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Fantasy/fetish mixed-media artwork
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  • Subscribing to me here will grant you early access to my work as I finish it, access to work-in-progress previews and process posts, and higher tiers additionally give you access to high-resolution versions of my finished work!
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Mimi, Umami, Elie - stuck in the middle (Valentines 2025)(high-res)

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Mimi, Umami, Elie - stuck in the middle (Valentines 2025)

Valentine's is a day for sharing affections! And Umami wants her tiny friend to have plenty of just that, something both Mimi and Elie are happy to provide~


And phew, what a busy week to be trying to work on this! I'm delighted with the result, even if I'm a bit exhausted of it as well. There's a little bit of backstory to be had with Umami's tiny friend here too - she's actually one of her human neighbors - but I'll save that for the future! (It's actually a super old backstory but I got in the mood to dig up old lore notes and such.) Just know that this is a rare but semi-recurring outcome for her :D

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Mimi Umami Elie valentines 2025 WIPs

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Elie - lollipop lickies (high-res)

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Elie - lollipop lickies (before and after)

Mar 27, 2022

"Ooh, lookie! It turned my whole tongue blue! Mlaaah~ ...oops. I... guess I turned you kinda blue too, eheh..."

It should come as no huge surprise that, at least in Paeratopa, being the size of a lollipop is liable to get you treated like one. A relatively harmless experience to put up with, though when there's actual lollipops around too, that experience can turn a bit... colorful...

March project done, with a few days to spare this time! I had fun with this one, Elie with a blue tongue is an idea I've had for a long while now and this month just felt like the right time to tackle it. I managed to keep the scene itself relatively simple, but I also couldn't resist going for a twofer, before and after Elie's colorful licks. :D

Update 4/4/22: turns out my color profiles in Photoshop were off, so Elie's colors were also off! I've fixed the issue and tweaked the images to where they should be again.

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Elie's lollipop WIP

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Enough of an income to start paying for groceries and utilities! Not quite a living wage on its own, but a huge help.
$102 of $1,200
per month
A very basic living wage! A lofty dream, to make a living creating art and stories.

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