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 Share A Drink With: Chapter 2: Elizabeth

Spin the bottle, and let the bottle spin you.

"Ugh, I'm still sore from last time," Stephany groaned. "Can we skip today and just play again next weekend?"

"How about we spin first and then decide?" Jeff argued. "Besides, you can always spin the safety bottle."

"Alright, alright," Stephany said after giving it some thought. "This time you're spinning the bottle, though."

"That's fine," Jeff said, grabbing a bottle. "You want to share it again or drink it by yourself to numb your soreness?" he asked laughingly.

"Sure, I'll have it," Stephany said. "I could use a liquid painkiller."

Jeff poured the beer into a single, glass tankard and gave it to Stephany. He then placed the empty bottle between them on the floor and spun it. Once again, it came to a halt, facing mostly toward Jeff.

"Next time it should land on you. These odds are rigged," Jeff joked, grabbing the bottle. "Today's winner is..." he said dramatically as he slowly removed the paper from it. The smug smile on his face made way for a look of confusion. "Elizabeth? Oh boy..."

Stephany giggled and curtsied. "Your Highness."

"Yeah, let's not go there," Jeff responded with fake retching at the thought. "I hope you can also imagine someone else when you hear that name."

"Hm," Stephany hummed in thought as she took a sip of her tankard. "Honestly, I'm not sure," she said. "It strikes me as a very 'girl-next-door' kind of name."

"So..." Jeff hesitantly said.

"So," Stephany said. "We can just take it easy with that one. No need to spin your safety bottle... Unless you insist on making it sexual." She giggled.

"No, no," Jeff quickly replied. "A casual play sounds good to me!"

"Alright," she said. "In that case, I guess we can do it today then, instead of next week. Let's just have a fun, casual day indoors." Stephany finished her tankard, got up, and started walking out of the living room.

"Where are you going?" Jeff asked.

"The bedroom, of course," Stephany replied. "I'm going to have to check my wardrobe to see if I have anything that could resemble Ellie's style. Because you 'are' going to become Elizabeth, those are the rules." She giggled as she left the room.

Jeff gulped and mumbled to himself, "Maybe we should have shared that beer after all..." He poked his head out of the doorway and said, "I'll calm my nerves with some phone games on the couch while you do your thing!"

"Nuh-uh!" Stephany replied from the bedroom. She jolted into the bathroom and returned to the living room with a body trimmer and handed it to Jeff. "You, Ellie," she said sternly, "can help prepare yourself by trimming those unsightly body hairs down."

"But," Jeff stammered.

"No buts," Stephany said. "Ellie is not going to half-ass her looks when she goes out to visit her friend."

"Yeah, but, what about work?" Jeff asked, concerned.

"I'll go easy on your eyebrows," Stephany said, comforting. "But the body hair has got to go. If anybody cares enough to ask, you can say you lost a bet with me or something. It'll grow back soon enough, don't worry. Or did you think I only shave my body once a year?" she chuckled and left the room again.

Great, Jeff thought as he took off his shirt and started trimming his upper body. Hopefully next time, it'll be her turn to do the role-playing. At least we'll be taking a few days off after today... In hindsight, with these stakes, it's a bit too risky to play this game on both weekend days, but I can't back out now. At least it's not going to get sexual. That would be so awkward. Jeff shivered.

"How's it going over there?" Stephany asked from the bedroom.

"Just finished my upper body, moving on down now," Jeff replied.

"Alright!" Stephany said. "Just, please, only trim your legs and then use a razor in the shower for your more private areas. Hygiene reasons."

"As if I was going to let an electric blade get anywhere near my groin!" Jeff replied.

"Better safe than sorry," Stephany commented. "I'm nearly done here, too. I put together a few outfits, and then I'll let you choose what you'd feel most comfortable in."

"Is it too late to run out the door and hide for the day?" Jeff joked.

"I mean, if you're not going to be Ellie today, then we'll just have to do it tomorrow," Stephany said matter-of-factly. "Should I call your boss to let him know about his new female employee?" She giggled.

"Today's fine!" Jeff quickly replied.

"Glad to hear that, Ellie," Stephany said laughingly. "When you're done trimming, join me in the bedroom to pick out your outfit before you head for the shower."

Jeff finished trimming his legs and approached the bedroom. "Should I be afraid of what I'm about to see?" he teasingly asked as he entered the room.

"They're just clothes," Stephany said and laughed. "If that scares you, wait till you see the makeup kit!" She pointed at the bed, where she had laid out several clothing sets. "So, for the first option, we have some regular blue jeans, you can choose between either the full-length or short jeans, accompanied by a white blouse and white heels."

"You do remember I'm two shoe sizes bigger than you, right?" Jeff asked.

"They've got some extra space. I'm sure we could squeeze you in there," Stephany answered. "It might be a little uncomfortable, but it's just for a single day, you can handle it!" She moved on to the next set. "Up next, we have something a little more girly. A short, lightish-red dress, with a black jean jacket, black pantyhose, and black pumps."

"Not gonna lie, it does look kinda nice. You should wear that set sometime!" Jeff said.

"Duly noted," Stephany chuckled. She moved on to the final set. "If you want to be truly boring, you could also go super basic and choose this outfit. Simple blue jeans, white sneakers, and a grayish cashmere sweater."

"I mean, I know I complained, but I can hardly role-play Elizabeth if I don't 'feel' like an Elizabeth," Jeff said. "I'll probably regret saying it later, but even though the last set is the safest and easiest way out, my gut says it should be one of the first two options."

"I was hoping you'd say that," Stephany said happily. "You won't regret it! I'll turn you into a real cutie!"

Jeff blushed. "Me? A cutie? Have you seen these shoulders and arms?" he asked with a hint of sadness.

"That's why I made sure to include ways to cover it up a little," Stephany said. "You'd hardly notice them! I'm more concerned with hiding that package of yours." She giggled.

"Wh- What's that supposed to mean?!" Jeff stammered, blushing even harder now, doing a double take to ensure he wasn't sporting a boner unbeknownst to himself.

"Well, you've got to change underwear too, of course!" Stephany elaborated. "And I don't want you to rip through my undies!"

"Oh, like that," Jeff said.

"Thankfully, I've got some medical tape that I can use to tape it all down and flatten it a bit," Stephany said matter-of-factly. "That's why you need to make sure it's all shaven smooth down there. Otherwise, the tape removal is going to hurt even more at the end of the day."

"Noted," Jeff said, slowly exiting the room by walking backward. "I'll head to the shower and take care of that, then. I'll leave the picking of the underwear to you, lest I faint before we've even started."

"Sure thing, cutie," Stephany chuckled. "Oh, and use my shower products! Ellie is not going to smell like 'Woodland Enigma'."

"Actually," Jeff said. "It's 'Wild Temptation'."

"Same thing, different name," Stephany said and shrugged. "You're using my Fruity Passion soap today. And when you've dried yourself, use my deodorant and perfumes." She paused. "Actually, I'll use those on you, lest you empty my entire bottle."

"Probably for the best," Jeff said with a chuckle from the bathroom as he closed the door behind him.

Stephany returned to the bed and looked at the clothing she had laid out.

"Hm," she pondered. "Basic girly or cute girly?" as the words left her mouth, she realized that going with the latter was the only real option, and put the other two outfits back in her wardrobe. "Alright... underwear," Stephany said aloud as she opened her drawers. "Well, given the dress, red would make the most sense, but that's also more... sexual? Black might fit better in that case, and the rest of the outfit is black too..."

Stephany took a moment to weigh her options, but eventually decided to stick with red, as it would be less likely to show beneath the dress. "Ellie can be cute and sexy," she smilingly said as she picked out a red slip containing a simplified, monochrome print of butterflies and combined it with a simple red push-up bra. She may stand out a bit more than a 'girl-next-door' would like to, Stephany thought. But I have an obligation to make Ellie feel like a woman today, even if that means using some encouragement.

"How's it going in there?" Stephany shouted.

"Almost done!" Jeff yelled back. Not long after, he turned the shower off and dried himself. He opened the door and motioned for Stephany to bring his outfit for the day.

Stephany energetically jumped up from the bed, grabbed the clothing and underwear, and rushed off to the bathroom, where the placed them on the top of the laundry machine.

"The more time that goes into this, the more I'm glad we're not making it sexual this time," Jeff said, looking at the underwear Stephany choose for him.

"I mean, if you were a little more confident, it could have led to you doing me," Stephany teased. "But if you're just going to be shy and submissive like that..." Her face displayed a smug grin.

"I'm just not used to... this," Jeff said, holding the red slip. "At least, not to wearing it myself."

"If you hold it next to your face, I'm quite certain it could act as camouflage," Stephany giggled. She grabbed the medical tape from the mirror cabinet. "Alright, time to conceal your firearm," Stephany joked as she kneeled in front of Jeff to start applying the tape and apologized. "It could have been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to say that, I had to take it."

"I'm happy at least you're having fun," Jeff said, embarrassed. "Can you hurry it up a little?"

"Is Ellie afraid she's going to get an erection?" Stephany teased.

"Oh shush, you know I'm just easily aroused when you touch me there," Jeff blurted out.

Stephany giggled as she continued applying the tape. "And... Done," she said reassuringly a few moments later as she finished taping Jeff's scrotum and penis to the skin, making it look as flat as she could. "Next time, I'll buy some pads to help with the flat look," she said. "But for today, this will have to do."

"Next time," Jeff repeated. "Let's hope that's going to be many months away."

"Loser accepts their defeat without complaints, those were the rules," Stephany said matter-of-factly. "You had your fun yesterday, now it's my turn." She smiled. "Now put these on and see how they fit," Stephany said as she handed Jeff the red slip and bra.

Jeff hesitantly put them on and said, "A bit tight, but they fit."

Stephany walked around to Jeff's backside and checked the fit. "Looks just fine to me, Ellie," she said and slapped his butt.

"Hey!" Jeff shrieked. "I thought we were going to keep it casual today?"

"We were going to keep it non-sexual," Stephany corrected. "A little bit of flirting and teasing my cute little Ellie still seems within the realm of allowed activities."

"Ellie will remember this," Jeff said.

"Oh, so Ellie is a gamer too, now?" Stephany giggled as she sprayed some perfume on Jeff and handed him the dress and pantyhose. "Put on the maid outfit, gamer girl."

"Maid outfit?" Jeff responded confused and paused. "Oh. Right. I sometimes forget you speak meme, too." He rolled his eyes but proceeded to put on the clothing regardless. "Hey, Steph?" Jeff asked. "Are you sure this dress is long enough?"

"Barely, but, yes," Stephany replied. "It was not meant for someone your size, but it still works out, your ass is covered."

"Barely," Jeff repeated as he shifted about. "I can feel the breeze coming through."

"Want to go out and buy a bigger one?" Stephany teased.

"As a matter of fact, this dress fits perfectly!" Jeff quickly replied.

Stephany giggled. "Glad to hear that, Ellie," she said. "Now let's get back to the bedroom, so I can do your makeup and finish your look."

Stephany grabbed Jeff's hand and led him to the bedroom, where she brought him to the bed. "Sit," she instructed, as she gently pushed him onto the bed. She walked off to grab her makeup bag and opened it to reveal several small glass containers containing liquid makeup, brushes, pencils, and other items Jeff could not decipher.

Jeff anxiously let Stephany apply the makeup to his face, apply and brush powders, curl his eyelashes, rework his eyebrows, which she promised not to overdo, and draw around his eyes with an eye pencil.

"Are we done now?" Jeff asked. "My back is starting to hurt."

"A small price to pay for beauty," Stephany argued laughingly. "But, yes, I'm pretty much done. Dare to take a look?" She stepped aside so that Jeff could look at himself in the standing mirror that was behind her.

"That's... me?" Jeff asked, astonished. "I knew makeup could make a lot of difference, but, damn! I never imagined it could make me look even remotely girly!"

"Thank you," Stephany said with a curtsy. "So, I take it you like it?"

"I mean, it looks amazing, and it's perfect for Ellie," Jeff answered. "But I don't see this as a style for 'Jeff'. So I'm feeling a little conflicted."

"Well, luckily Jeff isn't here today," Stephany giggled. "So I'm glad to hear Ellie likes her look... One last thing, though!" She rummaged through the makeup bag and pulled out some lipstick. "These don't smudge easily, and they match your outfit," she said as she applied the lipstick to Jeff's lips.

"So, now we're done?" Jeff asked.

"The day won't be over any faster if you keep asking," Stephany replied. "Your makeup is done, but your hair still needs some work."

Stephany walked over to her wardrobe, where she opened a box containing various blonde and brown wigs. After removing a few, she found one she was satisfied with.

"This'll do nicely," Stephany said, holding out a dark blonde wig, its hairs were long and wavy. "Thankfully, your hair is short, and its color is similar to this wig, so we can just put this over your natural hair without having to make any adjustments," she said as she walked behind Jeff to pull the wig over his head.

Jeff had mostly just kept staring at himself in the mirror while this happened, trying to process how his appearance had changed so drastically in just a single day. It was like he stared at a completely different person, yet, he was staring at none other than himself.

"There," Stephany said. "Now you're done." She grabbed the black jacket that she had left on the bed and handed it to Jeff. "Now put this on along with the pumps and then Ellie will be fully dressed," she said with a smile.

"Indoors, though?" Jeff hesitantly asked as he took the jacket from Stephany.

"We can also go outside with it if you want," Stephany said and giggled. "Just put it on for the looks. If it gets too warm, you can take it off later."

Jeff put on the jacket and, with some assistance from Stephany, squeezed into the pumps, which, surprisingly, were a bit tight, but not tight enough to be uncomfortable.

"What time is it even?" Jeff asked. "I feel like we've spent half our day on just the preparations."

"Well, there's still natural light coming through the window, so it can't be that late," Stephany reasoned as she grabbed her phone to check. "Oh. It's nearly 6 already."

"I guess we'll be ordering today, then," Jeff responded. "Pizza?"

"Sure," Stephany answered. "And then we'll just watch some TV for the remainder of the day, nice and laid back."

"Say no more," Jeff said as he rushed to the living room to drop down on the couch. A long drawn-out sigh of relief escaped his lips. "Much better," he said.

"Stephany casually walked after him, absentmindedly browsing her phone. "Which pizza would you like, Ellie?" she asked as she sat down next to him.

"Uhm," Jeff said, directing his gaze at the ceiling as if the answer to her question was there. "Meat lovers," he finally said.

Stephany chuckled and slowly brought her hand to Jeff's inner thigh as she teased, "So Ellie is a meat lover, huh?" She gently squeezed his thigh as she stared into his eyes with a longing gaze.

Jeff turned red and froze up. "Steph!" was all he managed to say.

Stephany released her grip. "I'm just having a bit of fun, darling," she said laughingly and added, "I think I'll just upgrade it to a family-size pizza. I'm feeling like a meat lover too tonight." She brought her face closer to Jeff and kissed him on the cheek.

Jeff wobbled around on the couch trying to contain his nerves. "If you keep this up, that tape is not going to hold," he said.

"Let's hope it does," Stephany said. "Because you're going to open the door to accept the pizza when it arrives. I already ordered and paid online, so Ellie is going to have to open the door and bring that pizza in." She giggled.

Jeff's breathing became noticeably louder, but he remained speechless.

"I'll stop teasing you for now, for Ellie's sake," Stephany said. She threw her arm around Jeff's shoulder and gently pulled him towards her. "Here," she said reassuringly. "Lean your head against my chest, like I usually do to you. Feel my heartbeat? It's calming, isn't it?" She gently planted a kiss on the back of Jeff's head.

"Hm-hm," Jeff eventually hummed as he slowly calmed down again while they watched an episode of SuperHeroes.

Shortly before the episode finished, the bell rang, and Jeff jumped up. He knew what it meant and that it was his cue to greet whoever was at the door and bring the pizza in. He anxiously waddled his way over to the door and opened it. A person was standing in front of him, Jeff had already directed his face down to evade eye contact and instead focus on the pizza box and remove himself from the embarrassing situation as fast as he could.

But there was one issue. The person in front of him was not holding a pizza box.

"Hi!" a friendly voice said. "Is Stephany home? I was supposed to return some music CDs to her last week and I kept forgetting, but I saw her car on the driveway and I happened to still have them in my bag, so I thought I could drop by and deliver them!"

Jeff was not prepared for this interaction. His fight-or-flight response could not decide and instead froze in place like a deer in headlights. Thankfully, Stephany remained nearby to assist if needed, so she was able to quickly interject herself into the situation and take over.

"Hey, Kayleigh!" Stephany said. "Sorry, don't mind Ellie, here, she's a bit socially awkward. We were expecting a pizza delivery, so she probably froze up when she was met with a different outcome than what she had prepared herself for."

"Oh, it's fine," Kayleigh responded. She grabbed a couple of CDs from her bag and handed them over to Stephany. "Here you go, dear. Sorry for being so forgetful! And my apologies to you too, Ellie. I didn't mean to startle you." She gently put her hand on Jeff's shoulder as a means of comforting 'Ellie'. "Have a nice evening, you two!" she said as she turned to walk off again.

Just as Stephany was about to close the door, she noticed the pizza delivery car approaching from the distance. It drove up to the building and came to a stop.

Stephany grabbed Jeff's hand and said, "Sorry about that. I wasn't expecting that one either. But on the plus side, I don't think she recognized you."

"Do I still have to take the pizza?" Jeff asked anxiously.

"I'll do the talking and the interactions, just stay here with me and look friendly, that's all you'll have to do, darling," Stephany said reassuringly.

Jeff pulled himself together to muster a friendly, shy smile as he faced directly forward again to silently greet the delivery person as they approached.

"One family-size meat lovers pizza?" A male voice read from a piece of paper sticking out of the pizza box. He looked up from the paper and looked at Stephany and Jeff. "Oh, wow," he said, "Must be my lucky day, haha."

Stephany raised an eyebrow. "How so?" she asked.

"Just, uhm. Well," the guy stammered. "I don't usually get to make deliveries to cute women."

Stephany chuckled and responded, "You're just saying that to get a tip."

"No, I mean it!" The guy said. "You both look amazing." He looked down at his pizza box and comically shook his head. "Anyway, here's your pizza!" he said, extending the pizza box towards Stephany.

Stephany reached out to accept the pizza and thanked the delivery guy, giving him a small tip before saying goodbye and closing the door.

"I'm not sure who was more shy, him, or you," Stephany laughed. "Now come on, let's have some pizza, watch another episode or two, and then we remove that tape, so I can have my extra topping of meat." She winked at Jeff as she walked back into the living room.

Jeff paused for a moment before following Stephany into the living room. "Babe?" He asked as his head poked around the corner.

"Yes, Ellie?" Stephany replied as she looked up from the couch.

"The tape is already loose." Jeff shyly admitted as he walked around the corner to display his erection in the dress.

"Well," Stephany said as she closed the pizza box again. "I suppose we can reheat this and have dessert first tonight." She smiled.

"Can I-" Jeff asked.

"Nope. The dress and makeup stay on," Stephany interrupted. "Come join me on the couch, and I'll help myself to that meat topping."

Jeff did as instructed, and Stephany wasted no time in fully removing the tape. Thankfully, the tape left no sticky residue, so Stephany decided to leave it as is. "I know we said non-sexual at first... But I think we both got a bit ahead of ourselves," Stephany giggled. "So assuming it's okay with you, we can do just this one thing that we both know you're comfortable with. The only difference is that you still look like Ellie, that's all."

Jeff nodded eagerly with his flushed face and Stephany proceeded to give him a slow, sensual blowjob as the TV continued producing background noises of their show. Jeff did not last long as all the teasing Stephany had subjected him to, along with his mind constantly wandering to sexual thoughts as he couldn't shake the fact that he was wearing feminine underwear, clothing, and makeup, had already put him in a heightened state of arousal.

When Jeff climaxed, Stephany remained in place. She kept her lips wrapped around his shaft, but seemingly made no effort to swallow any of his sperm down. When he finished, she finally came up, looked at Jeff with a smile, paused, and then placed her hand on the back of his head.

Jeff's face turned from satisfaction to horror as he realized what was about to happen, but it was already too late. Stephany's lips were already locked to his, and instinctively his lips parted to kiss his partner, only to be greeted with his own salty load pouring into his mouth.

Stephany moved back and swallowed as she covered Jeff's mouth with her hand. Showing proudly how her mouth was empty, she chuckled and said, "While I was down there, I remembered that I already had my drink earlier, but I hadn't shared it with you. So I decided that, instead, I'd be sharing 'my drink' with you now."

Jeff figured that Stephany would not let him off the hook easily, and the longer he'd refused to play along, the more the taste would linger in his mouth. So he gave in and swallowed. His face went sour, and Stephany giggled.

"Clothing shared, pizzas shared, drinks shared, this truly is an amazing day. So much better than I thought it'd be!" Stephany said happily. "Now, let's put this back in the oven for a few minutes, and then meanwhile we can brush our teeth or get something else to wash away this taste."

Jeff immediately got up and rushed to the bathroom.

"Be careful of your makeup, Ellie!" Stephany shouted and chuckled as she got up to preheat the oven... 
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[PREVIEW] Share A Drink With: Christian

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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 10: Sweet Dreams

Time flies as Sam learns new things.

"How'd your play date go, doll? I heard you played your part marvelously," Alice said.

"Where do I even start?" I whimpered. "I'm ashamed to death. I played along, thinking I was doing it to keep my secret safe, only to find out Tyler knew all along. I feel betrayed and used. What happened to our deal? Most of all, I'm disgusted with myself. I can't believe I went through all of this... I wanted to be more kinky for my girlfriend, but somehow, I found myself getting fucked by my best friend!"

My emotional state was far from stable, causing me to start sobbing uncontrollably. Alice knelt in front of me, wrapped her arms around me, and gave me a short hug.

"Awh, I'm sorry doll," Alice said and paused, waiting for me to redirect my gaze from the floor up to her, so she could look into my eyes with that 'I'm truly sorry' look. "I may have dropped hints to Tyler on the phone after he expressed his interest in the doll. I was just having so much fun that I didn't stop to think how it affected you."

Though it wasn't the first time Alice pulled a trick on me purely for her own amusement, her remorse felt real.

"I only told Tyler," she continued. "And he promised to keep your secret safe. Granted, he might tease you in private or when it's just us three, but he wouldn't mention it around others," Alice said reassuringly. "And not to worry, I know exactly how to help you feel better."

"How?" I asked, slowly bringing my crying to an end.

"Well, we received a new toy yesterday when I was trying to close the store," Alice replied. "It's still in the employees' room because I haven't found the space to move it anywhere out front yet."

"How can a toy be that big?" I asked, confused.

"Well, it's more of a machine," Alice said. " It's sort of like those booths you step inside at arcade halls, you know?"

"An arcade booth?" I responded. "I mean, I like games, but how is that supposed to help me?"

"It's a bit more complex," Alice admitted. "But it'll do the trick, trust me."

"Why is it always that you tell me to trust you right after you break my trust?" I asked, somewhat disappointed. "That's not how trust works, Alice..."

"I mean if kindness doesn't work," Alice started and reached for her necklace. "We could always... flush another key?"

"Fine, fine," I surrendered. Let's just head to the store and get this over with... on one condition."

"Making demands? Bold move," Alice said. "But, go ahead. I'm all ears."

"I'll comply with you as long as you give the keys to Laura when we meet for the Valentine's Day play date," I said.

"Deal, but then you'll comply with me on everything until that time," Alice replied.

Everything? I thought to myself... It's only a few more days, but do I want to take that risk?

"Fine," I hesitantly said.

"Great," Alice responded. "And, who knows? Maybe you'll even change your mind by then." She giggled.


Arriving at the employees' room of Wonderland, Alice guided me to the booth. The outside of the machine was covered in a layer of pink paint and topped with balls of cotton shaped like clouds. Entering the booth, the inside looked very similar, there was even a special headset laying on the seat. Its earmuffs were shaped like little clouds as well.

"Take a seat," Alice instructed.

As I sat down, Alice used various straps to tie me down. The booth had more straps than the doll box she tied me down to before. By the time Alice finished, I was completely immobilized.

Alice then opened a compartment in the machine and procured an item from it. At first sight, it looked like some sort of glasses, but this particular piece of eyewear was different in the sense that the model of it was shaped in such a way that, in my immobilized state, I could only see the screen in front of me. Everything else was essentially blocked off by the eyewear.

"Pay attention to the screen and the sounds," Alice said. "I'll head back out to take care of orders that need to be shipped. Training you caused quite the backlog, so I won't be checking in for a while. Anyway, enjoy. You'll feel better after this, I promise."

I felt Alice plant a kiss on the side of my head before she placed the fluffy cloud headset over my head, closed the booth, and walked to the back where she pressed some buttons on an interface before walking off.

For a moment it was quiet and dark, but then the screen turned on. There were beaches, and waves that hit its shores, accompanied by the sounds of the sea, waves, and seagulls in the distance. It was very relaxing and comforting. Suddenly, a voice started speaking. It felt very empathetic and caring, almost motherly.

"Feeling a bit down? Afraid? Ashamed?" the voice asked. "Don't worry. You experienced a natural part of life. There's nothing to be ashamed or fearful of." The video shifted to slowed-down footage of a group of girls playing games on the beach.

"It's natural to be curious about yourself and your desires," the voice said. "After all, as humans, we're all unique. We are not programmed like machines are. For instance, it's considered natural for men to be attracted to women based on a biological need to procreate. But in this day and age, sexual attraction goes far beyond procreation. Contraceptives are even commonly used to prevent procreation so that couples may indulge in sex purely for fun."

The video shifted again, now depicting half-naked men on the beach. "As the reason for having sex shifted, it became apparent that there was no longer a need to keep the male/female pairing in place," the voice explained, as the men in the video stopped playing games and sat down at a beach bar, where the women from before had also ended up. "Men and women alike discovered that they could also turn to their own kind when the sex did not require procreation."

Images of women kissing and groping women were stitched together with those of men getting handsy with each other too, as suggestive words started to appear briefly on the screen. "In some cases, not having to worry about the possibility of pregnancy even made the sex more enjoyable between same-gender pairings," the voice reasoned. "Same-gender sex should feel good. There's no need to feel ashamed or guilty about it. So, allow the following videos to teach you, and rewire your brain to accept the enjoyment of sex, regardless of gender pairings."

A tube descended from the booth's ceiling. With my head locked firmly in a predetermined location by the straps of the booth, the tube knew exactly where to go as it forced itself against my lips, where it soon after pushed itself inside my mouth.

The lightly erotic slowed-down clips were replaced with more suggestively themed content. Women undressing, a close-up of an ass, a bulge in boxer shorts. Breasts hanging freely as a bra was being undone, an ass being ground against with a strapon. The video became a compilation of both heterosexual and same-sex pairings enjoying the moment and building their way up to a sexual climax. All the while, suggestive words, and sentences flashed on the screen, but never long enough to really read what they said.

The tube that had nestled itself between my lips began to vibrate, and before long, a liquid began to drip into my mouth. It tasted somewhat salty, maybe even bitter. I couldn't tell for sure. A counter appeared in the corner of the screen. "1"... the videos continued. Eventually, I deduced that every time a man orgasmed on the screen, the counter went up by one and another few drops came through the tubing.

After some time, the strange taste stopped bothering me. I couldn't tell if there was an aphrodisiac ingredient in the liquid, or if the video or audio had been influencing me, but eventually, I lost interest in the heterosexual clips. They began to feel stale, and I found myself more excited for clips of same-sex pairings, especially between two men. It made the counter go up a lot faster, which felt like a high score being raised.

At the start, most of the clips of men were simply of two average men jerking themselves off, but as time went on one of the men started looking increasingly feminine, dressing feminine, and acting more and more submissive. They seemed to do the most interesting things imaginable. At some point, I thought I was looking at a kinky heterosexual couple, only to find out it was, in fact, two men living out a kinky fantasy. The unexpected discovery made me aroused beyond explanation.

Sometimes the screen turned blank, and I thought I saw Alice's smiling face appear before me. But then I blinked, and the video was playing again. At a certain point, I stopped thinking about how much time had passed. All I still cared about was reaching a high score nobody could ever take away from me.

Suddenly a machine-like voice spoke as a scanning device covered my eyewear, "Congratulations, you have reached the end of this session. Your score is now 450. Would you still like to increase that score? Close your left eye for yes, right eye for no."

If I've already reached the end, then I should take the extra points to make sure nobody can beat me, I thought as I closed my left eye.

"Input detected: Yes," the voice confirmed. "Left for 5 points, right for ten points. Both for-"

Before the voice could even finish, I closed both of my eyes.

"Input detected: Multiplication," the voice said.

Fifty? I may have bitten off more than I could chew, I thought, as I started to panic.

The tube vibrated violently, and before long, a large amount of gooey liquid poured into my mouth. The voice returned to its motherly tone and said, "Fifty points for a good girl. Enjoy your treat."

I couldn't explain why, but for some reason, that little piece of motivational speech was all I needed to happily gulp down the liquid without giving it any further thought.

As I finished the last drops, the tube retracted back into the ceiling of the booth and the straps automatically loosened, allowing me to exit the booth. I took off the eyewear and placed it back in the compartment, left the headset on the seat, and exited the booth. Outside, Alice was awaiting me.

"500 points, huh?" she asked. "Feeling better now?"

I nodded.

"Glad to hear," Alice said and pulled a smirk. "Hey, could you check your phone and tell me what time and day it is?"

"What kind of silly question is that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "It's Tuesday, February 10th. Probably around closing time, so... 5 PM?"

"Just check," Alice insisted.

"Alright," I said, rolling my eyes. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to check the time. "Eh, 4.30 PM. Close enough."

"And the day?" Alice repeated.

I looked again. Friday? But that meant Valentine's Day would be tomorrow! My eyes went wide in shock.

"I take it you now realize you've been in that booth longer than just an afternoon," Alice said and giggled. "After every session, I let you out to take care of your basic needs before putting you under again. You probably already forgot about that, but that was part of the plan, anyway."

Alice reached for her necklace, pulled the key off, and tossed it at me. "Here you go. You've earned it," she said and paused. "By the way, did you know that counter resets every session? You actually got 500 points every day." She chuckled. "Yesterday, I even contemplated fitting you into an even smaller cage while you were in a trance, but I decided not to. If it got that small, it'd no longer be kinky, just cute... Not that I'd complain, mind you."

"And the spare keys?" I asked, flustered, purposefully ignoring everything else she mentioned.

"Well, there's only one spare key left, and I gave it to Laura already," she said as she stared me down. "I had her drop by yesterday to chat."

My eyes went wide as I looked at Alice in anticipation.

"Don't worry," she continued. "She didn't know you were here, or what you were doing for that matter... And before she left, I offered her a toy, free of charge. Needless to say, you're in for quite a treat tomorrow."

Still at a loss for words, Alice simply took my hand and started walking me out of the store.

"I'm glad to have caught up on all these orders, but now that I'm done, I want to close up for the weekend," Alice said as she opened the front door. "So you go on and go home. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Oh, and you might want to brush your teeth a couple of times and use some mouthwash before greeting Laura. Just a tip." She winked and let the door close behind her.
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Pets "R" Us (Subscribestar Exclusive version)

 Chester's pettification spell backfires, tremendously

"Ah, there it is!" Chester eventually exclaimed, rummaging through his attic Many years back, when he was still a teenager, his grandfather had told him about his years as a wizard, and the many spellbooks he possessed, some of which he claimed contained 'forbidden' spells.

Chester always thought his grandfather was just making it up for his amusement. Until recently, when his grandfather passed away. That was when his belongings were divided and Chester came across a couple of notebooks, a wand, and some loose parchments with spell incantations written on them.

Out of curiosity, and boredom, Chester gave one of the 'luck' incantations a try. To his surprise, it actually worked! The doorbell rang almost immediately after casting the incantation. Opening the door, he was greeted by a lottery spokesperson, claiming he had won a big lottery prize (even though he never bought a ticket for it). As the ticket was registered to his address, he received the prize anyway. Later, at work, He suddenly started receiving tips frequently, which he wasn't used to, his boss even called him in to give him a pay raise, seemingly out of nowhere. It convinced Chester that having that much luck wasn't just luck, or fate. It had to have been magical.

He couldn't wait to tell his girlfriend Mariana about it, but when he arrived home, he discovered her lounging around on the couch in nothing but her lingerie, which was a very rare occurrence. The subject of the lucky charm incantion became a worry for later, and instead Chester and Mariana made out on the couch. 

Sweet kisses became French kisses, and before long, Chester was planting his lips all over Mariana's body. From her neck, down to her breasts, down to her stomach, all the way down to her toes, before slowly heading back up to her belly button while cheekily evading her vagina, only for her to manually push his head back down again.

When the couple was finished with their foreplay, they considered continuing things in the bedroom, but Chester quickly changed his mind and decided to remain at the couch, purely to make use of his newfound luck and discover new, intimate positions on the spot and turn their evening into an unforgettable experience.

It was only after the sex, when Mariana was just about ready to ask for an inhaler, that Chester told her about the incantation. 

Mariana was skeptical ay first, and put his claims to the test, instantly tossing various random clothing pieces and other items at him, shouting, "Think fast!" Needless to say, Chester caught everything, and even successfully repeated the test with his back turned to Mariana, which, in her eyes, proved his luck. In the years to follow, both Chester and Mariana used Chester's luck to their advantage, and they lived a relatively happy life for nearly five years.

But, although they lived happily, they did not live smart and paced the usage of Chester's luck. They spent it wishing for free food deliveries and other simple things. The spell had a decay rate, and every month, Chester's luck whittled, little by little. And by the time they connected the dots, it was already too late. After the fourth year, they had even started to run into some misfortunes, which lead to arguing between the two. A little at first, but more and more over time. Chester eventually tried to refresh the incantation, but it seemed to work only once, as it did not improve his luck in the slightest. 

And as their luck whittled away, so did their sex life. Suddenly Chester found himself in situations where he would spontaneously suffer from an acute, headsplitting migraine if Mariana got in the mood. Or he would trip on his way to the bedroom and severely sprain his legs. The unlucky accidents put their sex life on hold, though it bothered Chester more than Mariana.

Mariana had discovered that Chester's misfortune provided her with a natural luck in getting away with the risky encounters she planned with other men. Poor Chester was none the wiser. Whenever his misfortune caused a plumbing pipe to burst, he left the house in hopes of minimizing the damage while Mariana hired a plumber to fix the problem. By the time he returned, the problem was always fixed, free of charge, even! Chester called it her natural luck. Little did he know it was paid in nature. 

Eventually, when Chester tried to convince Mariana to do the incantation on herself to renew their luck as a couple. Mariana feared they'd both end up being unlucky and preferred if they'd just remain as they were, relying on Mariana's natural luck to keep their life as stable as they could. But as Chester's life became more and more miserable, he started to wonder if the luck incantation he had cast, was one of the forbidden spells his grandfather had warned about. Why else was it written on a loose parchment instead of being included in a spellbook?

And that's when it hit him. "Spellbooks! Of course", Chester exclaimed. He rushed to the attic to recover his grandfather's notebooks, but as he neared the pile of neatly placed books, he slipped and knocked everything over. Books disappeared in piles of other possessions, and Chester spent hours sorting through them, continuously finding books that only ended up being old textbooks from his college days.

"Ah, there it is!" Chester eventually exclaimed, rummaging through his attic. He didn't bother checking for any other books and brought the spellbook downstairs to examine it under better lighting. Skimming the pages, he found instructions on the strangest spells. Spells to transmute diamonds into paper (who would even do such a thing?), turn a bee into an eagle, make people believe anything you say, make cardboard radioactive, or even turn people into various kinds of animals. "What are even the logical uses for any of these spells?" Chester wondered.

Disappointed with his findings and lack of any seemingly useful spells, Chester stored the book in his drawer and returned to the attic, where he spent the rest of his day looking for other loose parchments and notebooks in hopes of finding something better, anything at all. Though, with Chester's lock gone sour, he only made a bigger mess, and had to resort to clearing out the entire attic. Hours turned into days, days into weeks. He barely talked with Mariana anymore and when they did, talking turned into arguing, and even fighting.

The hallways had become clogged with all the items previously stored in the attic, much to Mariana's dismay. She simply wanted to move on, but Chester insisted on finding a spell to fix everything. When Chester finally fully cleared the attic, he was certain parchments and notebooks were missing. He could've sworn he had more than he recovered from the attic and grew suspicious of Mariana, whose disinterest in the subject of magic and spells suddenly felt like a ploy to him.

In his mind, Mariana was up to something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But instead of focusing on mending their relationship, or clearing out the hallways and restoring the attic to the organized mess it used to be, Chester devoted his time to spying on Mariana. His paranoia eventually got the better of him, and without logical reason, he started feeling that she was going to cheat on him. In his anger, he went back through his grandfather's notes, looking for any spells to use as a preemptive attack, when his eyes landed once again on the spell turning people into animals.

"You know what, if she insists on cheating on me like a bitch, then a bitch she shall be," Chester muttered to himself. He read up on the spell, scribbled down some notes, collected his grandfather's wand, and snuck up on Mariana, who was changing her clothes in front of her wardrobe. She had not seen or heard Chester enter the room as she was listening to some music and was more focused on her outfit for the day.

Without explaining himself, or even bothering to question Mariana first, Chester quietly muttered the spell, his wand glistened in response, and with a flick of his wrist, he hurled the spell at her. However, Chester had not accounted for his rotten luck, and as Mariana ducked to pick up a fallen piece of clothing, the spell went right past her, ricocheted off of the standing mirror behind her, and bolted right back at himself. Not having expected this outcome, Chester failed to react in time to dodge his spell, and within seconds, he turned into a dog, while the transformation knocked him out cold and trapped him underneath his former clothing.

The wand hit the wooden floor and startled Mariana. She yelped and turned, expecting to see Chester, but instead only saw a pile of his clothing and a wand lying at the doorpost. Lifting the clothing, she discovered a fast-asleep dog. Doing the math, she figured, "Chester had turned himself into a dog... But why? Was he trying to present me with a gift to make amends?" She simply could not tell. Nor could she ask Chester who, besides being asleep, was now also a dog, unable to speak like a human anymore.

Wondering if Chester had left an explanation anywhere, she looked around the house, but found no notes in the living room, on the fridge, or in the bedroom. All Mariana could find was an old book lying on the bed. Opening it, she realized it was a spellbook. "Maybe this will tell me what happened and how to reverse it," Mariana thought aloud as she started going through the book.

At first, she went through the pages chuckling as she discovered some of the strange spells in the book, but when she found the transformation spell Chester had used, her lighthearted mood was quickly replaced with anger. Chester's scribbles consisted of various sidenotes. 'Cheater', 'bitch', 'revenge', 'keep or sell?', 'puppies?', Mariana couldn't believe her eyes. She was disgusted with what she read, angry with how Chester had even attempted to cast the spell, relieved with how it backfired on pure luck, and determined to not let Chester get away with this unprovoked attack.

With a desire for vengeance, she kept going through the book, looking for any spells she could use in retaliation. That was when she found the spell to make people believe everything she'd say. A sidenote read the spell would only be effective for 24 hours, so Mariana took the time to carefully lay out her plan...


"Up you get!" Mariana said as she shook Chester awake. He quickly remembered what had happened and started barking angrily. "Nuh-uh!" Mariana said, shaking her index finger at him. "You may be a bad dog, but you will behave around me." Instantly, Chester went quiet. He didn't seem happy in the slightest, but he stopped barking and growling at her.

Mariana then kneeled and clipped a collar around Chester's neck. Hanging from it, was a dog tag with the name 'Chester' engraved on it. Adding insult to injury, she also clipped a pink bow tie to the top of his head. A malicious smile appeared on her face as she brought her face close to his, looked into his eyes, and said, "Now that you're a dog, it's important to have you chipped, so we're taking a trip to the vet! And guess what? You're in for a special treat!"

Being magically unable to resist, The leashed Chester reluctantly followed Mariana on their walk to the clinic, whom she had called earlier that day to 'remind' them of the appointment she was bringing Chester in for.

While at the clinic, Mariana even took the opportunity to call all of Chester's friends, family, and anyone else they mutually knew, to tell them that she got a little crazy with buying a phone for her dog and that she would stop using it. "Feel free to remove the number, and if you ever want to hang out with Chester and me, feel free to drop by!" Everyone instantly forgot about the once-human Chester, All while Chester was in earshot, silently crying to himself as he heard how all of his once friends and family confirmed how they indeed found it silly that Mariana got her dog a phone but that they were also happy she was enjoying life enough to do such crazy things.

Finishing her phone calls, she turned to Chester and said, "When this is all done, you will always remember how you were once my boyfriend, tried to turn on me, lost your manhood and are now forced to live as my bitch." She paused for a second, remembering Chester's scribbled notes, and added, "I might not be able to make a true bitch out of you and let you experience having puppies of your own, but a gay puppy like you will be popular in dog parks either way. You are always in heat, and that's fine, but you'll only be in heat for your own kind. I don't want you spraying everywhere or trying to hump other things or people. That's why I need to have you neutered. You're a princess, you don't do the fucking, you get it."

"Chester?" A voice suddenly asked. It was the veterinary's assistant. "We are ready for you now."

Mariana got up and guided Chester to the operation table, after which he received a quick medical exam and was promptly sedated for the procedure. The assistant chipped Chester in the back of his neck, and a few hours later, Mariana returned to the clinic to pick him up again. She carried him home as he was still too woozy to walk on his own.

Arriving home, Chester noticed his former home had already changed. It was no longer just him and Mariana inhibiting the house, as Mariana had used the spell's power to convince a, judging by his attire, well-off and good-looking man that they were a couple and madly in love. Seeing each other, Mariana quickly put Chester down as she and her new boyfriend wasted no time in going to the bedroom before getting frisky with each other.

Conflicted in his thoughts, Chester wondered, was he getting cucked? He was no longer a human nor did he desire humans anymore, and above all else, he was now neutered and gay. A faint voice in his head told him he was most certainly still getting cucked and cheated on, but the majority of his conscience told him it was no stranger than seeing other animals have intercourse. The only relationship between Chester, Mariana, and her new boyfriend, was that of a dog and his owners. And as his post-operation wooziness started to make Chester doze off again, he nodded off, hoping that one day he'd have a 'boyfriend' of his own. 
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Alice's Wonderland: Chapter 9: Tyler's Gift

Alice hands over a dolled-up Sam to Tyler.

"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead!" Alice said, tapping her hand on the dog crate I was sleeping in. "It's time to get you to the store and 'in costume'!" She cheerily opened the dog crate and placed a bowl of food in front of me.

"Come on, eat up!" Alice said, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. "Or else I'll just have to take you back to the store for walkies."

Knowing Alice meant business, I wasted no more time and quickly scarfed down the food. It seemed to be canned tuna, Judging from the taste, it was originally packaged in sunflower oil, making it more easily edible. As I was carelessly eating, I noticed an all-familiar 'crunch' in one of my bites.

"There you go. Good puppy," Alice responded in puppy talk. "Now swallow your medicine like a good dog."

Flushed, I did as Alice commanded and swallowed the pill she had mixed with my 'breakfast'.

"Good pup," Alice said. She walked into the kitchen and filled a bowl with water for me to drink, and placed it in front of the crate. "Now all that's left is for you to drink like a pet and then you're free... well, temporarily, at least," she chuckled.

I finished my food and tried to scoop some water in my mouth with my tongue as an animal would, but it felt so ineffective that I instead brought my mouth closer to the water and just slurped it down instead.

"I'm disappointed, but you have a point. We don't have all day," Alice admitted. "We need to get you ready for Tyler, after all!"

Alice hurried me out of the crate and undid my remaining puppy gear, which she then brought away, before returning with my clothes.

"Enjoy the feeling of your own clothes, while it lasts," Alice laughed. "I'll clean your puppy gear later when you're with Tyler."

After getting dressed, Alice walked me back to Wonderland. Most of the walk was peaceful, though, Alice did verbally tease me a couple of times along the way, describing in different ways how Tyler could use me, and how I would have to do my best to not let Tyler notice his doll was not actually a doll, but his friend, Sam.

Arriving at Wonderland, Alice rushed me inside and locked the door behind her. "Employees' room. Now. You know the drill," she said with a commanding voice.

I walked ahead and entered the employees' room, but Alice did not follow. I assumed she was taking care of other matters and started undressing.

A few minutes later, Alice arrived. She brought the empty doll box and the schoolgirl outfit she had dressed me in the week before, including the doll headpiece.

"I will still do your make-up," Alice said. "It'll help you get in the right mindset, even if Tyler won't get to see it himself." She eyed my naked body up and down. "Those pills are doing wonders on your body," Alice said. "I knew it said this medication was experimental but effective, but this is on a whole new level! You're looking so much more feminine than when you first entered Wonderland. I absolutely love it."

I blushed. Alice knew just what to say to compliment yet fluster me at the same time.

"Hey!" Alice interrupted. "This is not the time to stare at the ground and blush. I need you looking straight forwards so I can doll up that face of yours."

I still felt teased, and struggled with regaining control over my facial expressions as Alice covered my face in foundation, concealer, and highlights before moving on to eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipstick.

"I know I could still do some things for your eyebrows and eyelashes, but you'll wear the mask anyway," Alice said. "I mainly just wanted to apply the doll colors to your face, so this is good enough for me."

Alice showed my reflection in a hand-held mirror. With the doll's head next to me, it was clear where she got her inspiration from. The very first time she did my make-up, Alice had only thought about the doll head after she had already finished, so there was not much resemblance. But this time, it felt as if the doll's head was already on my head. It was uncanny and uncomfortable, yet also amazing. I would never have imagined my face could ever look so doll-like.

Thankfully, the employees' room was pleasantly warm. As Alice decided to work on my make-up before allowing me to get dressed, making comments along the way about how my body looked softer and more feminine, and how I had already started to form boobs, giggling as she touched and poked them.

After finishing with the make-up and teasing comments, Alice told me to get dressed and assisted where needed. After 'we' had finished the entire look, she placed the doll's head over my head.

"I had a custom model made," Alice said proudly. "This model's head is closer to your shape so that the mouth and eyes line up pretty much perfectly. It even stretches and bends in ways so that your face underneath the head will never be visible.

"But what about my mouth and tongue and all that?" I asked sheepishly.

"Oh, that's easy," Alice replied. She showed me an insertable mouthpiece. "The lips will attach themselves to the doll's lips with a strong magnetic lock," she said in excitement. "They will stand out too, almost as if you had lip fillers, making you look like a perfect blowjob doll!"

Attaching the lips to the head, she told me to open my mouth. "Now I know this will probably be a bit uncomfortable, but you'll have no other choice," Alice said. She pushed the rubbery insert into my mouth. "There's still a hole in the back of that thing, I know. But Tyler wouldn't see anything through that. It's mainly for fluid disposal, anyway, you know, for semen and stuff."

The pause in her sentence made me eerily uncomfortable. I sincerely hoped Tyler had no desire to have a urinal doll, but what could I do if he did? Resist and blow my cover?

"It's probably best if you breathe through your nose as much as you can, anyway. Feeling a rush of air going past his dick might raise his suspicions," Alice said and winked.

Alice took a step back, looked at me, and listed, "Head, make-up, clothing, cage..." She took a thinking break to check her mental checklist. "Ah yes, a plug!" she finally concluded. Alice walked off and, before long, came back with an anal plug and a small bottle of lube.

"Can't have you going out there unprepared," Alice said. She applied the lube to the plug, lifted my skirt, lowered my panties, and applied a little more lube to my ass with her fingers before sliding the plug in. "This should keep the lube inside, and keep you nice and wet for Tyler to use at his earliest convenience!" She squeezed my butt and gave it a loving kiss before putting my panties and skirt back in place.

"Alright, that should be it," Alice said. "Time to get in the box, my little doll." She walked me to the open doll box and instructed me to stand against the back wall of the box. "Arms to the side, legs slightly spread apart, there you go," Alice said. She then brought out enlarged tie wraps and looped them through holes in the box to tighten me firmly against the back panel, making me look just like the other boxed-up dolls in the store.

"I'll give Tyler a call to inform him his doll is ready for pick-up," Alice said, pulling out her phone as she left the room.

This is it, I thought. I hope Alice stays true to her word and recalls me before long. I couldn't imagine what I'd do if she didn't call and just left me there.

The thought brought sudden visions of being used over and over. I saw myself, used without any hygienic concern for clean-up. Used, filled, and left on the bed (or floor, knowing Tyler's messiness) until he desired to use me again. I shivered. At times like this, I wished I didn't overthink and imagine the worst possible scenarios.

"He'll be here shortly!" Alice said aloud as she entered the room again. "And he sounded rather excited, so I should hurry up here too." She glued a small device to the cover of the box. "This is a tracker, it'll tell me where you are. Through this device I can tell when you've arrived at Tyler's place, or wherever else he takes you," she giggled. "When the tracker stops moving, I'll set a timer for an hour, after which I'll call Tyler to bring you back immediately. I'll make something up—a battery defect with a possible explosion hazard or something. I doubt he'd wait with returning you if he heard that."

Alice then glued a small scented item against the inside of the box, closed it, loaded it onto the hand pallet truck, and moved it to the front of the store. She moved in front of the box again as she waited for Tyler to arrive. "Just do exactly what I taught you and you'll be fine," she said and pointed at the scented item in the box. "Remember when I made you inhale popper fumes? I drenched that thing in it too, so by the time you're at Tyler's place, you'll likely be in heat and more than ready to welcome his dick inside you." She shook her head and chuckled to herself, "Where would you ever have been without me and my genius ideas?"

At home with Laura, trying on chastity on my own terms, I thought to myself. I was tempted to say it, but before I could open my mouth, a rental van stopped in front of the store. The box was positioned in such a way that I could just see that Tyler was driving it. Thankfully, it seemed he came alone.

Alice wasted no time and rushed to open the doors of the store and load me into the back of the rental van. "There you go!" she said enthusiastically. "I made sure to prep her for you. She's all set and ready to go!"

"Great!" Tyler responded. "I've been looking forward to it all week!"

"Well, it's a good thing for you that it's just a doll, then," Alice said with a wink. "No need to go easy on her!"

"I don't plan on it," Tyler said laughingly as he handed over some cash to Alice.

"Well, I'm gonna go for a nap," Alice said, seemingly out of nowhere. "Yesterday I had to break in a new dog, which was exhausting. So I'll close the store. But you can call me if something happens with your purchase!"

Go for a nap? Close the store? Tyler calling Alice? That wasn't the agreement! I thought in a panic. Was she saying all of that, knowing I could still hear her? Was she bluffing? My breathing became louder and louder as my heartbeat went up. Thankfully, the box muffled the sounds enough for Tyler not to notice it.

Not long after, Alice and Tyler ended their short conversation and bade each other farewell and Tyler drove off with music loudly blaring through the van's speakers.

Praying that Alice merely said those things to frighten and tease me, I spent the remainder of the ride calming myself back down again. After arriving at our destination, Tyler attempted to lift my box out of the van.

"Damn, they really did make these things resemble real human beings..." Tyler panted. "I didn't think they'd make 'em as heavy too!" He quickly gave up on his original attempt and instead put his back against the box and reached his arms around. Gripping onto the box, he bent over forwards and lifted me ever so slightly.

Tyler eventually managed to bring the box into his living room, where he eagerly opened the box. As he did, the 'scented air', that Alice's 'gift' had accumulated in the box, flew out right past Tyler. He got a whiff of it and quickly grew horny—hornier than he already was, anyway.

"How kind of her," Tyler said, looking at the scented item glued to the box. "She added a freebie to help me enjoy my new toy!" He pressed his nose against it and inhaled deeply. "Yep! That sure does it!" Tyler said in excitement. "Let's take this doll for a spin." Shortly after, he rushed out of the room.

After a minute of noise-making in another room, Tyler returned with a pair of scissors and eagerly cut the various tie-wraps holding my body securely in place. Perhaps even a little too eagerly, as Tyler had seemingly forgotten how gravity would affect a standing life-sized doll when it's no longer tied down.

Having to sell the illusion of being a doll, I had to refrain from catching myself and mentally brace myself for the impact. Luckily, Tyler caught me just in time, before adjusting his grip on me, lifting me over his shoulder, and moving me to his bedroom, where he dropped me on the bed.

"Now, what shall I do with you?" Tyler asked aloud. He shifted my body to a position that had me on my back, with my head hanging just off of the bed. "Let's see how well this doll's mouth works. Is it just a lubrication hole, or does it also serve as a fleshlight?" he pondered as he unbuckled his pants and positioned himself in front of me.

As Tyler dropped his pants, It quickly dawned on me that he had not been wearing underwear, as I was immediately confronted with his dick right up in my face. Although Alice's popper-scented gift had made us both aroused, for my part, a certain sense of shame was also mixed in, as I knew I was about to get fucked by my friend like I was some kind of sex doll, while Tyler himself was completely unaware of it.

With little hesitation, Tyler pushed his cock between my lips and forced them apart. His member slowly disappeared within my mouthpiece. Thinking I was a doll, Tyler had no concerns about 'taking things easy', and skipped ahead a few steps. Within seconds, his hands were grabbing my breasts as he moved in closer to facefuck me.

Alice's training, along with the upside-down position I was in, helped with keeping my gag reflex from being noticeable enough for Tyler to stop and investigate. The first time I wasn't able to keep him from noticing, all he said was, "Sweet, it vibrates too!" after which he squeezed my breasts and attempted to twist my nipples saying, "I wonder how to change that setting, is it automatic? Man, technology these days..."

Thankfully, the combination of Tyler's cock, his noise-making, and the mouthpiece muffled my own short squeals enough for him not to notice them. I was honestly impressed by how oblivious Tyler had been to it all. How could someone 'not' question this at all and just go with it? I guess Alice had the advantage of 'selling' me as a kink store employee, instead of as an individual. Either way, as long as Tyler didn't notice, that would be a good thing, and I intended to keep it that way.

Within minutes, Tyler's moans grew louder. He pulled out, and I braced myself for the facial to come. I closed my eyes, but nothing happened, so I opened my eyes again, only to see Tyler was no longer in front of me. Knowing I could not move without the risk of giving myself away, I remained motionless. Shortly after, I felt my outfit being moved. My schoolgirl skirt was flipped up and Tyler had audibly started jerking himself off.

Just like in the store, I thought. He's going to cum right over my cage... Oh well... he's done it before. Let's get it over with, and then Alice will hopefully call him before he gets aroused enough to have another go...

I waited and was expecting to feel a warm liquid splash over my genital area, but instead, I was surprised to feel something tapping my cage—something... solid? Was he hitting my cage with his dick? My face became red as I imagined the image in my head.

"Yeah," Tyler groaned. "You dirty little slut. You want this dick, don't you? This big, manly dick, to put your tiny, little, caged dick to shame."

Was he talking to me, or the doll? I thought. I had become uncertain and started questioning myself. Did Alice inform Tyler after all, and was he only acting oblivious so that I remained cooperative? Or was he always this vocal when he used sex toys by himself?

Before I could process my thoughts, Tyler grabbed my upper legs and pulled them up, putting us in a 'G-Whiz' position. "Alice did say she prepared you for me," Tyler said longingly. "It would be a shame not to use that opportunity." He quickly pulled out my butt plug, and as quickly as my anal cavity became empty, it was filled again.

Despite Tyler seemingly being close to orgasm, he still managed to fuck my ass for quite a while. I wanted to flail my arms, to moan, to resist, yet also give in. Get up and run away, but also remain there and grind back at him. Those last few minutes, my emotions were all mixed up and I simply could not figure out what was a more pressing thought to focus on, as I lay there, getting fucked like I was just another sex doll.

And then, the movement stopped. Tyler moaned again, and I felt his dick pulsing as he unloaded his cum inside of me. It lasted so long that I had the time to wonder if Tyler had purposefully abstained from masturbating in the days prior to today, and how in the world his loads managed to keep sinking deeper inside me like it was a bottomless pit. After the pulsing had finally stopped, Tyler pushed his cock inside me a few more times, presumably to ensure his semen was as deep as it could go, before finally pulling out.

Seemingly instantly, I felt a familiar cold metal object nestling itself between my butt cheeks. "Let's give that some time to marinade," Tyler said with a chuckle. He got up off the bed and promptly left the room, leaving me with my head still hanging off the edge of the bed, my legs bent, and my knees pointing up at the ceiling.

Having to pretend to be a doll, I had to keep myself in that position and simply wait for Alice to call. I had no idea how much time had passed at this point, and I had begun to wonder if Alice was actually going to stay true to her word or not.

I suspected Tyler left the room to either clean himself up or to get something to clean me up. If it was the latter, I highly hoped he would limit himself to only using tissues, and not attempt to pour some sex toy cleaning agents down my throat. If he brought those out, I would have no other option but to reveal myself and bolt out as fast as I could in the confusion.

Time passed as I waited and waited, but Tyler did not return. I found myself nearly dozing off, but quickly snapping out of it in fear of moving my body while asleep. The light coming through the window slowly faded into darkness. Alice had either not called, or Tyler simply didn't care enough to return me. Either way, it seemed I was on my own.

With Tyler still not having returned after what felt like hours, I assumed he may have gone out, or fallen asleep watching TV. Sneaking out of the house and making a walk of shame back home, and using the spare key outside to get myself inside, cleaned up, and changed. Returning to Wonderland the next morning to demand an explanation from Alice. It would be risky, but it was my best shot.

Once I'd moved, moving a little or moving a lot would make little difference, so after thinking it through a little longer, I decided to just give it my all. I quietly opened the door and snuck down the staircase. The entire house seemed dark. The living room, kitchen, the hallway, there seemed to be no light or sound coming from anywhere. Maybe Tyler had left after all? I wonder how Alice would explain his newly purchased sex toy suddenly being gone... a very specific robbery, perhaps? Either way, that would be her problem, not mine.

I decided not to waste any time and make a beeline straight for the front door. As I got there, I grabbed the doorknob and tried to open it, only to find to my horror that the door was locked. It was at that moment that the lights suddenly switched on. I turned around in confusion, but then I saw Tyler's smug face staring at me, and I froze in place like a deer in headlights.

"Well, well, well," Tyler said and chuckled. "I was wondering when you'd finally try to make your escape." He walked up to me and reached his arm around me to squeeze my butt. "I gotta admit, you played the role very well. If I hadn't known better, I might actually have fallen for it! You certainly have the body for it, and Alice certainly trained you well! When she originally made the offer, I doubted you had it in you, Sam."

So Alice did tell Tyler after all? Oh god. He knew all along. Being confronted with my name was the last thing I remembered before my vision turned dark and I lost consciousness.

When I came to, I was back in the dog crate at Alice's. Was it all just a bad dream? A horribly vivid nightmare? A clicking of heels became louder as I looked up, Alice approached. I sighed in relief, I guess it was just the anxiety that made me have a nightmare.

"Good morning, Sandra," Alice said. She knelt down in front of the cage, opened it, and stuck her hand inside to pat me on the head. From behind Alice, another figure appeared. Footsteps became louder and as the figure stepped into the light, the fear settled back inside me. It was Tyler.

"Tyler brought you back, just like I asked him to!" Alice said as they both laughed.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, Sandra," Tyler said, rubbing in that he knew about more than just my doll secret. "I won't tell anyone, not even Laura. No worries." Tyler turned around and made his way to the door. "Thanks again for this opportunity, Alice," He said and laughed. "And you too, Sammy doll! Maybe we can repeat it again sometime!" The door closed behind him...
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Sterling Stories
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A Solid Idea

A story on how Hina and Sandra 'befriended' Emily. (Characters belong to Nominu)

Many months ago, Hina came across a petrification and reversal potion. One to turn her into stone, and one to turn her back into a fleshy, breathing, human being.

Being turned into stone was sort of like being cryogenically frozen, except that you could still witness what happened. Your experience would be limited to whatever your eyes were looking at before turning into stone. Hearing and feeling anything would become much more difficult too, but you could still think, so there was that.

For Hina, that was all she needed. She had found out she enjoyed the idea of being exposed without people recognizing her. Her first experiment was when she first found the elixirs and took a risk by only leaving a note out for her unsuspecting roommate, Sandra. In the note, Hina explained what she had done, and how Sandra could reverse the effects. Sandra would only come home a few days after Hina had written the note, giving her a few days to experience the effects of the elixir.

With that thought in mind, Hina got undressed and sat in front of her mirror. If she was going to turn into stone, she might as well have some fun, she thought. The idea of being a naked statue was a huge turn-on for her, as she quickly found herself on edge during the petrification process, but also unable to reach climax anymore. Unfortunately for Hina, Sandra was not a saint either, and she enjoyed taking things a step further for her own amusement.

Discovering Hina in her petrified state, she read the note and came up with a delightfully mischievous idea of leasing Hina off as a suggestive piece of art to a local art gallery for a few months, before finally having her brought back to reverse the effects.

The experience was so much more than what Hina had in mind, but she was in no position to argue. With her mind in a constant state of arousal as her body was petrified while on edge, Hina struggled to keep her sanity while waiting for Sandra to recover her. And after being exposed in an art gallery for four months, Hina had practically lost her mind.

Thankfully, Sandra did keep her promise and eventually had Hina returned to administer the reversal potion, finally turning Hina back into a flesh and blood human being, and granting her the opportunity to find release. Months of pent-up arousal lead to a mind-shattering orgasm to the point of passing out, only to regain consciousness later, for her orgasm to continue right where it left off, repeating the cycle, over and over, until she had released all of her stored-up orgasmic energy. 

Hina's exposure to such heightened levels of arousal had made her petrification interest evolve into her favorite kink. Ever since, nothing got her more excited than being turned into stone. Hina had become determined to learn how to brew her own petrification and reversal elixirs, and started using any excuse she could find to turn herself into a statue again. Birthday party? A garden statue. Fancy party? A waitress statue holding a plate with drinks. Sandra was always there to administer the reversal potion after the events ended, and the guests were none the wiser. 

The learning process for brewing such elixirs did not come without its fair share of obstacles, though. After a long search, Hina had come across the recipe for the petrification and reversal elixirs, but there was a problem... Some of the necessary ingredients for her potions required enchanted ingredients. Though Hina was not a witch herself, she did not take 'no' for an answer. 

Eventually, Hina found an alchemist's store that sold all the magical ingredients Hina sought. Upon arriving home, she immediately started brewing the potions in excitement, not taking another moment to fact-check any of the ingredients before starting the brewing process. The magical ingredients were all correct, granting the potion its magical transformation powers. However, one specific non-magical ingredient was off. 

The recipe called for a sedimentary rock, though it did not specify which. Hina assumed any would do, and bought some mudstone. However, the writer of the recipe assumed it to be logical that the type of sedimentary rock required for the potion would have to be limestone or sandstone, as they were the only sedimentary stones commonly used to carve statues, and had not felt the need to specify this in the recipe. 

As a result, Hina's potion did not petrify her into a stone statue, but instead liquified her into a muddy, slimy amassment of goop. She assumed the reversal potion would still work on her liquified state too, so with all her strength, she attempted to stack herself and slide the potion off of the table to fall onto her. 

She succeeded, but quickly found out the potion had no effect, as she had crafted a petrification reversal potion. Unable to reverse her liquification, Hina had no option but to await Sandra's return. 

When Sandra came home many hours later, she was greeted by a gooey blob resting on top of a set of Hina's clothes. It tried to communicate with Sandra, but without lips to talk with, it could only spew goo. 

Sandra looked around to find an explanation for what had happened, and saw some empty vials, a seemingly random assortment of ingredients, and an old parchment containing recipes for a petrification and reversal potion. 

Putting two and two together, Sandra realized that the blob on the floor was Hina, and that she likely somehow messed up the recipe. Judging by the empty vials, Sandra also concluded that the reversal potion had not worked. 

Sandra left the room without a word, much to Hina's dismay. A few minutes later, she returned with an empty 5-gallon water jug. "Sorry I took so long. I had to empty this one first," she said, placing the jug down. "Now, how do I get you in here?" Sandra wondered out loud. "Oh! I know!" she exclaimed, as she once again left the room. 

When Sandra returned, she brought a vacuum cleaner, a hose, and a roll of tape. Without explaining herself, she connected the ends of the hose to the vacuum cleaner and the jug, securing them with tape to make an airtight seal. 

"This might hurt," Sandra said. "But I'm not going to touch you with my bare hands either!" She turned on the vacuum cleaner and, at a surprising speed, sucked all of Hina into the vacuum cleaner, depositing her into the jug. When she finished, Hina's gooey being filled the jug entirely. 

Staring at the jug, Sandra complimented herself for finding such an exquisite solution on such short notice, fully ignoring Hina's predicament. She disconnected the hose and twisted the jug's cap back on tightly. "You know," she said, a mischievous smile emerging on her face. "I think you might actually take on the shape of that jug if I just leave you in there... maybe if I'd refrigerate you, I could turn you into a big gelatinous cube." 

Hina couldn't respond to any of Sandra's teasing threats, but the idea certainly made her gooey heart skip a beat. Ever since the art gallery, Hina had acquired an affection towards losing herself, mind, and body. Especially by Sandra's hands. Her awareness and involvement made the idea so much more arousing to Hina. She could swear it made her gooey form turn runny. Was that how she got wet now? 

"In all seriousness, though, you've gotten yourself into quite the mess," Sandra said, poking the water jug. "I don't have the slightest clue on how to reverse this, so it might take a while for me to figure this one out... I'll see what I can do. But, no promises." Sandra then left the room without giving any further explanation. 

Hina was certain Sandra would, eventually, find a way to help her. After all, Sandra was more than just a roommate to her. She wouldn't just give up on her like that. At least, Hina told herself that. She had to, not to lose hope. 


Meanwhile, Sandra had gone to the public library, which was right next door to the art gallery, where Sandra had previously displayed Hina for several months. During Hina's stay, Sandra had visited on several occasions to check in on her. 

One of those times, Sandra had run into Emily, a self-proclaimed 'art witch'. She called herself that because of her extremely lifelike statues, which she also displayed at the gallery. 

Emily had taken a special interest in the art piece known as 'Hina', as the detail of this statue looked just as lifelike as her own statues, which were in fact her petrified subjects. Though, Emily never gave away her secret. 

Emily approached Sandra and asked her a lot of questions about her work as a sculptor, "How many statues have you made? How long have you been in the business? What lead you to create this piece?" Many more questions followed, with which Emily tried to decipher if Hina was just a really good statue, or a petrified human, as she suspected. 

Sandra never admitted to Emily having transformed a real person into a statue, which, technically, she indeed hadn't, Hina had done that all by herself... But Emily saw right through her answers either way. 

In the following months, Emily kept a close eye on Sandra, which led to her finding Sandra frantically looking in the public library for books about witchcraft. 

"You do know all of these books are purely fictitious, right?" Emily said, leaning against a bookcase. 

"Of course! Why would I ever be looking for a real witchcraft book?" Sandra nervously replied, startled by Emily's unannounced appearance. 

Emily remained quiet and slowly raised an eyebrow at Sandra, inquiring her to go on. 

"It's not like my friend accidentally turned herself into mud and I'm desperately looking for a way to reverse it," Sandra followed up. She had failed her mental persuasion check and did not manage to fool Emily in the slightest. 

"So that's what happened!" Emily chuckled. "I was certain that your statue at the art gallery the other day was a real person. Nobody carves with that much detail without at least partially relying on magic." 

"What are you trying to say?" Sandra asked, somewhat impatiently. 

"There's a reason I'm 'the art witch'," Emily explained. "I petrify my statues too, though I do give them some touch-ups when I deem them beneficial to the piece. If you're not a witch, and your friend turned herself into mud, I'm certain she's no witch either. Using mudstone is a rookie mistake. The recipe for petrification elixirs needs a basic understanding of witchcraft to know you'd specifically need a sculpting rock of the sedimentary types, either limestone or sandstone." 

Sandra was baffled. Within seconds, Emily had figured out what Hina did wrong. Did Emily write the recipe? What other spells were out there? And could she help restore Hina? 

"Okay," Sandra admitted. "I believe you have more expertise on this than either of us do... Can you help us?" 

"Help?" Emily asked. "But of course, I can!" Her face turned smug. "What's in it for me, though?" She asked. 

"If it works? Whatever you want," Sandra said. Although, after seeing Emily's mischievous smile appear and remembering her earlier works at the gallery, Sandra quickly added, "within reason." 

"Hmmm... What if I turn you into a statue as you're holding the mud reversal potion?" Emily suggested. "Mudslimes can't die from starvation or dehydration, so there's no risk. I'd unpetrify you the next day. Just to give your friend a scare." 

"Hm. Fine," Sandra reluctantly agreed. "But at least let me show Hina that I have the potion before you petrify me." 

"Of course," Emily said. "Meet me tonight outside your place at 8." She turned around and started walking away. 

"My place?" Sandra replied confused. "I haven't even told you where we live?" 

"Don't worry," Emily said matter-of-factly. "I already know." 

That's exactly something to make me worry, Sandra thought. It's not like I have a choice, though... 

Returning home, Sandra approached Hina, who seemed to be looking more like a watery liquid than a clumpy accumulation of mud. Little did Sandra know that Hina had become so watery because she had started enjoying the idea of being stuck without a way to turn back. 

"Alright," Sandra said. "I found a way to turn you back... but you owe me, big time." She pondered, weighing her demands. "From now on, whenever you want to do anything 'magic' related, you let me in on it," she said. "And when you do, I get to have some fun with you too." 

With all her might, Hina tried to make a nodding motion using her goopy mass. Being stuck in the water jug, meant her 'nodding' consisted of rocking the jug back and forth. 

"I take it we are in agreement then," Sandra said. Seemingly at a perfect timing, the bell rang. Sandra checked her watch. It was 8 PM. "That would be your reversal potion arriving now," she said, smiling mischievously. 

Sandra left the room and approached the front door. To her surprise, Emily was nowhere to be found when Sandra opened the door. All she could see was a bottled-up elixir, placed in the middle of the porch. 

"Emily?" Sandra asked, looking around. There was no response. She waited for a few moments, but Emily didn't show. "Guess it's a freebie, then," Sandra said to herself as she picked up the elixir and returned to Hina. 

"Ready to become human again?" Sandra asked, swirling the elixir in her hand. "You know, maybe I'll just leave this here for a day for you to look at." Her face displayed a smug grin. "So close, yet so far away," She laughed. "If only you could open that jug from the inside, maybe then you could climb out and reach the elixir... Poor Hina..." 

Continuing to swirl the elixir around, Sandra turned her head sideways, looking at the elixir, when suddenly she noticed a shape appear in the reflection of the bottle. Sandra tried to turn around, but it was already too late. Her body had already started to rapidly petrify. On the outside, Sandra still displayed a smug pose and grin, but on the inside, she was shocked and perhaps even a bit afraid. 

As the petrification spread throughout Sandra's body, Emily moved in front of her. "Such a perfect pose," she said, admiring her new masterpiece. "It's so much better when they stop expecting it. Such genuine expressions..." 

Emily brushed her hand against Sandra's face. "I think I'll exhibit you in the gallery for a while as well, along with your potion," she said and laughed. "Maybe not quite as long as you displayed Hina, but long enough for you to start forgetting what that potion even does." 

Emily tapped the glass bottle, which had not been affected by the petrification spell. "Let's hope nobody knocks you over or steals that bottle," Emily chuckled. "You're only getting the one. Better hold on tight!" 

Turning around to face Hina, she crouched, bringing her face closer to what she presumed to be the approximate location of Hina's face. "Hello, Hina," she said friendly. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." She removed the cap from the jug. "I'll let you out to 'stretch your legs', be back next week!" she said laughingly, magically lifting Sandra up to take her petrified body with her. 

Days passed. At times, Hina had considered dragging her gooey mass to the art gallery herself, but the arousal of not turning back kept Hina's form too fluid and runny to be able to even escape the jug. With the cap removed, the 'door' was wide open, but Hina could simply never focus on solidifying enough to escape her plastic prison, leaving her fate dependent on Emily's word to turn Sandra back and the elixir still being in Sandra's possession...
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