Hello Everyone,
So it's been raining rather consistently the last few days, and I have to wonder if that is why I've been so sleepy. Just general weariness all around. Though I did reset my step machine (I had to put it off to the side when we were cleaning out the vents) and am getting back into using that, so that will likely give me more energy overall.
On game/art talk, I haven't started any drawings yet, might do one of the Kisekae pics from Lewd Cursed Trio and see how it looks, definitely still planning on doing the welcome pic. That aside I've been looking into other game engine options (I'll be keeping the initial version of LCT in RPGMakerMV, though should I remake it I might go with another engine) and that has led me to going through other peoples twine games and seeing how they code stuff. This week will be pretty focused on putting that together, and hopefully understanding enough to make something worthwhile. Other engines I'm looking at are Godot and GameMaker, both would require me to make a BUNCH of resources from scratch, but they are also less coding heavy (personally I am thinking of using Godot for my bigger projects, but thats a bit down the road).
Lastly, I am going to be spending a decent amount of time hitting up local places for a dayjob, as Indeed continues to prove to be near worthless...