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Orange Rain's Wet Content profile
Orange Rain's Wet Content
Orange Rain's Wet Content
Creating strange and sexy worlds through raunchy words and cheap drawings.

Subscription Tiers

per month
Orange Soda Can

Starting tier. You may view 1 early access chapter to all my publicly viewed stories and participate in Level 1 polls for general story decisions.

6 subscribers
per month
Orange Soda Six-Pack

New 2nd Level Tier. You may view up to 2 early access chapters of my publicly-released stories, plus all the exclusive stories available here and all my artwork. Sketches, colored sketches, etc. will be up at my own pace.

4 subscribers
per month
Orange Soda Twelve-Pack

New 3rd Level Tier. You may view a max of 3 early access chapters to all my stories, all my exclusive stories, and all my artwork. Other earlier-mentioned benefits are also applicable.

1 subscriber
per month
Orange Soda Twenty-Four Pack

New 4th Level Tier. You may view a max of 4 early access chapters to all my stories, exclusive stories, and all my artwork. Other earlier-mentioned benefits are also applicable.

2 subscribers
per month
Orange Soda Rainstorm

New 5th Level tier. You may a view a max of 5 early access chapters to all my stories and you may request either a sketch or a short story that I'm comfortable with creating (this will be discussed in further detail in a chat). This will be done twice a year, only available for 10 subscribers. Other earlier-mentioned benefits are applicable.

Limited (1 out of 10) subscriptions


  • Early access to chapters of stories released in public.
  • View exclusive stories and illustrations you can't find elsewhere with a variety of themes. I will try to publish them when I can.
  • Take part in some of the stories' content and what I should draw through polls.
Displaying posts with tag CorruptedConquest.Reset Filter
Orange Rain's Wet Content
Public post

The Darkened's Corrupted Conquest (Public, Pilot)

This is the pilot of what may come and is liable to change depending on the views. Please let me know what you think and whether I should post more of this story.

 *This story contains graphic violence and explicit content. All fictional humans participating in explicit content are over the age of 18, and all humanoid characters are intelligent and mature enough to give proper consent as legal adults. Chapters with the (*) symbol means there will be a sex scene inside. The 'sex tags' that are included will be shown in the Author's Pre-Chapter Note.*

When the boy cursed with ebony hair known as the Darkened (Son), Malo Liefos, recently lost his mother and is now at risk to being sold to slavery by the merchant family that took his family in, he tries to take the easy way out and climb the nearest mountain on a cold blizzard night, hoping to meet his mother once more in the afterlife. Instead, however, he meets the 'Evil' Black Dragon, Zalithas, who was found sealed in the mountain by the country's hero from many years ago. After being set free, Zalithas offers Malo a wish as thanks, and the thing he wished for is ... for her to be his wife?

Now, with the all powerful Dragon taking on the role as the Darkened's wife, she helps him gain great power that he thought he didn't have because of the curse, and promises train him in how to properly harness it. With the Darkened promising to protect his new wife in exchange, will he change the fate of his kingdom to be one with peace as its hero? Or will he make the kingdom who despised his kind as the Darkened, into one he leads as its new king to conquer all who challenge him? With the powers of his Unique Skill: [Essence of Tainted Conquest], allowing him to take skills from Artifacts and inherit copies of skills from the women he's bedded with while making them his lovers, it's hard to say!

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1
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  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

10 subscribers
536 posts


$39 of $250
per month
When this goal's reached, 10 more chapters to The Xeno King will be posted publicly on a weekly schedule. We will also hold a discord party for the subscribers. This will be repeated for every +$250 raised, in addition to any other stretch goal prizes.
$39 of $500
per month
When this goal's reached, all the polls will be moved one level down to access for lower-leveled tiers and The Xeno King will be posted publicly on a weekly schedule with my other main stories indefinitely.
$39 of $1,000
per month
When this goal's reached, I'll hold a semi-annual poll where you choose which sketch will be completed with color, shading, and the works. Also, we'll start holding a public discord party, whether you're subscribed or not, for every $500 dollars reached from this point on.
$39 of $3,000
per month
When this goal's reached, I will switch my current job to part-time so I can focus more on my creator works. I will also post one sketch per week (chosen through polls) while holding monthly polls for which of those sketches will be colored.
$39 of $6,000
per month
If (and this is a big fat IF) this goal is achieved, I *may* stop doing my part-time job and go full time with my writing and drawing. As thanks for all your continued support, you will receive weekly colored sketches instead of of regular sketches from this point on.

Other Creators

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