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Kalyskah Team profile
Kalyskah Team
Kalyskah Team
We are the Kalyskah Team and our goal is to combine the immersive elements of RPGs with adult content to create a fun Action-RPG with immersive erotic elements and amazing graphics!The free demo can be downloaded here:

Subscription Tiers

(Free) Fledgling

A free tier if you just want to follow our game's updates!

151 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier
USD monthly
  • Access to pictures and animations
  • Access to private chat in discord where we post progress on the NSFW side of the game.
  • See our development progress before everyone else by having access to read what we push on Github. This is shown on an special area on discord that the bot updates in real-time every-time we make a new commit
  • Access to the latest version of the game.
  • Participate on the polls that will decide what content will appear next in the game. Like new animations, clothes and so on.
48 subscribers Vampires
USD monthly
Royal Blood
  • All the above.
  • Download special game builds that only contain the latest animations. There will be no RPG part, but we will update it a lot more frequently.
  • Grab the hot PSD files of concept art. (When we have them) Vote for concept art. Characters & creatures. (When we have them)
  • Follow our development up close by having access to the test branch of our game, with new releases every time we have a new feature to test.
  • In months we don't have a test build, we give you access to scripts of quests and other documents from behind the scenes before they are even implemented in the game!
4 subscribers Royal Bloods
USD monthly

You will leave your mark in our game and work together with us to create a humanoid NPC that uses the assets that we already have (With the possibility of small changes and adjustments on armours colour pallete).

2 subscribers Nightstalker


  • Follow the progress of development by reading our News
  • Customise Kalyskah's appearance, including her breasts size.
  • Read scripts from quests that are still on our roadmap to be implemented!
Kalyskah Team
Hi there!

We are Nobre Lobo and our goal is to combine the immersive elements of RPGs with adult content to create a fun Action-RPG with immersive erotic elements and amazing graphics!


Kalyskah is an Adult Action-Adventure Role-Playing Game where you control Kalyskah Karnstein, a noble lady of a long-dead vampire family who wakes up after thousands of years of slumber. What awaits her awakening is a world that has changed for the worse. It is up to you, the player, to help our heroine (or anti-heroine, if that is your choice) fight back or embrace the chaos and gain back control of her lost powers and abandoned followers.
The game features an immersive combat system with RPG elements, an open world where you can experience quests with multiple endings and occasional interactive sex scenes, for those who play their cards right...

The open-world is under development and it's getting new quests and enemies as we work on the game. 
In our current demo, the player controls Kalysakh as she makes her way through a linear dungeon. We are working on the surface world of the RPG, where Kalyskah ends up after fighting enemies and solving puzzles throughout the dungeon. The world we aim to present will provide players with quests and freedom to explore. Initially, this will mean a small area outside the initial dungeon, however, we will be increasing the explorable region with steady updates that will come once every two months.
Our 25$ subscribers have access to scripts and uncut voice dialogues before they are implemented on the game, the $10+ patrons always have access to the latest game demos, and the 5$ subscribers have access to the latest demo one month after its release and participate in debates that will help us to shape the final product and also have access to NSFW screenshots of WIP pictures of the game’s development. The public version will be one or more steps behind the latest demo version.

If you are not a subscriber, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you to get it through the itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download.
If you are a subscriber, we'll be monthly releasing posts here with demos of the game for you to download through google drive. The latest download link is this HERE.

We also started to release Visual Novels, the first one features a hot adventure Kalyskah and Mershya did in a Jungle. You can download it HERE.

You can learn more about the game by following these links:

We aim to make a deep RPG experience, with an immersive world and a plot that puts every interaction into context, including sexual encounters which will flow naturally from the dialogue. We want everyone to be able to play and enjoy the game for its gameplay, regardless of whether they are actually interested in the NSFW part of our project.

Join our community!
Feel free to jump right into our Discord chat. We will show you game related stuff that we are currently working on and talk with you directly about our games. Support included!

And as for the short-term future, check out our roadmap by following this link.

Kalyskah Team
Public post
Hi there!

We are Nobre Lobo and our goal is to combine the immersive elements of RPGs with adult content to create a fun Action-RPG with immersive erotic elements and amazing graphics!


Kalyskah is an Adult Action-Adventure Role-Playing Game where you control Kalyskah Karnstein, a noble lady of a long-dead vampire family who wakes up after thousands of years of slumber. What awaits her awakening is a world that has changed for the worse. It is up to you, the player, to help our heroine (or anti-heroine, if that is your choice) fight back or embrace the chaos and gain back control of her lost powers and abandoned followers.
The game features an immersive combat system with RPG elements, an open world where you can experience quests with multiple endings and occasional interactive sex scenes, for those who play their cards right...

The open-world is under development and it's getting new quests and enemies as we work on the game. 
In our current demo, the player controls Kalysakh as she makes her way through a linear dungeon. We are working on the surface world of the RPG, where Kalyskah ends up after fighting enemies and solving puzzles throughout the dungeon. The world we aim to present will provide players with quests and freedom to explore. Initially, this will mean a small area outside the initial dungeon, however, we will be increasing the explorable region with steady updates that will come once every two months.
Our 25$ subscribers have access to scripts and uncut voice dialogues before they are implemented on the game, the $10+ patrons always have access to the latest game demos, and the 5$ subscribers have access to the latest demo one month after its release and participate in debates that will help us to shape the final product and also have access to NSFW screenshots of WIP pictures of the game’s development. The public version will be one or more steps behind the latest demo version.

If you are not a subscriber, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you to get it through the itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download.
If you are a subscriber, we'll be monthly releasing posts here with demos of the game for you to download through google drive. The latest download link is this HERE.

We also started to release Visual Novels, the first one features a hot adventure Kalyskah and Mershya did in a Jungle. You can download it HERE.

You can learn more about the game by following these links:

We aim to make a deep RPG experience, with an immersive world and a plot that puts every interaction into context, including sexual encounters which will flow naturally from the dialogue. We want everyone to be able to play and enjoy the game for its gameplay, regardless of whether they are actually interested in the NSFW part of our project.

Join our community!
Feel free to jump right into our Discord chat. We will show you game related stuff that we are currently working on and talk with you directly about our games. Support included!

And as for the short-term future, check out our roadmap by following this link.

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Kalyskah Team
Public post

[News] New Patch within a week!

Hello everyone!
Over the past two weeks, we’ve been focusing on fixing the game’s UI, polishing the game-settings screen, and preparing everything for the return of the prologue content, now with an additional quest.
We’ve also added to the engine the new variation of the dancer’s outfit that I mentioned in the last post:

Also, we’ve started working on a new short hairstyle and spent quite some time hunting down various bugs.
Our goal is to release the next patch to our supporters by the 30th. Even if it doesn’t include everything, most of the prologue content from version 0.24 should already be implemented (though not yet thoroughly tested) so we expect to follow up with minor updates in the days after, as we find and fix issues.
Thank you so much for your continued support, and apologies for the lack of updates this month. We’ve been focused on building the game and haven’t had much time to write posts.
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Kalyskah Team
Public post

[News] WHOA! This month is flying by!

I just realised it has been almost two weeks since our last update here. Sorry about that! We have been so busy fixing issues that we basically disappeared into a cave and forgot about the world!
In any case, I am here to give you an overview of what we have been working on:
Sound Effects:
  • Archie has composed a new combat track, one that feels more hopeful and fitting for the prologue. I know everyone loves the "Prum! Prum Prooom PrruuuUuum" song we use in combat, but after hearing it for a couple of years straight, it can get old. For the prologue, we wanted something that fits the theme of Kalyskah fighting pirates on her island. (Check the new audio at the end of this post)
Amara’s Hair
  • Amara’s hair is finished, and we are now implementing it in the engine!
New Skirt
  • Nemesis is lovely—she enjoys the fact that she can snap her fingers and BUM! Suddenly, everyone is undressed, or Kalyskah’s outfit turns into a green bikini. Still, we wanted to add an option where, if Kalyskah's Modesty attribute (which will replace Purity) is high, she wears a more conservative version of the Garden of Delights outfit.
Beyond that, we have also been debugging and improving the UI and gameplay. Many of the tasks are based on the player feedback we collected and shared with our supporters on this post.
We are excited to share all of these updates with you in the next release!
Kalyskah Battle - Prologue.mp3
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Kalyskah Team

[WIP] Feedback gathered from SteamfestHello Subscribers! I wanted to share some behind-the-scenes...

Posted for FREE, $10, $25, $50 tiers
Unlock Tier
Kalyskah Team
Public post

What's next?

Hello everyone!
I see a lot of new faces following us, so I wanted to give you a glimpse of what’s next for the game. Internally, we’ve had many discussions about our approach to launching in Early Access, so here are a few key topics we’ll be addressing until then:
When will Early Access start?
We plan to launch between June and July, unless we encounter another major issue like we had in the past with the Unreal 5 migration. That is likely our final deadline.
What will be improved when Early Access begins?
We aim to start Early Access on Steam with the prologue content included. The story might not be fully complete, but our goal is to have the introduction quest where Kalyskah speaks with the members of her Legion before the events that led to the fall of her temple. From there, the story progresses up to the point where she performs a ritual in a nearby village, triggering a chain of events that set the stage for her free-roaming adventure. At this point, she will be exploring the island she controls while dealing with pirate factions. So, in short, the first months of Early Access will include both the introduction arc and an early stage of the open-world experience.
We also want to refine combat, though we are unsure if we will complete these improvements before or after Early Access begins. The updated combat will feature better animations (including those we recorded with motion capture) and new mechanics that emphasize the build-up of Kalyskah’s excitement during the thrill of the hunt.
All the cutscenes in the current demo are subject to change. However, we might not focus on them right away, as our priority is balancing polish with new content. While we want to offer a great experience, improving animations takes a significant amount of time. At this stage, we believe those efforts would be better spent refining combat animations since fighting is what you will be doing most of the time.
The user interface will also be improved. Elements like the health bar, stamina (which, for Kalyskah, is called Vigor Mortis), blood points, and quest navigation are all on our list for enhancements. However, these updates will likely happen during the Early Access phase since our main focus right now is expanding the game’s content to allow for longer playtime.
Yes! We are also working on improving the audio. Before The Great Fall, Kalyskah’s world had steampunk-inspired technology, and we plan to add new soundtracks that incorporate metallic vibrations and other elements to reflect that era. This will help differentiate it from the post-fall world.
Vampire Roleplay
Fully immersing you in the role of a vampire is our highest priority. Many players might be familiar with the personal horror of becoming a monster: the guilt, the fear of losing one’s humanity… But Kalyskah? She has been a vampire for far too long to feel any guilt about her actions. She does not fear becoming a monster; she knows she is one—and she makes that the world’s problem.
Instead of focusing the narrative internally on her struggles, the game will revolve around her actions and how she interacts with the world. Whether she is compassionate, arrogant, or sadistic is entirely up to the player. But do not worry, you can fix her! A key part of the story will be about her relationship with humanity and how she chooses to navigate the world that still fears her.
As I mentioned, Kalyskah is a monster, and she is well aware of it. She sees love as an illusion, an act of pity because everything she touches eventually falls apart. She does not form romantic attachments, nor does she care enough about others to do so. She may flirt, she may toy with emotions, but ultimately, there is a darkness within her that prevents her from feeling true human connection.
Most of the time, romance is simply a means to an end—her way of charming people into inviting her into their homes so she can feed on them later. With that in mind, we will be adding relationship mechanics in the future, primarily as a way for Kalyskah to gain favour and build a willing herd. But maybe… just maybe… if you fix her, she might become capable of truly feeling something for someone again.
The Lore
Kalyskah’s world is part of a larger universe we call Night Paths. Throughout the game, you will meet characters who may appear in future projects from our studio. So take notes, we are in this for the long run!
Patreon and Subscribestar
Everything will remain the same here. Subscribers will continue to get access to updates as they become available, while Steam will be treated as a separate distribution platform.
I hope this clears up some of your questions and gets you as excited as we are for the future of the game!
Please consider supporting our game! The next few months will be crucial in helping us hire freelancers and acquire new assets to enhance the visuals and overall experience when Early Access begins.
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Kalyskah Team
Public post

[Release] Kalyskah Version 0.27.2 to 0.27.4

Hello everyone!
As we continue collecting feedback from Steamfest, these patches focus on fixes and improvements that could be addressed quickly without requiring a major system overhaul. This includes enhancements to combat mechanics, cutscenes, animations, and enemy AI while also laying the groundwork for upcoming difficulty scaling. More updates will follow as we refine additional features based on your feedback.
  • Fixed dungeon boss cutscene to improve animations and prevent visual glitches.
  • Fixed Kalyskah’s pubic hair customisation, ensuring a fully shaved option when set to 0.
  • Fixed chest simulation physics, making movement more consistent. We still aim to disable it for the male characters.
  • Fixed animation slot issues affecting certain weapons and claws.
  • Fixed clipping in Michael’s glasses and adjusted his outfit.
  • Fixed NPCs not looking at Kalyskah when expected during interactions.
  • Fixed UI difficulty settings, ensuring the Steam version does not display the demo level.
  • Fixed a bug causing game controls to disappear after dialogues—a more complete fix is planned for a future update, since for now we are just brute forcing it to always stay on when outside of cutscenes.
  • Animation where the undead finishes Kaly will work correctly
  • Mesh clipping with male undeads were solved
  • Added a tutorial explaining how to block and dodge.
  • Implemented a new blackboard variable for enemy AI, which will be used to adjust their behaviour based on difficulty settings in future updates.
  • Increased enemy blocking chance at higher difficulty levels, making combat more dynamic.
  • Tweaked Michael’s and Alvina's cutscene. We aren't done yet.
  • Improved animation blending in level sequences, ensuring smoother transitions. We aren't done yet!
  • Enhanced facial expressions, allowing better animation intensity and independent blinking. There's more to come!
Combat Adjustments
  • Lowered enemy stamina in Story Mode for a better gameplay balance.
  • Reduced enemy health scaling per level to smooth out combat progression.
  • Blood-Drinking mechanics updated:
    • Parrying enemies before biting them restores less blood compared to sneaking up on them.
    • Stealth feeding is now more effective, making it more reliable for eliminating enemies.
    • Increased overall blood gain, especially when feeding while sneaking.
  • NPC underwear now matches Kalyskah’s, preventing chest physics and clipping issues.
Known Issues
  • Some cutscenes still need refinements.
  • Certain enemy attacks may need further adjustments, particularly after being parried.
  • Additional UI improvements and difficulty scaling adjustments are planned for future updates.
This is just the first wave of fixes based on Steamfest feedback, and we are actively working on further improvements. Keep your feedback coming, and thank you for playing!


If you are a VAMPIRE, ROYAL BLOOD or NIGHTSTALKERS patron, you can get the latest release here:


Free Steam Download:

  • The free demo is available through our page here!
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  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

189 subscribers
359 posts


$448 of $8,000
per month
To hire freelancers to make AAA-quality assets and characters and start and also keep a stable team in the project to work either part-time (Animators/Writers/Level Designer) or full time (Main Programmers). This will increase the speed at which we work on the game.

Other Creators


The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

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