the toilet with a laugh.

"Now then. Any more doubts about my plan? Or are you going to be a good doll and trust me?" Alice asked, walking back from the toilets.

"I'll be good," I whined.

"That's more like it," Alice replied. "Now, get on that bench so I can strap you down. You need to learn to get comfortable with not moving and acting like a rigid doll."

I moved into position and let Alice strap me down. "How long is today's training going to last? I'm starting to get hungry," I asked.

"Just a few hours, but don't worry. You'll be having an 'all you can eat' breakfast very soon." Alice said. Her tone was cause for concern, but there was nothing I dared to do about it. Alice finished strapping me down and walked away, only to return shortly thereafter with, what at first looked like a simplified mounted gun, just without a trigger or any ammunition slots.

Alice noticed my confusion and hushed me. "I'm still assembling it. Give me a second," she said, as she walked back to get the other parts to finish her build. The last part of her build was a 7-inch dildo, which she attached to the 'barrel of the gun'. It was only then that I realized she was setting up a fucking machine. The coin dropped. Her remarks about not eating breakfast and giving me an all-you-can-eat breakfast... How had I not seen this coming?

"I got a good look at Tyler's cock the other day and I estimate him to be about this size," Alice said, gesturing at the mounted dildo. "So, today, your training will be complete once your gag reflex stops seeing this dildo as the enemy and fully accepts it without complaint."

Alice pushed the machine into place in front of me at a slight offset and plugged in the machine. Using a knob to control the speed, the machine spun to life. The dildo moved towards me, but instead of entering my mouth, it instead ended up next to my face. Alice turned the dial back and the machine stopped. "Almost there," Alice remarked as she observed the side view of my mouth and the reach of the dildo's base. "I want you to take it all the way to the base. So I have to make sure the machine doesn't stop short and let you off easy," Alice said, as she continued to fine-tune the machine's placement.

When Alice was content with her fine-tuning, she turned the machine on again and stopped it when the dildo was fully retracted. She then adjusted it to properly line it up with my mouth. "Open up!" Alice said encouragingly. Hesitantly, I did as she asked, and Alice played with the dial to stop the dildo just as the head of the dildo entered my mouth. She then flipped a switch and said, "This switch marks the position at which the machine reverts directions. This way, your mouth will be forced open during the entire training."

"There's also an optional setting that makes the machine revert directions when it detects resistance going forwards," Alice continued. "I'll turn that on too, for now... See, I'm not all that bad! I truly care about my doll." Alice flipped the second switch and turned the speed dial to 1. "I'll even start you off easy," Alice said.  "At this speed, the second it even gently touches your uvula, it will retract. It'll warm you up to accepting the feeling of something prodding and rubbing it without having to gag."

Being satisfied with her explanation, Alice started walking off, but then stopped as she reached the door. "Oh, another thing. Dolls don't look around. So try to get used to looking straight ahead... This will help," Alice said as she flipped the light switch. The room turned pitch-black. "I'll come back to check on you in half an hour! It's only going to get more intense from this point on, so try to enjoy it while it's still gentle with you."

It was hard to keep track of time, being left in a pitch-black room, with a dildo repeatedly prodding my mouth. No breaks, no rest. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, and no way to check a clock or even count manually as the machine was distracting to the touch, taste, and hearing. Most of my senses were simply too occupied by the machine.

Alice was right though, if I wanted to have any chance at passing as a doll and not revealing my secret, I'd need to eliminate my gag reflex. It was certainly not going to get easier, so now would be my best shot at actively trying to accept and adapt, before Alice inevitably amped up the machine.

Tap, tap, tap. The touch of the dildo against my uvula was bothersome, but not bothersome enough to cause any convulsions. I took my everything to focus on that feeling and mentally try to normalize it in hopes of my throat becoming more accepting towards the next step...

The lights came back on. "How's it going, sweetie?" Alice asked. She continued observing me for a minute before walking over to the machine. "It seems you've got this step down, at least," she said. "Let's up the speed a little bit. It'll make your reflex training a little more intense as now your uvula will feel a little more force before the dildo retracts, but at least you'll be experiencing a more natural speed... comparable to giving a sensual blowjob to a loving partner." Alice turned the dial up to 3 and added, "Imagine this machine as your 'loving partner'... imagine it as Tyler. Long for him, lust after him. Desire him. Let him explore your throat..."

With that, Alice got up and walked back over to the kitchen, fumbled around, and came back with a small attachment that she stuck on the machine. A bottle of chocolate syrup was soon hanging suspended above the dildo. Alice had opened the cap and a thin line of syrup started dripping onto the dildo.

"Consider this your lunch break," Alice said. "Make sure to suck on the dildo and work that tongue if you want to get any of it in your stomach!" She turned another dial on the machine. This one caused a break on intervals. "There," Alice said. "Now you have a fair opportunity to swallow down that lunch after every five thrusts of the machine. You're so lucky I'm a nice keyholder."

Yeah, right. 'Nice'. Did she honestly think I had already forgotten how she flushed one of my chastity keys about an hour ago?

"Well, back to your cocksucking duties, my sissy doll!" Alice teased. She blew me a kiss and turned around to leave. "Be back in half an hour. Try not to make too much of a mess!" she said, as she flipped the light switch once again and left the room.

With the machine now operating at a faster speed, it took more concentration to let myself not get bothered by the tapping of the dildo against my uvula. At least I was finally able to ingest some food, if you could even call it that. Though it was difficult to collect the syrup, it also incentivized me to lick, suck and slurp on the dildo. From a training perspective, it would help me get better at giving blowjobs, but it felt counterproductive in regard to acting like a doll, where the point is to move as little as possible.

By the time Alice came back, the syrup bottle was halfway finished. A large amount was 'successfully collected, but a noticeable amount also ended up on the floor. Alice removed the bottle and said, "Before going home, you're going to clean that up, doll." Adding insult to injury, she bent over forwards with her hands on her knees and said, as if talking to a baby, "With the mess you made having breakfast, you're more like a baby than a slut. Should I head over to the fetish section and get you a bib? Would you rather suck on a pacifier? Should I get you an adult diaper?" Despite her taunting, Alice remained in the room, observing how I handled the machine.

Satisfied, she dialed the speed back down to 1 and flipped the impact detection switch off. The machine now slowly pushed the dildo all the way down my throat. The base of the dildo hit my face. I started making gagging sounds, but I managed to keep my convulsions under control. "Ooh, very good, doll!" Alice cheered, clapping her hands. "I had somewhat expected that it would still be too early for this step, but you're taking it like a pro. Have you done this before?" She teased, knowing very well what the answer was.

Alice turned the interval dial back to 0. The machine went back to a continuous rhythm without taking breaks. "I'll give you a few minutes to adjust before putting you back up to your last speed," Alice said, carefully watching the forced deepthroats and my handling of them. "Hmm," Alice pondered. "I wonder if your friend would go easy on your throat and fuck your mouth sensually with love, or treat you like a fleshlight and pound your throat mercilessly... regardless, you need to be ready for either scenario." After a short while, Alice turned the speed dial back up to 3 and the machine picked up the pace in response.

With the machine now repeatedly forcing deepthroats on me, I quickly learned the importance of numbing the sensation of the dildo hitting my uvula. My gag reflex was constantly tested now. Thankfully the machine was still at a relatively low speed, making it, albeit barely, manageable for me to withstand the convulsions.

The lights switched off again. Alice walked off. It appeared she hadn't mentioned when she would be back this time. I would have gotten worried, if it weren't for the dildo forcing me to focus on keeping myself from gagging too much.

As if she had done this kind of training experiment before and timed it, the very minute I felt like I got used to the rhythm of the dildo, Alice appeared again. "I see you're still doing well. That's good," Alice said. "We'll still try one more speed setting for today, and then you can rest, while I, as promised, will temporarily unlock your cage so you can jerk off, or whatever it is you wanted to be uncaged for. And then, when you're ready to go back in your cage, you can go home." There was a hint of hesitation in her voice. "Unless..." Alice continued. She moved closer to inspect the cage. "No. It's still too early to switch to a smaller model," she concluded.

Alice pondered. "Okay, so how about this then," she said. "We can either stick to the aforementioned plan... or, we take an additional step of your choice, each with an additional reward... If you choose to remain locked, I'll personally help you cum using my vibrator on your cage," she said, and gently patted my cage. After which, she moved in front of me. "If you choose to allow me to turn you into a fleshlight and have the machine roughly go to town on your throat for a few minutes, I'll let you shower with me tomorrow," she continued, suggestively caressing her body through her clothing. "And if you do both," a pause filled the air. "I'll let you know the password combination I put on your phone the other day," she winked.

Alice finished her 'offer', saying, "I realize you can't really voice your answer, being throatfucked and all, so just tap with your left hand if you wish to remain locked, or with your right hand if you wish to go the extra mile on the machine..."

I weighed my options. Did I really want to take things further than I had to? On the other hand, Alice talked for quite a while, which allowed me to get used to the current speed. Maybe a few minutes at a fast speed wasn't that bad...

"Oh, and if you don't pick anything at all, I think I might just text your girlfriend to come pick you up. After we're done, of course. So maybe she wouldn't be that suspicious of you, aside from wondering why 'you' had given her number to me," Alice teased. She unlocked her phone and showed me her contact list.

There it was. Laura's phone number, listed in her contacts as 'doll's gf'... She must've copied it when she had possession of my phone when I was stuck in that box yesterday.

"Do you really want to take that risk?" Alice asked...
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Love Changes Everything

Magic Dreams, where dreams last forever.

Steve and Melissa got married in early January. They had been lovers for a few years now, but for some reason, they never found the right moment to live together. Melissa couldn't wait to move in with Steve, but she had made the mistake of telling him on their first date that she was allergic to dogs. When it came time for them to get to know each other better, Steve suddenly disclosed he had a dog, Rocco, whom he loved very much.

He made up how Rocco was very old, and only a few years away from dying a natural death, how he wouldn't dare to put him in a shelter or separate from him during his final moments. "It's inhumane, I can't do that to him!" he always yelled. At first, Melissa believed Steve. And they just kept going to Melissa's place for their 'private time'. But eventually, word got out that Melissa wasn't Steve's only lover. He had many other flings throughout their relationship, and they always crashed at his place.

Rocco was a lie to keep Melissa out, and by the time Melissa found out, she and Steve were already engaged. However, instead of confronting Steve right then and there, she decided to play more tactfully. During the months leading up to the wedding, she had looked for ways to enact the perfect revenge while keeping tabs on Steve. And the perfect revenge she found... A magical resort with a Valentine's Day deal. Perfect.


"Honey, I don't know where you found this place, but it's amazing!" Steve said as the couple checked in at the reception of their resort. 'Magic Dreams', the resort was called. Steve never read the brochure. He was much more interested in having side flings, believing Melissa hadn't the slightest clue. It gave him a thrill.

Unpacking their bags in their room, Melissa gave her best impression of a surprised shock, "Oh no!".

Steve looked over and replied, "What's going on?"

Showing the contents of her suitcase, she continued, "I only just now remembered that I packed two suitcases! I knew I forgot something!" Melissa's single suitcase was packed full of lingerie. Lingerie Steve had never even seen before.

"Why in the world did you even bring that much lingerie?" Steve asked, confused.

"It was a surprise activity I had planned. But I guess we can just make it a main activity now," Melissa replied. "Pick a set, any set, and I'll wear it for you and tease you in it for the rest of the day."

Looking at the various sets, Steve's eyes stopped as he looked at a lacy black and red over-the-top slutty lingerie set. "That one," Steve said, pointing at the set.

"Hm, naughty," Melissa replied in a sultry tone as she picked up the set and gave Steve a show, seductively removing her clothing and slipping into her new outfit for the day. "Does my ass look fat in this?" Melissa asked teasingly as she gave her cheeks a firm slap, making them jiggle.

"Your ass looks amazing, babe," Steve replied. "It looks even better than usual... Fuck. You're getting me in the mood!"

"Lie down on the bed then," Melissa started. "I'm not there yet, but I'd love to tease you until I'm ready. Lie down so I can ride your face."

Beds at Magic Dreams were enchanted before guests arrived, according to the instructions given by the guests when they booked the room. Melissa had instructed that she wanted her husband to become hopelessly obsessed with her ass. The second Steve would lie down, he'd fall asleep, and in his dreams, his mind would be altered to accept his newfound desires for Melissa's butt. The desires would last only for a few hours, but that was all Melissa needed.

As Steve eagerly positioned himself on the bed, he soon realized he started feeling a little strange. A sudden sense of sleepiness got the better of him and he quickly lost consciousness. Even his own arousal couldn't keep him awake.

His dreams, however, were still fully focused on the idea of Melissa driving him wild as she rode his face. But in Steve's dream, he was tied down. The tease quickly became torture, as Steve was no longer in command. Melissa rode his face for what seemed like hours to him, never taking off her lingerie. Her lacy panties, however, were fully soaked. There was no denying Melissa reached multiple orgasms, but she never let Steve go. Trapped in his fantasy, he surrendered to Melissa and her glorious ass as his vision went dark.

When Steve woke up, it was like no time had passed at all. Melissa was still in the process of getting on the bed and positioning herself above him. The dream had already affected Steve's thoughts, as he muttered, "Hm. Babe, your ass looks so amazing from here."

"Then I guess you really do love these panties! I'm glad I bought them for our honeymoon," Melissa replied.

"Oh, babe, you have no idea. I'm honestly a little envious of them... I wish I could be as close to your booty for as long as your underwear does... it gets to be there all day!" Steve confessed, his words heavily influenced by his vivid dream. It was as if his sudden dream had given him an obsession with Melissa's ass. An obsession so strong, that he desired to be her underwear. To be worn by Melissa, to feel her vagina getting wet and soaking him... The desires were unnaturally strong, and Steve lost control to them.

"What if I told you that was possible?" Melissa probingly asked.

"You're kidding, right?" Steve replied, his arousal showing.

"All you have to do is wish for it! That's the magic of this place! This resort truly is magical. Every couple gets to make a single wish while in the resort, which will become a reality, as long as all involved parties consent to it," Melissa explained. "If you truly want to be my panties, I'll let you experience that..."

"Yes! I do!" Exclaimed Steve excitedly.

"I know," Melissa replied jokingly. "We already did our wedding vows." She chuckled.

"I wish to be your panties!" Steve corrected himself.

"I wish for you to become my panties too," Melissa replied. A mischievous grin appeared on her face as a strange glow surrounded Steve. His essence started flying through the air toward Melissa's panties, which absorbed him without any issues.

"Ah. So much better," Melissa spoke to herself. "I'm glad you never mentioned a duration on your wish, because now you're going to be stuck like this forever. I still can't believe you cheated on me for so long. But now I can finally do the same to you..."

Melissa's arousal climbed as she revealed her plans for Steve, rubbing her fingers against her clit through the fabric of the panties as she spoke.

"Now that the transformation is complete, I can freely talk about my plan. God, what a relief. Did you know I've been planning this for weeks?" Melissa said, letting out a sigh of relief. "Now you're nothing but panties. Magic panties, yes, but you've lost your voice, and with it, any power to undo this predicament."

Melissa began texting some numbers, male and female friends alike, and even 'friends' she recently matched with on her newly downloaded one-night-stand app, Lustr.

"You're still alive, and retained most of your senses. Your sense of smell, taste, touch, hearing... all you're really missing are the abilities to see, move and speak, which is probably for the best," Melissa said.

She pushed her fingers against the fabric again, pushing her fingers slightly inside her vagina. "I wonder what this feels like to you. How you are experiencing these new senses... Not that I'd wish to find out myself," Melissa added. "Soon, I'll finally get my revenge for all that time you cheated on me..."

Melissa posed for a few pictures, wearing her new lingerie, and said, "These are going all over social media. I'll even caption it saying you left me for some side chick on the night of our honeymoon, that I'm once again open to the dating scene, and that because of your cheating, I want to indulge myself in a sex party of my own before I look for a new partner to dedicate myself to."


A knock on the door, and another, and another. Dozens of male guests arrived later that day. Locals, whom Melissa had never even met before. She had sex with each and every one of them. Blowjobs, titfucks, hotdogging, vanilla, even anal. Tonight, nothing was too wild for her. Everyone was allowed to choose their favorite way to fuck her, on three conditions... The panties stay on, they remain undamaged, and the cumshot is for the panties. They were certainly strange conditions to the men, but the offer of having the sex of their dreams was more important than questioning the conditions.

The men enjoyed gently pulling Melissa's panties to the side as they fucked her while she wore them. They were more careful with her panties than they were with Melissa! Some would even describe her as being a living fleshlight that night. The idea that Steve was so close to the action but unable to do anything about it made her orgasms even more intense. By the end of the night, Steve was soaked through and through. Some men even deposited their loads on the inside of Melissa's panties, after which she couldn't help but smush her panties against her skin and rub it in every direction, making sure the cum got everywhere. Melissa delighted in the wickedness of it all.

It was that night, that Melissa decided she was no longer monogamous. Polygamy was the new way for her. The thought of having multiple long-term boyfriends who could deliver a creamy mess on her panties daily was simply too enticing...

On occasion, Melissa would even host bukkake-themed orgies, where the entry fee was suspiciously simple. One cum-filled condom per person. Couples and single ladies were encouraged to recruit outside help to meet the entry fee. All condoms would be emptied into a pitcher. New guests thought one (un)lucky guest would be chosen to drink from the pitcher, but returning guests knew things took a different turn. Halfway through the orgy, after Melissa had deemed that Steve had experienced enough fun, she took him off, only to drench him in the pitcher and leave him there to soak while she went back to have some more fun. Steve would remain in the pitcher until the last guests had gone home. She would then throw him in a laundromat and fill the soap dispenser with any and all fresh cum that was 'donated' during the orgy.

On occasion, Melissa would still talk to Steve to ask if he regretted making his wish so hastily, if he wanted to switch back, and how it felt to be a literal cumdump, but Steve never complained... Not that he could.

Years passed, and eventually, Melissa got tired of all the exhausting sex debacles she went through to humiliate Steve. So she started thinking of other ways to continue the revenge without having to put as much effort into it herself. As Melissa thought of all the 'adventures' she and her panties went through, she stumbled upon that photo she took of her wearing her freshly transformed husband. An idea popped into her head. Melissa instantly started browsing for websites and places where girls sell their used panties to perverts, knowing they'll likely jerk off to them, or even worse, wear them. The thought made Melissa shiver, which only confirmed it was exactly the fate Steve deserved.

Melissa posted her pictures and within days, hundreds of replies flooded her mailbox. It took her a week to go through all the candidates, and she discussed each application with Steve, to inform him how each mail would include a detailed explanation of their intentions with the panties. Melissa couldn't help herself as she encouraged them to get dirtier with their descriptions, which most of them did. Reading their even dirtier responses out loud to Steve was an amazing experience. Often she would get wet at the thought, which Steve could not ignore as he was being soaked. But sometimes, she would acquire a cum-filled condom beforehand and empty it inside her panties as she read the perverted fantasies and touched herself to it. Steve ended up drenched in a mixture of pussy juice and cum more than once that month... Though, at the end of the month, Melissa decided that she had her fun and that was ready to choose her lucky winner.

Melissa ended up picking Ella, a 'femboy'. He was interested in the panties and seemed to be the type who would wear them often, soak them often, but still handle them with care to ensure they would last a lifetime. He was the perfect new owner. So, Melissa washed Steve properly one last time, wore him one night as agreed on, and then shipped him off to his new owner, Ella. Melissa even made a deal with Ella that for the first month, every time Ella sent her a video of her soaking his new panties, Melissa would send him some money as a reward. Ella more than appreciated that offer. It ended up costing Melissa a fair bit of money, but in her eyes, it was well worth it. The thought of Steve not only being drenched in cum, but also smelling and tasting male genitalia seemed like a perfect way to finally say goodbye to Steve.
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Sterling Stories
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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 2: On Display

Becoming one of the sextoys in Wonderland...

I still couldn't believe it. I had gone out to buy a chastity cage with the thought of very gradually building up my caged time. And not only did I let myself get tricked into putting on a cage that is too small to be comfortable, but I also ended up completely keyless! I barely managed to sleep at all that night. The cage kept feeling so constricting that the slightest movement felt uncomfortable and it either kept me from falling asleep, or it would wake me back up if I moved in my sleep. If I ever wanted to get my chastity keys, I had no choice but to go back to Alice and abide by her 'training'...

It was a few minutes before 10 AM. I was standing outside of Wonderland, the sex store Alice worked at. The name would've made it seem like it was a generic toy store, which is probably why the 'Wo' in Wonderland was designed to look like one open and one closed handcuff linked together. The storefront didn't help either, as the window display was filled with, what looked like, life-sized dolls. They were sex dolls specifically designed to look realistically like humans, apart from their outfits. Their outfits consisted of a variety of fetish styles. There was age play with diapers, your typical scantily clad sexy schoolgirl, some leather/biker outfit, and a minimalistic lingerie outfit. All dolls were contained in huge doll boxes. The boxes described how all limbs were movable, meaning you could dress up the dolls in any style you'd like, as long as you had the outfit.

Alice was already inside the store. She had arrived early to make sure the store was ready to receive customers before it was time to open the doors. 10 AM hit. Church bells rang in the distance to announce the time. Alice appeared from the back of the store to unlock the doors and flip on the lights of the 'open' sign. With a brief look, she scouted to see if I was already there. I was standing some distance away, but Alice certainly noticed. With a gentle smile, she tugged on her necklace, revealing a single key that was formerly tucked underneath her shirt. Alice made sure I took note of the key before letting it fall and rest on top of her clothes, before walking to her cashier's desk, calmly waiting for me to walk in.

I took a deep breath. This is it, I thought. I wonder what she has in store for me today. Remembering all too well what she did to me yesterday, I already knew it was likely going to be a lot more fun for her than for me. I mustered up the courage and entered the store.

"There you are," Alice said, without even looking up at me, she sensed my unease. "No need to be afraid," she said, reassuringly. "The first part of your training is actually just a hygienic routine thing. It's not something guys usually do, but it is something I want you to do regularly from now on…."

"Oh?" I replied, attempting to bait out the answer to a question I couldn't answer.

"Shaving your body hair, you dummy!" Alice replied. "I told you, I don't like guys. So I'm going to turn you into a girl for me. At least... As close to one as you could possibly get."

I tried to reply, "But what about my girl-"

"Oh shush! Your girlfriend will love it too. It's called hygienic maintenance for a reason!" Alice interjected. "Removing all that yucky hair is going to make you more attractive and desirable. Trust me."

"Alright... But, I didn't know I was supposed to bring a shaving razor with me. Do I need to go and buy one?" I asked.

"A SHAVING RAZOR?!" Alice questioned angrily. "You'll end up with razor burns everywhere! That won't do. No, what you're going to do is simply sit down in the employees' room, while I wax that yucky hair right off. I will only do it once, though, so pay attention! From now on, once a week, you'll be expected to do this yourself, before I train you." Alice pointed me towards a black door at the back of the store and went to lock the store back up to prevent unannounced customers from entering, before escorting me through the black door into the employees' room.

As she sat me down, Alice quickly deduced from the look on my face that I was not motivated to start waxing my hair every week. "Failure to follow this simple maintenance rule will result in the disposal of one chastity key," Alice said, threateningly. "And I won't just throw them in the thrash. I will melt them, break them, flush them, or worse..."

I was scared. 'Or worse'? How much worse could it even get? I did not want to find out. Suddenly I was very motivated to keep up with my new maintenance rule.

Alice, the sadist she was, deeply enjoyed my squeals of pain as she ripped each strip of wax off my skin. Strip after strip, often reapplying the wax on areas that had already been gone over before. "I still see some hairs," Alice would say, as she'd reapply the wax, much to my dismay.

When Alice finally finished waxing my body, she ordered me to feel myself up. "See how smooth your legs are? Isn't that so much better?" Alice asked rhetorically. "Just wait until we put those smooth legs in some stockings! You'll be hooked!"

And I had to agree... my legs did feel very soft and smooth. It was a strange feeling to feel such smooth and feminine legs, knowing they were my own. The feeling was completely foreign to me. It felt strange... but in a good way. Maybe having to take better care of my skin and putting some effort into having a hairless body wasn't that bad after all.

"I knew you'd get to see things my way eventually," Alice said. "I'm not completely evil... just mostly!" She followed up with a wink.

"Okay, so... is that all for today? Could you please unlock my cage now?" I pled to no avail.

"Oh, you thought we were done? Haha!" Alice exclaimed, laughing. "Far from it, sweetie. This was just the necessary preparation for your real training!"

'Real training'? I gulped audibly. That couldn't be good...

"First, I'll put some nice and girly makeup on you. Make you look all sweet and innocent... like a schoolgirl!" Alice said excitedly. Her eyes sparkled as she mentioned 'schoolgirl'. She was feeling either very excited or very deviant. Presumably both. "After that, we'll take out that schoolgirl doll from behind the front window, and then we'll dress you up accordingly... I bet you would look very sexy in a short schoolgirl skirt," Alice added.

A short pause took place as Alice came to a realization. She giggled and a smirk appeared on her face.

"I wonder if your cute small little cage would poke out underneath it..." She teased. "I guess we'll play it safe for your first time and get you some cute yet naughty panties to wear underneath that skirt, huh?" Alice couldn't help but laugh again.

"Are you really going to make me replace a doll at the front window of the store for everybody to see?" I whimpered.

"Isn't that what I have just been saying? Jeez! Where's your head at?" Alice replied. "Actually... dolls don't think, so that only proves you're a great replacement," Alice followed up with, nodding in approval of her joke.

Alice spent nearly a full hour making me look just like the other dolls. Makeup, clothing, wigs... no expenses were spared. Then again, she practically ran the store. So she could do as she pleased.

"What am I supposed to learn from this training anyway?" I complained.

"You will learn not to complain and simply do as I say without question," Alice snarled. "And given how you haven't learned that lesson yet, I'll have to set an example." Alice walked up to me and pushed me into the box that was previously occupied by the schoolgirl doll. Alice was surprisingly strong as she moved me with ease.

As she pressed me against the back wall of the box, Alice punctured the back wall with multiple big zip ties, looped them around my arms and legs before puncturing the wall again and locking and tightening the ties from the back of the box, leaving just enough wiggle room to adjust myself slightly if I felt discomfort. After finishing off the last zip tie, Alice brought in a hand pallet truck, with which she lifted the box and rolled it in front of a big mirror.

I somewhat expected Alice to make a teasing remark about my predicament, but to my surprise, she remained quiet. Simply letting the lack of speech fill in the words for her. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I saw the box surrounding me. The zip ties, the blonde wig on my head, my dollified face, the white blouse with its filled-up push-up bra inside, the tartan microskirt, the white laced panties Alice made me wear, the thinness of which making the panties nearly transparent, thus barely hiding my cage at all... and to top it all off, fishnet stockings and black Mary Jane platform pumps... I looked exactly like a pervert's rendition of a schoolgirl porn star! Even if I tried, I couldn't even recognize myself anymore. I was nothing more than a doll now.

After admiring her work through the mirror for some time, Alice turned back to me and said, "It's nearly noon now. Thankfully, nobody has called yet to complain about the store still being closed, but now it's really time to open up the doors. I have some online orders to catch up on, so you're going up on display, and then I'll take you back down after closing time. If you're a convincingly good doll and nobody catches on, I'll give you a special treat when you're done." Alice snickered.

I should have known that this was far from over. However, my thoughts were more focused on the implied treat, instead of on the 'if nobody catches on'. Would she finally let me out of my cage? Could that be my chance to just bolt out and leave it all behind? Whatever the treat was, I had already come this far... If there was a reward involved, I deserved to get it. So I decided to do my best to just play along for now.

As Alice resumed moving the doll box to the front window, she suddenly stopped. "Oh! Stupid me!" She cursed to herself. "I wasted all that time doing your makeup!" She sighed.

"How so?" I asked, puzzled.

"Hello? Earth to doll! You may look like a doll, but you still blink like a human! And I bet you'd blush and make facial expressions too. It would freak everyone out. No. We can't have that... well, at least you got to feel like a doll with that makeup on, but now it's time to become a real doll!" Alice said. She walked off. Being tied up, I couldn't see where she went. But it didn't take too long for her to return.

Alice returned with a mask closely resembling my dollified face. "Here. I'll put this over your face, so you can blush all you want. Nobody will notice if you move your mouth or whatever else you can't control your face doing," she explained. "This mask has one-way mirrors as eyes. You can look out, but nobody can see your eyes moving and looking back at them. Breathing holes are in the back of the mask, to not ruin the illusion by having breathing holes in the nose of a doll. The mask is rigid, so don't worry about inhaling the mask either when you breathe. It won't budge. It's a good thing you are at least able to control your breathing reasonably well, otherwise, we'd have to find a way to hide that too!"

Alice finished moving me up to the front window. Placing the box down and moving the hand pallet truck away again. When she came back, she unlocked the doors of the store again, opening the store to the public. "Have fun, dolly! And remember to behave!" Alice mischievously said.

I thought she was going to leave me alone now, but her teasing was far from over. As Alice promptly returned with a sign. "Limited time! Discount! 50% off! Ask our staff for more information," the sign read. Alice made sure I read it before sticking the sign to the plastic panel of my doll box.

"Don't worry, dolly. That is just to drive up the interest in you. I wouldn't actually sell you off..." Alice said, smiling mischievously. The reassurance dimmed quickly as she added, "You haven't had the proper training for that part yet!"

My mask hid my embarrassed face, my chastity cage denied my dick from getting erect... And instead, I was surprised by a different response. I started leaking from my cage... Not much, but enough for Alice to notice.

"Oh. You like that idea?" She responded. "I'll make sure to turn that fantasy into a reality sometime then." Alice laughed, like a villain who had trapped the hero. Except in my case, there was no heroic escape. I was helplessly trapped until Alice would decide to release me...
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