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Sterling Stories
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 Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 7: Showered With Love

Sam gets invited to Alice's home.

"Is it still far?" I asked. We had been walking for nearly twenty minutes. Thankfully, we had not run into any familiar faces along the way. My awkward small-step movements made it obvious that something was bothering me and causing me to involuntarily move the way I did. At least, the few passersby that we did come across, certainly noticed.

"We're almost there," Alice said. "Although I do need to drop by a store real quick."

"Can't it wait?" I pleaded. "I would really like to visit a bathroom, so I can remove this plug and get this stuff out of me. It's getting uncomfortable."

"It won't take long, besides, I need you to be with me," Alice said.

With a sense of defeat, I accepted that, for my own sake, it was better not to argue with Alice too much. We continued our journey and eventually came to a halt in front of The Pet Palace, a pet supplies store.

"So what do you need me for?" I asked. "Are you getting things for your pets which I'll need to carry?"

"Something like that," Alice giggled as she opened the door and stepped inside. I obediently followed in her footsteps. She made a beeline for the dog section of the store, where she then started wandering around aimlessly, seemingly not knowing what she was looking for. An employee noticed Alice's searching behavior and approached her.

"Welcome to The Pet Palace, how may I help you?" he asked.

"I just got a new pet, and I'm looking for some necessities, but I'm having trouble finding them," Alice replied. She glanced at me when she mentioned 'pet', displaying a nefarious look, before turning back to the employee with an innocent smile.

"What are you looking for?" the employee asked. "Maybe I can help you find it."

"Well," Alice started. "I'm looking for a shock collar. I want to train my dog and I don't feel like using sprays. It's not effective enough."

"What is the dog's size?" The employee replied. "Due to safety concerns, we don't have shock collars for small dogs, but bigger dogs handle it better, so we only carry shock collars in bigger sizes."

"That should be alright," Alice replied. "Sandra is an adult dog, not a puppy. Which is why I insist on a shock collar. It's a lot harder to teach adult dogs the correct behavior without using a shock collar, and I don't have the time to play nice." Alice pointed at me and continued, "Sandra is a big dog too, she has roughly the same neck size as my friend. You can try to fit it on him." She had trouble hiding her wicked smile. But unlike me, the employee did not notice that 'Sandra' referred to me.

"Hmm," the employee hummed thoughtfully. "A medium collar should do then. Let's have a look." He grabbed a collar and attached it to my neck. "Yeah, if your dog has roughly the same size, then it should be alright," he concluded.

"Does the collar need batteries?" Alice asked.

"No, just the remote. The collar is charged on a power outlet," the employee replied. "Collars generally have a near-empty charge, so it's best to charge it first thing when you get home." He pressed the power button on the collar. To my horror, it turned on. The LED power indicator lit up yellow. "This one seems to have anywhere between one and six hours of charge left," he said. "Yellow generally means it's nearing emptiness and a charge is advised. When it turns red, the charge is less than an hour, though, on a full charge, it can last two to three days."

"Does this collar have a function to zap automatically on barks?" Alice asked intrigued. "Or would I have to do that manually?"

"There is a mode for that, but you can also trigger shocks manually if it is not registering the barking," the employee said, handing Alice a small remote. A small plastic strip was sticking out from the back of the remote.

Oh, no. I thought. The batteries are included... I just hope Alice doesn't realize it too...

Gripping the remote, Alice instantly felt the plastic strip. She grinned and turned to the employee again, saying, "I'm also looking for a metal crate cage for Sandra to sleep in overnight. I don't want to risk her damaging my furniture until I'm sure she's well-behaved."

The employee quickly lost his trail of thoughts. "Oh, yeah, of course," he replied. "Follow me." He turned around and started to lead us toward another aisle. Alice's plan had worked. Distracting the employee had made him forget to take the collar off of my neck or even just turn it off. Following behind the employee, Alice flipped the remote over and pulled out the plastic strip, connecting the batteries to the remote's electric circuit.

Looking over her shoulder, she grinned and started pressing buttons on the remote. I was expecting her to shock me as we walked, I anxiously awaited the jolt, but to both my relief and surprise, nothing happened.

Arriving at the dog crates, Alice wasted no time thanking the employee, "Thank you! I'll browse for a bit if that's okay. I'll let you know if I need anything else!"

"Of course," he replied in a friendly manner and walked off.

Alice turned towards me, looking at me with an expecting gaze, but remaining quiet.

I opened my mouth to ask her if she wanted me to see which cage fit my size, "Do-"

An electric jolt instantly hit my neck. It was much more painful than I had imagined it would be. Alice had likely turned the intensity to one of the higher settings. The sudden pain was enough to make me jump. "Ah!" I exclaimed. Another shock followed. I cursed myself. Noise-activated shock collars on humans certainly didn't play fair.

Alice looked on in delight as I couldn't stop myself from getting shocked multiple times in a row until I finally managed to keep my mouth closed and keep my groan quiet enough to not trigger another shock.

"Awh, so the cute puppy can whine after all!" Alice said in a heightened voice as if talking to a puppy. She walked up to me. "Good girl," she said, as she patted me.

I crossed my arms and pouted, letting out a frustrated hum as I forcefully exhaled through my nose.

"You're lucky I'd have to take it off of you before we make our way over to the cashier anyway," Alice responded and turned off the remote. "If you behave well, I'll lower the intensity back home," she said, as she now also turned the collar off and removed it from my neck.

"I'll be good," I said.

"You'll be a good 'what'?" Alice asked.

"A good dog, Alice," I whined.

"Good girl," Alice said as she patted me again. "Now, go see which cage you'd like to sleep in tonight."

"Are you serious?" I asked anxiously.

"Of course! After your shower, you're staying for the night!" Alice answered.

I shivered. Sleeping in a dog cage? I hope it'd only be a one-time kind of thing, I thought to myself. All the zapping certainly hadn't helped my need for the bathroom. If anything, it had made it worse. So instead of carefully assessing the cages to see which I'd like to stay in, I simply pointed at one instinctively. "That one seems big enough," I said.

"It does..." Alice said. "So, just like with your little cage down there, I'm deciding we should go for a smaller size." She giggled, pointed at a cage that was roughly half the size of the cage I picked, and laughingly said, "You can sleep curled up, and don't worry, I'll have a small doggy bed added to it, so it'll be nice and cozy!"

I felt like Alice was just playing a game with me. Always giving the illusion that I had an option, only to reveal she had already made her choice before even asking me, just to confirm that her choice was still enough of a challenge to me for her to enjoy making me go through it... Classic Alice...

"Is that all?" I asked. "Can we pay and go home now?" I shifted my balance from one leg to another, indicating my need to visit the bathroom. Not that I needed to pee, but the sensation of the cum that was still trapped inside me, sealed by Alice's butt plug, was becoming increasingly bothersome, and at this point, it was just begging to get out.

"Not yet, pet," Alice said. "It's still early! I'll have to feed you dinner too!" She giggled and walked off to another aisle within the store.

I anxiously followed. I really hoped she wasn't referring to dog food. Though I didn't exclude the very real possibility of that being exactly the case.

Arriving at the aisle, Alice took a look around and quickly made a choice. "This one!" she exclaimed excitedly. She kneeled to pick up a feeding bowl. "Now you can eat your food in the right mindset too!" she explained and giggled.

Holding the bowl, the collar, and its remote, Alice approached the cashier. "We're ready to pay," Alice said.

"Found everything you were looking for?" the cashier asked.

"Yes," Alice said. "I also wanted to buy a dog cage and a fitting doggy bed, but it'd be a bit bothersome to carry it home with us. Could you possibly deliver it?"

"Of course!" the cashier said. "Just leave the address, and we'll deliver it at the end of the day!" Looking at the feeding bowl, the cashier asked, "Would you like to have that bowl engraved with your pet's name? We have a machine here that can do it at no additional charge! The only downside is that we don't take back personalized items."

"That's not a problem!" Alice said excitedly. "Could you write 'Sandra' on it?

"Of course," the cashier said. He placed the bowl in the machine and programmed a small laser to burn the name into the bowl.

When the bowl had finished its engraving process, Alice pointed out the cage she wanted, paid for the items, left her address, and said her goodbyes as she left the store, with me following close behind her.

"You may have noticed I didn't buy a leash," Alice remarked. "That is because I already have enough 'incentives' to ensure you'll behave well enough for me not to have to use one on you."

"But then, what's with the shock collar?" I asked.

"Oh, that?" Alice replied. "That's just for fun! Although, if you really want me to use a leash, I have one at home. I don't think I'd hold onto it, though... More likely, I'd just tie it to your cage." She chuckled at the thought of it.

I spent the remainder of the walk to Alice's apartment quietly following her.

"Here we are, home," Alice eventually said, reaching for her keys in her pocket.

"Thank God, finally" I sighed with relief. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Firstly, the only 'God' you should be thanking, is the goddess opening this door for you," Alice sarcastically replied. "And secondly," her attitude became friendlier again. "The bathroom is at the end of the hallway, the final door on your right side."

Alice slowly opened the door, but, instead of going in, she stepped aside and motioned for me to pass. Without hesitation, I quickly got in and made my way to the bathroom. Closing the bathroom door behind me, I heard Alice say, "You'd better not make a mess. Anything you make dirty, you're cleaning up yourself!"

I quickly dropped my pants to sit down. Bending over forwards, I carefully removed the plug, gripping it tightly to not accidentally drop it once it dislodged itself from the grip of my body. The sound that followed was not particularly pleasant, and it felt weird, too. Nevertheless, I was relieved that I was finally freed of Alice's mystery donator's cum.

After I had wiped myself clean of any remaining remnants of cum and lube, I flushed the toilet, washed the butt plug and my hands in the sink, and set out to find Alice. To my surprise, I found her standing in the living room. The surprise was that she was in the living room, entirely naked.

"Like what you see?" Alice teased. "I figured I'd tease you a bit before we shower, for my own amusement. Is it working?" Her movements and gestures were very over-the-top, drawing extra attention to her jiggling breasts and buttcheeks.

"Yes," I said. My cheeks flustered and my stance showed discomfort as my penis strained against its cage.

"Imagine," Alice said provocatively. "Tonight you'll get an upgrade. You'll go from having one tight cage, to two tight cages." She chuckled.

Knowing how the day is going, she's probably right, I thought... holding the butt plug up high to draw Alice's attention to it, I asked, "Where do I put this?"

"Back where it came from, of course! Silly pet!" Alice replied. She walked up to me and grabbed it out of my hands. "I'll apply some new lube to it for you. I wouldn't want it to be uncomfortable! I'll be right back." She walked off into the bedroom.

With Alice being otherwise occupied, I looked around and found that she had already started recharging the shock collar's battery. I still couldn't believe she was actually serious about using it on me. Though, I did consider myself lucky that she hadn't bought any dog food to go along with the bowl...

"There we are!" Alice said proudly, holding up a lubed-up butt plug.

"Alice, that's definitely not the same plug as the one I gave you," I replied.

"Oh, isn't it?" Alice responded with a fake surprise. She examined the plug. It was both longer and thicker, although the biggest giveaway was that it even had the shape of a hairless, rubber tail sticking out from its back. "Oh well," Alice said matter-of-factly. "It's already lubed up now, so drop those pants and bend over."

Arguing was pointless, I knew that already, so I simply did as Alice asked. She inserted the plug, which required only a little bit of force initially. All the walking with the smaller butt plug had certainly helped with preparing my anal cavity to accept this new challenge.

"There you go," Alice cheered. "One step closer to being a cute lil' doggie!"

I was about to pull my pants back up when Alice stopped me.

"You can leave those off," she said. "Dogs don't wear clothes." Her tone became more sensual as she continued, "Also, we should go take that shower. Come on!" After making me fully undo my shoes, socks, pants, and underwear, she took my hand and led me into the shower. "Take off your shirt too, you won't need that either," she said as she turned on the shower, staying outside to let the water reach the right temperature.

Alice's shower was a big cabin shower, it could easily fit three people and felt rather luxurious. It even had a second showerhead that could be enabled by flipping a lever handle between the two showerheads. Being naked for a while already, Alice entered the shower first when she saw the steam forming from the shower cabin. "Ah, nice and warm," she said as she let the water run down her body.

I, however, remained outside. "What are you waiting for?" Alice asked teasingly, pressing her breasts against the cabin glass. "I could've sworn it was your choice to be rewarded with this opportunity."

I still hesitated. Alice was a very good-looking woman, and it wasn't like we hadn't ever gotten 'up close and personal' before. But this didn't feel like I was being subjected to anything. If I stepped into that shower, I'd be doing so out of my own choice. There would be no more excuses to say I wasn't cheating on Laura. Part of me wished Alice just pulled me in, so I could tell myself it wasn't my choice. And although Alice was teasing me to get in, she was in no way being forceful.

Analyzing my hesitation, Alice's attitude changed. "Is it about Laura?" she asked. I nodded in silence. Alice took a moment to think before a metaphorical lightbulb appeared above her head. "I have an idea," she said. "Remember when you told me earlier today that you didn't have much to show for to explain your silence to Laura?" I nodded in response.

"Well," Alice continued. "What if you called her to reveal that the 'surprise' you were working so hard on, was arranging a threesome? That way, you won't have to feel guilty about being close with me. I promise I'll treat her with respect and put her needs first. The threesome would be a gift for her, after all."

Any other day, that would have been a very risky idea to reveal out of the blue, but in my case... There might actually be a shot for that to work, I thought. After all, Laura did want me to surprise her for Valentine's Day, and this certainly would be a surprise that'd need time to set up...

"Alright," I said. A long-drawn sigh escaped my body as I calmed myself down.

"Call her after we finish showering, though. We're wasting water here!" Alice urged.

Feeling somewhat reassured, I finally started to feel comfortable enough to join Alice in the shower. The water was nice and warm, the cabin was very spacious, and Alice's soaps, shampoos, and even her conditioner smelled amazing. Alice was also being suspiciously friendly and helpful, helping soap me up, wash my hair, and even offering me her facial scrub to exfoliate my face and make it feel smoother.

In a way, I guess you could say Alice showered me with love, I thought to myself and chuckled at the literal implementation of the expression.

"What's so funny?" Alice asked with a smile.

"Just a pun that came to mind," I said. "I'm happy I get to see this side of you, too."

"What can I say?" Alice replied. "I just love showers!" A realization came to her mind and she chuckled. "Not just golden showers, mind you. Not 'everything' is about kink to me! I love regular showers too! The warm water, the fragrant soaps... It just feels so good and relaxing to lather myself in it..." Alice said, rubbing soap over her breasts in circular motions. A soft moan escaped her lips as she had begun to lustfully stare into my eyes.

"It's a good thing you're still in that cage and that I took off the key already," Alice said, glancing at my chastity cage. "I might have unlocked you otherwise, and we wouldn't want that to happen before you've had the chance to call Laura, now would we?"

I blushed. The idea of Alice mentioning 'normal' sex, with me, and actually meaning it? I was at a loss for words. It was like the shower had truly changed her into another person entirely.

The thought had not ended there for Alice, though. Her stare had become fixated on my cage. "The fact I've been denying and playing with you for so long, but never allowing you to actually fuck me..." Alice moaned under her breath. "Fuck. Sorry, I just can't help it anymore," she said. She moved one of her hands down to her clitoris and started massaging and groping her breast with the other, all while keeping her eyes locked on me.

Quiet moaning turned louder and louder as Alice's breathing sped up, along with the speed at which she rubbed her clit. She seemed to be approaching climax all by herself. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Another moan erupted, louder than the others. I thought she had reached a climax, but just as I dropped my guard, her eyes locked on mine again.

Eyes like a predator, she reached for my hand and pulled me close. Still gripping onto my hand, she then guided it to her vagina. "Finger me," she commanded me. She briefly guided my fingers before deciding it wasn't enough. Holding my fingers in place, Alice started rocking her hips back and forth against me.

Was she fucking my fingers? Alice's desire for control truly displayed itself in many ways, I thought to myself. With her own hands, Alice went back to playing with her clitoris with one hand, while the other hand moved up to her breasts at first, but shortly thereafter, Alice instead grabbed the back of my head with it and pulled me in to make out with me.

We didn't have to kiss for long for Alice to tighten her grip on my head and moan in ecstasy as her body shook heavily and she orgasmed (again? I still wasn't sure). "Thanks, I needed that," Alice said after she recovered from her orgasm. "Wasn't expecting to get this horny all of a sudden, sorry." She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"It's fine," I said. "We should finish up here though, Any longer and I'll grow gills to adapt to all this water."

Alice laughed. "Alright, alright," she said, stepping out of the shower cabin. "Go dry yourself off and I'll see you in the living room in a bit. You'll likely be done before me, so feel free to call Laura while you wait for me!"

My heartbeat increased again, I would indeed have to call Laura. Keeping this 'surprise' a surprise until Valentine's Day was too risky. I really had no other option but to call her about it...

Alice interrupted my trail of thoughts, saying, "Stay naked, by the way. I have more appropriate clothing for you, I just need to get it out of my fetish supplies first, and trust me, you'll want to leave that to me." She giggled. 
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A Trip To The Dollhouse

The one-stop shop for all your girly needs.

I won't deny it. I've been into feminization as a part of the femdom kink for a long time. At this point, I can't even pinpoint when it started anymore. There's just something hot about it. In a way, I suppose it's like rebelling against a force of nature. Similar to how people rebel against authorities and break rules, purely for the thrill of it.

Knowing that conventional biology states that I'm a man, yet doing everything in my power to go against that, and instead becoming as feminine as humanly possible... Society considers it to be wrong, and 'against the rules', but that makes the thrill of it all just feel even more right.

Recently, I discovered Mistress Barbie, an experienced domme, with many years of experience in feminizing men, training sissies, and so much more. I reached out to her to book a session, and we hit it off really well. She gave me a makeover, subjected me to some sissy training, and she even started calling me 'Sissy Bambi'. Reading about experiences like this, or seeing them online is one thing... But experiencing them first-hand truly is a different experience altogether.

Seeing your own reflection in the mirror and realizing your full feminine potential... Saying it's addictive would be an understatement. It becomes a craving. A desire for more. Knowing you loved the makeup, you start wondering, why stop there? Why not take it further? The desire grows and grows until it overwhelms you. I experienced that too. After my session with Mistress Barbie, I thought I had satisfied my cravings at first, but they came back sooner than I could have imagined. Not only that, but I also desired to take things more than just a single step further.

I attempted to resist it at first, but before I knew it, I was begging Mistress Barbie for another session. I begged her to feminize me to her heart's content. Not only that, but I even told her to 'make me regret it'. Words that I chose in my horniness and would likely come to regret. But at that point in time, I couldn't care less. It was what I wanted, and Mistress Barbie was more than happy to take me up on that offer...


Dressed in my regular masculine clothing, I arrived at Mistress Barbie's house. I rang her bell and she opened the door. I was expecting her to step aside to let me in, but instead, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

"Get in the car, Sissy Bambi," she said. "We're going to the mall!"

"The mall?" I asked. "But Mistress, what about our session?"

"As I recall, you wanted me to make you regret it," Mistress Barbie replied. "So that's exactly what I'm going to do. Now, chop chop!"

We got in the car. Mistress Barbie turned towards me and said, "There's a mall not far from here that was basically built for girls like us. There's not a single men's store in the vicinity. It'll be great for our session. They call it 'The Dollhouse'. All your feminine desires will be fulfilled there. You'll see!"

The Dollhouse was true to its name. The exterior of the mall was shaped like a classic dollhouse, The 4-story-high mall's design was very cubic, and its walls, windows, doors, and other exterior attachments were all painted in different shades of pink. We parked the car and went inside.

"Ooh, let's start here!" Mistress Barbie said, pointing at the first store. It was a large, all-round beauty salon. There were many chairs spread throughout the store, some connected to hair-drying domes, others with small tables next to them, and others reclined to a nearly horizontal position.

Taking a quick look at the receptionist's name tag, Mistress Barbie approached her. "Hi there, Stephany!" Mistress Barbie said with a friendly smile. "My friend here is looking to attain a feminine look. Normally, I'd do her makeovers myself, but she specifically requested a long-lasting experience, so I brought her here for just that. Could you get that sorted out for her?"

Stephany gave me a once-over. "Oh, yeah, definitely," she said, giggling. "There's a bunch of fun, lasting things we can do for her! What did you have in mind?"

"Well, for starters, hair extensions," Mistress Barbie began.

"Sure thing!" Stephany replied. "Which kind are you looking for?"

"Tape-in extensions, preferably," Mistress Barbie answered. "They'll last long enough. Even though I would want to give her a fusion treatment, lasting for months, we have too many things on our list to go for. There simply wouldn't be enough time!" She laughed.

"Right you are!" Stephany said. "Tape-ins still last about 6 to 8 weeks anyway. I'm sure our upcoming doll here would already consider that to be quite long." She chuckled. "Let's get her started on that, and then you can fill me in on what's next," she said.

Stephany escorted us to one of the many chairs and brought out a selection of hair colors. "Which color would you like?" she asked.

Mistress Barbie answered for me, "She'll have a combination of platinum blonde and light pink."

"Excellent choice. Very feminine and cute," Stephany replied. "I'll get started on that right away. Thankfully, tape-ins don't take that long to apply, so what else did you have in mind?"

"An eyebrow waxing," Mistress Barbie replied. "I would have done it myself, but we're here anyway, so I might as well just sit back and enjoy the show."

"We can do it faster here too, so you made the right call," she replied and called for one of the other employees to prepare the honey wax. She then turned back to us and said, "It should be warmed up and ready to go when we're done here. Anything else?"

"Yes," Mistress Barbie replied. "My Sissy would love to have her nails done as well, and layered with light pink nail polish."

"Sissy?" Stephany asked, having just finished the hair extensions... "Oh, I see..." The confused look on her face turned into one of amusement. "That does explain a lot," she said and giggled. "Let me help you with making this day extra special then!" she exclaimed and walked over to the receptionist's desk to acquire a piece of paper. She gave it to Mistress Barbie and said, "With this voucher, you and your sissy can watch a free movie at our Dollhouse Cinema. I'm sure she'll love it!"

Mistress Barbie skimmed the voucher and replied with a grin, "Yes, I believe so too. It seems like the perfect finishing touch to go with her makeover."

Stephany then brought us over to the waxing area, where the honey wax was already warm, and all the other waxing tools were set up at the small table next to the chair. She quickly brushed my eyebrows and gently wiped the area clean, before applying a thin coating of powder. "This will help for when I apply the honey to your skin," she said.

She grabbed the wax applicator stick and measured where the eyebrows should start and stop, and applied the honey wax on the hairs that were to be removed. A few seconds later, Stephany applied a muslin strip to the wax and rubbed it to ensure the wax bonded with the strip and hairs, before pulling it off in one quick motion. She repeated this on several different areas until my eyebrows had taken on the feminine shape Mistress Barbie desired. Stephany then used an eyebrow tweezer to remove any remaining eyebrow hairs that the wax hadn't removed.

"There we go, all done!" Stephany said. "Now to just get those nails fixed up, and you're ready for your next adventure!" she winked.

"Oh, but my Sissy is far from done!" Mistress Barbie laughed. "We're only just getting started!"

Stephany cleared out the waxing products and asked, "How would Sissy like to have her nails done?"

"Sissy Bambi would like some gel nails done," Mistress Barbie replied.

"Ooh, Sissy has a cute name," Stephany teased as she went and got her nail supplies ready. She wasted no time in getting my nails ready, filing them, working down my cuticles, selecting the nails, applying them with the nail glue, clipping them down, applying the gel, and curing them under a UV light. For the finishing touch, she applied a light pink gel nail polish and cured the nails again.

"These beauties should last you two weeks or so," Stephany said. "Just be mindful that your nails are now longer than what you were used to, so gripping things might feel a little different." She turned to Mistress Barbie, "Will that be all?"

"She still needs a few things done, but it's mostly at other businesses. Though Bambi could certainly still use some makeup," she smiled.

"No problem!" Stephany replied. "Any preference?"

"I'd say a mixture of 'innocent barbie doll' and 'slut looking to get lucky'?" Mistress Barbie suggested.

"Say no more!" Stephany said with a chuckle. She brought me over to one of the hairdressing chairs again, turned the chair away from the mirror, and brought out a small table for her makeup kit. My face got layered in primer, light-colored foundation, and highlights before blending it and setting it with a powder coating.

Stephany turned the chair around. "Are you ready for what comes next?" she asked me as I looked into the mirror.

I opened my mouth to talk, but Mistress Barbie shushed me. "Sissy Bambi is ready for everything I desire," she said.

"Fun! Let's continue then," Stephany replied excitedly, turning the chair back around. She continued with some light contouring and followed it up with pink blush on my cheeks. "You already look like an adorable doll," Stephany said. "Try not to blink too much, I'm going to work on your eyes now."

Stephany grabbed different shades of white, brown, pink, purple, and nude eye shadow colors and blended them in, one by one. It created a rainbow-like look, stretching from my eye all the way to my eyebrow. She followed it up with eyeliner and thickened the look of my eyebrows and eyelashes with mascara. For the finishing touch, she used waterproof lip pencils to color my lips bright pink and make them look bigger. Finishing off with a slight touch of white on the bottom lip to make my lips look like shiny plastic.

"All done, a gorgeous, sexy, barbie doll, ready to find her Ken!" Stephany cheered as she turned the chair around.

I could now see my reflection in the mirror. I was looking at an entirely different person. Although Mistress Barbie would have achieved a similar result, the thrill was heightened by the fact that it was no longer merely a secret activity. I was now in public, and there was no way I could possibly undo any of it without people seeing me. I blushed hard. The makeup covered the signs of it, but Mistress Barbie noticed it effortlessly.

"That's right, Bambi. This is what you wanted, remember?" Mistress Barbie reminded me. "And now that you've had your fun, it's my turn."

I looked at Mistress Barbie in shock. "What do you mean, Mistress?" I asked.

"Make me regret it," she quoted. "I fully intend to uphold that promise."

And with that, she paid the receptionist and took me out into the mall again. Seeing my reflection in the mall's many mirrors made me feel very self-aware. On one side, there was the perfect feminine face and the long, pink nails... And on the other side, my masculine clothing... The mismatch drew a lot of attention to me, but there was no way I could escape it. I simply had to endure it. Without a doubt, Mistress Barbie enjoyed every single second of it.

"In here," Mistress Barbie suddenly said, pointing at a tattoo parlor. It seemed a little out of place to have a tattoo parlor in a 'dollhouse', but the design of the store was overflowing with pink and pastel colors, making it look like a parlor for both the badass and the girly.

Despite my confusion regarding the parlor's place within a dollhouse, I quietly followed along. Entering the parlor, I realized they also did piercings, and it quickly made sense to me. Mistress Barbie probably wanted to get my ears pierced! Of course!

Mistress Barbie approached the clerk and said, "I'm looking to get a piercing and tattoo for my sissy doll, Bambi." Thankfully, the parlor was nearly empty, as Mistress Barbie's message was loud enough to get everybody's attention. I quickly looked down at the ground in an attempt to hide my face.

The clerk gave it no second thought, brought us to a private room, and instructed us to wait for the professional.

"A piercing and tattoo?" I anxiously asked Mistress Barbie.

"Of course. Is there anything that lasts longer than a tattoo?" Mistress Barbie teasingly answered.

The door opened, and a woman in ripped jeans and a white tank top entered. "Hi, my name is Mary. What can I do for you today?"

"Well, Mary," Mistress Barbie began. "My Sissy here is looking to get herself some work done."

Mary gave a quick look in my direction and replied, "That explains the outfit. I assume you're still getting that sorted out too?"

"Yes, right after we're done here, actually," Mistress Barbie replied. "But first she needs to get herself a cute belly button piercing and a special little tattoo."

"A belly button tattoo? Cute and sexy!" Mary responded. "Alright, take your shirt off and lie down," She instructed me.

I did as she asked while Mistress Barbie and Mary went through a catalog of belly button piercings. "This one!" Mistress Barbie eventually said. Mary left the room to get the piercing. When she came back, she used a scissor-like tool at my belly button to pressurize the skin. "Don't worry, this will be done within a minute. Just close your eyes. You'll barely feel it," she comforted me.

Before I knew it, Mary had already pushed a needle through my skin. The piercing was shortly thereafter attached to the needle, before it was pulled out through the exit wound, and disconnected from the piercing, leaving it on the inside of my skin. She then closed the piercing off with the stud that Mistress Barbie had chosen, to ensure it would not be able to come back out.

"All done! Nice and easy!" Mary said. "You didn't even bleed."

I looked down at my belly button to confirm it. It was truly there... I had a belly button piercing now... Mistress Barbie eagerly took a picture. "I'm saving this one for Twitter!" she said excitedly. "You're gonna be wearing a cute little crop top later today to show that jewelry off!"

"You also wanted a tattoo?" Mary interrupted.

Mistress Barbie refocused her thoughts. "Yes," she said. "Bambi is my sissy, and I want to make sure everybody knows that. So I'm looking for a tattoo to express that."

"Hm, okay..." Mary pondered. "So, like an icon tattoo, like a barcode or something? Or more text-based, like an 'owned by' tattoo?"

"Both. She'll take both," Mistress Barbie replied without hesitation. "A pink barcode tattoo right above her chastity cage. 'Owned by' above it, and 'Mistress Barbie' below it. Oh, and make the text color white and outline it with pink or a lightish purple. I want it personalized in a Barbie-like style!"

"Oof," Mary expressed with a painful face. "There? For her first tattoo? That complex? Are you certain?"

With determination, Mistress Barbie said, "Yes. She can handle it."

I nodded wordlessly and thought to myself, If I got through the piercing, I can get through this too.

"I doubt that, but if you're both certain, I'll do it," Mary said. She quickly designed a basic barcode design and drew out the 'Property of Mistress Barbie' letters mimicking a Barbie-like font, printed it mirrored, and stuck it on my shaven pubic area to leave an imprint of the tattoo design to trace with the tattoo machine.

Mary left temporarily, and shortly thereafter came back with her tattoo gear and some leather straps. "These straps are to tie you down," she explained. "Your tattoo will be in a highly sensitive area, and it's in your best interest to remain absolutely still. So we'll have to strap you down as a safety precaution," she continued as she tightly strapped my legs, arms, and stomach to the chair.

"Alright..." Mary said as she turned on her tattoo machine. "Here we go..." She moved the tattoo machine closer to my body. As I felt it pierce my skin and inject the ink into it, I quickly tensed up. The pain I felt was not comparable to the pain of the piercing in the slightest. My eyes went wide open from shock and before I knew it, my vision faded, and my consciousness with it.

When I awoke again, Mary had already finished the tattoo, cleaned the skin, and applied a clear tattoo bandage on top of it. "Told you she wouldn't be able to handle it," Mary said with a friendly laugh.

"She may have missed out on the process, but she can enjoy the result of it forever," Mistress Barbie replied with a laugh of her own. "It's a beautiful tattoo, Sissy," she said, admiring the final results of her 'owned by Mistress Barbie' tattoo. "But now it's time to get dressed, we've got places to be!"

I carefully pulled up my underwear and pants to not irritate my sensitive, freshly tattooed skin, straightened my shirt, and followed Mistress Barbie out of the parlor. I was relieved the tattoo was one of the last things on our list, as the position made walking rather uncomfortable. Soon we would go to the cinema and I'd hopefully get to sit down for a little while again, before going home.

"This way!" Mistress Barbie said, guiding me into a Victoria's Secret store. She took my hand and made a beeline to the lingerie section. Looking around for a few seconds, she said, "There it is!" and pulled out a Creamsicle Lace thong and underwire bra. "This pink lingerie set is going to be perfect. Now we can have matching sets!" she exclaimed joyfully.

"Here, try a few sizes on and find your size," she said, handing me a couple of different sizes and rushing me to the changing booth. "I'll find you something feminine to wear to leave the store with. You're not leaving here in your yucky boy clothes," she added.

After stripping down to nothing but my underwear in the changing booth, and trying on a few different sizes of the bra and thong on top of said underwear, I decided on the sizes I felt most comfortable with, and got dressed again. I walked out to meet Mistress Barbie, only to find she had already found 'suitable' clothing for me to wear out of the store.

"You can keep the lingerie on, Bambi. We'll pay for it here," she said. "And try these on! I bet you'd like cute in them, and they'd show off your new piercing too!" She waved around a pink Cotton V Crossover Skort, a pink cropped tank top, and a pair of bleached ceramic Kinetic Breakthru Tech Lace sneakers. "When you've changed into your proper clothing, bring out your boy stuff and empty your pockets, because we're getting you a cute pink shoulder bag and tossing all your boy stuff in the trash right outside the store."

A combination of panic and excitement hit me. Once again, I was in a position where I could make a choice... Leave now and save 'some' of my masculinity, or continue and lose it all, accepting my femininity under Mistress Barbie's command. The decision didn't take long to make, however, as I found myself excitedly heading back into the changing rooms.

When I came back out, I felt empowered and feminine. The only things that could still give my biological gender away were my voice and the way I carried myself, and even those would only remain temporary problems, as I was sure Mistress Barbie would help me feminize both in due time.

We left the store, threw my old clothes in the trash, and headed toward the cinema for which Stephany had given Mistress Barbie a voucher. On our way there, we walked past an Ann Summers store. "Wait here!" Mistress Barbie said. She took my shoulder bag and quickly entered the store. I patiently waited and after a few minutes, Mistress Barbie came back out sporting a wicked smile.

"Go on, open it!" She said, giving me the shoulder bag back. I opened it, only to find it was now filled with different sizes of butt plugs and dildos. "I'll make you start wearing these plugs in public from now on. To make you get used to the feeling of being filled up." She giggled and added, "Eventually, I'll deny you the use of plugs and you'll feel weird about the empty feeling. I'll have you begging me to have someone fill you up before you know it!" She laughed. I was speechless. But deep inside, I knew it was likely the inevitable future that awaited me.

Mistress Barbie had already started walking again and motioned for me to follow her. After a little bit of walking, we made it to the cinema. Mistress Barbie handed the clerk the voucher. He gave it a quick look and whispered inaudible questions to Mistress Barbie, to which she only responded with "yes", "okay", and "good". He then escorted us to a small room. It felt like a private screening room, as it was equipped with a projector and a screen, but there were very few seats, and each normal was accompanied by an odd capsulated seat.

Mistress Barbie took a seat in the regular cinema seat and commanded me to sit in the capsulated seat next to her. As I sat down, she pressed a button on the side of the pod and it closed around me. I wanted to panic, but Mistress Barbie's smile told me it was going to be okay. And as her movie started playing on the big screen, so did the screen in my capsule turn on. Except, I was treated to a different kind of movie.

My screen displayed a swirling spiral layered on top of pornographic imagery, text describing I was a girl, all the things girls loved, and that, therefore, I loved those things. Along with a sultry feminine voice, continuously reinforcing that these desires were my own and that it was normal for me to love these feminine things. In the background, I could hear the sound of the pornographic material, along with a loop of a continuous, sloppy blowjob. The combination of it all left me in a state of constant arousal that was sure to mess with my brain. And as I kept looking at the screen, I quickly fell into some sort of trance to it.

Time went by, and eventually, I found myself drooling and staring at a black screen. Mistress Barbie's movie had finished, and so had mine. My capsule had already opened, and it appeared I only snapped out of my trance because Mistress Barbie nudged me. "Enjoyed your movie?" she teased. Looking at the drool dripping from my lips, she shook her head and said, "It's a good thing you dripped all of that on the floor. You could've seriously stained your clothing!"

"Sorry, Mistress," I said. "I don't even remember I ever started drooling in the first place!"

"It's alright. I was told you might become a drooly mess while watching your special movie, so I expected nothing less," Mistress Barbie said. "Say, you must be thirsty after having your mouth open and drooling for so long, no?" A grin appeared on her face. "There's a nice cocktail bar near the exit of the dollhouse, we can drop by before heading home," she hinted, emphasizing the 'cock' in 'cocktail'.

As if by hypnotic suggestion, Mistress Barbie's words had me envisioning all kinds of cocks and the creamy drinks they had inside them. "Yes, Mistress," I said excitedly. "That's a lovely idea!"

Mistress Barbie grinned and eagerly took me to the bar, which was appropriately named "Ken's". It was seemingly the only business in The Dollhouse that was exclusively run by male staff. They were all in good shape. Some were muscular, others had more of a 'dad bod', but all looked well groomed and attractive in their own ways.

Mistress Barbie took my hand and guided me to a separate room within the bar. It had a table, chairs, and speakers which quietly played the bar's music. It made it look like this was simply just a part of the bar that was more private, so I thought nothing of it. We sat down, and a waiter entered the room shortly thereafter.

"What can I get you darlings?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a Tom Collins cocktail," Mistress Barbie said. Her words echoed in my head.

"And you, madam?" The waiter asked me.

"Tom Collins' cock," was all I managed to enunciate. Mistress Barbie winked at the waiter, to which his initial confusion faded into a smile.

"Right away," he said, and he disappeared from the room.

In the waiter's absence, the speakers in the room suddenly started producing wet, sucking, and licking sounds. As if by association, I started looking around for what could be causing those sounds. In my head, I knew it was the speakers, but it was not them that I was looking for.

As if on cue, a small hatch opened up in the wall. I got closer to it and dropped to my knees to get a better look. A large cock slowly emerged through the hole, and without a second thought, I instinctively started licking it. It felt good, but it wasn't enough. Encouraged by the sounds from the speakers, I soon found myself sucking the cock along with the sucking sounds that were already present in the room. They kept me on the beat and eager to drink down the soon-to-be-delivered creamy drink that was being prepared for me.

Another waiter entered the room to deliver Mistress Barbie's Tom Collins cocktail. He looked at me and said smilingly to Mistress Barbie, "She seems to be enjoying her drink too! Let me know if she needs a refill, we have plenty more staff members more than willing to contribute. You won't have to worry about the bill. Your Tom Collins and her 'Tom Collins' are both on the house!"

"You hear that, Sissy Bambi?" Mistress Barbie asked. "Looks like we'll be spending a little longer here. I could certainly use another drink, and you know how much of a slow drinker I am," she teased. Looking over to see me lustily sucking away at the glory hole, she added, "I just really like to take the time to enjoy my drinks, you know? Not just swallow it right away, oh, no. I'd swirl it around my tongue and soak in the flavors before swallowing it..." She knew her words made me suggestible. "You should too. After all, you are a girl now, just like me..." 
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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 6: Pegged For A Pegger

Sam discovers how Alice plans to make him please Laura.

 I had woken up extra early. The little research I did on the usage of enemas, had taught me that the preparation, execution, the wait after the execution, and the aftermath, would take a considerable amount of time. Not something one should do when in a rush. Thankfully, the simple mixture of water and salt that I had mixed up, made for an easy and effective homemade enema. All-in-all, the procedure took up about an hour, giving me some extra time to mentally prepare for today's training. 

Suddenly, the phone lit up. "Hey babe!" the notification read. It was Laura. I quickly unlocked my phone to open our chat. A follow-up message appeared,  "What have you been up to? You've been so quiet! When I told you to surprise me for Valentine's Day, I did not mean for you to ghost me!" 

I quickly typed back, "Sorry, love. Working on your surprise took more effort than I thought it would! But it'll be done soon and then I can show you! I think you'd be surprised to learn what I did for you!" 

"I'll let you get back to it then! Looking forward to finding out!" Laura's message read. 

Well... At least I did get a chastity cage, which was the surprise I originally wanted to get for her, but I still didn't have much of an actual excuse as to why I hadn't talked to her for a few days. Hopefully, Alice would soon teach me something that would actually help me please Laura, like she said she would. Then at least I could claim I'd been training on that for so long...


Alice met me at Wonderland's door and hurried me inside. "Come on, we don't have all day!" she said. "Employees' room. Get naked, and wait for me there." Her cryptic explanation was cause for concern, but I had learned not to question Alice anymore, so I went into the employees' room and got myself ready as instructed.

"Been doing workouts?" Alice asked as she walked into the room and saw me naked.

"Besides the ones you're giving me?" I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Don't get coy with me, doll. You know the punishment for being a wise ass." Alice said, her hands reaching for her necklace.

"I'm sorry, Alice," I quickly replied. "I meant that I haven't done any 'additional' workouts."

"Well, your body seems to have taken on some curves!" Alice concluded. "Not too noticeable when you're clothed, but like this, I can definitely see you've changed."

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked, a little concerned.

"For me and Tyler, definitely a good thing. I'm not one hundred percent sure about Laura, but I'm sure she'll think you've become a lot more visually appealing too," she said. "Besides, every girl loves a guy with a nice ass, so don't worry about it."

"If you say so..." I said with hesitation.

"So, I'm guessing you probably already figured out today's training, given the enema assignment," Alice said. "I take it all went well?"

"Yeah," I sighed.

"But?" Alice probed.

"Laura texted me," I continued. "She got suspicious of my absence and I told her I was working on her Valentine's Day surprise... but, besides the cage, I don't really have much to show for."

"Oh," Alice said and chuckled. "Then today's lesson is for her too!" She grabbed a hold of the bulge in her jeans, stretching from her crotch to just past the bottom of her right pocket. "No machines today, because today I'm going to personally teach you how to take a pounding, using my strap-on," Alice said. "Now that's a skill you can show Laura! I bet she'd enjoy tearing your ass apart now that it's getting into shape."

"Laura never mentioned having any desire for trying out pegging, so I'm not so sure about that," I said.

"You mean you didn't peg her for a pegger?" Alice laughed. "Sorry, you practically handed that one to me." She took a moment to recollect herself. "She probably never mentioned it because you were lacking the 'assets' to awaken that desire within her. But now you've got a booty that's just begging for it! Trust me, she'll want a piece of this ass," Alice said as she slapped my ass.

Alice had a point. Thinking back on it all, it made sense that Laura wouldn't feel any desire towards pegging if the visualization didn't look all that exciting to begin with. On the other hand, telling Laura that I hadn't contacted her for days because I was too busy working on shaping up my ass and training myself for receiving anal penetration, just so she could peg me, would also be a very awkward reveal... I had to come up with something else... but what?

"First things first," Alice said, interrupting my trail of thoughts. "Because it's your first time, I want to be on the safe side. So I brought water-based lube, muscle relaxants, and even some healing cream just in case something does happen." Alice walked over to the table in the center of the room. She grabbed a familiar pill and a glass of water, handed them to me, and said, "Here's another painkiller, like the one I gave you after I dolled you up the other day. It's best to take it in advance, so when we start you'll already be in less pain if the muscle relaxants aren't potent enough to subdue your anxiety."

I swallowed the pill down with some water and handed the glass back to Alice.

"These are alkyl nitrites, or 'poppers', as they're more commonly called," Alice said, showing me a small bottle filled with some liquid substance. "Essentially, it is both a muscle relaxant and aphrodisiac. It intensifies sexual pleasure and it loosens up muscles like your anal sphincter, making it the perfect aid for anal sex!" Alice explained. "Just make sure only to inhale a whiff of it. Trust me, you don't want this stuff to actually touch your skin." She mimicked inhaling it through her nose with the closed bottle before handing it to me. "Go on, try it!" she said encouragingly.

I took the bottle, twisted the cap off, and took a quick sniff of the vapors before closing the bottle again and giving it back to Alice.

"Perfect," Alice said, as she unbuttoned her jeans and took them off. "For now, we're still training you for Tyler, though, and he might use you anywhere he sees fit. So I'm going to pick..." Alice looked around the room. "The table!" she said. "Knees on the edge of the tabletop, bend over with your back arched, stretch your hands in front of you, and rest them on the tabletop. I want to see that 'face down, ass up' position! That will be your pose for today's training."

The poppers had shifted my somewhat nervous anxiety into a slight excitement. I realized I had prepared for this. I took an enema, Alice had me take medication, she brought lube, and she even brought a cream if something did go wrong. It was all planned out to take my concerns away and put my mind at ease. And so it did. I felt my mind and body relax.

"This might feel a little cold, but don't worry, it's just temporary," Alice said. She squirted some lube on her fingers and rubbed them against my sphincter. The initial cold touch of the lube dissipated as it slowly warmed up to my body temperature. Alice applied a little more lube and gently inserted her fingers inside me, coating my internal sphincter. My body provided no resistance, as my muscles fully relaxed to the sensation of her fingers probing me, along with the sensation of the cool lube being applied to my internals.

"That should do it," Alice said as she pulled her fingers out one last time. She reached for the lube again and spurted a glob of lube onto her strap-on. "Are you ready for Tyler to fuck you, doll?" Alice teased, as she stroked her strap-on, spreading the lube across the head and the entire length of the shaft. She walked up to the front of the table. "Actually," she said. "Why don't you give it a kiss for good luck first?" Alice clearly enjoyed seeing me in that position. "You look so perfectly submissive like that," she continued.

I raised my head so my lips could meet her strap-on. As I leaned in to kiss it on its tip, Alice grabbed my head with both hands, forcing my lips to stay centered on the head. I was half expecting her to either apply pressure with her hips or attempt to pull my head down on it, but she just kept it in place and remained motionless.

"Go on," Alice said. "Give it a good, long kiss. Close your eyes, pucker up, and make some noise! I'll even remove my hands from your head, so you won't have to worry about 'surprise blowjobs'. As long as you keep kissing it until I say you can stop!"

I closed my eyes and puckered up my lips. The 'kissing suction' noise that escaped my lips, lasted so long, that I thought I was going to run out of air. As I was about to give up and take a breather, I heard a single 'click'.

"Aw, ain't she a beauty? I'm framing this one!" Alice said as she showed me the photo. I should have known that when Alice promises the absence of a specific surprise, it means it's not without surprises entirely. Now Alice had a picture of me, duck-faced, kissing the head of her skin-colored strap-on. With her body out of frame, someone could easily think I was 'head-to-head' with a real cock.

"Alright, that's enough fun for one day," Alice said, slowly walking to my side. "Don't worry, dolly. As long as you keep behaving properly, this will remain our secret! Nothing to worry about! Just some good fun between friends." Her hand brushed my ass as she reached my backside. I shivered from the unexpected touch, which made me make my body and ass wiggle. "Hm, yeah girl, shake that ass!" Alice chuckled and gave my ass a firm slap.

"Ah!" a moan escaped my lips. My face went red.

"Looks like the poppers still have you excited, good!" Alice concluded. "Then let's begin before they wear off." She placed the tip of her strap-on against my sphincter. "Ready or not," Alice started, placing her hands on my hips." Here... I... Come!" She thrust forwards while applying pulling pressure on my hips to make sure I wouldn't get pushed forwards.

With everything being fully lubed up, the poppers, and the foreplay, Alice managed to fully insert her strap-on inside me on the first thrust. If my arms weren't already flat on the table, Alice'a thrust, and the shock of stimuli that followed shortly after, would surely have made me lose my balance.

Reaching full insertion, Alice gave me a moment to collect myself. "That went well! Looks like I don't even need to stretch you out!" Alice said. "Lucky doll, that means today's session will be a rather short one."

And with that, Alice started slowly retracting her strap-on. I could feel its movements every inch of the way. The sensation was very strange, but not painful. A mixture of pleasure and slight discomfort. Thankfully, the enema I took in the morning had already done its job of emptying me. It saved me from an awkward response to this strange new feeling.

Having just the tip left inside, Alice started pushing again, slowly. Retracting at full insertion, and pushing again. Slowly at first, but gradually picking up the pace. "I'm sure Tyler wouldn't be this gentle with you," Alice said. "So, try to enjoy it." A few more thrusts followed before she reached a regular tempo, similar to that of the fucking machine.

With the strap-on repeatedly prodding against my prostate, I found myself starting to release short breaths of air. Alice took notice and picked up the pace. "Panting like a bitch in heat, are we?" she said. "Just don't let Tyler catch you making those cute little sounds." Her speed increased, and so did my volume. Short, quick breaths turned to moans as Alice got rougher with me.

Alice could tell I was nearing climax, and in response, she slowed down, nearly coming to a full halt. She leaned in closer to me as she ever so slowly moved her hips. "Can this cute little panting doggie do tricks too?" she asked, almost whispering. Her seductive, sultry tone sent shivers down my spine. Before I even had the time to reply, she continued, "Can this cute little doggie cum on command?" I whined in response.

"10..." she started counting down. "9..." her pace started building up again. "8..." she pushed a little extra hard near the end to make sure she went as deep as she could possibly go. "7..." Alice's hand started wandering around my body. "6..." her hand had found its way to my caged genitals.

"5..." once again my exposed balls were gently massaged. "4..." my moaning tensed up. "3..." Alice quietly joined my moaning. "2..." her pace became fast and irregular, as if approaching climax herself. "1..." Alice moaned louder and she squeezed her strap-on. "Cum for me, doggie!" Alice exclaimed. I felt her strap-on had released a lukewarm liquid inside of me. Her command along with the feeling of something flowing inside of me triggered an orgasm of my own.

"Before you ask, yes. I did use a special strap-on with a hidden liquid container." Alice said. "And also, yes, it was real cum I just deposited inside your cute little butt. Consider it your hazing. You are now a fully-fledged doll and ready for your first real dick."

Real cum? But how? Alice didn't have a boyfriend, did she?

"Judging by your quietness, you likely have another question," Alice continued. "No, I will not disclose where I acquired this cum. A girl has got to have her secrets!" She giggled defiantly. Pulling out her strap-on, Alice said, "Give me your left hand."

I obediently reached behind me with my hand, and Alice grabbed it. She extended one of my fingers and pressed it against my sphincter. "Make sure to keep this from leaking!" she commanded. "I'll be right back." Alice walked off.

After a minute of waiting, Alice came back. "I brought you a gift!" she happily said. "You can remove your finger now." I did as she asked and as soon as I removed it, Alice forced something inside again. "There we go, all plugged up. Now it won't leak out when you walk!" Alice said. 

"Walk?" I asked, confused and tensed up.

"Yeah! This place has no showers, dummy!" Alice replied. "And I did promise you a shower, so I'm bringing you to my place to get you all cleaned up." She squeezed my butt cheek. "Doesn't mean the fun has to stop here, though," she said. "So you're going to carry that load all the way back home with me."

"Is it far?" I managed to ask.

"Only twenty minutes away," She replied. "Though, given your predicament..." she eyed my butt plug and mimicked taking small steps. "More likely about thirty-five or so," she said and laughed. "Come one and get dressed."

"But what about the store?" I asked as we walked out of the employees' room.

"I'll close early," Alice replied nonchalantly. "You may have noticed the store is practically dead. It's more of a warehouse, really. I'll just close up now and fill out the online orders first thing tomorrow morning."

"And your boss?" I hesitantly asked.

"He owns fifteen stores just like this all across the country," she said. "He's not scheduled to be in my region anytime soon. He wouldn't notice, trust me."

And so we set out for Alice's home... 
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The Bet

When losing a bet still results in a win.

I had always been curious about feminine clothing. How, for example, girls' jeans are shaped differently on girls compared to men's jeans on men. Both were jeans, yet somehow, they were vastly different from one another. I had never publicly admitted my curiosity to anyone, though, so when Lisa mentioned wanting to give me a feminine makeover for a day if she won a bet, I couldn't help but to lose on purpose... 

"Come on in!" Lisa said cheerfully as she opened the door. I had only barely gotten inside before she rushed me to the bathroom. "Did you remove your body hair, as I asked you to?" she asked. 

"Yeah. I even bought a body trimmer for it.  Made it look all nice and smooth, no razor burns," I replied, entering the bathroom. 

"Good. Then let's get you out of those pesky boy clothes and see what we're dealing with," Lisa said.  

As requested, I took off all of my clothing, aside from my underwear. 

"You do indeed look hairless. Very good," Lisa said, inspecting my body carefully. "But you still smell like a man, so I'm making you shower again." Lisa pointed at the bottles in the corner of the shower and said, "Use the soap, shampoo, and conditioner I left for you in the shower. They'll make you smell sweet, like bubblegum." She then left the room. 

I got in the shower and shampooed my hair. The shampoo smelled so sweet. Why couldn't men's shampoo ever smell like that? Men's shampoo was always some odd smell that only conveyed that you showered, but it never smelled as amazing as this... I knew at this point that I had to start switching out my shampoos. 

As I let the shampoo do its thing, I soaped up a washcloth and lathered myself in soap, making sure I was fully clean before rinsing it off and washing out the shampoo. Then I applied the conditioner. My hair was only shoulder-length, so it wasn't feminine per se, but it also wasn't the typical manly short cut. There was plenty of reason to use conditioner, but I just never bothered with it before. Another extra step in cleaning hair? Ugh. At least, that's what I used to think. Until today, as I experienced the effects of a good conditioner. Within seconds, my hair started feeling very soft and smooth. I had difficulty keeping myself from brushing through my hair forever. It just felt and smelled so good... 

After I finished showering, I carefully dried my hair, first with a towel, and then with the hairdryer Lisa had left for me. When I turned the hairdryer back off, Lisa knocked on the door. "Do you see a spray bottle of argan oil?" She asked. "Give a spray or two on your hands, rub them together, and comb through your hair with your fingers. It'll make your hair look so much better." 

I did as she asked and applied some argan oil to my hair. Afterward, I looked in the mirror. It was partially fogged up, but even in the foggy reflection, I could confirm that my hair was looking smooth and straight, as opposed to my natural curls. This stuff was amazing! It was like a whole new world had opened up to me. 

Having finished with my hair, I turned to where I had placed my clothing, only to find my clothing was no longer there. "Uhm, Lisa?" I asked. "What happened to my clothes?" 

"The makeover cannot be completed if you're not dressed femininely!" Lisa replied. "I left you something more appropriate to wear. It's on top of the laundry machine. Put it on, and when you're done, you can find me in the living room." 

I turned to the laundry machine and saw some neatly folded clothing on top of it. Blue denim shorts and a white crop top. Lifting the crop top, I also discovered something that made my face flush. Lisa had actually left black lace panties for me to put on. It was even decorated with a small, white bow on the front. 

I had to take a minute to regain my composure. When I had managed to calm down, I slowly put on the panties. They were soft, a little bit tight, but still stretchy enough for it not to be an issue. Was it just in my head, or were these panties really that much different from the boxer shorts I was wearing before? These felt so soft, so comfortable, so luxurious. It's strange to say, especially with how the back of the panties left my cheeks rather exposed, but they made me feel like royalty, and most of all, desirable. 

"How's it going in there?" Lisa yelled from the living room. 

"Getting there! Just a minute! I replied. 

Time for the shorts... I grabbed and held them in front of me. At first, I thought they might not fit, but the material seemed to be a lot more stretchy than the denim I was used to. So I proceeded to try and put them on. While doing so, I finally realized that these shorts were not regular shorts. These were high-waist shorts, that rose to just above my belly button and hugged my skin tightly. I looked in the mirror. Not only did they look different from the shorts I was used to, but they also made me look different! They accentuated my shape and left me in shock as I discovered my body had curves I was never even aware of due to my own baggy men's jeans. 

Finally, the crop top. It looked so simple, yet also so scary. It exposed my midriff, but also my collarbone and a large portion of my upper chest due to the top having thin straps. Seeing myself in my new look felt a little weird at first. I guess it's because I simply wasn't used to seeing myself like that. But at the same time, I felt like a new person. It was very freeing. 

I opened the bathroom door and shyly walked out. Lisa looked at me and started clapping. "Whoo! You go, girl" she cheered. "You look even better than I expected. Have you done this before?" 

"Thanks, and, no," I replied, evading eye contact as my face turned red once again. 

"Aw, don't be shy. You look great, I mean it," Lisa said, grabbing my hand and holding it gently. She looked up at my chest. "I know. Your eyes are up there," She joked and let go of a short laugh. "I didn't want to overdo it, embarrass you, and scare you off, so I didn't include a bra in your outfit... but, if you want to..." 

"Maybe later?" I replied. "I'm still getting used to everything that's already going on." 

"Well, it's better than a 'no', I'll take it," Lisa said, smiling. "Come, sit down. Your body and hair already look great, but we still need to do a few little things before we're done." She tapped the seat of the couch. 

I sat down next to her, and without a word, she got up and procured a hair tie and a brush. She wrapped the hair tie around her wrist and started brushing my hair together until she was satisfied with it, and then removed the hair tie from her wrist, twisting it a couple of times, until it securely held the newly formed ponytail in place. 

"One down, two to go," Lisa said, sitting back down next to me. She grabbed a perfume bottle from the table and spritzed a little on the palm of her hand for me to sniff it. I would describe it as being a typically girly perfume smell. The kind I would associate with innocence, youth, and cuteness. The fragrance was noticeable, but not overpowering. Besides that, it was also a pleasant smell, as opposed to men's cologne, which was often pungent and rather unpleasant.

"It smells good," I said. I had closed my eyes and breathed calmly, as I imagined being in a field, surrounded by thousands of flowers giving off this smell. I opened my eyes again and made eye contact with Lisa. She smiled at me, as she probably imagined what I was going through, now experiencing all these moments of feminine delights first-hand.

Lisa lightly spritzed some perfume on me. "There you go," she said proudly. "I love your new smell, it's a huge improvement." She put the perfume back down, grabbed her makeup kit from the table, and turned her body fully toward me.

"Close your eyes... Open... Look up... Now look down... Close your eyes again, pucker up!" Lisa instructed. She applied makeup to my face with dedicated concentration. With more effort than I usually had when I washed my face before heading out to attend our university classes. Foundation, concealer, eye pencils, mascara, and even lipstick. Lisa spared no expenses. The time she put into my transformation made me both scared and excited to see the final result. 

"Done!" Lisa said, contentedly. "Have a look in the mirror." 

I got up and walked into the hallway. Looking at my reflection in the wall-mounted mirror, I could hardly recognize myself. My eyelashes looked thicker, the impurities of my skin were smoothed out, and my eyes drew more attention because of the eye pencil darkening the edges, I felt like a movie star! I never knew I could look this good. 

"Like what you see?" Lisa asked, peeking around the corner from within the living room. "I know I do." She winked and blew me a kiss. 

"Are you kidding me? I love it!" I replied. "Though I do think my eyebrows ruin the illusion," I added with a hint of disappointment. 

"Illusion? Babe. If you wanna be a girl, you can," She said. "I only didn't use my eyebrow razor on you because I thought it might be too much. It's not something you can just undo when we're done today." 

"It's okay... do it" I replied, a slight hesitation in my voice. I knew it might be a little difficult to explain to others later, but I wanted to be part of this experience, and I wasn't going to let my eyebrows get in the way of that. 

"You're perfect, you know that?" Lisa said, walking off to get her eyebrow razor. When she came back, it didn't take her long to shave my eyebrows into a thinner, more femininely styled shape. "How about this?" She asked. 

I looked into the mirror again. "Who's that girl?" I asked rhetorically. 

Lisa chuckled. "I'm just happy you're enjoying this as much as I am," she responded. "C'mon, let's lie down on the couch, cuddle, and watch some TV for a bit... Oh, and if you want to do this again someday, don't hesitate to ask," she said, as she looked lovingly into my eyes.
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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 2: On Display

Becoming one of the sextoys in Wonderland...

I still couldn't believe it. I had gone out to buy a chastity cage with the thought of very gradually building up my caged time. And not only did I let myself get tricked into putting on a cage that is too small to be comfortable, but I also ended up completely keyless! I barely managed to sleep at all that night. The cage kept feeling so constricting that the slightest movement felt uncomfortable and it either kept me from falling asleep, or it would wake me back up if I moved in my sleep. If I ever wanted to get my chastity keys, I had no choice but to go back to Alice and abide by her 'training'...

It was a few minutes before 10 AM. I was standing outside of Wonderland, the sex store Alice worked at. The name would've made it seem like it was a generic toy store, which is probably why the 'Wo' in Wonderland was designed to look like one open and one closed handcuff linked together. The storefront didn't help either, as the window display was filled with, what looked like, life-sized dolls. They were sex dolls specifically designed to look realistically like humans, apart from their outfits. Their outfits consisted of a variety of fetish styles. There was age play with diapers, your typical scantily clad sexy schoolgirl, some leather/biker outfit, and a minimalistic lingerie outfit. All dolls were contained in huge doll boxes. The boxes described how all limbs were movable, meaning you could dress up the dolls in any style you'd like, as long as you had the outfit.

Alice was already inside the store. She had arrived early to make sure the store was ready to receive customers before it was time to open the doors. 10 AM hit. Church bells rang in the distance to announce the time. Alice appeared from the back of the store to unlock the doors and flip on the lights of the 'open' sign. With a brief look, she scouted to see if I was already there. I was standing some distance away, but Alice certainly noticed. With a gentle smile, she tugged on her necklace, revealing a single key that was formerly tucked underneath her shirt. Alice made sure I took note of the key before letting it fall and rest on top of her clothes, before walking to her cashier's desk, calmly waiting for me to walk in.

I took a deep breath. This is it, I thought. I wonder what she has in store for me today. Remembering all too well what she did to me yesterday, I already knew it was likely going to be a lot more fun for her than for me. I mustered up the courage and entered the store.

"There you are," Alice said, without even looking up at me, she sensed my unease. "No need to be afraid," she said, reassuringly. "The first part of your training is actually just a hygienic routine thing. It's not something guys usually do, but it is something I want you to do regularly from now on…."

"Oh?" I replied, attempting to bait out the answer to a question I couldn't answer.

"Shaving your body hair, you dummy!" Alice replied. "I told you, I don't like guys. So I'm going to turn you into a girl for me. At least... As close to one as you could possibly get."

I tried to reply, "But what about my girl-"

"Oh shush! Your girlfriend will love it too. It's called hygienic maintenance for a reason!" Alice interjected. "Removing all that yucky hair is going to make you more attractive and desirable. Trust me."

"Alright... But, I didn't know I was supposed to bring a shaving razor with me. Do I need to go and buy one?" I asked.

"A SHAVING RAZOR?!" Alice questioned angrily. "You'll end up with razor burns everywhere! That won't do. No, what you're going to do is simply sit down in the employees' room, while I wax that yucky hair right off. I will only do it once, though, so pay attention! From now on, once a week, you'll be expected to do this yourself, before I train you." Alice pointed me towards a black door at the back of the store and went to lock the store back up to prevent unannounced customers from entering, before escorting me through the black door into the employees' room.

As she sat me down, Alice quickly deduced from the look on my face that I was not motivated to start waxing my hair every week. "Failure to follow this simple maintenance rule will result in the disposal of one chastity key," Alice said, threateningly. "And I won't just throw them in the thrash. I will melt them, break them, flush them, or worse..."

I was scared. 'Or worse'? How much worse could it even get? I did not want to find out. Suddenly I was very motivated to keep up with my new maintenance rule.

Alice, the sadist she was, deeply enjoyed my squeals of pain as she ripped each strip of wax off my skin. Strip after strip, often reapplying the wax on areas that had already been gone over before. "I still see some hairs," Alice would say, as she'd reapply the wax, much to my dismay.

When Alice finally finished waxing my body, she ordered me to feel myself up. "See how smooth your legs are? Isn't that so much better?" Alice asked rhetorically. "Just wait until we put those smooth legs in some stockings! You'll be hooked!"

And I had to agree... my legs did feel very soft and smooth. It was a strange feeling to feel such smooth and feminine legs, knowing they were my own. The feeling was completely foreign to me. It felt strange... but in a good way. Maybe having to take better care of my skin and putting some effort into having a hairless body wasn't that bad after all.

"I knew you'd get to see things my way eventually," Alice said. "I'm not completely evil... just mostly!" She followed up with a wink.

"Okay, so... is that all for today? Could you please unlock my cage now?" I pled to no avail.

"Oh, you thought we were done? Haha!" Alice exclaimed, laughing. "Far from it, sweetie. This was just the necessary preparation for your real training!"

'Real training'? I gulped audibly. That couldn't be good...

"First, I'll put some nice and girly makeup on you. Make you look all sweet and innocent... like a schoolgirl!" Alice said excitedly. Her eyes sparkled as she mentioned 'schoolgirl'. She was feeling either very excited or very deviant. Presumably both. "After that, we'll take out that schoolgirl doll from behind the front window, and then we'll dress you up accordingly... I bet you would look very sexy in a short schoolgirl skirt," Alice added.

A short pause took place as Alice came to a realization. She giggled and a smirk appeared on her face.

"I wonder if your cute small little cage would poke out underneath it..." She teased. "I guess we'll play it safe for your first time and get you some cute yet naughty panties to wear underneath that skirt, huh?" Alice couldn't help but laugh again.

"Are you really going to make me replace a doll at the front window of the store for everybody to see?" I whimpered.

"Isn't that what I have just been saying? Jeez! Where's your head at?" Alice replied. "Actually... dolls don't think, so that only proves you're a great replacement," Alice followed up with, nodding in approval of her joke.

Alice spent nearly a full hour making me look just like the other dolls. Makeup, clothing, wigs... no expenses were spared. Then again, she practically ran the store. So she could do as she pleased.

"What am I supposed to learn from this training anyway?" I complained.

"You will learn not to complain and simply do as I say without question," Alice snarled. "And given how you haven't learned that lesson yet, I'll have to set an example." Alice walked up to me and pushed me into the box that was previously occupied by the schoolgirl doll. Alice was surprisingly strong as she moved me with ease.

As she pressed me against the back wall of the box, Alice punctured the back wall with multiple big zip ties, looped them around my arms and legs before puncturing the wall again and locking and tightening the ties from the back of the box, leaving just enough wiggle room to adjust myself slightly if I felt discomfort. After finishing off the last zip tie, Alice brought in a hand pallet truck, with which she lifted the box and rolled it in front of a big mirror.

I somewhat expected Alice to make a teasing remark about my predicament, but to my surprise, she remained quiet. Simply letting the lack of speech fill in the words for her. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I saw the box surrounding me. The zip ties, the blonde wig on my head, my dollified face, the white blouse with its filled-up push-up bra inside, the tartan microskirt, the white laced panties Alice made me wear, the thinness of which making the panties nearly transparent, thus barely hiding my cage at all... and to top it all off, fishnet stockings and black Mary Jane platform pumps... I looked exactly like a pervert's rendition of a schoolgirl porn star! Even if I tried, I couldn't even recognize myself anymore. I was nothing more than a doll now.

After admiring her work through the mirror for some time, Alice turned back to me and said, "It's nearly noon now. Thankfully, nobody has called yet to complain about the store still being closed, but now it's really time to open up the doors. I have some online orders to catch up on, so you're going up on display, and then I'll take you back down after closing time. If you're a convincingly good doll and nobody catches on, I'll give you a special treat when you're done." Alice snickered.

I should have known that this was far from over. However, my thoughts were more focused on the implied treat, instead of on the 'if nobody catches on'. Would she finally let me out of my cage? Could that be my chance to just bolt out and leave it all behind? Whatever the treat was, I had already come this far... If there was a reward involved, I deserved to get it. So I decided to do my best to just play along for now.

As Alice resumed moving the doll box to the front window, she suddenly stopped. "Oh! Stupid me!" She cursed to herself. "I wasted all that time doing your makeup!" She sighed.

"How so?" I asked, puzzled.

"Hello? Earth to doll! You may look like a doll, but you still blink like a human! And I bet you'd blush and make facial expressions too. It would freak everyone out. No. We can't have that... well, at least you got to feel like a doll with that makeup on, but now it's time to become a real doll!" Alice said. She walked off. Being tied up, I couldn't see where she went. But it didn't take too long for her to return.

Alice returned with a mask closely resembling my dollified face. "Here. I'll put this over your face, so you can blush all you want. Nobody will notice if you move your mouth or whatever else you can't control your face doing," she explained. "This mask has one-way mirrors as eyes. You can look out, but nobody can see your eyes moving and looking back at them. Breathing holes are in the back of the mask, to not ruin the illusion by having breathing holes in the nose of a doll. The mask is rigid, so don't worry about inhaling the mask either when you breathe. It won't budge. It's a good thing you are at least able to control your breathing reasonably well, otherwise, we'd have to find a way to hide that too!"

Alice finished moving me up to the front window. Placing the box down and moving the hand pallet truck away again. When she came back, she unlocked the doors of the store again, opening the store to the public. "Have fun, dolly! And remember to behave!" Alice mischievously said.

I thought she was going to leave me alone now, but her teasing was far from over. As Alice promptly returned with a sign. "Limited time! Discount! 50% off! Ask our staff for more information," the sign read. Alice made sure I read it before sticking the sign to the plastic panel of my doll box.

"Don't worry, dolly. That is just to drive up the interest in you. I wouldn't actually sell you off..." Alice said, smiling mischievously. The reassurance dimmed quickly as she added, "You haven't had the proper training for that part yet!"

My mask hid my embarrassed face, my chastity cage denied my dick from getting erect... And instead, I was surprised by a different response. I started leaking from my cage... Not much, but enough for Alice to notice.

"Oh. You like that idea?" She responded. "I'll make sure to turn that fantasy into a reality sometime then." Alice laughed, like a villain who had trapped the hero. Except in my case, there was no heroic escape. I was helplessly trapped until Alice would decide to release me...
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